(2013/06) June 2013

Pine gardens also not bad. Last time my wedding i ordered the guo da li cakes from them. Yum yum. They also do cupcakes if not mistaken. Hehe

Thanks for sharing the link.... The packaging is SO cute...orrrrhhhh.... Now I'm so torn cos I love cute packaging too....

Nearing to dinner time Liao... Maybe that's why... Hee
Girl girl
Yeah...they have nice cupcakes too.... Now need to consider their package prices, dun noe whether exp or not....

Wanted to check. Anyone know the opening time for the mothercare fair? Need to go once its open as I need to fetch my son at 1pm
morning mummies!!!

indeed the cake packaging looks very nice.. but anyone try them before? im considering chozconfectionary... wondering hows the taste like... btw hor, what $ range of package will you choose to give ur colleague as token of appreciation? is it ok to choose the cheapest type? or have to be >$10 range?
i think for colleagues, i am looking at vouchers ...easier to handle, coz i just go back and give them vouchers lar...rather than cakes (imagine have to haul them coz i got no transport). Heehee...
girl girl, what vouchers are u looking at? for me, bengawan solo voucher is definitely a no no unless really really bo bian.. haha.. my hubby is thinking of bread talk... then im thinking of cedele or bakerzin... all $10..
anyone knows of any nice cake shop that offers vouchers? have to have outlets around singapore, easier for people to pick them up....
hapieger> any vouchers are ok. Maybe looking at cakes, bakerzin... simple can liao...no need complicated lo... i vaguely remembered that famous amos got cookies vouchers for baby full month or something like that.
haha.. im trying to save more milk money from the angbao ma.. so am looking at those comes with free delivery.. if not will just buy the voucher for them.. (=
Thanks. If really don't know the time, think i will just go at around 10am. Scare afternoon alot of people, better to go in the morning.
gd morning all!

for vouchers u all can consider emicakes...can redeem for their famous durian puffs too

else swissbake is nice too, but not as many outlets around Singapore
kome.. i believe its 11am..but i tink normally alot of pple Q from quite early n it can take awhile to get in coz they have to crowd control..
you are welcome! have a good time hunting for bargains! let us know any good buys...

i think breadtalk is a good idea too. cos they have outlets in many places... but do they have vouchers? Doesnt have to be fullmonth voucher, normal voucher will do too...people can buy bread too, practical too

girl girl
amos also not a bad idea.....yeah looking for normal voucher also can....

yeah i was looking through their menus for swissbake too....

How about non-cake vouchers? Do people give them out? Like toastbox etc?
noscon: oh my colleagues gave 'Mrs Fields' & 'Famous Amos' before too...those are non-cake stuff...but i am not sure how much are the vouchers coz it is to redeem their cookies/muffins
Wahh....so crowded? Oh no......don't know if i can stand for so long or not.

Still debating to go or not. Coz actually i have quite alot of things already.
hmm Mrs Fields also good. I think nowadays for colleagues, we tend to shift away from cakes towards muffins/cupcakes/generic vouchers. Easier to sort (coz only envelopes)...

but for relatives, we still keep to the sweetest moments/choz. More traditional. Hehe...
kome - ya v crowded..tink last yr got complaints tt took many hrs then got in...coz dpends on how fast pple come out also..then pay also gotta q..so if u picking ur boy at 1pm..pls make sure u Q to pay well before tt..

im also still contemplating..coz v wasted if take leave n go then nothing to buy...
oh no.....if really thats the case think i only have about 2 hrs over there coz i need about 45 mins to travel back. Hmmm........so many people take leave to go there? Though morning people working will have lesser crowd.

Ya lor....if nothing to buy will waste the time.
or you can wait for taka...is this your 1st child? got a lot of stuff to get?

Baby photography
Anyone bought any package yet? Since there are quite a few of you here, can do a group buy and save some $$. The package usually have either no expiry or 1 yr period so between birth to 1 yr also can take family/baby photos. I used to organise one for >30mums for my 1st child and we all enjoyed $60 discount off the package. We went for seanlau.com/studioplay.com But this time I have already signed up at babycare fair but just suggesting here for those who have not signed up...
Nap....not my first child. This is my 3rd but need to get those necessities also coz its has been past 3 yrs since my previous pregnancy. Just that recently have already been to metro 20% discount and Isetan baby fair to get most of the things already. Going to mothercare is just an excuse for me to buy only. :p
kome - not first child right? so maybe not so much to buy hor...same feeling..yes alot of pple take leave to go!!! i rem last yr i went very early w my forum mums..all take turns to q while some ate bkfast..i was on maternity then..so didnt hafta take leave but tons of pple!!!
noscon - for my #1 i also bought at the fair..but then bought it when he was abt 3 mths old n only utilised when he was 11 mths..so will prob wait i guess...but will definitely take for #2..so fair n sq
mabelths, which milk bottle you looking for? I should be going, maybe can help

By the way, some mummies wanted to join Carters spree. I'm ordering a batch tonight. PM me for details
hi noscon, hubby said breadtalk have voucher.. think gotta double check with breadtalk.

seems like im a slow mommy.. i havent even buy a single thing yet.. :p
qayn, but this is my #2 so maybe im not that gan giong also.. just feel tired with #1 that i dont feel like doing anything.. but i need bulky stuff like playpen, sterilizer, warmer etc.. cos now we dont stay tgt with my mom who is gonna be the caregiver...
Wow you make me tempted to see Carters, that day I went to the website there is some sale I wonder if it is still on.
Hey ladies, gonna let go of my 2 strollers really cheaply to make space so if anyone here is interested just let me know..

Quinny Zapp - Limited Edition Black (only used frame with maxi cosi car seat) so the fabric is really brand new...and frame used for a few months as we kept it after he outgrew the infant car seat at 9m.

Bonbebe Freestar - Blue (used it also for a few months n light use when we wld go buy dinner)

Letting go between $100 - $150 each (neg) so holler or PM if interested and I will provide u with pics..=)
Thanks mummies I got your orders! Will update you once orders placed tonight

Chevelle, yes I can help to order. PM me and I'll let you know the pricing!

noscon, I think the prices on Carters are already 50%? Then after that you can take another 20% off. So if Carters put as $10 (that's already after 50%), and if the item is not in the Clearance section, take another 20% off, so it is $8
Pple say that most mummies would feel the best in their 2nd trimester and that its the honeymoon period but I feel so exhausted.... Maybe it's just me. And I feel that my nauseaness is coming back again.

great. please disregard my previous orders cos im sending you my wishlist instead. thanks

yeah i already felt a bit more tired than early 2nd trimester.... but no nauseaness for me.... maybe the hormones is raging again...

Hugs sometimes I feel nauseous too and I feel breathless and gets tired easily at the back area when I stand for a little while....

Anyway before you know it 2nd trimester is ending soon...
