(2013/05) May 2013

JC : yes , wow we are in the same class ! Who is ur doc? Mine is dr chew , male doc .

Omg I am already 63 kg . Anyway we can gain ard 10 kg

Confinement Nanny Work Permit
I found this information on MOM:


Seems like it's compulsory though.

tsm - At least got receipt to show u. As long she works well during your confinement then it will be worth it. =)

2ks - I see, thanks for the information on the CL!
You give birth to 2 le so 58kg seems quite ok leh. 45kg...you must be super super slim before pregnancy *_*

rejoy28 - Ah ok thanks for the information. Cos not familiar with the charges, there's PD fees, gynae delivery fee etc. I try to find the paper and share the charges here.

JC - How many lessons do you have for your antenatal class? Mine starting in Feb, really is going to be 3rd trimester already.
think m the heaviest here, m already 67. bt before preggy m already ard there... haha... m fat fat type...

dian tang: depends on if u are under, over or just nice before preggy. if u are under, can gain up to 20-23kg(depends on hw under), over, ard 6-12 (depends on hw over)and if normal, ard 15-18.
Dian tang : ^5, u r the only person i know that will deliver at NUH. Mine is Dr Chua, female doc.

i am overweight, so doc say only can put on around 10kg. weight should all go to BB and not the mum.
First day I went to see endocrinology, got prick reading is 4.9. Say very good. But what do u mean by test past 3 months history.?
errr...the nurse ask me take this prick test than put in a machine to process. it will test the reading of average past 3 months. So if it is high, means that you already have diabetics.

it is not the prick test that u do daily one.
Chiro, ya agreed with u. hope she will do well!
which antenatal class u attend? Mine oso commence in Feb wor.

I was 45kg b4 preg and now oledy 49kg.
Hopefully can gain 1kg each mth till delivery....hehe ard 10kg for this pregnancy .
i put on almost 16kg during #1 time lor!
jump from S to L...so sad..
2nd one i put on less cos already expanded and cannot get rid of the previous fat leftover leh.
rejoy, i am not far. is currently 60kg. didnt gain or lose any to date. doc says must gain. shd not be same, hence since i saw doc two weeks ago, i try eat more. i hope i dun gain too much. last pregnancy, i gained abt 10kg from 55kg. after preganancy, faiiled to lose all. ended up 58kg and over time, creep up to 60kg.
JC, oh I nv do that machine test leh, I think I shd do cos I am curious to knoe if it happen before I preggy anot. Ok shall ask during my next check up. Tks for letting me know.
no problem....dun worry yr readings are good. if you eat something good, just remember to walk more.
tsm - I'm attending the thomson medical one, the famed wong boh boi class as recommended by so many ppl in the forums. I find it quite expensive though, paid $360+ for Sunday classes.

Want to ask about the diabetic test, cos my gynae never mentioned this so far.
Need to pee on a blue/yellow tinted strip when I went for the last appt, then they said will need to do this every visit from now onwards. But dunno what's that for. Pee liao the strip still looks the same, and the assistant just glanced and asked me threw away.
2ks lol. Hahaha but my butt is quite big I don't like! Haha but like bbk say ya weight not bad le n somemore is no.3

Detail scan:
Sian my appt is 11am they say today will delay abit. Zzz sian of waiting..... Can't wait to see baby later! ^^
Chiro: if it is always the same, you sld be super happy, that means no sugar in the urine.
Chiro, haahaa, me too! but mine is Sat classes.

Strip test: yup same same! they asked me to pee on the strip every visit, and told me threw away aft glanced by the assistant.
I dunno wat is the difference so the last recent visit i asked the assistant, then she asked me to check myself the colour changes.
My gynae said no need to do any test wor since i hv do the urine strip test....
2Ks, what is your height? I am about 1.6m and already 60kg...sobz..i need more nicer clothes but difficult to find nice maternity wears.

And recently, i think my appetite has grown. So i am anticipating my weight gain to pick up during this trimester. Hope all the weight will be passed to bb and not me. *_*
ikuko, m 1.6m too.. before marriage m 55kg, then after marriage, slowly slowly gain to 65kg, then preggy, gain 10kg, after that, only go back to 67kg.. sob sob....

i already start to wear my maternity clothes when m 2 mths preggy... i look like m 5mths preggy now...
ok today ONLY i feel slimmer ok...lol

ikuko: very short lor! only 1.55m...told u short and fat. now cannot wear my 3 inches...look lagi short
Oooohhh so that's like a test for urine sugar strip test ar... lol I din know, the assistants always busy attending to patients etc no chance to ask.

fabbie - later update us on the detailed scan!

tsm - hope we learn a lot from mdm wong boh boi hehe.
Re Urine stick:I detected some colour change dur my last visit , dr ask said slight high sugar content . He ask if I ate a lot of sweet things recently . So no change in urine stick is good sign .
dian tang - slightly high sugar think still can control right? maybe try to walk more and cut down on sugar drinks etc?
Wah all the 2nd/3rd mommies are maintaing their weight well! This is my 1st and although I only gained 1kg so far, Im already 64kg at 1.57m! Faint..haha. Am hoping to go slow and steady for the weight gain. And then lose all through bf after bb comes!

Will ask gynae on my next visit what range of weight gain should I be expecting...
Mummies here

do u all still have the bloated feeling? although my appetite is slightly better, for the few days, the bloatedness feeling is back again.....
iku: what kdrama r u chasing now?? i'm chasing FAITH.. drooling over Lee Min Ho.. heehee!!

2K: ya lo.. if only the guys can share our bf burden.. everything also we girls suffer.. haiz~~ luckily my hubby is very hands-on type.. if not i sure depressed..

fabbie/mami: i was eating non-stop before my flu.. now i'm still recovering.. so i'm avoiding fried n spicy food.. i forgot to ask what was my weight during my last visit.. actually i was not hungry.. more of tam chia.. lolz!

ermmm.. y r we discussing our weight n height now.. lolz!! my pre pre pregnancy weight was 50kg.. pre pregnancy weight was ard 53kg.. now dunno wat.. haha!
Chiro: sign I have bleeding last week so I have to bed rest for next few weeks . The only sweet drinks I could think of are Yakult , prune juice . Hope the urine stick could be normal at the next visit
dian tang: during my last visit to the doctor, i ask him if i can drink yakult or vitagen, he says yes but take note that the sugar contents is high. if possible drink those less sugar type.
iko0508, i am actually quite lagging one. Now chasing Scent of a Woman by Kim Sun Ah, one of my fav Korean Actress. The leading man also quite cute. lol,now we must watch more good looking ppl.
iku: ya man.. but that show so so only.. she has another new show called I Do I do.. dunno nice or not.. yes yes.. good looking pple.. yummy!!
Hello Mummies.. Im new to this forum and preggy with 1st..
Not sure which post I should start.. but i guess this is meant for those edd is May 2013??
Re: weight gain
iko0508: you dont gain much weight actually just 3 kg. I tried to loss weight every time after birth. I tried to slim down then went down to abt 55kg which is the pre pregnancy weight now i think im about 63. Gain abt 8kg so far.

ikuko: oh ya must c more good looking ppl
though i hvnt download any movies shall try to download over the wkend!
For my #1, my pre weight is 53kg. I gained 13kg total. After 2 mths after delivery I lost all. Throughout the 3yrs , I gained another 3kg.
So now my pre weight is 56kg. And I gained 2kg going 3kg soon. I hope I dun exceed 66kg
Worried 79, my appetite is getting better too. My Bloatedness is gone not like previous. But also cannot eat too full if not very uncomfy.
But very funny when I go toilet I sure make the vomit sound.
worried79 - I still have the bloated feeling constantly, and can't take a full meal yet. If can finish a bowl of noodles or half a bowl of rice considered v good le.

dian tang - ah then you must have a good rest! Hope next check everything will be ok.
iko508, i think i do i do will be nicer than Scent of A Woman cos got some humor element. I feel Scent is abit slow and sad.

Also, now i think we must watch more comedy than those soap dramas.. must be happier so next time our bbs will be a happy kid.

On a side note, does anyone of you have a dark line forming across your tummy?
my bloatedness feeling actually disappeared for abit 2 weeks. and i was sort of enjoying my meals for the past week until it came back to visit me for these few days. i have a feeling its going to last for awhile. really dun like it. although it seems better now, at least i have appetite to each, but the after effect of feeling bloated is really terrible...
ikuko: u referring to linea nigra? for me #1 mine very obvious and the belly button pop out until i must stick plaster lor!
but #2 no linea nigra and no belly button pop out
maybe still early to say for #3
Vicvic, it seems to be getting darker by the day right? Also, i realised a few more moles also start popping out....
ikuko : ya getting darker. but the disturbing part is the hair growing along that line. can fight with those on my arms/legs now. >.< to think of it, my whole tummy is getting hairy! I got more moles too.

2K : when does your belly button starts to pop for #1? I can feel abit of mine popping out already. im wk 15 now.
2Ks, after the belly button pops out during pregnancy, does it go back to normal after that?

Btw, any mummy knows where i can get the Tommee Tippee double electric pumps?
vicvic: eh...i cant remember leh...4 years back already. but i think when tummy quite big, should be around 6 months.

ikuko: after delivery the belly button went back to normal..
i remember i wear clothes very ugly lor..thus i stick a plaster on it..LOL.
do u know why belly button will pop out?
for my #1, mine did not pop out. and it dun look like it will pop out for this current one. but i see that its quite common to have belly button pop out
