(2013/08) August 2013

sigh.. just told my senior mgr abt my pregnancy and she's asking how long would my maternity leave be cuz now freeze headcount, cannot employ temp staff. she's hoping i can go for 8weeks den breakup the next 8weeks.

actually the jaundice in bb is caused by the inability to break down the bilirubin in the blood.

High levels of a pigment in the blood called bilirubin cause the skin to look yellow.

"Everyone's blood contains bilirubin. Bilirubin is one of the byproducts created when old red blood cells break down. Normally, the liver removes bilirubin from the blood and the body then gets rid of it in bowel movements." from babycenter.

tat's y it is very impt for bb to drink more so that he can pass out more n then the jaundice will be reduce automatically.

i somehow disagreed w old folks who say if bb can sleep then let them sleep.. when hungry will cry for milk.. maybe that is for later part of the confinement.. first 2 weeks to get the bb drinks more pass out more..

my confinement lady (thou i hated her), but she did something which helps #1 alot to reduce the jaundice. she ordered us to buy glucose (those in blue tin kind), did a super diluted 20ml for bb to drink.. the glucose help the bb to move its digestive system n in turn break the bilirubin.

i didnt wan to believe her initially.. but after 1st checkup, doc say if continue to rise then need to admit and it is nearing national day.. will hav to go a&e, no pd.. so we took the chance... within 3days his jaundice drops..
melilone: Not true...i heard that there are cases, baby heart stop for no reason = miscarriage. No blood also...

Hmm..i am actually thinking of hiring a maid (MIL cannot be doing the housework and then taking care of baby when me and my hubby at work mah) , then maybe a massage lady for the 1 month during confinement... Most likely i will then get food order from those confinement catering...

I think that should help rather then getting a confinement lady to stay at my house...

But just abit worried about the maid...cos MIL is not 24/7 at home...then really need to pray to get a good maid...also need to worry about her daily food and neccassity...
Sigh...alot of money
Poky, I hate it when bb needs to stay in hospital due to jaundice. Very troublesome for us. 1st one I very blur and emo. Cried when doc said need to admit. Nurses and doc said can continue to bf. So my eldest gal jaundice took a whopping 3 mths to clear totally. Tested for liver etc, so painful for her and me. 2nd one I started to relax Liao. Fm/BM for the 1st 2 weeks to make sure jaundice clear. In hospital for the delivery stay I oso bo chap and ask nurse to feed bb FM if hungry cos I want to rest.
i agree it's impt to get a gd CL for confinement if your finances allow. Even if she's not very gd, at least can cook your meals, bath bb, entertain bb while u rest, do night duty coz sometimes bb poo after feed. I finish my milk duty CL go change diapers. My CL even clean up my whole flat, scrubbed my toilets!

Chocpokie: mind sharing which agency u got your CL from? My CL also from agency. She was very gd but told me she dun wana work in spore already coz she wants to spend time with her daughter. I dun exactly like the agent, so still considering whether to go back to this agency or not.

Regarding jaundice, my bb level was a little high. She wasn't pooing & peeing much, so my CL said level can't go down. Pd told me to let her drink more milk but as my bm ss wasn't high then, we gave formula milk. After few days she was fine.
Usaginoko, I got my CL via Bliss Confinement agency last timr. But for this round, I contacted the CL directly.

Sounds u really had a good CL last round. Agree that A good CL is hard to find. Really depends on luck. Hope u get another good one this round. Do book early.
wililian: for no1, I had a confinement lady. But I struggling quite badly when she left. Dearest son doesn't want to latch on! So I did exclusive pumping n bottle feed him. My day during maternity leave was filled with pumping, feed and bottle washing. I was simply depressed!

For no2, I didn't get a confinement lady. I employ a maid but not a confinement lady. My mum in law stayed over for my confinement to supervise and help look after no1. I rest, Breastfeed and look after baby. I ordered confinement food catering. I feel this arrangement worked well for me. so I'll continue to do this for no3.
I was hesitating about getting a maid at first. But I know we def need extra one with no2. It indeed ease a lot of tension and stress between me and hubby. Because lesser arguments over who doing more or less. And with someone doing the housework, I can concentrate on my work n the kids. Of course my maid is quite good so she made my life a breeze. I really appreciate her help. When I returned to work, she will clean n pack all my pumping stuff for me. Compared to no1, I woke up early every day just to prepare everything.
Ahcapp & Frogprincess, thanks for sharing your bf experience. My #1 was partial bm & fm for 6 mths then I retired my nehs coz it was just too tiring to wake up at 3am daily to pump to keep the ss going. This round I hope to bf fully.
Today is really a bad day for me. Didnt have MS for almost 3 weeks so decided to try drinking soy milk for bfast. Have thrown up twice and still feeling nausea. So irritating but afraid at the same time what if i cannot drink milk throughout my whole pregnancy..
Chocpokie: thanks for sharing! Seems like we went thru same agency? coz I engaged I-Kare: some forum say its same agency but changed name? I do hope this round CL is gd coz my SIL's wasn't gd altho same agency. See we heng or suay...
Frog princess: I agree with your feedback on confinement lady. But at least you have your mum whom you can depend on. For the 2 times when I have birth, my mum was away on holiday! Aiyo, I don't blame her as she is those easily stressed out kind. When she is stressed, she makes me more stressed!

So for this no3, I'll follow suit like no2. Mum in law stayed over and maid support. Order confinement food catering then I look after baby. As long as I have 2 people over to help plus no1 is in full day childcare, I'm ok. Things can be managed.

Not like no1 my time, super depressed when CL left. I rber bringing my baby over to my friends place n cried. Bc I was all alone in the world to do every single thing!
gone are those days! ;)
chirpy: how u know?! haha.. bo bian. maybe take 10weeks in a row and split up the next 6 weeks.

when should we start booking a CL? once our baby stablise?
Usha, hope u r feeling better now. Some pp can't take soya bean milk or dairy pdts during preg. Prob their bb dun like. My sis's frd would throw up whenever she had soy milk. I was ok but my tummy will be very bloated. No worries abt can't drink milk, can take calcium pills. I didn't drink much milk during #1 time too.
Katherine: be careful your remaining 6 wks no time to take when back at work then u lugi your leave leh!

Back then I booked my CL after wk20 detailed scan during rabbit year but the one I had in mind booked Liao. Luckily the alternative choice was a very gd CL.. My SIL booked at wk 8 after confirm preg coz hers dragon bb. Snake year duno CL in hot demand or not. Based on wat I read in July thread, the gd ones fully booked already.
me too! first time was highly emo. especially when the pd told me all the possibilities if bb dun admit rite away. change blood, learning disabilities, not growin well, etc... i cried till everyone was lookin at me in the clinic. when i called back that day to nurse on how bb level were, the nurse remember me as the cryin mom! he scare me til i do a extensive search on wat cause n the different type of bm n which group high chance, etc.. til now, i sort of blame the pd for scarin me shitless during my first time. 2nd time, change pd, n was alrdy prepared she will follow her sis condition, even planned which hospital, how many bed, who takin care of older one, etc.... but i didnt expect her to admit for 2nd time though.

rgdin to jaundice. ppl also advise drinkin melon sugar strips water, buyingthe flower from medicinehallto bath, to help. for those, who might want to try the alternatives.
I really envy those that the MIL can help out. I know of someone that the MIL and her maid take care of her, she didn't even need to change a single diaper during confinement (because her MIL said her body cannot touch uncooked water). But the downside... she is so well taken off and so pampered all the time (wakes up at noon on weekends, still... even with 2 kids)... Her youngest is 2 years already and she is still wearing some of her maternity pants. :-O And then she always ask me how come I can lose weight. Urm....

My MIL is looking forward to August. Then she can come and play and be entertained all day long. I am fearing those days. Sigh...

My mom doesn't wanna talk about at all. Refuses to stay away; but also refuses to be committed to help. My maid just wanna run away cos don't wanna deal with another baby.
Usaginoko: I think I'm a lazy mum. Maybe it's because I have been through it for no1 so I didnt want to stress myself for no2. As I mentioned, no1 very stubborn. I had so much milk flowing out yet he doesn't want to drink direct from my boobs. What's wrong? Don't know.
i felt like a complete failure because everyone around me was like busy Bfing n such. It was very depressing.

For no2, I was able to latch on and being a gal, no2 was mic easier to look after. She is a breeze compared to no1. I just BF till I returned to work. I pumped at home n provided for her till she was 8mths old. During times of insufficient supply on my part, I top up with formula milk. She is also very healthy n happy.

As long as we tried our best, we are all very good mothers!
Just to rant

I'm at home today and our housing here is undergoing some paint works and the painters came to paint the corridor today and so i quickly closed the door and stayed inside the aircon room... Guess what.. I used 2 shirts to cover my nose and still VERY SMELLY! Lasted for about 5-10mins and i buay tahan open the windows then the smell dispersed slowly.

WOrried will it harm bb anot?
Frog princess: I don't dare to depend too much on my mother in law also. Bc my hb that side still very dependent on her. She is staying with hb sis n family. N hb bro wife will also call her over supervise maid and kids once a while. I think confinement she should be ok. I do think my mum in law very good bc she is committed to helping me.
nothing to complain on my part. My mum on the other hand sometimes ok sometimes not ok. When she is not ok, she really doesn't give face n throw thanthrum. It made me very sad n depressed. Sad to say, I can only depend on myself, hubby and the maid. If nothing works out, hubby and I will send all to childcare. We have this understanding since no2 was born. Really no bian.
usaginoko: think i will block the leave calendar for the remaining 6weeks and get my superior to agree. if they give me "see how" answer, den i juz take all 16weeks at one go.

still dunno to have my confinement at my parents' plc or in-laws. sigh...

i got a hunch that i might noe u .. haha 2012 btb? aniwae i tink my situation will be v similar to u .. i used to think if i could have an Oct or Nov baby . things will be perfect .. no need to do yr end closing .. no need to endure hot weather .. laze in bed when it is raining outside ..
Talking about confinement, I honestly hope that my mom can do it for me but my husband wants his mother to do it because we are living with them. I feel so stressed thinking about it...
diorly .. maybe can go out n breathe some fresh air .. i forgot i read somewhere the smell of the paint is not gd for our baby ...

my hubby is asking me to ask my mother to do the confinement for me .. but my mum is getting old liao .. duno can tahan or not .. i tink it would be better to engage a CL ..
Bubbly29, you shld be the one deciding cos you are the one doing the confinement. U tell you hb is you dun feel comfortable, u may go into post natal depression (scare him :p) For my 1st confinement, my Fil asked me to shift to his house n they will do confinement for me as they have a maid. I rejected him straight away cos he always has alot of comments on things. I think I will suffer if I really did the confinement at his hse.

Poky, we same same. Emo 1st mum. I was crying when bb waiting to be admitted at the KKH. My CL was with me and she kept consoling me but I just couldn't control my tears. When bb settled in the nursery, I refused or rather too scared to go see her fearing I will cry badly in front of my bb. Now I think back, felt abit silly cos I didn't know that it was common for bb to admit for phototherapy.
Ahcapp, u r right, as long we did our best for our children, we are all good mums. It doesn't matter if we can give bb BM or not. Fm actually is just as good. So no point stress ourselves.
Bubbly: I agree with chocpockie. It's your confinement. Not your hubby's. So you have to be comfortable with the arrangement. If you own mum is ok to help u, all the merrier. Really, confinement sometimes can be v stressful so you should do things which is to your likely.
I wish I could scare him with the possibility of post natal depression if I have an unhappy and stressful confinement. I tried that method but he still says he wants to ask his mother to do it for convenience sake. I am super stressed each time people asked me who is doing my confinement...
bubbly: i have the same problem as u.. sigh.. i also hope after confinement, i can let my parents take care but i think hub not really in favour of that arrangement.
wah… just didn't come for a day and so many active discussions siah… LOL

usaginoko: on sugar cane - sugar cane is "cooling" ("linage"), same principle as pineapple, water chestnut etc, so that explains why. Esp if the mother's body condition is already the "liang/cold" type, then it's better to avoid. Anyway, drink in moderation if really want to.

wlilian: coconut is "cooling" while coconut milk is not. BUT coconut milk is well known to give "wind", esp if it has been put out for some time. "Wind" will cause stomach upset…

Katherine: my HR is the other way round… we want to take 8 weeks then break up the rest of the maternity leave, but they dun allow because they said it's too troublesome for them to keep track on our maternity leave! (-_-")

diorly: is there another place that you can settle down for a while? the smell is not going to go off so soon...

Re all those having acne problem: since our acne is most likely hormone-induced, there is nothing much we can do about it. acne cream etc may improve the situation a little but usually not very helpful, so just bear with it until we give birth la…. i kenna hormone-induced acne a few rounds last time, so really understand the sucky feeling
the most effective treatment for this kind of acne has Retinol-A which is bad for babies, so pregnant women cannot take.

On sashimi: my hubby also banned me from all sashimi, but it's okie la, though i really love sashimi, i won't want to take the risk. it's not about whether the sashimi is fresh or not, is about the fact that it is raw food. once i thought of the possible consequence, the craving for sashimi drops to absolute zero immediately.. LOL

i supposed the main point is… if you are okie with it, eat with moderation. if you are going to be worried about it after eating, then maybe it's better to give yourself the peace of mind by avoiding.. hahaha
and reading all the discussion on CL and child care arrangement.. i'm also having headache… sigh… my parents and in laws won't be able to help and i dun like having maids at home… anyone tried engaging a babysitter before?
I have no where to run to.. They painting the outside doors of those electricity n water door? So overwhleming the smell..(wet paint!) i cover my nose with 2 shirts also can smell! I went out for lunch and come back n its slightly better. im still wearing a surgical mask..now its like dried paint. I just emailed to my MP to complain. Why didnt someone inform us there will be paintworks at our level so if we know we will not stay at home. I told him im so worried for the bb inside as im only like 10weeks plus and right now the development is the most crucial lor. Haizzz...Stupid painters!!!
sigh i was crying like a crazy person during my discussion w my hubby regarding childcare post birth... dunno who to help take care! i am more comfortable w my MIL cos she has taken good care of my niece, who is 3yo now. but.. my niece super sticky to her and will get jealous easily...

then my mum she's the super easily stressed out type. pls my father has early / mid stage dementia so emotionally not very stable sometimes.

i dont like infant care centres and am uncomfortable w a maid in my house. plus when we go work there's no one at home, and no room for maid to stay also. How leh? no solution.. so i just sat down and cry and cry cos feel bb so pitiful.. till my hubby cannot take it. HAHA.
I'm staring to notice my nose getting bigger... Is this a sign my no3 is a boy? Hahahahh

I did noticed some preg mummies noses getting bigger during their pregnancies! N I think they are carrying boys!

Go check the mirror! ;)
ellen: ur HR so good!!! i also wanna take 16weeks at one go leh. first bb lor

amanda: chill chill.. dun be so stressed up! think abt all these headaches after ur 1st trimester. stay happy!!
diorly: Wah...would advice you to go to a park or shopping centre...dont think its good for both mother and baby also...

Ahcapp: Yah...i think having a maid is a better arrangement and getting confinement food delivered...cos not only that..me and my hubby staying with my MIL and its like 3 storey house...feel very guilty that i dont help cleaning the house and if baby come..i cant expect MIL or me to do all of it...so maid is the best choice... just now was speaking to my MIL she immedaitely ask me..which country maid we are getting? =.="" definately cannot "run" liao...

My own mum, tell me...she not going to take care of my child at all...cos she herself have to work in the market...
so really bo bian...

Feeling better from yesterday episode..but dont know why these past few days feel like not enough sleep at all...though i slept at around 9 plus...
wlilian.. haizz..to late lor.. should have run when they started painting. Now the smell is ok liao.

Just hope bb is ok..
Amanda, it's normal to worry. With no1, I pratically had to force my mum to look after him!
but after a while she is ok, but will throw thanthrum (my mum not my son) and said she is tired.

As much as we hope our parents or our in laws to babysit for us, we need to really see if they are committed to do so. Babysit is a full time job, no every grandparent can commit to it. Like my mum who likes to travel all the time.

Is this your no1? If yes, it's normal to worried if childcare or infant care good enough to meet your needs. But deep inside we all know if we don't have grandparents, don't have maids or ourselves to babysit in the day, the only choice left is ourselves choosing the best for our kids.

No need to cry.
can slowly discuss and resolve. When our boobs engorged with milk after childbirth and become as hard as rock, we then cry ok! ;)))
when will we be able to tell the gender of the bb?? we have alot of inspiration for name of bb girl .. but nothing in mind for bb boy .. is this a sign?? haha
U will be able to tell from week 16.

Just for FUN..
To predict gender using baking soda!! Use some baking soda mix with ur morning pee... If it sizzles and fizzles like beer means its boy. If its still, means its girl.

And to predict gender using purple cabbage. Boil purple cabbage for 10mins then let the cabbage water cooled.. then take some mix with ur urine. If it's red means its boy. If its purple means its gal.

Its like boys produce for acid and girls more alkaline.

Also if ur more horny during pregnancy, means its boy.. hahaha..

Best is ask a child to guess. If you have a child can ask him/her.. Else if a toddler boy is very attracted to ur tummy, means its gal..Opposite attracts! hahah!
For my #1, i breastfed exclusively until he was like 23months until hubby stopped him. lol. But he doesnt drink FM or other milk tts why. I become a SAHM becos of him also. But now im a working mom
diorly: don't worry, one day of paint is fine, next time when they start painting you escape to somewhere outside la~
i work in chemical plant... we inhale chemicals and surrounded by polluted air all day long... but so far all our colleagues have healthy and happy babies

very funny hahaha... but the cabbage one, red and purple a bit difficult to tell rite?? XD

Katherine: hahaha but the thing is our HR don't give us choice... cos for our nature of job, if away for 4 months we will miss out a lot, but if split the later half of the ML we are fine, so most of my colleagues prefer to split but HR don't allow.

AhCapp: i also noticed many pregnant ladies got red and big nose... but not all gave birth to boy leh.
