Welcome Lavendar, Ylgoh and Dollygirl!
Hi GirlGirl, me too - at 34 weeks I am so exhausted every day, full of aches and keep vomitting daily. I lay in bed whole of yesterday after pushing myself for 3 days when boss in town.
Hi Babysmurf, my HR also suggested take 8 weeks first then clear unused annual leave then take another 8 weeks. Save child care leave for doctors appointment. Seems to be the best way to maximize leave.
Hi Znatasha, Koirc, Usagi and BBshower, indeed having/bearing a child changes and challenges all the other relationships around us, as well as the best laid plans! Glad we have this thread to share and vent!
Hi Lil, I feel the same way re spoiling the little ones but if we don't spoil them who will? And why not spoil them before they know what being spoilt is like? Afterall they are only a baby in our arms for those few months! Happy there is a public holiday coming up tomorrow which gives us more time to do baby stuff. My maid is still not here which is worrying me - the one I selected had a nervous breakdown at the training center before she was due to fly out! Had to choose again n wait. Luck of the draw I guess though I used a premium highly recommended maid agency. Lesson learnt: should have aimed to get the maid in 2 months earlier n not 1 month.