(2013/05) May 2013

Is it because the stomach expand, so push the belly button out?

no line yet but got blue black from the insulin jab

Worried: my belly button did pop out. It's still inner.

Iko: wah I cannot leh avoid chili stuffs. I'm so crave for mala lor! Lol

Detailed scan done!
The lady told me that baby is downwards doing a somersault -.- but she show me like baby half of her eye n mouth I see le I'm like omg can see very clearly! Can see her eye ball this n that. Then she told me if later still upstairs down need to go walk walk so cross finger/

Then she scan below its clearly is a gal! I look at my hub face like sian sian. Duno he Li siao me or what. Cus he keep dreaming yday he got a boy! Lol so after the lady take measurement my little gal Heng in position wah I can see clearly her face! N finishing soon. My hub still ask.. So confirm is a gal huh. Faints I told him u wana ask how many times sia! Lol funny la him. Now need to wait til next year to see my gynea, hope that the detail scan pass! Lol oh ya baby now about 12-13cm from backside to head hehe
good for you. so long as bb is growing well. i have to wait till next year for my detailed scan.
i also like chilli stuff! but also try to put abit less liao, dun know whether will affect bb or not, so try not to take so much
Worried: haha me n my gal happy is a Mei Mei hub is like Zzz lol but I know he also bo pian but scare if he scare another one is gal he will faint haha so funny. Ya the mala sometimes I try to eat once in the blue moon Lo. Like maybe 1 week once ba lol
fabbie - congrats on having a bb girl :D
so cute lor doing somersault.

Belly button - mine is not popped out. I got stitches there cos of keyhole surgery previously though. Must the belly button pop out during pregnancy?
i long time never take mala liao. only take those normal spicy food. i love spicy food! but now with the bloatedness, guess have to cut down again
Iku: u r right.. OK shall go look for comedy.. Hee!

Fabbie: cuz throat not v good.. if not I take spicy stuff everyday lo.. Hee!
fabbie: Congrats on having a girl!! think your hubby scared he out outnumbered by the girls in the family!
I can't wait for my detailed scan on 19 Dec!

Belly button: mine still a inner. #1 was a inner too.
Thanks Chrio ^^ i dont think is a must pop out ba.. i think later part will pop out yourself..

worried79: u can control? i cannot wor.. when i want to eat chilli i must eat! if not i will drool n drool for no reason LOL

iko: oooh.. sad. if not u can enjoy hahah but got good and bad la. i always eat mala my tummy will jiao n jiao lol but if ya not used to it like my hub can lausai after eating. faints.

Charliebrown: thanks ya my hub say later 3rd one is gal.. then nvm. later try another on 4th one is also gal he can go ki siao. haha i started laffing non stop. I forget my no.1 detail scan is like how. but this time i can see very very clear my little gal's face! wah.. is like looking at u one lor.. then one period i saw her jerk abit i can feel my tummy move also. so amazing! just cross finger hope my detail scan can passed! i cant wait to see my gynea also.. cus thats when i can see her photo. hehehe
haiz, seems like most of you have known the gender of the bb. I still got to wait till 22 Dec and hopefully, he/she will be cooperative this time.
hello! Been so busy lately

chiro, charliebrown
don't think it matters about the belly button bit right? But I know mine would definitely pop out. It's quite ugly actually. Urgh. Haha.

I have a few packs of samples but this time round i can't really take milk. Btw, have you checked how much calories those materna milk has? Hehee. Drinking any type of milk would be good enough. Actually I can't help but wonder if these companies first get expectant moms to drink milk, then it'll be an easier transition for these moms to give their kids formula milk when baby's out. Maybe I'm too paranoid lah but i really believe these FM companies are out to squeeze every penny from us by promoting their formula milk for both moms & babies. No offence ya, just my personal thoughts
pinktulip: no leh.. but i bot a tin.. so i have to drink.. bo bian.. haha!! i also scare i cant take milk.. that's y i drag until now then start drinking.. i guess i'll just finished this tin n that's it.. i was more hardworking during my #1.. lolz!
pinktulip: i cant stomach those mum milk lor...it will make me put on more weight...
i am drinking meiji...i think its fine.

eh...i wanna know my bb gender...to me its fated.
even is its a boy also bo bian...end of my factory production anyway...
still can control leh. but as i said, every meal must have abit of chilli one. i also love mala food, i think all ladies like spicy food one rite?? haha

regarding belly button, at least charliebrown same case as me. i see majority preggy mummies have their button pop out one, i m like the odd one.

as for maternity milk, i took them for my #1. but my gynae says its very fattening one. so i just still to my normal HL milk for calcium. i still have one can of similac, free one given by TMC when i sign up for SBI card. i think up to individual, if u are slim, good to take maternity milk
i also haven't know yet. onlyweek 15. i think still early bah.

tmr will be seeing the gynae, hopefully bb cooperative.

my SILgot give me those maternity milk but i yet to drink because i scare got high sugar. Occasionally i go for unsweeten soya milk.

take calcium + multi vit still need to take milk mah?
I don't hv belly button pop out for both preg. It depends ba cos I saw some of my colleague got the pop out. So far they expect boy and their belly button is popped out
hmm.. i tried the similac maternity milk but i don't really like the taste. I prefer fresh milk than powdered.
Nice that u gals know the gender and your hubby don't mind.... Mine insisted on a boy... When I jokingly told him pple dreamt it was a gal, he frown n say "I think the person see wrongly in the dream".... I am so worried if really gal will he reject? Check up this sat... Keeping fingers cross :X
Wai Wai, actually girl or boy is the same. As long as the baby is healthy, that is the most important. Maybe, he prefer a boy now but perspective will change along the way. Look on the bright side.
Wah i cant eat without chili. I must must have chili. Lol!!
And must have the right type of chili for different types of food.
Am very serious abt my chili hahaha. I even bring my own special tobasco sauce to The Line oyster buffet so that incan enjoy my oysters my way :p for steamboat, i never ever use supermarket chili. I will concoct my own ultra spicy chili sauce which goes well with the fishballs, seafood and meats.

I never really cut down on chili when i am pregnant. Not for no 1 or no 2. Not for this no 3 either. I hear alot of people say dont eat so spicy etc. i think their stomach cannot take it so they think its not good for baby etc. i m a little bit immune to chili le. Tummy also immune. I wouldnt take raw food for fesr of bacteria but chili is a vegetable. Dont see why cannot eat. Hehe...
Hubby on leave today. Thinking of watching movie together.
Maybe the aaron kwok one. Feeling a bit drowsy. Just puked twice and ate a sweet potato for brekkie. Later gonna eat fishball noodle at the market.

Hate the drowsy feeling. Any of u still taking progesterone??? My gynae is insisting i take it til 37 weeks!?!? Its killing me. Two a night.
;( plus its so expensive at this gynae. I pay $2 a pill. My fren say KKH only $0.80 per pill.
i got this ex colleague who is from China/sichuan. After she pregnant, she cannot take chilli at all. Last time, she is no chilli will die that kind.
ManiB, yes dr lim utrogestan is damn ex. Before preggy he quoted me about $58 per box. I did not buy from him. I went to my ex gynae there and bought only $28 per box.
I told the reception I can buy outside cheaper, u know what she says... She said how much, maybe u tell me the price I see if the doctor can match the price for u.
I am like wah can like tat meh anyhow...
morning mummies

thats what my gynae told me lor. if all the fats goes to bb then nvm. but we cant control, what if majority goes to us? he says so long as we eat healthily with fruits, fish, meat and vegetables, then need not worry too much abt all those supplements
Good morning! TGIF!

For milk intake, I am taking Meiji low fat milk. This is my fav milk. Last time I tried those mummy milk samples before, and I find them very sweet, esp Similac one. The Annum one I think not that bad.

pinktulip: I think is ok to have either inner or outer belly button. haha.
I also take chillies, dn think it will affect our bbs. I noticed u like fishballs too. Hope u'll feel better n have a gd date with ur hb.

I'm also drinking lo fat fresh milk but bt not on regular basis. As I'm taking calcium in am can't mix these two together. Milk makes me feels bloated too, didn't dare to drink at night. Any mummies feel bloated after drinking milk? I know some food produce wind too like brocoli n cabbage.
i m also drinking those low fat milk, i m taking HL Milk. Last time i used to drink daily, but now very irregular, like once every few days only. Yah, i do feel bloated after taking milk. Bloatedness has become my friend liao, staying with me everyday....
My bloateness stopped after 1st tri. Only some food I eat will cause it. Hope ur bloatedness be gone soon.
mine also stopped after 1st trimster. then it sudddenly came back to visit me, decided to stay for long? oh dear. i m starting to have better appetite liao, but will always feel very bloated after each meal. terrible feeling
Novs, as long as its properly cooked. Why not?? Lol!!
At least ur craving can be settled. Mine is hopeless. I want raw oysters so badly!!!!!!!
is egg tart okie? this is cooked 1 right?

today see cooking show and super got craving.

yeah can see bb later. Hopefully i can end work on time!
Bkkk, dr lim will match the price????? Thats insane leh...i think he really charge way too much
but i want to stick to him cos his csec skills is legendary. Sigh....
Asked my maid to cook mee suah for me for brekkie in the end. Really yummy. Juicy Shitake mushrooms with cai xin and two eggs in chicken soup broth. No meat but still tasty and satisfying. Chili padi in light sauce n freshly squeezed lime.

Think eating at home is still the best.
hi everyone...

i heard that if u are carrying a gal, yr belly button wont pop out, but if you are carrying a boy, your belly button will pop out.

Dont know how true is that...

Anyway, need your advice on CL stuff again! i'm getting my CL from an agency and they have this 'tonic' pkg which we can buy which gives certain tonics suitable for pregnancy... So presumably, the CL will cook using these tonics... Anyone tried it? Is it good?
Mami: u r so cute! V serious abt chilli.. hk ppl cannot take spicy.. so we bring our own chilli padis out too!! Haha!! So can u imagine How e Tom yam will taste here.. yucky!!
fool4love: no leh, my #1 is a boy, belly button was a inner

Mami: your description about food always makes me hungry!!

Chilli: I also chilli eater. My hubby is an expert chilli eater! That time we went Australia, we tabao our chilli padi cos there hard to find.
ManiB, yea his med are damn ex. If can just buy outside. I also nv buy fish oil from him. I know he always mark up his price for med... No packaging but I managed to find out the name then buy outside. If u realize his ultrogestan also no box de ok, maybe he dun wan ppl to know wat brand...
One box actually only 15 pills. So imagine he sell me $58 per box. Crazy price..

Not true on belly button popping out if boy.
My buttons pop out for my #1. girl . Now also girl, I see popping any time.

Fool4love, not sure abt taking a tonic package. Likely the CL agency profits from the tonics as well so u likely get a better deal at a medical hall. Alot of the tonics which we need are quite expensive and have so many different grades. U may end up paying top dollars for low grade herbs cos u cant tell te difference. Better go to a trust worthy medical hall to buy these things.

My sil delivering these few days le... My mil standby all the tonics and herbs. Hehe.. She asked me if i want the ginger tea. I said YES immediately!! Lol!!
