(2013/04) April 2013

Hi All..

I just found out I am pregnant with no 3. Based on last menses.. my edd should be 29 april 2013.
Hope to share and get more info from all of you..!

Welcome, Im also with #3. Wonder how am I gonna cope??? Think wont have time to sleep lor
Morning mommies!

This morning, i vomitted at the mrt platform. Luckily I was well-prepared with plastic bags and tissue papers if not jialat! But stupid lo, after that gotta exit the stn then can throw the rubbish away. My ms is getting worse!

Haze is back! Damn sien, my son started to have some dry cough wonder if its due to the haze?

BTW mommies, I'm abit kiasu but can't resist looking at baby clothes!

Carters 50% Baby Sale:

Some items are darn cheap!
Morning mummies! Can't wait for 1pm to come and get out of the office! Wooohooooo!

Welcome to the April thread Aisah!

Rachel: Nope, I work for a local Company. Everything is disabled - USB port, CD player etc. But good that we have nearly full internet access. =)

The haze is not as bad as yesterday for today, but still can smell it. I've pulled all the curtains and closed all the windows in my house and on all the fan as I feel like puking the moment I smell the haze. Hubby was thinking I'm mad. But I told him he won't understand how I feel since he's not the preggie one.
Welcome Aisah

Sam, I think with #2 I alrdy can't cope .. Definitely closing factory no matter which gender -_-
Chinese calendar say its a girl, my girl say she wants didi

I like Carter's too very comfy that time I bought for my girl rompers in US only ard $4 on sale here departmental store is crazily expensive!
The haze is really bad indeed. Feeling breathless and dizzy all the time. So very tired

Just wondering, how many of you are still actively having sex with hb?
Carters can definitely last for a long while. In fact 95% of my gal's clothes are Carters as it's very comfortable and doesn't go out of shape after many washes. And the size is just right for Asians!

Shirelle: Me no *hick hick* with hubby already. Coz my MS is in the evenings and by night time I want to puke. No mood for anything else except sleep. =P
Yah I love Carters! They material is very comfy and high quality. Haha I won't even step into the Carters/Osh Kosh boutique in S'pore cos they are indeed crazily expensive! It would be nice for someone to buy from US cos it's MUCH cheaper there, save on shopping too!

My colleague who is 5-month pregnant is hospitalized becos her water bag leaked. Doc has to sew her womb back cos her baby won't be able to survive if she were to give birth now. Sounds so scary..I now appreciate more and more the fact that we are able to carry baby to full term, then give birth to them safe and sound. Thankful that we are pregnant now too. Really we gotta be very careful and do not over exert ourselves. Health and our beanies are the most important now!
Anyone here with no ms? I mc early tis yr with no ms. First child I ms like crazy but think it means good hormone level.
Should I be worried? Doc says wait till 8weeks then see her coz now too early, (I'm 6weeks). Sigh... Last time hate ms so much, now worried no ms.... Life is a conundrum lol...
Hand itchy liao right? Some will be able to tell the bb's gender by 3-4 month earliest. For now i could only look at those neutral designs/ colour! But dunno why I tend to look at boys design more than girls. *Hint?*

I agree! I love Carters! My son's too! 95% from Carters!
Thank you for the warm welcome! I am also very worried abt having no 3. It is unplanned and too soon. My no 2 just turn 1 in august..
I am just trying to think positively and hopefully I can survive!
No symptoms yet for me other than a bloated tummy and comments from ppl asking if I am preg. That was what that made me check.. hehe
Sania - welcome! Bravo for having the courage to have #3, think most of us will stop at 2 hehe...

Yay - lunch time soon! Having claypot chicken rice later. Enjoy ur lunch mommies!
I ran out of my antipuke med
thinking of going to the pharmacy to get since the medicine given by doctor is off-the-shelf medication. Feeling so terrible

rachel, ya! I've already bought some neutral clothings for newborn after first visit to gynae

Btw, the pregnancy pillow is quite useful. I can sleep better now. Dunno what material it's made off. I bought it at $60+ from Spring maternity. Didn't get the extremely big one cause I'm not very tall.
Any good lobang for cheap n nice bb clothings? My hands itchy too! I used to like Maxcool (from Kiddy Palace) & Fox Baby before finding my interest in Carters.

Sleeping position:
BTW talking about pregnancy pillow, is that really a need to buy such a pillow or can I just use normal pillows to support my back n bump? What is the best slping position for us? On our side? Cos i'm used to slping either on my tummy or on my back, scared pressed unto my baby le..any mommies can advise?
Rachel, I bought some baby clothings at Taka after gynae visit cause my dad gave us some vouchers. Better use before it expires haha.

Used to get carters and clothes from fox baby too - can be cheap if there's sales. Can try ON too, material is comfy. I reallyyyyyyy <3 chateau clothings but they r so expensive
Hi mtbs,

Had been busy with work and couldn't find time to log in the forum. So many posts and I couldn't catch up.

Seen my doc on wed and can see baby head and body. Doc said I am into my 9wks le. Hubby decided that we must go for oscar test coz he's not mentally prepared to bring an unhealthy child. Had been feeling moody before the scan till now.

Turuko: I also didn't have much MS, but starting from this week (wk 9), having slight headaches at the end of the day and some motion sickness due to my headache (I have history of migrane). Don't know whether is it coz I am feeling stressed for no reasons that caused all this.
Shirelle: We are still active. Only stop for 2 weeks (wk before and after 1st visit to gynea) cause got spotting. Gynea asked me to MC for a week that time.
Shirelle: I also like the preggie pillow! I bought a cheapo one from Giant at $25 when I had No. 1 and am still using now. =P Told hubby I can dump it after No. 2 coz it's erm....a bit smelly. Lol! But it does reduce back pain and supports the belly really well, especially during 3rd tri.
Just informed my boss this morning about the news and he was very happy for me. He totally understand that it's not good for me to travel to India and our culture about the 3 months thing. So we will make the necessary changes to let my colleagues handle the india trip after my oscar results.
bb burger: Your gynea gave u the option to go or not for OSCAR? My gynea just told us she will arrange and never give us the option.
My husband just told his boss yesterday that I'm pregnant. And asked if it is ok for him to take time off from work to accompany me to gynea. He just started work for 1 month + only and it's contract job so not much leave. His boss said no problem and even said that maybe can take 1 week off when work is not so busy to accompany me. Such a nice boss! I love his boss haha.
Lee: OSCAR is optional. Even if your gynae didn't say so, you can still opt not to go for it. But most gynaes will suggest this test. There are some mommies I know that skipped OSCAR and went straight for amniocentesis or cvs, due to maternal age, family history, etc. It's really up to you
Rachel: pregnancy pillow is not necessary. Any pillows will do.

The recommended sleeping position is on your left - it improves blood flow. Try to avoid sleeping on your back, especially toward the later months...but the only position that I was comfortable with during my 1st pregnancy was on my back! haha. as long as you get good sleep and pregnancy is going well, just sleep in the position that you're comfy with but definitely not on your tummy
Hello all and welcome new mummies on board.

I went for my un-scheduled scan today coz of the constant pelvic pressure and cramps. Given a jab to reduce my cramps. Doc didn't see anything wrong with my womb but suspected I have UTI. So I have to urine test done but need 3 days to get the result? I thought is to pee on the stick to diagnose.

Today baby measured at 2.6cm and about 9w3d. I have a qns, last Friday baby is measured at 2.5cm and 9w2d. Now a week has passed, baby only grow 1mm. Though my gynae said is still growing nothing to worry, I am just confused what week am I now? Any mummy can advise? Thanks
Just returned from lunch. Quickly asked hb to help me buy the anti-puke medicine; else can't stomach any food

Seems like many people on half day/full day leave today, office quite quiet. Wish I could rest at home too, but don't have much leave left... and it would be too much trouble to take unpaid leave as it has to go through approval from our Director zzz

yeah, it is finally TGIF!!! cant wait to knock off!!!

want to ask, i was puking quite badly earlier this week but no more puking yest and today. should i be worried? worried coz i experienced before the moment my ms suddenly gone, i had mc previously. now very paranoid. anyone can advise?
Lee: My gynae explained using powerpoints slides and wrote it on a paper on the two types of test and prices for us to consider. It's optional and the oscar test will be done at Thomson Medical Clinic. If we do it at his clinic, it will be at week 16 and accuracy % is 70-80 (if I didn't rem wrongly). Oscar test will be week 12 and 90%(or more) accuracate. I was hesitating to do, but my hubby wants me to do the test as he wants to be sure that our baby will be healthy.
Mareikebb, I have on/off nausea always also. I goggled and checked with my tcm, she said is quite common to have on/off symptoms. Days with no nausea, eat and enjoy your food. And it might just come Back suddenly de. Only worried if all symptoms are gone.

Is your gynae Dr Fong Yang too? U see him at paragon? Coz the scaning machine at tiong bahru is blurred. I can't see the anything except blurred image.
i dun have ms for #1.. same for #2. but will feel nauseous when i take bus.. will feel stomach always bloated. #1 time total dun feel like i'm preggy.. #2 so far only stomach bloated and keep burping gas out..
The stick test can't test for bacteria so the UTI must wait for at least 2 days.
I can't stomach anything again dunno when I can eat the anti vomit

Earlier on I also Hv alt days ms .. Take the chance eat more when better. Now I think I am going to be the 1st to die of preg sickness ....
Zenn zenn, I see Dr fong at Paragon as I find the clinic at tiong bahru too small and stuffy. ya, his machine at paragon better. But i think for now, if do tummy scan, image quality is compromised as compared to v-scan.

zenn zenn &amp; divein, relieved to know the ms is on and off. i still have the gagging feeling after brush teeth n feel abit bloated after eating. so should still be ok right?

divein, hang in there! a few more weeks to 2nd tri!!! jia you!
divein, yes. previously before doctor gave me the anti puke medicine, I was throwing up everything (including water that I drink) until there's only stomach acid
With the anti-puke med, it kinda helps. Will still puke some times and feel nauseous but at least I'm able to retain food and gain weight instead of losing.

can't wait till 2nd trimester.

I'm having such a terrible headache and nausea now, wanna go home!
bb burger: Ok thanks for the explaination. Gynea also never give us much information sigh.

Zenn zenn: Dont worry bah. Week is only estimated mah. Edd can also change one.
I really salute u still can go work ... Ur previous preg also so bad? Dunno is my body extremely weak can't take all this or wat .. Actually my #1 vomiting is worse .. #2 ms started 2 wks earlier bt vomiting like this is still okay compare to sat time bt maybe is older Liao can't take anymore
divein, no la. my #1 I felt tired all the time but only vomitted twice the entire pregnancy due to over-eating. I put on 20 kg for #1. Could eat a lot back then; my breakfast I ate 14 pieces of Mcdonalds hotcakes lol.

This pregnany is so different, tormenting me
I have to go work cause I can't be SAHM. It'll be so taxing to be single income with 2 kids, plus I'm the kind who can't stand staying at home
My Director doesn't really like when people take unpaid MC (we can't take unpaid leave without MC) so no choice, have to endure
Zenn zenn.. maybe the measurements wasn't clear enough that's Why..or maybe ur bb is growing but just slower..don't worry too much..just take gd care if urself and eat well So that bb can grow well..whens ur next checkup? See how's the growth When u go for next appt.. as long as bb is growing then u don't have to worry..but if bb not growing much then is no good..
Zenn zenn, try to take more protein. protein helps bb to grow. don't worry too much. the scan size is just an estimate. sometimes bb will grow faster but sometimes will grow slower. most importantly is that bb is growing.
just went to toilet to pass motion and there's fresh red blood. But I'm not sure if it's from vagina or anus... Haiz. called up the clinic and nurse advised me to observe whether there's blood stains on the panty liner. Hope it is ok.

Thanks Lee &amp; Divein. You gonna to take care

Shirley, my next scan is the scheduled scan on 17 sep. 1 week later.

Marrikebb: noted. Actually this week, I ate very little &amp; junk. Coz no appetite so I eat what I like. Maybe not nutritious enough.

Oops. Shirelle. Yes please monitor. If anything must go check immediately ok.
