(2013/05) May 2013

JC : u must be excited to see bb. Did the doc give u a photo of bb? Are u going for natural delivery ? U can sign the package at week 18?
Did the dr mention on how to control diabetic?
Bbkk: cannot say very well control..i still will indulge once a while. But i try not to do it every meal. Say if today lunch is good, than night i dont take too miuch

Dian tang : ya got give photo. Pay for the scan mah haha..proof of purchase.

I hope for natural birth but i must control my diabetic well. The detail scan in week 18 is additional which i have to pay myself. I undrstand from the nurse once i sign the package will have another detail scan included at week 20+. Actually i never ask them how much is the package. Urs is how much?
JC: I hear the package can start ard 20 weeks . U can ask if u can start the package at wk 18. The package depend on the consultant that we see. Both of us see senior consultant so it is ard 700 plus which include 2 detailed scan and 2 ctg scan and consultation .
Hi gers
Happy weekend!
Jus finish a terrible week...
Hopefully it will b better......

Jus told my mgr abt my pregnancy.....he is too stun to react
dian tang : the nurse said not likely to start at week 18. prob the next visit, i will ask them again.

btw have u go down to pay for the antenatal class?
JC : oh .. Maybe u can start them on ur next visit . I haven't pay for antenatal class , intend to pay in jan , few days bef the class
Hello ladies!

Re: Hair cuts
I see my hairstylist every month. My hair's kept short so can't stand it when it's a little out of shape. Hehe Though in my first pregnancy my mom tried to stop me from cutting my hair. She's ok this pregnancy. :p

Re: Liver
Hmm.. how much is too much? I had four cubes of foie gras over lunch the day before yesterday. Oops.

Re: Gender
Congrats to all the mummies who know baby's gender. My detailed scan is scheduled for 27th Dec. How time flies! We are almost half way through the pregnancy!

Re: Boobs
This time round on the flight at take off and landing I had tugging sensations in my boobs. Omg gross. Din remember ever experiencing anything like that.

Re: Rice wine
Must buy the red rice wine u girls talk about? Or any rice wine can? I don't remember using much during #1's time but after reading the article TSM posted in the group, I wanna get my hands on some good rice wine! Hehe

I really gota start Christmas shopping. I've not bought a single present and the list is really long! Hahaha

Have a great weekend ladies!
Re: Liver
I read in Dr Miriam's book that its part of a good pregnancy diet when taken in moderation. I think once a week is ok.
Ange: home made rice wine best. This rice wine very pantang one, sometimes not successful and will turn sour.
Some ppl are selling at 15 per bottle market price.
My mil makes them for me though.
Re: haircut
Ermmm cut twice liao.. yesterday just cut some more.. y cannot cut leh..

Re: names
I was told my bb cannot share any characters from mine, hubby or our parents names.. Ya.. sth like will jinx each other..

Re: boobs
Hmm everytime I apply cream on my boobs.. feel really lumpy n sore at times..
Hi all

Can I join the thread too? My edd is 10th may.
Hi peeps... Kind of embarrassing question. But can we still have sex? I'm in week 13. I heard if it is uncomfortable, then we should stop. Some say don do it throughout the pregnancy. And I wonder if we can use condom or even lubricant? Another friend of mine said guys should not ejaculate as it might be harmful to the baby but one article I read mention it is good if guy can ejaculate during the week while u are almost giving birth as it will help to open up your cervix to have easier birth..
Hihi, the thread is moving so fast! I hardl have time to think abt myself. #1 had just moved up to k2, and cc wad closed ytd. Spent the day at legoland. Super hot, n i kana sunburnt. Today down with sore throat and headache. Was planning to go town to feel the atmosphere but, simply too tired to move.
My belly button is in the process of popping. It was halfway out. After i cleared my bowels, it went back in again. Vety cute.
Hi ladies,

Only dare to come in during the down period (wkend) so can catch up all the posts. Hahaha. Not a good week for me at all was sick again, down with fever, flu and sore throat and its twice in a mth from the last time I visited my Gynae Tilly next visit which is next thurs.

And due to the fever, I've not been eating much only bread so quite worried bb got not enough nutrients except all the chemicals from the pills I take. Now I'm juz hoping bb can absorb all the nutrients from whatever food I eat.

Milk: I also drink anmum (choco), other than I can't drink. Esp similac mum I find that it's very very sweet. But sometimes I do alt with fresh milk.

Bloatedness: I'm still having the bloatedness and the burping still continues.

Belly button: for my 3 pregs, belly button all will pop out leh. But I juz heck care, think 2ks put plaster rite. I nvr tot of that leh. Hahaha. Think I too bo chup already.

Bb name: my hubby side had got the book to follow and usually is the 2nd character so base on the character, they will go to you long zi to find a matching third character. So you long zi will base on the 8 character and find out what bb lack of then will match accordingly. Fabbie maybe u can do that so u can have better decision since u have decided on one of the character.

Home made rice wine: think gotta ask my aunt see whether she able to make for me if not think I gotta get it myself.

Liver: think it's ok to eat it as high in iron also. For my pregs: I used to have it weekly as suggested by my Gynae due to my low hamaeglobin. But still in moderation the best.

Haircut: I din know abt this haircut thingy leh but me I din go for haircut partly becoz lazy and also my hair grows very slowly.

Scanning: my every Gynae visit he will scan tummy for me. And I remember one mummy asking abt v scan, same like nlimm I only doomed once during week6 as bb too small cant see during tummy scan but subsequent visit all tummy scan liao.

Mummies check something with you all, I usually will be super lazy to wake up and pee in the middle of the nite then will tahan until morning. But morning pee will feel sharp pain in tummy, then gotta slowly let go bit by bit. Do u all have that feeling also.
Mine I chose a few I like then when the Feng shui master came, he showed me his selection then all I don't like so I showed him those I selected at my end n ask him see which one is gd for my boy based on his ba zi . I'm 161cm,59 kg I typed 161,59kg u missed out 59 hehe . My #1 preg up fr 47 kg to 72.5kg lor since then sigh best weight is ard55.

Chi name:
2ks, oh there's such things? But for my generation, all the female babies same 2nd name leh so me , my sisters n almost all my cousins same 2nd name.
Griny, aiyo I have so many nvr heard of. Fortunately my #1 2nd name diff fr Hb n mine.

Ya I heard of too tts y been enduring n don't go for haircut but some of my Frds don't believe they still go ahead with haircut so really up to u.

Thankyou! U tried b4, is hers sweet or sour? The last time my aunt made sour one for me , I really can't made myself drink n eat the dishes tts cooked using it end up haha I ask CL to take home if not wasted:p jurong is gd!!! Coz I stay jurong
can shunbian help me ask if ur frd's mom háve gd nanny to intro at this area?I pm u

Debbie/ liver:
Oh I think best to avoid all intestines/ organs of pork beef mutton leh, even my Gynae told me not to eat.

Tts gd! Ur can do detailed scan on wk20, mine next appt wk16 then 20. U try go low sugar stuff la for ur baby ye
hi mummies im back...
been mia for a month, any1 knws bb gender already? mind confirm is a boy again. usually bot much more easy to detect.

Rice wine:
my aunty made for me. she also selling but im not sure how much is she selling. During my #1 confinment all e rice wine done by her but she stay in tempines. If any mummies wan can pm n let me knw earlier as tk sometime to produce it..

my nxt check will be my detail scan in two weeks time.

oh yar! haf any mummies create a fb grp already? it will be much more easiler to chat there since every1 prenancy already stable.. if mummies don mind i can create for this group??
Have a nice weekend mummies!
V scan
I did that on my first visit. Coz too early, the doc cannot see when she does the tummy scan. Thereafter all tummy scan

I read somewhere cannot eat

I was told it can't clash with the "elders". That include my cousins
I got many cousin... Heck care Liao.... I will only take note of immediate family.......

I went for haircut. Haha.. To see whether I can than short hair or not....

Rice wine.
When do we haf to order?
Esther: only anmum have chocolate is it? and about the chinese name i felt i dont even have the choice as it seem like my in law is doing it for us. my in law going to fortune teller ask for 2 names and choose just like my no.1.. if both names i dont like.. win liao lor.. if choose the one that we like and in law dont like.. wait till see my in law's face will change lor.. just like my SIL also.. she choose the name that my MIL dont like lol but if im them i also will choose same as my SIL cus the other name really sound weird hahah

nlimm: at least u can show him. MINE i cant even do it for myself lor! =( and my MIL is go fortune teller say maybe i want this name or that name.. then he will give us 2 names. which is cause 80 bucks! wah so ex sia.. wah ya no.1 change ya weight so much!

VI: wah.. even cousins? faints..

btw .. ask u all.. wil u all below numb or swollen n pain sometimes when u walk n walk too much?
Rina, thks
Need to ask both mothers first....abt the rice wine

Fabbie, yes.... My bro selected a few names for us to choose.
My mum objected to one of the name coz the character matches my cousin.....
Faint. Heng we all agreed on another name for my nephew...
Btw, I thought we can only consult the fortune teller after bb is born? Coz they need the dob.... So how come ur mil already asking the fortune teller?
Rice wine:
Yahor when we need to order? But there's no expiry date de fr what I understand just tt need order early as the pax need to prepare early as need few wks or mths to 酿。

Yalor how come ur mil can ask for names le u gog for csec & confirmed on delivery date & time? Mine was $388 then for him to come our Plc n see best colour required,position /direction of beds n furnitures for all 3 of us as well as names of bb . But then I got him after delivery coz last min decided on csec, he told me #2 shd consult him on csec date n timing too as my #1 timing n date so so
Vi and nlimm: ya she will go fortune teller and ask for names when baby is born lor.. but im just abit paranoid now.. lol cus i want this name she doesnt like it... so i just hope that she wont like and purposely tell fortune teller that she want this n that name when i dont want.. as i want alternatives lor..
My-Angel-is-back, think you can start ordering now cos it takes awhile to produce. There is no expiry date..similar to red wine, the older the better. I love rice wine even before preggie so I kinda looking forward to confinement with lots of rice wine. I used to drink them just like that. If you can get the extracts, that will be good for cooking dishes.

I have placed my order with my aunt. Think she will start making soon or after CNY.
Hi Hi mommies

Sorry Mia for a lil while. Been busy moving hse n unpacking getting ready for Xmas party!!
) It's a crazy crazy month for me!!

For the rice wine ... My family has been taking on regular basis fry wif meal or internal organs & ginger. V yummy. My auntie made them too. So guess my mum will
Help me to order

Milk: I m taking enfa mama milk (vanilla) every morning. But means I need to hv a gap of 2-3 hrs before I take my obimin (preg multi vit) cos cannot take dairy pdts wif the pill.

Cut hair: got pantang ah? I didn't know. I jus cut once I m over first Tri cos really cannot tahan my fizzy messy hair. Look like a caveman lor!! But will leave coloring n rebond till after pop. Don't wanna worry all the way thg out preg.

Babyplus: i didn't use it during #1 time. But it's quite amazing when I use now. Bb kick n kick when I m using the babyplus... I hv been using for 1 week le ... Earliest can use is 18 week till pop... I try to use it twice daily but tough to keep to same timing n also lie down position. Whr got time !? Haha I jus play it when I m doing the hsework or reading to my gal. Hope can see some difference between the two gals :p

Pre natal exercise : any one gg? I used to go to aqua aerobics conducted by Kkh for my #1. They hv indoor heated pool. Long waiting list. But now I guess I m too lazy. Bringing my gal to weekly swim class n also playground r my best workout

Ladies!! It's the durain season now. Can u smell it!? Hehe I m so happy that I can take durain now. First Tri was so bad that I can stomach my fav food. Yummmsss tonight my fil bought me a big big bag of durain fr Mysia. Hehe can't wait to attack it after dinner!!

Hv a good weekend!^^
I have already decided on my boy's Chinese name haha..and followed the 3rd character of my #1 boy name. This time round harder to decide on the Christian name can't seem to find another name we like.

Oh abt sex, my hb asked my Gynae this qn last time during my #1 preg...so embarrassing lor..cos Gynae asked him if he has any qn for her, he asked this type of qn...just went to show how preoccupied his mind was abt sex hahaha! Anywaymy Gynae said as long as no bleeding can continue through preg, but warned against missionary position as the tummy gets bigger. She said sideways the safest hahaa. And my hb even asked abt lubricant! (Faint really diu lian) my Gynae v nice patiently told him if we scared, can use this lubricant called preseed which is supposed to be harmless. But it's exp lah I rem it was $30+.

Yah I also hope we can start a secret fb group too it's much easier to post. And it will benefit the #1 Mummies. I really learnt a lot from other Mummies from my #1 group. Hope ours this time can also benefit all first time mummies. As a second timer, I still have things to learn too n will be happy to share whatever I know, esp BF my passionate topic haha.
Durians, i think i ate too many. Durians plus the hot day at legoland resulted in fever and sore throat now. Too heaty, too hot. Feeling terrible since friday.
I never heard abt same name will clash. Me and my sis also with one character same but we still okie leh. Haha..actually to me, most impt is the name dont sound weird and ppl wont make fun of it more inprtant.

Fabbie : if i walk too long i will feel abit pull feeling down there. Like a very mild cramp but just a while only

Nlimm : my detail scan will be at week 18 ..gynae say more safer to do early for my case. But i can wait till wk 22 if i wan. For peace of mind, we just go ahead with the early date.
JC, i agree. Like my chinese name, i was laughed at my classmates for years. So when choosing names for the kids, must choose those names which sounds okay.

Is there a facebook page? How can i be included?
fabbie: yup only anmum have choco taste. Ya think will be quite difficult for u to choose since they'll be the one going to the fortune teller. Hopefully they can't be that bad bah. Think u juz tell them ur decision at least they know.

Rice wine: after reading here, immediately called my mum to ask my auntie help me make, coz think need quite some time to produce.

sparkle_bee: u started baby plus? Ya quite amazing rite they can actually respond. I didn't lie down when using leh juz that I follow the timing twice a day and at the specific timing that's all. I'm still trying to find to time to locate my baby plus dunno keep to which corner already.

captain_piglet: wah so fast name decided liao.

JC: the same name thingy applies on an elder and younger like mother and daughter. For sisters is ok coz of the same rank. Ur detail scan on 18 wks so another 4wks to go me still gotta wait till most prob end jan.
Esther enfa mama also has choco
Flavor. But my fav is vanilla :p
I drank milk
Daily for #1 and she came out 3.56kg!
) nice wt! At least not too light cos I find small n tiny baby more difficult to take care.

U better find the babyplus quick. Clean it
Up n use once u hit 18 weeks^^
Hehe I dunno how
Effective it is but it seems quite amazing that smtimes
Bb can kick in rhythm wif the babyplus. I got mine from USA. Wif shipping less
Than s$180. Think sin selling s$350? Hope still hv resale value after I pop.

Buba take care. Yes. Yday v hot day though it rained heavily. I end up accidentally drank 3 glasses of chrysanthemum. Oops guilty. Hope it's not too Liang for bb.

It's a great mon cos hubb is on leave. No mon blues for me cos there will b someone helping out at home. We finally unpacked everything. Jus need to touch up here n there. Being preggy n movin house is not good timing. Lots of
Things cannot do n must avoid.
nlimm: i heard before, better no direct same chinese name for the direct family. its not good la..
i heard so..
eh...if rice wine is sour means not successful u know...the rice wine pantang already.
so its not supposed to be consume. rice wine is suppose to be sweet de.
thats what my MIL told me.
rice wine takes about 3 weeks to ferment..
and the "zha" that squeeze out can be used to cook "hong zhao chicken"
which is also a confinement dishes.
hong zhao mian xian...red colour dish
captain piglet & rina: there is a closed group opened already previously.

please search the archive for the link to be added.
but we are only adding mummies that are posting more here 1st
ikuko : ya, i have a friend who son's initial is BJ <surname>. This name is calculated by some shi fu somemore. She say super regret coz next time go army, sure will people laugh one.

BBseed : alamak...like this make it harder to choose name. I got idea for girl's name but nothing for boy yet. Hopefully during my detail scan can see the gender.

durian : my gynae tell me durian is big no no for my case. Sudden spike in sugar can lead to BB heart beat stop.
Just had meesuah with vege n mushrooms for brekkie. Nowadays my usual oats, cereal, bread combi really dont appeal to me. I either eat porridge or mee suah. Super yum. End up hubby eat with me hah! He also puttin on weight le.

My puking actually reduced to mornings and maybe once in afternn. Not bad. But i m worried cos puking is a sign for my case that bb still alive and doing well. Lol! Next gynae visit is 26th dec. Like v far away. Hub say why not tom go and scan if worried. Hm... But i still puking today so no need lah. Haha.

Hubby also on leave le. He work today and last week of dec. the rest of the time he is on leave. He says we go explore all te nice food in sg haha!! Looks like i may put on more weight. Me only 48.8kg now. Pre preg i was 50kg. Drop to 46kg due to vomitting. Now increase abit already. Interestingly baby is 96 percentile. She manage to scramble enuf nutrients for herself amidst the harsh conditions in my womb haha!

Sil delivered two days ago naturally. Admitted 3:15am with 7cm dilation! 3:59am baby is out! Now i m getting ginger tea because of her yippeee. Mil brew for me extra also but without the danshen herbs.
cos we cannot take dan shen/dang gui / ginseng as those are for moving blood, meant for confinement.

Facebook - actually how many members are there in the FB group already? Wat we did was we admitted the smh forum people into FB and the if there no posts later, we just delete those members. Also , there is no need to add as friend if u not comfortable so there is actually not much "risk". Its just easier to share pictures , postings by topics. Its quite tiring to scroll this forum. Fb is more "alive" and fun. Our may13 group FB like so hard to "qualify", i think some of us are really wondering wats the point of making it so hard. We all trying to encourage one another, face difficulties together, give suggestions to problems. Or should we create another FB group where its more free admission. And later we just delete those that are silent readers?
I also felt pulling effect below when walk for too long. Also, when I lift up one leg to wear pant, I felt very 'suan' there. But after a day rest, it will be ok.
Jcyp I got it from amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00140KS9I
There r ard 2-3 sellers. But i got it from the cheapest cant remember which one. U can compare the price on amazon.
Hv fun wif it!

Jc then u better watch sugar level leh. Ren ren till
U pop then eat all the food u wan. U don't wan GD
To cause u to do an early c sec down the road. I heard some mommies hv to do that... So better watch ur diet wor!
ya...my mum keep telling me..don't greedy must control!

haha i already have GD. Now controlling.
Doc say if can control well, she will induce me at week 38. If not, it will be earlier.

My apologies for interrupting your disscussions!

I am looking to sell my Medela Freestyle Local Set. It was purchased in May 2012 and still has a good 6 months of local warranty left. I had latched my baby on directly most of the time and therefore the set is hardly used and in an excellent condition. I am willing to let go of the Medela Freestyle at $550. If you are interested, do PM me or contact me on my mobile at 9431-5642. Thanks!

- what's in the box
- warranty card and purchase receipt
mami b: there are ppl here who prefer to keep this thread alive. if u got anything u are always free to post in the fb group. others will still reply.
fb group is more for pics sharing i feel so.
the purpose of controlling is cos dont want silent readers or strangers in.
i was in a previous group earlier and it ended ugly.
we added most people who opt to be added in the group, just holding a couple. but once we find their nick familiar, we added.
its not nice to delete people u know.. its like being kick out.
its not hard to qualify as what u had stated. we added most people. only a couple just holding on for awhile only.
thanks sparkle bee

i have eaten durian several times nw, but alwaz limit to few seeds for fear baby is too big..

do you all have any idea when does the gynae start measuring the bb's weight?
mami B: from what i have learnt. dang gui is strictly no no...but dang shen is fine de.
i been drinking dang shen for my past 2 pregnancies, i find it good, i have energy and more jing shen after that.
but of cos everything in moderation.
Is the baby plus really works?
Feel like buying one to try but scared when reach me too late to use.

My gynae asked me to monitor my bb kicks this week at wk 17. He says for second one usually early. Ask me count 10 times a day. But so far I monitor, bb seldom kick, is it a concern now?

me too. nowadays like cant walk for too long liao. dun know whether its becoz of age or hormones again? are anyone of u still having dreams in the nite?
