(2013/04) April 2013

hello mummies.just curious..issit okie to eat pig organ soup during pregnancy? i know we cant eat liver so if skip this..issit still safe to eat? hehe..cos suddenly got craving..

shhh ,

Ya sashima is my favourite ....gonna to stop at least for a year ...I better be good mummy :p

Angela ,
Ah i see hahah
so nice to go holiday was suppose to go for getaway next week but cos still during 1st trimster I better stay where am I until later on 2nd trimster

Welcome Carelinwen

huiling ,
I was told better dun eat :p for early stage
Jo: Coz I booked my air tix etc many months back and my in-laws are coming along too, so we cannot cancel the holiday. During my 1st pregnancy, I also booked air tix to go Indonesia for holiday, but because that one is more like an adventure tour, I had no choice but to forfeit everything. But it's always good to get clearance from gynae before going. =)
Nothing wrong with sashimi, raw eggs etc if the food is fresh and prep is clean. However, these items can be easily contaminated with bacteria. And if we eat them raw/half-cooked, the bacteria is not destroyed by the cooking process.

Pregnant women and fetuses are more vulnerable if food is contaminated so most people advise us to avoid such foods.

But if you assess that the risk is low and you decide to eat, then it's okay as that's your personal choice.
carelinwen: I agree with you. For my 1st pregnancy, I was also constantly craving for sashimi. A few days before I went for my caesarean, I asked my gynae (again) why I cannot eat. He said actually can eat, but we run the risk of having diarrhoea from food contamination. Unless we eat from established restaurants, or else we shouldn't take the risk at all. On that day after the gynae visit, I went to Sakae Sushi and ate all the sashimi that they have until satisfied. =P
Actually for sashimi/seafood, I'm also concerned that the huge fishes (tuna, swordfish) can contain higher amounts of heavy metals (like mercury) - esp in the fatty tuna belly meat.

The levels do not affect us adults much if eaten in moderation. But do watch your intake as a baby's development can be severely affected by heavy metals.
Yeah, contaminated raw foods can cause listeria in our babies when they are born... increasing risk of death... so as long as food is super fresh and clean, can go ahead. But my gynae says, if in doubt, then don't eat it
Hi all,

thanks the reassurance about the cramps and pain. thankfully I don't have bleeding and all these have stopped. Can't wait for this coming Saturday then I'll be 12 weeks!

I'm currently in the states for 2 months.. won't be back in SG until Nov. Just wondering if anyone knows of what baby stuff to get her that might be cheap?

there are plenty to buy in US compare getting in Singapore...clothings especially hahah if I`m there I will ship in in cartons ...

Take care and see you more often here
Everything! Yes clothings, Thermometer, pyjamas, funtainers, toothbrush, u go to target or other mega marts shd be able to find a lot! It's so much cheaper plus 100% cuter!!! If I were u I will stock up essentials till 1 yr old haha.
alot of cheap things in US, like baby plus (if u intend to use it. if i am not wrong only ard S$80-100 there, singapore selling 200+), jumperoo (only around SGD80-100. in singapore selling ard $280). excersaucer (only ard 50-70, here selling ard $200). leapfrog education CD, educational toys, all little tikes toys, fisher price, leapfrog, educational CD, vitamins, cream, etc. Plus Madela advance freestyle breast pump only ard SGD400-500 there, singapore selling S$800-900. i had all these for my no 1, so roughly i still remember the price LOL
Happy shopping!!!
Hi all
Thanks jo, seems like milo I can tahan but must be KOsong lol.
My Oscar is next week mon, I read somewhere if it's boy can see already ah? Is it true?
Yest I had strong urge to eat herbal chicken. My hubby Dabao for me but the plastic smell was really horrid, I immediately threw up violently end up my hubby ate it. After eating it he also say like got plastic taste. So somehow I think baby reject it cos mayb the plastic melted? So on a positive side our sensitivity is gd for us and baby?
Wongval: You may want to visit the outlets for Carters and Osh Kosh baby clothings. The price here is insane. =)

Macam: Try not to take too much herbal stuff as I read that it can have some effect on baby. Go by your instinct. If the plastic smells bad, then probably you shouldn't touch it just in case the toxins got to the food.
Ya.. While asking the question abt raw eggs to my gynae, my gynae said it is ok to eat raw eggs but asked me why on earth would i wanna eat raw eggs for :p hahahhha he has a dry sense of humor i must say

Wongval.. Enjoy your stay in US... Heard that its a shopping haven especially for bb stuff
Tip for you. Go sign up your email with those shops & brands the others mentioned. Can get coupons to save more when you buy. I tested positive just before I returned from US. I did not buy anything as not stable/confirmed yet and I was busying packing, if not I would have shipped boxes of stuff back.
The thread is so quiet today. Hmmmm...

I'm feeling really sleepy and tired today. Kept yawning non-stop. Colleagues also give me grief at work. Really feel like just walking out of the office and go home and sleep. =(
Me lo... I'm breathless running after my toddler.. Until now i just let him roam freely... Bo chap liao.... Just doing a simple chore seems so taxing...
junebunny: Ok, good to know I'm not alone. Me too, nowadays I talk to my gal also tired. She don't even want me to carry her now and keep bugging my hubby. Muahahahaah!

Are you a stay at home mummy?
Angela... No lei.. I'm not a sahm... But for these few days gotta stay home as my mum who takes care of my son is away for holiday.. So i have to stay home... Plus my hb goes out early to work and comes back so late because of f1 and jam..... By the time he comes home my bb zzzz liao... Hahahhahaa so i am v happy to put my bb to nap in the day... He still naps alot so i am qute happy
Yeah, super tiring to be pregnant and have a toddler running around. My son woke up this morning with a fever, and was super cranky and clingy to me all day. So tiring to carry him... He's already 13kg! Hope he'll be better tmr :/
Thanks ladies for the tips! Aiyah! the last time I saw my O&G in Singapore I was week 8. Now week 11 going to week 12, but dunno if all is ok. I tried booking an appointment to see someone here in the states but guess how much a normal appointment is..$700-$1200 USD!!!!

I think I might rent a baby doppler to check. I don't feel pregnant! No MS, nothing lei... :S

Chelz, how did you manage to ship everything back? Shipping cost must be so huge!! I still haven't told our parents yet.. Dare not celebrate until past 1st trimester.

Thanks Carelinwen
That's a very good idea to give my email add. Amazon now has 50% sale on all baby and maternity items too!

I was looking at buying breastfeeding pillow and Baby carrier here.. anyone has feedback on which brand is good?

ThankS ! Hope everyone is doing well! Few more days/weeks to our second trimester!
Shhh ,

Yes extremely tired ....moreover with a cranky baby . Like my son nowadays got to drag him up from the bed ....which I used to carry him into the bathroom so every morning the cranky episode will happen ...sigh
hope he recover fast

And today FIL need to go out early so no car ..got to bus to his childcare ...wanna me to carry him ...his face was so black when I told him Mummy got no energy cos carry so many of his stuffs .His face was super long and black :p

Val ,
haha come to shopping woman will just go crazy and try all ways to bring back all the stuffs .
My galfrez`s hubby was posted there for a year ...haha she actually bought the clothings Pj for the kids like 2 yrs supply .
Shhh: Can understand how you feel. I haven't carried my gal for the past week and feel really guilty and bad about it. But I have been feeling very unwell and just don't feel like doing anything. But thank god she's pretty sweet and would pat me and my tummy when I am lying in bed.

wongval: OMG! It's so ex to see a gynae in US! But if you feel weird or something, it'll be good if you could get some professional advice somewhere. Maybe find out where and what would be a cheaper alternative? Hope everything is fine for you.

I'm feeling sicker and sicker by the way. Still got 3 and a half weeks to 2nd tri. Wanna cry liao. Even my 100 plus is not working anymore. I can't drink anything at all. Probably shift my gynae appointment to this weekend instead so that I can get this puking and water episode over soon.
Angela ,

Ya see your gynae and see what he can give you

Oh no cannot take 100plus as well ...you can`t drink what about having fruits ...are you eating well ?

I can`t wait for next week to see the beanie again
Jo: I can eat light breakfast and lunch but not dinner. My MS is usually in the evening and night. Even if I eat a little bit, everything still comes out. Called my gynae clinic just now and asked for an appointment this sat. Told them I may need to drip as I can't drink anything, so they arranged the 1st appointment for me.
Angela ,

but you are still okie you can intake breakfast and lunch .Maybe try to take soupy stuffs

TGIF is coming ....finally this week a bit draggy ...
Jo: Ya, thank god for that. Feel so lethargic if I don't eat anything. I miss gold coast. I felt so much better when I was there. All these puking started the moment I came back! =(
2 pax is 60kg (30kg/ pax). so still ok. Otherwise even though u factor in the shipping cost, the total cost will still cheaper than here.
junebunny: Try to take food in small portions. Dry crackers tend to help too. Take more calcium and protein as it can help in MS as well. I have been taking a lot of calcium like cheese and milk and my MS is not as bad as before, though I can't help it wit the bland/bitter taste in the mouth.

Sam: I think the topping is raw coconut. Eat liao then remembered coconut is cooling. Anyway there's nothing I can do about it since I've finished eating everything.
A bit of sharing...

I'm a father, my number 2 edd is currently fix on 24 apr 2013. Have a 19month gal at home.

My wife deliver her on dec 2010 at Parkway east by Doc Heng TL.

A very gd gynas and she handle my wife complication very well....the reason why we choose KKH is because of the huge medical bill during her last delivery due to complication.. Everything was gd, but my wife just dont like the nurse at parkway east when handling emergency.

Btw, any mother from DEC 2010?

Nick Name: victory
BB#: 2
EDD: 24.4.2013
Gynae: June Tan
Hospital: TPS (KKH)
USD700-1200 for gynae visit is very expensive. I think Joyce0310 (one of April 2013 MTB) is based in US. You might want to check with her how much she is paying for gynae consultation.
Thanks Jo and Angela. Angela: So sweet, your girl likes to pat your tummy. I don't think my boy fully understands that a new baby is on the way, even though we've told him. He agrees to "kiss kiss" my belly, but I think he does it because he thinks it's fun!
Hi victory, I choose dr heng tun lan from parkway east hospital coz heard a lot good comment, may I know Wat complication ur wife previously had? Issit very expensive? And u mention the nurse, issit not good? If u not comfortable to share is ok, this my 1st so I kinda kan cheong
Hi mummies, I went for my 8 weeks appt. the doc did not detect heartbeat and told me its bad news, going to schedule d&c next week.

I'm praying for a miracle. I don't want to just give up hope on my baby like that..

Any mums out there who didn't detect heartbeat till later than 8 weeks, and go on to have healthy babies?? I could use any glimmer of hope right now. TIA
Hi pepper,

Ask for detailed scan before you decide to D&C.

I had D&C end of March this year. Gynae cant detect hb at 9th weeks. Went to few gynae for 2nd & 3rd opinion. Actually one of them has suggested for D & C when I was only 6 weeks plus. The other gynae suggested to wait until 8 weeks, then have a detailed scan.

My detailed scan was done in Gleaneagles hospital not at the clinic gynae.

All of the best! hope you will see the heartbeat soon.
Chelz: sorry to hear about that.. What is a detailed scan? I had ultrasound via tummy and no heartbeat was detected.

Haiz.. I cried so hard when I heard from my doctor, as this is my #1 pregnancy. Children are really blessings from God. Well, so glad you are expecting now - it also give me some encouragement. Jia you!
pepper: Do a vaginal scan instead to be sure. It's not uncomfortable. Sometimes tummy scan can't detect heart beat if you're still too early ie. not 8 weeks yet. Could you have ovulated late?
detailed scan that I had before D&C is located at same place & same process with the 20th weeks detailed scan for my # 1 (he is 26 mths now).
they will measure the sac, foetus (if any), heartbeat (if any), dimension etc. eventhough no hb found during the vaginal U/S scan, my gynae want to be more confirm with hospital detailed scan before D&C.

I also had chromosome test to check the caused of no hb. so sad to found out it's a baby boy.

hope u will see yr bb hb soon.
Ica: I used online edd calculator based on LMP. Mine is 22 July, so I'm supposed to be 8 weeks now.
My gynae also never say how many weeks I really am. I also forgot to ask - blur I'm first-time preggy.
She did mention it's about 4mm in size.
Chelz: thank you, may I know who is your gynae? I like that he/she doesnt give up without a fight.
So sad I cried again when I read about your bb boy.
