(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Usagi, I ordered sweetest moment, had good reviews too
Thanks Whiteclover, Hope and dian tang. Think i will order sweetest moment to try.

Another question: I am using Medela pump in style. but somehow, i dun know why the pump cannot fully empty my breast in 15min. Should I length the timing but if I cont'd, like no milk flow. If i stop and hand squeeze and pump let down again, got abit of milk. Anyone can advise? Thanks. Sorry for so many questions. I am scare I overstimulate. Now i pump at 3 hr interval but like in 1-2 hrs time, i experience leaking already. Even if i hand squeeze, i am still unable to meet bb demand. He can eat up to 85ml. My supply today increase to 70ml from 40 ml already via hand squeeze. Is there any other way that I can do better with the pump?

A tired usagi
Usagi- do u latch directly? Baby can 'extract' more milk if they latch on. Even up to 2nd mth, when I pump, I only get 50-90ml only. I also Thot that I don't have enuf milk when I see the pump results, but to my surprise, when I decided to do total bf via direct latch on, it was enuf for baby.
He dun want latch, fussy little fellow after he tried bottle feeding. Used his hands to push n turn his head away. I just pump and now supply for both breast is 50ml combined. Guess I need 2 pump n hand squeeze to meet his one demand. So tiring. Now worried once I go back to work. I won't have so much time to pump.
whiteclover my bb only know how to turn to her back but cant turn back yet.

I read an article before saying that bb knows when to stop during latching, but for bottle feeding, bb dont know as the milk flow is faster.
Usagi - I encountetrd that too when I introduced bottle feeding. Baby didnt want to latch. But when I switched to medela calma tteats, she started latching again.
Which bottles r u using
Morning mothers, want to ask whether any one can recommend good confinement ladies or good confinement agencies? Thanks
went to exchange the classic Avent bottles from bundle set to the natural Avent bottles. All natural Avent bottles are BPA free and anti-colic
...and OG got cheap BB clothes which I bought some for her infant care/normal wear. Happy day...

time passes very fast. Now I am at W34. Ytd night really cannot zzzz. BB keep kicking and i told her "can let mummy sleep or not, mummy need to work tomolo leh, then u also zzz lar, tomolo then play ok?"...then she finally "doze" off but kicked again at 4am :S

Really getting heavier and heavier. Finished washing her clothes (at least can tahan for 1st mth), next will be packing bag and putting the necessary documents in a file for admission, etc....
Good morning ladies, hope you all had a good weekend!

Girl Girl, I also W34 this week. I like the baby growing very fast. My tummy is constantly tight and I definitely get tired more easily now. Can also feel more kicking. 5 more weeks to go for me!!!!

Mummies with confinement ladies, I have a question. In your first month when you need to nurse overnight, do you sleep in same room as your confinement lady & baby? Or do you wake up every 2hrs to go the room and nurse? How is your logistic planned? Thanks for your input!
Lil Ponyo> haha my baby ah....very cheeky de lar...can give me like 7x in a row at night +_+|||... and then sometimes i tell her mummy tired want to rest/sit down, she kicked even more....wahaha...
Babysmurf, I didn't check. Let me go open the packaging later...

Usagi, I also cannot empty breasts completely. After pump, need to hand express. Are you using the wide-neck Pigeon bottles? I had difficulty latching baby after bottle feeding too. But it's now better. Just need to change to those teats designed for natural feeding which makes switching between bottles and breasts easy.
Usagi, Koirc, our breasts can't be emptied completely. It's designed as such lah..... I made the same mistake of trying to empty by pumping as much as possible in my earlier mths but find that milk gets more. Actually over stimulating liao. Hence now I keep to ~10 mins each breasts. Most imptly is to massage b4 pump. If u r using pump like PISA, experiment n find the most comfortable settings for urself.
Thanks Chevy and Koirc,

I will try with Pisa first by now pump 20 min n hand express. But max 40-70ml. Bb can eat Ard 80-90ml. So I think shd be fine. I will note ur advice. I scare overstimulate. Ya, I using pigeon wide neck.

Ladies popping in May, did you all wash the bed sheets and crib set (eg bumper) also? Or will you wait till later? Also have u unpacked the sterilizer? My mum was appalled that everything is still in boxes. She also snipped all the price tags off the clothes, something I couldn't do. Realized that I shouldn't have gotten any new clothes - starting to receive baby gifts from friends and hubby friends and all buy clothes! Goodness!

Thankfully, My mum helped me wash the clothes n towels over the weekend - the weather has been and is so hot I can't do much, if anything!

Had a shock when I saw my shadow on the wall yesterday - I look like a ridiculous large penguin, like Despicable Me with a huge belly! And I have tons of red stretch marks - always thought I had a layer of belly fats so I would not get these and was lazy about using Clarins cream. Lucky my mum said she had the same marks but it went away or faded to shiny skin color after pregnancy.

Agree with Lil and GirlGirl, the babies are very active in the 8th month - wriggling, squirming, poking, flipping, thudding n kicking! Sometimes it hurts and makes it hard to sleep! But it's a great feeling to know that our passengers are healthy n active.
Lil Ponyo: That was a good question. Do we have to sleep together?

Mofmm: Im currently at my 31 weeks and i can feel my baby kicking, poking and wriggling every day. is a good sign but makes me very hard to concentrate while im working.
MofMM> yes, washed the crib/playcot sheets, etc....even those that I am bringing to infant care (crib set), i wash already,...once dried, put inside box, then before she go into school, bring it all for the teacher...

haha...ya...clothes we just buy enuff to tahan for 1st mth. Same as diapers. We wun know what we will get (ultimately)....

ya man... i tink sometimes she got her own temper while inside! like stamping her feet and trying her luck to use her knee to poke my belly button or wat... but mine cannot flip le...coz alrdy engaged. Sigh...ytd went out for a short walk, and my goodness, the tummy was like a watermelon pressing down....
Mofmm: I washed everything and just keep it if I am not using . I even washed 3-6 mths clothes ( all hand down) and kept in zip log bag .
My girl this wk chu new pattern. Give me false contraction these 3days lol. Scared the hell out of me. Make me whole night cannot sleep. She like know when to see dr tan. Then on that day super guai guai don't give me problem.

Mostly all her stuffs washed. Now left her mitten n boot to be wash. Then can start packing the bag. Ooo now I remember haven't buy her diaper. Btwn do we used the baby liquid detergent to wash their milk bottles n breast pump before sterilizing?
Hi Alison PSP, ya agree - sometimes during meeting can feel the little ones kicking/poking and can't help but rub the spot. Now understand y preggy mummies rub their bellies!

Hi GirlGirl, u are so lucky ur baby engaged and u can go for natural delivery! Thanks for sharing about the washing - guess I better take out the crib set n bed sheets to wash. Your little one v active - wonder if she will be the same after you pop hehe. You trade in 1 of the brand new classic bottle to buy 2 natural avent bottles at 23.90? The natural ones come with 0+ months teat?

Hi Diantang, I recall you said u washed 6 poles of babies stuff!
the stuff I washed in ziplock bags too!

Hi Babysmurf, enjoy your appointment tomorrow - Can see your baby again. Maybe can check about pre-registration etc...so fast the weeks going by. I remember reading abt xiaxue baby's birth now already 3wks...that's almost as much time as we have left!
Mofmm: I also trade in 1 small bottles for the avent bottles. Now I have 4 small ones n 6middles one. Not too sure enough small bottles for her anot.

24 April is last day to trade in the avent bottles at OG
I have extra 1 pkt of 260ml brand new avent milk bottles to exchange for 1pkt of 125ml avent advance milk bottles. 1 to 1 exchange. 1pkt consist of 2 bottles. Let me know who is interested.
Hi Babysmurf, y do we need smaller bottles leh? Thought the big bottles would work just as well?
I m thinking of exchanging the tommee tippee 150ml bottle - this brand like v unpopular right? Can we choose how many months teat for the natural set?
Mofmm : is come togather with 1mths teats for the natural middles bottles. I don't mind small one. If my girl out grow then use it to store bm.
Hi Babysmurf, understand thanks! Just wondering why not get all big ones instead of small ones. Guess probably easier for baby to hold when they learn how to. Think I will trade in my tommee tippee bottles with OG since they came in the bundle set when I bought the sterilizer.
Paisey so many posting. I have either 1pkt of avent natural (260ml) bottles or 1pkt of classic (260ml) bottles to let go.

Natural bottles one come in 2bottles per pkt while the classic one come in 3bottles per pkt. Let me know if you are interested before I post in other threads. Thank you
Babysmurf, currently im using 4- 125ml bottles. W/o washing can last me from midnight till morning 9am, 3h feeding interval. So you can get about 4-6 btles per bb.

Mofmm, it is easier to feed w small bottles since bb dun drink much initial mths. And bottles need to change after 6mths, depending on usage frequency. When they outgrown it, can use small btles for drinking water or juice etc. And also using small btles u can place mre in steriliser. Esp when u hving twins..u will be using alot more than us.
Mofmm: ha ha I am the one who washed 6 poles of clothes. So much pegs to use . Now I changed to use 6 layers clothes racking .

Babysmurf: I used the baby detergent to clean the bottles and breast shield .
for me it's frequent let down n engorgement even b4 3hrs of interval is due and vol of milk increases. i can fill a 250ml medela bottle! what i did is reduce massage time for 2nd set of pump, stop massaging and pushing during pump. keep to the timing of pump i.e 10mins for each breast. this is wat i get from trial n error. as every mummy works in a different way, hope u can find ur "settings" soon!

U r pumping 20mins on each breast now?
whiteclover, my bb has got her 6 in 1 jab last fri. slight fever on sat. feed her 1 dose of paracetamol.
Y urs 2 jabs? Mine 1 jab & 1 oral nia.....
Chevy, I reduce to 15 min. Depending on breast heaviness. This morning pump 60 ml but the previous pump 50. Volume not consistent then I use hand squeeze coz breast a bit hard.
Chevy, ah! No wonder!!!

Ladies, my bb is six weeks old today!
I just ordered the milestone cards. Regret not buying it earlier. And I forgot to take bb photo when he's 4 weeks old!
May/June Mummies, I have not wash anything yet! Yikes! With my schedule c sec, I just lost 2 weeks so now my DH and I are a little like headless chickens. Unfortunately we are too busy to do much during weekdays so starting this weekend, we really needs to start crackin'!!!

We also have not unpack the bundle sets of sterilizers and bottles that we bought during that last Mothercare fair. So I'm not sure what type and size of bottles that we have. Maybe I should do that tonight.

Mofmm, I also follow xiaxue's tumblr! Ha ha! Her baby is soooo cute. Oh don't worry about being lazy with your Clarin's oil. I am so diligent with the oil and I still have stretch marks! So, it all comes down to genetics.

Are any of you planning pregnancy photography shots?
MofMM> dunnoe leh...hope for natural delivery lo...but i dun think i can tahan the pain...zzzzzz...

I very scared BB come out very active and want ppl to play with her. these few nights she refused to zzz at 1030pm, end up i have to talk to her a bit and then she guai guai..zzzz

Hehe, i brought along 1 classic bottle, to trade in & buy 2 natural avent bottles at $23.90. The natural ones come with 1m+ teats. So the bigger bottles can keep for 1mth onwards, smaller bottles can keep for juice, plain water. Wun waste so much (anyway my bottles are mainly from bundle sets...)....

Lil Ponyo> i did not go for studio shots. I toolk using hp and see my tummy growing lor...hehe...and video of my baobei doing her saucer tricks...
Btw mummies, do your babies settle well at night? How to make baby self settle in the cot and not having to carry and rock to sleep?
Chevy 250ml!!!! Wat u do to get so much? Im still at 120ml at every 3h pump.

Sade, my bb is due for 6-in-1 on 2nd mth. How come urs taken so late? Your girl no jab on 2nd mth?

Hi Diantang, maybe u can consider this type of little pegs to save space on clothes poles?

Hi Reikibaby, thanks for sharing about the milk bottles! Really appreciate your advice! I have 6 small 6 large avent gold ones. Today ask my hubby go OG to trade in the 4 tommee tippee bottles in the sterilizer bundle set to natural avent ones. Guess is better than holding on to the tommee tippee ones which have no value. And after 6 months as u said, must use new bottles anyway. Can I ask u - any diff between 0 + months teats n 1 month teats? Or can I continue using 0+ months teats after 1 month? Or must throw?

Hi Lil, good idea to check tonight. Babysmurf mentioned the OG fair trade in ends 24 April - tomorrow. Recall you bought the tommee tippee set too? Was searching for pregnancy and newborn packages - pls let me know if u find any good deals? The ones I found seem horridly Exp - maybe will go expo for the baby fair in early may to see if any good deals since I live so near anyway.

Hi GirlGirl, thanks for sharing on the bottles system! Ya my babies also night creatures - most active from 12 to 2am. So ironical that we are suffering from lack of sleep even now before the babies are out! Heard from all friends who popped that when babies are out we will get even less rest! But it's good your baby listening n responding to your voice.
MofMM> i have 2 of those little pegs system...hehe... can use for adult socks/kiddo socks etc... and easier to dry also...

i dunnoe if my baobei wake up from 12-2am coz i alrdy KO-ed in lala-land...and she like to play hide and seek with her papa aka ah lao...when ah lao touched my tummy, she will guai guai or siamz to one corner.

For the 0mth teat is for Newborns
...for 1mth+ is for slow flow....in case baby want to drink more milk.

i think for teats got to see how the baby drink... some babies drink slow, some drink fast....

Mofmm, as baby progress they suck faster so will not like and gets irritated if the flow is too slow. But at earli stage, if flow too fast they tend to choke tbemselves and gets irritated cos they have no time to change breathe while sucking.
If im not wrong, 0m is slow, 1m is medium and 2m is fast.
My boy change to 1m at abt 4weeks old. If use 0m he needs to suck extra hard to get the milk and gv up after awhile..probably too tiring to suck so hard and get that little flow.
With a baby i need min 4btles. Wow if u gg btle feed both then ur hse realli needs alot btles. Haha maybe baby shower ask frens give btles bah...anyway oso not cheap.
