(2013/09) September 2013


Is that friend the touchy-feely type? I realise some people show affection that way. Anyway, if she is a friend, she would also appreciate honesty from you. Tell her nicely, offhand manner... like "you know, I'm not really comfortable with people touching my tummy." If she still dun catch the hint, touch her tummy back when she touch yours. :p

it's almost like people suddenly reach out and pinch your newborn baby's cheeks. Now that makes me really uncomfortable. My hubby will go outright and say please don't do that.
Hello fellow mummies, I am so bored at home now.... Been done with food poisoning since sun.... Quite bad and appetite is poor. Seen Gynae ytd and gave me mc till fri. Finally the ls stops but now feels light headed and weak and feels so trapped at home sigh...

The chicken soup sounds good and at the least the thought of it is not making me feel like vomiting. Will try when I recover
Hi mummies, wana ask if you gals experience itchness on your breast? actually i alrdy feel the itchness b4 i reach the 2nd trimester. But recently have became more serious since after the 2nd trimester. Does applying the nipple cream help? Or can just apply during breastfeeding?
msblur, I was having a bit of nipple itch cos I'm leaking a little colostrum already and the dried up colostrum was forming a film over the nipples. I just make sure I scrub it off gently in a hot shower and also remove the blocked ducts. Dun need the nipple cream unless you see it's due to dry skin. For the rest of the breast, I use normal cream (found a really good argan oil based one that is scentless and paraben free on iherb). The breast will increase in size so the skin would be stretching; that can cause a bit of itch too.
Fel, yea... Think she's young and doesn't really understand. Anyway I told her Liao. Hehe.

Cookiezz, what happened? What did u eat to have food poisoning? Please take Care and drinks lots of water. And eat healthily too

Msblur, yes I am experiencing itchiness already but I'm not doing anything about it. I am not sure about applying things to the breast... I've never applied anything there before.

Weiwei, it's ok to apply cream or oil on the breast? Would it affect breast feeding?

Mummies, I'm going to Bangkok tomorrow morning already! Any idea if the skin care (like Biotherm, Elizabeth Arden) are cheaper over there Or should I buy from DFS?
I had the following items that I bgt and don't used. Pls pm me if you are interested.

New items
My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow $65, Retail $81.40
Lansinoh Milkbags (60pcs/box) $20 per box, $55 for 3 boxes, Retail $24 (50pcs/box)
Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads comes with a breast pad pouch (72/box x 2box) $31, Retail $37.80
Medela Calma Spare Teats (2pcs/box) $10, Retail $15.90
Medela Membranes (6pcs) $7, Retail $15
Medela Membranes and Valves set (2 Valves, 6 membranes – used only 1 membrane) $15, Retail $30.50
Medela Thera Shells/Nipple former $19, Retail $26.90
Medela Nipple Shield Size M (open the packing but never use as bgt wrong size) $8, Retail $15.90
Tollyjoy Baby Napkins (10pcs pack, just bgt last week) $15, Retail $21
Newborn Baby girl Layette Set $15 for set1 and $25 for set2

Preloved items
Philips Avent Niplette (Preloved) $50 Retail $79
Summer SwaddleMe Cotton 3 in a Pack suitable for both boys/girls Size S/M (Preloved – still in original pkg) $32, Retail $68
Emma-Jane Maternity Support Belt Size L (used only twice) $19, Retail $32.90












Thanks ms blur... So herbal treatment is safe and cover white hair.. Maybe I can ask if my hair dresser has that.. If not might need u to recommend me ur salon.

Ms blur, I only have tummy itch now.. Think ur breast expanding bah.. Do put more oil or nit stretch mark cream bah.

Hope u recover soon cookie.

Clarise, some of my colleagues also sudden attack my tummy.. Got shock lor.. They nv ask permission also..
will scold them next time they sudden attack me again.

Yes, hui, home brew chic essence taste better, but I too lazy so keep drinking bottled ones. Will try to wake up early this sat to go wet market buy kampong chic to brew this weekend. Hope I can wake up.. Haha..
Ann Chua, yes i alrdy asked the lady if herbal treatment is safe for pregnant women, she said of course, thats y its called herbal. Hee...
And her price is not ex, compared to salons outside. The previous time think she only charged me $26 for my hair length (below shoulder). And if u have white hairs, it will turn out to be like brownish red? Looks quite nice lah. I recommended my sis too, and after the treatment my hubby said wa...she looked much younger! Haha... but u must be prepared to smell like 'herbal chicken' for abt 1 week lah.

Hmm...i dun hav tummy itch yet, but my breasts are itching like mad. This morning i applied the QV cream on both breasts, so much better & no itch. Phew!

other than covering white hair, what does the hair treatment do? I don't have white hair but have oily scalp so tend to drop a fair bit.
msblur, then I also interested, my hubby is complaining abt the amt of hair on the floor
. I used to wash my hair with Bawang, so definitely don't mind the herbal chicken smell. where is it?
Hi mummies, do you all avoid going to funeral wakes or weddings when you are preggy? I'm nt pantang lah, but hubby ask me don't go.
Wei Wei, how do you identify blocked ducts? N how do you clear them? I'm a first time mummy so am clueless about these things.
Regarding wakes and weddings, I think it depends on individuals pantang level. I'm personally not affected by either, and I would attend both wakes and weddings after checking if the other party is pantang. I find that even if some of my friends are not pantang, they have elders in their home who are, so my main aim is general peace
weiwei, ya loh. My relatives' side all super pantang one. So even if im nt pantang, they will ask me dun go lah, they will understand de. Sigh!

I identify potential blocked ducts as achy and sometimes lumpy spots in the breasts; in severe cases, the ache can actually be painful to the touch. Also, if I feel "flu-ey" at the same time (drippy nose, wooly head), there's a high chance of a blocked duct. Then I will check the nipples for white spots. There are small pores on the nipples where the milk comes out and when the duct is blocked and milk is not cleared, the milk dries up, looking like semi-solid dots. The longer it stays in the breast/nipples, the harder it gets and more difficult to squeeze out.

If I see something like this (especially during active breastfeeding), I will massage the breast from armpit to nipple, along the lump location in long strong strokes, sometimes under a hot shower (heat can dissolve the hardened milk). Sometimes if you don't see the white spots intially, they appear when you massage because the hardened milk inside the breast moves to the nipples. Then gently squeeze out the white spots like pimples.

When actually breastfeeding, I do this religiously every day, sometimes after every feed cos I'm quite prone to blocked ducts and extended periods of blocked ducts can lead to mastitis or nipple infection (kenna before, not fun).
usually, I will attend weddings, house warming, baby showers, birthday but not funeral.

what about tomb sweeping? anyone opt out?
I do go for tomb sweeping.
I opted out of tomb sweeping... more because my grandparents tomb are at lim chu kang and I really can't take the heat, crowds and burning at the moment.. Will still go to my mum's ashes at the colobarium tho.
weiwei, i suppose so... the Singapore motherhood expo fair on 31st may

i didnt know about wet discharge can be amnio fluid.. anyway.. any danger.. i thot its like more than normal discharge.. usually i wore panty liner.. never notice it..

Btw, so sian my MS sudden back for alternate days
and just now i almost vomitted eating grilled chicken.. so now its a No-no..

msblur.. did u go to BEECHOO herbal hair treatment? i went once at AMK but the red red stain on my bed and hair stinks so i tried only once...

Talking about nipple and breasts.. can we start on nipple cream mixed with stretch mark cream? cos my nipples like grown bigger and painful.. and i wonder if i can use the nipple cream thing.. my boobs are hard and sometimes tender to touch.. sigh..

By the way.. when do we stop wearing wired bras? i was wearing all along as not posing much prob, but heard my friends say to start on wireless bras. how?

i dont go tomb sweeping too. got excuse not to go LOL.
twentyseven, so ur bb dun like grilled chicken ya?? Haha...
I only know the lady as Nancy, not sure of her full name. But the one u went is it the same address as the one i posted? Mine dun hav the red stain on my bed, juz the herbal smell nia.

Yes...my nipples oso became bigger & will feel painful when touch it. Today i applied the QV cream, so much better. Btw...im still wearing wired bras. Still feels ok so i juz continue wearing loh.
i didnt go for tomb sweeping and my mum didnt allow me to consume the offerrings too. my mum said if pray to ancestors at home, it should be fine but better to avoid graveyards or temples with those ancestral tablets.

i also heard when go temple and pray, cannot kneel down. anyone heard the same?
Thanks Clarise and Ann. Today was better though still have the lightheadedness. Think it was the Mac fries and wings I ate tt caused it all cos my sis and I shared and we both got diarrhoea, just that mine was more severe.

Generally I skip all weddings and funerals when preggy. Only attended my best friend's wedding but it's true that your friends may not be pantang but their relatives may be cos my sis was angry with my sil for attending my wedding as she was preggy then lol.

Oh yes they said we can't kneel down to pray now. I just remembered! And I was kneeling down in the last few visits to the temple.
Ms blur, thanks! Do I need to call to make appt? I have white hair and keep dropping hair too.

Wow, I didn't know pregnant cannot attend wedding. I tot only funeral cannot. I went temple with my mil.. She never say cannot kneel down, just ask me dun kneel if I find it hard only.

Cookie, glad u feeling better. Do drink lots of water to keep ur self hydrated and hope u get well soon.
Just went for chiro session ... shiok!~
My back and neck is feeling so much better now! =)

I still vomit as n when ... but it feel more like indigestion rather than cuz of ms ... but my blocked nose is bck after less than a wk of recovery loh
Oo.. Mirai.. Where did u go to? Is it expensive? I was thinking of pre natal massage.. But find it expensive if I keep going..
I need help in reusable nappies...
Should i get the all-in-one type or the two-part type (nappy and wrap)? Experienced mummies please share which is better?
Ann: I went to discover chiropractic at Tras St ... cost me $70 for consultation and $10 per treatment area (exclude GST)

New patient will be slightly more exp cuz need to assess yr condition first ... I had very bad knee pain after my #1 ... been to specialists ... acupuncture ... spent quite a bit n nothing seems to help ... til I went to them after my fren recommended to me ...

Lol, I'm seeing Dr. Nelson at discover chiro next friday too! Looking forward to correcting my back. Its killing my legs.
Yes, got to wait quite long to get an appt w Dr Nelson, but I trust him to do spine and neck corrections and it's hard to start this kind of trust with another doctor. :p
Ann Chua, usually i will call before i go down, juz to make sure its nt crowded. You just call to let her know roughly what time you will be going down, then ask her can or nt.
Hmm...i also duno preggie cant attend weddings. I thot only funerals cant, but depend on individuals.
Clarise, i will be getting some cloth diapers too. Will be ordering the diaper wrap with the inserts type, coz' those can use till very long as its adjustable.
Weiwei: dr low's nice~ he helped me with my knee pain ... I was suffering from it for abt 2 yrs ... it was really bad ... very stiff til even when going dwn the stairs I feel like im going to fall flat n I cant stand up without help after squatting ...

But now I guess I can go bck to jogging n vball after this one is out haha
msblur, can share where will u be getting the cloth diapers? my mum said she wanna use cloth diapers for my baby too but i have no idea where to get them.. thanks in advance for sharing!
S Huang, im nt getting the white napkin type where we used last time. I will be using the wrap diaper with inserts type which comes with buttons. Just like the pic below. Will be ordering from my supplier. It comes with 2 microfiber inserts.

thanks msblur! think my mummy wanna get those white napkin type.. i will bring her around to see the wrap diapers.. see which will she feel more comfy with.
msblur, can review on the wrap diaper with inserts type? For my #1, i tried to use those white napkin type but for the first few mths, they poo regularly and the poo stains horribly and messy, so aft a few tries, i use back disposable diapers. so wanna noe more on the wrap diaper u using
eh, so far, i only attend wedding dinners. funeral wakes, baby showers i din go. think depends on individual comfort level and how pantang you are. utimately, go with ur heart, if u dun feel comfortable going, no pt going for the sake of going.
Hi ms blur, can provide me the contact, think will go next weekend.. Can't stand my hair.. Need to get it done.. Hehe.. Oo. The cloth diapers I'm interested too.. Do let us know how much it cost..

Thanks Mirai.. Will go check out.. Have back issues since my car accident in 2010. Stopped my physio in 2011. My aches always on and off.. Thanks for sharing.

S Huang, think our mummies only heard of the white napkins type. If tell them abt this new wrap with inserts, they will ask hw does it work. Hee...
But i find the white napkins too thin, scare wash a few time, will be even thinner, wont last. My fren's mum use this wrap diaper with inserts and she said its gd to use, can last long too till bb quite big.
