(2013/09) September 2013

I had a few diarrhea after lunch today. Not alot, each time only come out a little bit. but it's those muddy and watery type.

should i be concerned?


Just clear ur system when u need to and keep urself hydrated. If its not getting any better, do see a doc. Take care.
Weiwei, sometimes porridge and soup will make your heartburn worst. Becoz lots of water in them when gulping the water we usually gulp some air too.

Twentyseven, sometimes toothache also becoz lack of calcium. Our baby will take our calcium reserves if we don't drink or eat 1000mg.
Mummies expecting #2, does ur #1 behave differently aft u r preggy?

All along, i've been latching my son till recently, my milk supply had drained and thereafter, he stop latching which i'm also glad at least he had self weaned off. We also co sleep, but now he doesn't want to sleep with me and wanna sleep with my mil. My friend tell me my son has grown up
And should be glad that at least, give him time to adapt and at the same time, prepare me to look aft #2. But i still feel
very sad over this. It's like all if the sudden, my son dun wan me =(
My daughter became was just the opposite! She became super sticky!

Initially, she was in denial of my pregnancy, saying im just fat and stop lying to her. But since she saw the bb during the first gynae scan, she was so happy she can be a big jiejie. Im happy too but she already set rules, like daddy will carry bb while i carry her.

Btw, she's already 6! And still sleeping in our room, on a mattress on the floor when she has her own bed in another room.
My daughter also... Lately keep mishaving also. Kenna scolding get super upset. They say when the mummy pregnant the older ones will feel insecure...

Karena, I also felt sad when I had to wean my #1 off cos of med reasons due to the pregnancy. But keep your mood up ok!
Hi ladies, I am new here. Edd end sep. May i ask especially the second times mummies here, is it normal to have watery discharge in 2nd trimester? My discharge is likr water, not like egg-white ie not sticky/creamy. How to tell thr diff btwn amniotic fluid and vaginal discharge?
Hi ladies!

Guess my case is also the opp as Gene. Maybe coz' both my gals are very big alrdy. So usually my elder gal will spend her time doing her homework, and the younger gal will play on her own after finishing her homework too. They actually gave me ample time to rest, so normally after dinner, i will be resting on my bed alrdy. And my younger gal is super ONz when come to applying stretch mark oil on my tummy. Every nite at 10pm after the show, she will come in & tell me its time to apply the tummy oil!

my discharge is also watery now, at Second trimester. i also quite worried because cannot differentiate between amniotic fluid and normal discharge. What i read is Amniotic feels like a Gush of water flowing out and will be extremely wet... and smells like semen...
So don't worry if it is not like that... Otherwise better to see doc if you don't feel safe
Thanks, hui. Yes, mine is not like a gush and no smell. Did u see or ask your gynae? It is like a little of liquid flow out and damp(not wet) my panty. I read that if the sac tear,it will not gush out, it will leak out a bit only. So cant help worrying.
I also have this watery discharge. But coz' its not much and no smell, so i didnt really bother. I cant see the color & no sticky feeling too coz' i wore pantyliner everyday just can feel the damp loh. At first i still thot its urine leak.
Gene, my friend's daughter also become super sticky aft she is preggy. Think it really depends on the kid. My son is coming to 22 mths though.

weiwei, thanks. feelin better now =). And over the insecure thingy, yup, that's what my mum told me too, somehow, he is jealous of #2. But I do hope that is only a passing phase.

msblur, ur daughters are so sweet!! I want a daughter! How I wish #2 is a gal and keeping fingers crossed.

I still have egg-white sticky/creamy discharge and on off having vaginal itch. It's so different from #1 which I can't remember I have vaginal itch back then.
karena, hope that you wish for a gal will come true. Im also hoping for a boy, but then its fated lah, so not placing any high hope. Well...before you are abt to give birth, do go get a small gift for ur son & wrap it up. Then after you went hm with bb, give him the gift and tell him didi/meimei bought him a present.

If u still experience vagina itch, do consult your gynae coz' scare its some infection.

mine also alittle bit like yours.
I have not ask my gynae about this... because my appt is on 15 April. And usually my Gynae not free to pick my call. I would probably ask him on my next Appt and update you again. How about you? Did you ask your gynae?
Hi mommies,

I have the following items to clear. Please watsapp or sms me at 98482804 if you are keen.

1)Brand New Pigeon cultery set - $5

2)Brand New Tollyjoy 2 in 1 warmer bowl - $5

3)Brand New Pigeoon Nail Scissor $8

4)Brand New- Mag Mag training cup full set $ 20.

5)Brand New Pigeon Self-educational Bowl and Fork set - $10 (http://www.pigeon.com.sg/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=110&category_id=28&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=52)

6)Brand New vitamin world fenugreek from US. Expire on Jan 2014. 2 New bottles avail at $15 each. $28 for both.

In my wk 15-16 I also experience watery discharge.. Now in wk 18 the discharge is back to stick kind.. Not sure if it applies to everyone..
Hi hui, I emailed my gynae and he asked me to observe and asked me whether i have fever. Now feel a bit more relieved after hearing from you gals. I am not working today so keep checking my panty. My next apptment is on 16 April.
I have started taking black chicken soup. I cook with huai san and red dates for 2 hours. It is very yummy. You gals can try it out. Buy the fresh huai san from wet market. I also made my own chicken essence - use half kampong chicken (exclude wings and feet), cut into small pieces, double boil for 3 hours, you will get half a bowl of essence. It is very bu.
Hello mummies, wta is it safe to dye our hair... I'm feeling blue being preggy n not working cant dress up n seems that my pregnancy taking away my beauty
Mm, i dunno how to cook black chicken soup, and what is huai san? Last time when my MIL was still ard, she will make the chicken essence for me loh. Can see its quite a bit of work, but it taste yummy! But now no chance to drink that liao. Only can drink the bottle kind.
Hi mummies, just wana ask if anyone of u keen to buy the latest Quinny Zapp? My cousin has one brand new to let go. Still in box not opened yet. She said this is the latest design for newborn. Retail is selling ard $800 bah. She is letting go at $700, slightly nego if can collect fast at Bukit Batok or Clementi. No obligation ya, just asking only.


I also drink Pure Chicken essence (made from either chicken breast meat or black chicken) Weekly, my mum makes for me... hehe

my Tcm advised me to start drinking pao shen now at 2nd trimester. i am going to drink weekly.

other than that, i also drink Red Dates + Ginger Tea once a week.

You can get fresh huaisan or dried from NTUC. When fresh it looks like a long beige stick about 2in thick. Ask the aunties there if you cannot find it. You will need to peel it before use. The fresh ones are very nice to eat when put in soup. The dried ones are sliced thinly into white ovals. They are also called dioscera (something like that). Can also get the dried ones in the chinese med halls. It is very good for digestion. I cook that in soup for my #1.

hui, how do you make chicken essence from chicken breast? I thought need the bones and all, too much trouble so I don't make. Chicken breast recipe would be helpful!
I hv some discharge too. Sometimes, its clear and other times, its like brown spotting. I've done a swap test and there's no infection. Gynae says its normal if not red blood nor huge amount. But then, I didnt experience it for #1 so still quite worried.
weiwei, thanks for the info! Think i will pop by Hock Hua to check it out, and oso to get the pao shen.
Last time my MIL use chicken meat, exclude the bones etc. Then saw her spread the meat over the back of a bowl then bring to bowl and collect the chicken essence which drip from it.
gerly26, I try to avoid dyeing hair during pregnancy and breastfeeding in the early months cos I feel there's still a small amount of toxin exposure. It's just me though. Some mummies do that without problems apparently. I'm one of those more kiasu ones lah.
gerly26, i also dun dye my hair during pregnancy. But will be going for my herbal treatment soon, coz' too many white hairs coming out! Arghh!!
Hello all Thks for reply, is there any hair dye tat does not have much chemical ... Really can't stand having black hair for the longest time ...
Huaisan - 淮山
Very easy to cook.
Black chicken soup - deskin the black chicken. parboil it. Peel the skin of huaisan and slice it. Put the chicken, huaisan,10 red dates and 2 slices of ginger in slow cooker. Pour in boiling water (about 2 bowls), cook for 2 hours. Add in some salt. Dont take huaisan if u have bad constipation.
Chicken essence - clean the chicken. Use both meat and bones. Remove skin and fat. Smash into small pieces. Place a small bowl upside down in a ceramic container (or 盅 in chinese) spread chicken on the bowl, then cover the container. Place the container in a slow cooker, pour in boiling water to cover up to 2/3 of container. Boil for 3 hours. Remove the bones and meat and you will find the essence below the small bowl.

Thanks for the link! How much essence do you get out of 1 chicken breast? Thinking that if I'm going to take effort to make this, may as well make for whole family.
Ms blur, i use slow cooker and switch to 'low'. If use slow cooker water wont evaporate so quickly. I can get 2 bowl of soup, for dh and myself.

very hard to find, unfortunately. Especially if you go salon, the chances are almost zero to find toxic free.

How about getting a new hair cut/style, get nice hair accessories?

usually if i use one black chicken, it will give me one bowl...

if i use chicken breast meat, surprisingly it also give me only one bowl. same bowl size as above

TCM said one bowl of this is equivalent of 6 bottled Chicken essence
I used kampong chic previously.. 1 whole chic gives me 2 bowl of chic essence. Wow.. I didn't know the self cook chic essence so power. 1 bowl equals 6 bottles of chic essence. Must start to be hardworking to cook myself rather than taking bottled ones.. Haha..

Ms blur, hair treatment can help cover white hair? Really? I wanted to dye my hair using those organic dye but hubby objected.. Have been upset that I have too much white hair.. Keep plucking them out.. Coz too ugly and obvious. Do share if your hair treatment is good.
Ann Chua, oh i always go to this lady at AMK for my herbal treatment. She operates a house salon nw & her charges are reasonable. Yes after the treatment usually all my white hair will be all covered & can last for quite some time.
I was thinking of doing hair rebonding and hair dye at the same time.

me too.. sick of my hair..

not too sure safe anot. I did not do any of these kind during my #1.

so for #2, i am not so sure if i want to take the risk
Eino, so far i nv do hair dye when im preggie. Not even with my previous 2 pregnancies. Scare the chemical inside the dye will hurt bb. Anyway doing herbal treatment, hair will hav color too, so i just make do with it first.
I chopped off my hair and changed the style instead
and bought a lot of nice pretty clips and hair bands to put on.

So now my daughter and I are spotting approximately the same hairdo!
hui, yes i agreed it definitely taste better than those bottled type. My nephew bought 2 boxes of the sugarless chicken essence for me at Eu Ren Sheng i haven tried it. Not sure if i will like it or nt.
Looking forward to it, Hui!!

Clarise, depends on how close. My really close and trusted sisters can touch my tummy anytime, cos they may sometimes do that when they want to bless/pray for my baby. I sometimes feel uncomfortable when even relatives attempt so my instinctive reflex is to "siam". I find myself hugging my tummy quite often also haha.. But honestly, I find it strange when people want to anyhow touch my tummy, like kenna molested ..
weiwei, i had a friend who always touch my tummy without asking for permission first. i don't really like it... feel like telling her but how to say...

Clarise- I will allow.. But ask permission first la...

Like suddenly touch also will be stunned ma...

My ward got a lot pregnant staffs.. Previously trying to get pregnant I touch all their bumps... Haha... Ask Liao get green light then touch....

Now I have a bump of my own... Haha
