(2013/08) August 2013

my fren has this excel sheet of gender prediction chart... looks very complicated one... and he swears by it. so far it works very fine for his two gals (he only wants gals :p)
Having spotting since last Friday, praying hard it will stop today at week 9.
Read about the discussions on CL, my preference would be to engage CL vs catering. U will need someone to look after mummy and baby. MIL can help but I wont feel comfortable to tire the elders with so many chores. And the fact that my MIL is not quite versatile with food, I dont want to eat the same dishes everyday.
having a flu..... Ahhhhchhhooooooo-ing non stop
I m in my week 9 today... Still having the nausea feeling & no appetite to eat anything. Did a scan on thurs & my baby is about 2cm. So excited when time to see my gynae... Haha.
I guess i hav spoken too early abt my ms gone. Yesterday late afternoon vomit n nite time vomit 2 hours after my fav sphagetti
so worry tat it will accompany thruout my pregnancy just like my 1st one.

Speaking of cl, i hav a terrible confinement days during my #1. My mil offered to help mi do confinement but she fell sick 2days after e confinement. She was too stressful causing her to fell sick. End up last min get a cl thru my aunt recommendation. This cl was quite good. She helped mi cook, do hsework, take care of bb in daytime. But my #1 was a difficult bb during nite time, kept waking up at nite. We bought "yaolan" to let him sleep. It didnt improve. End up nite time i looked after as we wanted the cl to hav ample zz so tat she will b more energetic look after mi n bb in e daytime. Good days never stay long. My mil recovered n came to my hse to kpo. She dun like my cl way of handling bb. N kept telling my hub to sack e cl as she was not good tis n tat. Sigh.. 3rd week after my confinement, e cl left. My mil took over last week of my confinement. I felt tat i never really hav a good rest during my confinement

So tis time round, i m still considering whether to get a cl. N totally no involvement from mil. As usually my mil will come over my hse to cook diner n we will eat together at nite. So if i get a cl, mayb my mil dun hav to cook for us for tat mth. At least e cl will cook, do some hsework n look after my bb.
im definitely going to get a CL.. Cos my own mom is in heaven and my mil is like a aka 少奶奶 (not rich but loves to enjoy life, doesnt do housework or cooking at all) My #1's CL was great..She cook very nice food, help to do housework and takes great care of bb but too bad when i called her 2 weeks ago she was already booked..from end-july to end-aug. But i managed to find another one thru my frd's recommendation.
I'm gg crazy Soon. I'm losing all positive thots.
My ms hit in during as early as week 5 - 6. Now for a month ( coming week 10) it just won't go away. Not a day! Not a day that I feeling well.

I start drinking cold fizzy drink. No it doesn't help. I start eating ice cube tdy. No it don't help too. Loss all my appetite. I can't grumble to others as they don't know I'm pregnant. Worry MS will acc me thru this pregnancy. I just want to feel well. Not hugging toilet bowl. I can't even swallow my own saliva. Cos will make me puke.

Feel so demoralizing.
Skymummy, be positive. At least it shows that ur BB is developing well...... this is what i keep on telling myself. cheer up and I guess we will all feel better with 1 month.
Sky mummy - me too

Btw my edd has been confirmed and more accurate. I'm 11 weeks tmw!! EDD 11 aug 2013.

Grasps. I'm so worried. How am I gonna manage two. I'm a stay home mom. Madness.

On confinement - my moms gonna cook and I'm just managing the rest. We r contemplating on putting number one in child care first for a few months until I can manage. But costly for non workin moms.
Skymummy: dun worry, u are not alone.. im quite depressed when i can't eat.. esp when u know your body is hungry and even producing gastric juices already. Even if manage to eat, also dun feel satisfied with the taste. Worse is after eating some food, need a long time to get it digested or it will be out soon. This was worse after taking the vit B6 from gynae.. i basically had a terrible headache after that with no improvement to appetite. I found that bed rest helped more.. basically lying on my side to rest somehow relieved a little.. do rest more.. jia you, we can do it...
Skymummy n bbreeze, my fren's gynae asked her to try eat some ice-cream to sooth the gastric acidity in our stomach when we keep vomitting. For bloatedness, try drinking gassy drinks to burp out the air. Can try see if it helps.
Dear mummy, I have few thing would like to let go as below,
1. Medela purela 100 nipple cream 37g -- $15
2. Avent Disposable Breast Pad (2x more absorbent) 30 day pads with free 2 night pads (2 boxes) -- $5
3. Tommee tippee 50 Disposable breast pads --$7
4. Lansinoh 25 Breast Milk Storage Bags -- $8
Pick up point at Yew Tee MRT, Somerset MRT, Woodland MRT and Choa Chu Kang MRT. Pls pm me if interested.

Thank you and enjoy motherhood!
Von, I'm a sahm too. #1 will be 20mths when bb arrives. Just #1 alone is enough to drive me crazy. Financially rather tight since non-wkg mum subsidy is lower, but for my sanity n also to let #1 learn things, we decided to send her to cc at 18mths. If u wana send to cc, better start your hunt now coz those more affordable cc usually have long waitlist.
Chinese tea - depending on what type, drink in moderation. Go for the "cheap" teas and not those like pu-erh etc. Pu-erh tends to be very acidic and can cause stomach discomfort (esp those of us who are already so uncomfortable!). Tea has caffeine, too. While it is okay to have one cup a day... having it all day long is not recommended.

SkyMommy: Many of us are familiar with what you are describing. My MS started week 5/6, too! The mouth wanna eat but the tummy not willing. The tummy wanna eat but the mouth not willing. But since we MUST EAT... so no matter how lousy we feel, we try to eat. Then we puke it all out and is such a total waste of effort. I am so thirsty as well - but I cannot take more than 2 small mouth. Else it will all come out. So I have been drinking some cold sweet drinks - those in packet, ice kachang, ice cream, fruits... whatever that might work. Hang in there... sometimes, it works to think MIND OVER BODY. When mind wins, the food is digested the proper way - they do say brain is the most powerful organ!
I'm at 13 weeks now.. moving to 2nd trimester nxt week. I'm craving for salmon sashimi.. feel like ordering CNY yusheng. anyone knows it's fine to eat raw sashimi?
Hi all, I'm new to the forum. Have been reading about all your post and can feel like I'm not alone. LOL. Am 9 weeks now and feeling nauseous all the time.
diorly: hows your flu already? Better? Wah you eat crab?! you not scare huh...lol

Skymummy: just bare with it....who know maybe after first trimester it will be better. Think positive...some mummy had to go hospital to be on drip...so we just stay at home and vomit is already considered quite good already...never give up

Quite excited today...taking half day to do oscar scan!! can see baby today
As long as no raw food ok ba... Its all well cooked. But dunno what tea la.. drink a lot wor to wash away the oil. Haha..

I feeling so bad towards #1 cos ever since pregnant have to always everyday eat out cos I m often nauseous to cooking smell.. but must make efforts to cook today.
Lol...just scare baby going to be naughty..that why dont dare to eat crab.."old wives saying"

Hmm...oh yah does any of you drink crsytham tea? I read online its not good....got 1 website even say if you drink it must find a doc immediately...
Diorly: tea has more caffeine than coffee... And Chinese tea is "cooling", so dun drink too much la~

Catherine: two days back there were some active discussion on sashimi haha.. Basically most doctors will say dun eat raw food but some mummies here find it okie, so eat at your own risk la.
I am so demoralised over mealtimes - the HAVE to eat vs WANT to eat. So, I suppose that's why my gynae said, can eat whatever you feel like eating - because, really... that is a blessing. And if you are forbidden to eat the one thing you want to eat... that's so depressing, right? There is nothing I wanna eat now, really... So sad... but I have to eat. Else I will throw up and LS. Monday is not good, especially after a night of insomia!
Dunno leh, I dun have special craving... So just eat whatever i feel comfortable with... And good for myself and bb...

Just wondering... Is there anyone that has no craving? Heard a lot about craving during pregnancy but I dun feel that... Or maybe not yet? Hahaha :p
my #1 i have no cravings..

For this, i dun hv cravings too but i have preferences.. I dun like meat very much now. CHicken is on my dont like list and fish is on my not-so like list.. I prefer pork..but more towards vegetarian side. Like i hv appetite for vegetarian restarants.. but not those stalls one. lol..
ellen, me dun have any craving too .. my baby has been hard on me =( dun let me eat when i am very hungry .. it is so depressing that i cried yesterday T_T
Every day i vomit few times last week. i am in week 10 now. my morning sickness is getting better. however, i still have no appetite to eat anything. feel so sleepy. just hope that i can stay at home and sleep every day. haha.
wlilian .. yesterday i thought my appetite came back and told me hubby abt it .. den he happily go n order quite a lot of food for us when i told him i am very hungry .. who knows when the food comes .. my appetite was all gone! struggling to finish half plate of rice .. my poor hubby had to finish the rest of the food .. He wasnt happy and he talk in a harsh tone saying that i am torturing his baby ... HELLO .. is baby torturing me and not the other way ok .. then I cry lo .. HAIZ suddenly felt so emotional ..
chirpy: understand...actually we become more sensitve during preggy..anything anybody says can make us cry...my hubby also always complaint after my preggy..he also grow weight with me...

my hubby also complaint i grow very fat....then i say okay lor dont eat..then the next hour..he will ask me...what you want to eat =.="" *Angry*

Sometimes guys are very insensitive...dont care them...
haha guys are all the same la .. insensitive .. I feel better after crying and we continue our grocery shopping ..

luckily my hubby always give in whenever i cry .. *my secret weapon* haha
chirpy: so lucky....my hubby immune to my crying liao...unless i cry for 30 mins...then he cannot take it...then he will try to calm me down...
Just came back from my DS Scan. did only the scan as adviced by my gynae. Result came back as 1:3660. Really a HUGE relief. I just felt so scared until i cried yesterday but now i just feel so so happy. Loved the scan cause saw my little jelly bean kicking and moving the arm, moving up and down and lifting its backside now and then. They made effort to even explain and show the blood flow in the heart and ambilical cord and measured the stomach. Cannot wait for the baby to grow bigger to feel its kicks.. I am 12 weeks and 3 days today. The doctor said i'll be in my 2nd trimester next week onwards
Usha .. congrats! glad everything is ok .. I m looking forward to see my beanie on Wed ...

Baby S .. hope my hubby learn his lesson from yesterday .. do u not have any appetite too?

wlilian ... im just lucky to know where is my hubby's weak spot .. oops .. better dun let him see this .. LOL
Usha: Ahh you making me very excited...my scan is in the afternoon....yah i hope to see my baby too...hopefully i can see the gender today....^.^ did you manage to see the gender???

Chirpy: lol..the only thing i know what to do with my hubby is to irritate him...i am really good at it...
Just woke up from my morning nap

Few nights ago I started to pee 2-3x in middle of night. Haiz, I Thot this only happens in later stage of preg? After pee, hard to sleep back due to hubby's loud snores. When finally in lalaland, #1 wakes up for milk!

I had cravings for nachos but all supermarkets replaced their snacks with CNY goodies
finally hubby went to get 4 big pkt from petrol stn. He say let me eat until I sick of it then craving will go off.

Re: eating crabs. I dun dare to eat during #1 coz pp tell me eat crabs bb will be naughty, everything want to touch. Not true! Dun eat my girl still very naughty. So this round I dun care will eat it.

Re: Chinese tea. I drink it ocassionally during oily meals at Chinese restaurants. I set a max. 1 cup caffeine drink a day limit for myself. If I drink 2 cups tdy, then next 2 days no caffeined drinks. As for chrysanthemum tea, I only take the packet drink form, not freshly brewed ones. I drank quite a lot during the beginning weeks of preg coz that 1 of the few drinks I could stomach.
chirpy: at least you got this weapon... my hubby will get angry and totally ignore me if i cry... so things will get worse... so i try not to cry

seems like many of us are going for scan recently...
Usha, congrats on your results! My turn will be another 2 weeks time. So long wait!

Hope all mummies will feel better this week! I finally bot a dress fm moonriver for cny at Raffles Place. At least cny clothes I settled Liao. U all go c if nearby, they have quite a few dress designs that preggies can wear and looks quite nice. I just don't like to visit maternity shops. Find the designs there really so-so.
usaginoko: me too... i'm the type that sleep like a dead log all night through one... then nowadays always wake up in the middle of the night to pee.... haiz.

re crabs: my friends avoid all those food with shell (e.g. prawns, crabs) cos they said this type of food not good for bb's skin. but i think cannot avoid so much la... a lot of food like siew mai or dumplings got prawns... and hokkien mee... hmmm..
wlilian : Nope i didn't check the baby's gender today cause my gynae has set my next appt with gender scan on the eve of my birthday so i told my husband we wait till then as i wan that to be the best birthday gift.. =D i strongly feel it's going to be a gal. Let's see if my instincts come true. All the best for your scan today and have fun meeting your little baby..
Yes I'm of them went to hospital to put on drip. End up with 4weeks of leave. Luckily me to stay home n hug onto my own toilet bowl instead of office one. But my MS still not yet go away. I left with one last week of hospital leave so scare to go back to work next week.
Any smell will end me up throwing up. I can throw up in public too. Sian to the max.
Btw. I just tried Ribena. Oh I manage to gulp down 1 cup of drink. End up drinking it whole day long.
What's the max of drinking Ribena drink ? I even add ice cube to it. Ok or not?

Actually Gynae encourage me to eat the anti nausea tablet. Even I ate I also threw up. No diff.
Skymummy: I drink Ribena daily... My gynae says as long as got it appeals to you then drink. Hydration is more important. However, you can dilute it more to make it not so sweet.

As for the nausea tablet, it will only help a little not totally. I only felt the effects after 2 weeks.
Mummies out there, I have a question... What are soft cheese? I tried to google and I end up getting more confused. Is cream cheese soft cheese? I love to eat cranberry cheese buns but I am unsure if it belongs to the soft cheese category so I dare not eat. Thanks in advance!

Usha, congrate....my scan will be tomorrow...also very excited to see my little naughty ....actually I wanted very much to bring along my #1 to see the scan together. let him feel the excitement too.
as I am almost 40 yeras old so I am quit worried about my scan tomorrow...
