(2013/04) April 2013

rachel, yes, thinking of seeing her. But, do u know if she is well versed in handling high risk preg? My preg is not that high risk but still risky as I've PCOS and my hormones levels need to be constantly checked, my blood pressure too, more than usual than others. So, I need to see a doc that knows how often to check and what to do.

Ok, later i go get a can. It's so cold and I think I'll freeze drinking the cold 100 plus.

About NUH...it's a horror story for my gal when she was admitted earlier this year. I find that the docs there really cannot make it. Well, I think it depends on luck coz my friend's 3 kids have no problem with the docs there but I had tonnes of problems.

To cut the long story short, my gal was at the A&E on one fateful morning where she got her hand jammed between the glass door at mac. We quickly brought her to NUH as it was the nearest hospital from west coast park. We told the A&E nurses that she jammed her left hand, but they go and check her right hand. Nevermind, after all the checks etc, they ask us to go home first then call us back to see if we need to go back to be admitted. Quite funny as usually hospitals will confirm everything is fine before they release you. THEN on the same day evening, my gal fell down and she cut her chin, inner and outer, and was bleeding excessively. We had to go A&E for the 2nd time in the day, and even though she was bleeding, they only put a gauze on the wound and never clean it up. The emergency doc said no big issue, just need to clean the wound and can go home. But my gal was crying non-stop and the wound was a very deep cut. I asked her again and again whether she's sure we can go home without any stitching? Coz my gal cry until very loudly, one PD came to see and told us this is not an ordinary cut, it's very deep so they have to get a plastic surgeon to do it under GA. I was so effing mad lor! What happened if we had gone home just like that? She will have a deep scar there forever! So end up we have to admit her in hospital, ding dong till 3 am, going to wheel her into op theatre, last min say cannot coz got accident case, so I said nevermind, I'll wait. Waited till 6am, still nothing. I was fed up I went to the ward nurse, hello, my gal's wound has been unattended since 9pm the previous night, now 9 hours liao, what happens if there is infection? Then they called the doc and the doc say, no prob, so long as it is within 12 hours, no prob. Fine lor, I waited till 8.30am, I got fed up and asked to see the doc. Doc came and I screamed at him, saying, look, it's coming to your 12 hours deadline. The wound wasn't cleaned, we are still waiting to go op theatre. If my gal is going to have this scar forever, who is going to take responsibility? Then they quickly wheel her in at 9am. That was the worst nightmare I ever had with a hospital. I regretted not bringing my gal to KKH earlier and put my gal throughout so much within a day. Talk about it also angry.
Angela I tried peppermint tea but please take in moderation. Also took lemon with warm water and honey too these help me the rest are just cmi.. Even my fav milo

Ocean! Me nuh too hehhehe can find some one fr nuh good good and yes it is NOT cheap ;) my bills the last round could fight any pte hospital n I was treated like a c ward patient but I am too afraid to change ;)
And the Pinoy nurses, piangz, really can faint. They said they want to administer paracetamol for fever, I shot back at them, does my gal have fever? They looked shocked, check the record again then diam. I said, the paracetamol is to stop the pain, not fever.

What kind of nurses they have at NUH, I wonder.

Sorry, I am really very anti-NUH, so I personally won't go there.

I don't think TPS has any package that includes all consultation and scans like those private ones. But since Dr. June Tan is a Snr Consultant at KKH, she shd be experienced enough but it's better for you to check with her directly..

BTW, how often should the gynae appts be during the first trimester? I called one private gynae earlier, and I was advised to go in for a chk every 2 weeks since bb is not that stable yet at this stage, so it's good to monitor more closely..shd I be more kiasu to see him in 2 weeks time? KKH is normally once a month le...any advice mommies?
Calm down...i think for hospitals, it really depends on heng suay one. Alot of ppl complain abt KKH, but so far hb and I were very happy with our exp in TPS with our #1, and our son was admitted to KKH when he was 5 months old for gastric flu, the docs and nurses were attentive enough too..Although their A & E gotta wait damn long, but isn't it the same for all A & E in S'pore?
Rachel: I have to agree that public hospitals are generally like that, but so far I don't have any bad experiences in terms of diagnosis or quality of healthcare with KKH except for long waiting time. My gal had a fall (her 3rd misfortune after the drama at NUH) shortly after the 1st 2 incidents and we brought her to KKH. The emergency docs there were very certain of what to do and what kind of treatment to be administered, so I was a lot more confident going back to them.

I had gone to NUH initially becoz they have a special children's emergency which i believe that NUH is able to deal with these problems effectively. However it had been disappointing.

Anyway I'm just sharing my experience there. If you all are fine with NUH, please go ahead, as like what Rachel said, it's a matter of heng suay one. Maybe I don't have good luck with NUH.
Angela, gosh! So traumatic and I felt very tired for you all just by reading the long chain of events that happened. I totally understand why u would avoid NUH. I always tell the people around me that it pays to be an educated patient. Not everything that is told to us by medical professionals maybe the right thing to do.

happymum, who was your doc? yes, it's very exp. Haven't pay anything yet (1st appt over there suppose to on 11 sept) but I'm already heart ache looking at the possible bill. lol

Rachel, really? Hmm... I think I will call KKH and find out coz' NUH has package starting from week 20. Regarding how often u shld see your doc in 1st tri, some docs say once a week (like my private doc coz' he is a little kia si which I like lol), some saty once every 2 weeks. Once a mth is also quite common. If you have no underlying issue, once a mth seems fine though if it was me, I'd think it's so long and will adjust to once every 2 weeks. Does KKH doc do a scan for every visit?
Angela: Yes, hi5!

KKH is the oldest hopsital in S'pore specializing in women and children ma, so they should be experienced enough even though some might be trainee doctors/ nurses...
Thanks ocean,
Luckily i took 2 days off as my MS is making me uncomfortable, Luckily my boss understands..
Doc says it could be stomach upset or colic then i search internet only babies and pregnant horses have leh.. Makes me puzzled.
Any idea if private gynea can ask for hospitailzation leave instead of MCs? im very short on MCs and Leave already, haiz sian....

yes, scan at every visit...My first gynae visit at TPS was S$160++ with consultation ($110 for night consultation etc), subsequent visits would be much cheaper...

Haha once you find out abt KKH's package can share with me as well? I'm contempelating between returning to TPS or to go private...
The waiting time at kkh A & E can really kills & i realised theres many trainee docs there also.

My fren was saying d 24 hrs A & E clinic is rather gd also, shorter waiting time & d charges are reasonable.
mummypooh: I agree. The last time we were there, we had to wait 3 hours before we could see the doc. We went at 7pm, came out of hospital at 12 midnight. Then settle my girl, nearly 1am reach home. The next day still gotta go back to work coz Company complained I took too much leave within 1 month. =(
I think KKH, u must Hv appointed gynae .. If u go and get random every visit those are not very gd. I think kkh nurses are also blur.

i had very bad experience with NUH too .. Very long story , wrong Dignosis and refuse to admit fault, can't see the exp doc always push trainees to see patients family. Dr use insensitive words on patients family lah blah.
But maternity wise it may be different .. My friend loves to deliver there ...
My colleague just spray some fruity perfume at her desk. Opp me... Feel very xinku n sensitive to the smell till I go meeting room work instead. Heng I'm using lsppy

Hai that the problem when we can't reveal our status yet. These smell make me wana puke
Mocca: Why did your colleague do that? I hate it when people spray these fragrances in aircon, unless we really smell bad from the makan place after lunch.
I duno, mYbe she like the smell of it. Come. Back toilet she spray liao. I immediately move my lap n water out to meeting room.

She new here n I dun dare tell her dun spray. Wait she feel I like wana show power or what. She older than me by few years

I still need her to help me carry cartons for events, so must pr a bit
Macam, can only issue hosp leave if doc wards u for at least 1 day. U can ask him if he could that. Only happens to private docs. Never heard of this option at restructured hosps unless it's absolute necessary.

Rachel, I just emailed them
Share with u when they reply.

Mocca, my very young temp staff also does that! Luckily I've a fan at my desk so I could turn it on but blow it towards her direction to minimise the smell. Smell till headache. I feel that if your colleague is new, the more she has to ask around if anyone minds if she sprays. It's not as if she has been around that long for people not to get offended.
Ocean, I agree. I even ask my colleagues if this radio station ok or not. Too loud or what not to disturb others. But I can't tell her to ask, is like eh u trying to teach me how to soclisse osit.

Some ppl may get offended when u advice them.

Now I must find another work station, as back up. When meeting room used where can I go. She already spray yday, I scare she do that everyday. Need backup plan.
The last time a colleague went to spray perfume, I purposely say out loud, who spray air freshener? She got pissed off and never spray again. Coz her perfume is not those sweet flower scent, it's those fruity type which really smells like air freshener. In the end the whole afternoon I got headache in the office.
Angela, lol! I'd say out loud too like what u did!

Mocca, u can feign ignorance and say that too. "Eh, did someone spray something. I'm getting a splitting headache!"
Mocca: Your office so good, can play soft music. Down here cannot play anything but the staff are very noisy, like pasar malam. Sometimes it's so disturbing I can't work. I think only me and 2 other colleagues are the only ones who don't mingle around during office hours. =(
Hahaa I like your style lol

Tough cos our office spilt into two rooms. My dep in one room, only me her n roast pork boss. Boss fly out left me n her. So can't say that
Hahahha ur colleague is Ai yo!

Ocean my dr is tm Chua. Hahaha I am so not close to her I told her I no need see her too often this year ahhahahahahaha but she is a very decisive dr which is wat I need. I am familiar with a few doc there so I feel ok.

The delivery ward is good. If I were to type what happened in my last pregancy everyone here will faints. The most unforgetful one was I spent 6hr waiting in nuh on v day. The another unforgetful one was this fat nurse telling me laughing gas n padadin are the same thing. Above all!!! My secondary school male class mate was delivering me while my gyn was caught in and accident during my delivery! My friend also kan cheong and he couldn't drip me properly ;)

The ordeal was over when I stayed in the delivery ward there I was a princess n ok for the 9mths of pain n suffering fr the o and g clinic I decided to let it go. Anyway it's was an ordeal that's all I can sum it up, my 9 mth in ruby clinc.. It's called ruby probably cos every patient puke blood there. Hahahah

I am back there cos the ordeal was so so much I dun want to risk it anywhere else at least I know what rubbish I am into now ;) hahah completely educated this round..

Yes here in nuh we tell the nurses what we want so we better be clear ... Oh did I add during delivery my laughing gas pipe didn't work and i was wondering y I am still in pain then epi doc gave me wrong dosage too little!
Talking about smells.

During my 1st pregrency, I am very sensitive on smells. If i smell coffee, i will puke. If i smell sweat, i also puke. And specially in front of me, the guy always got bad adour smell, i always want to vomit. I always take the oil to apply at my head and nose so that can cover the smell.
Irritated that the boss give last minute work, AGAIN! So hungry already and was thinking about my nice, piping hot porridge. Now gotta eat into my lunch time. ARGH!!!
Angela: don't be angry lah...TGIF! Sometimes I get last minute work requests, too, like at 5pm.

Macam: hospitalisation leave is issued on hospital's letterhead. Yes, your gynae can issue that to you provided you used the hospital services/facilities e.g. day ward, etc.

I can't seem to stop eating! Ahahaha! You can say it's round-the-clock munching, to curb my nausea. So I try to eat as sensibly and healthily as I can, but I do give in to junk food sometimes. Quite different from my 1st pregnancy.

For those who can't take water and don't want gassy drinks, can try brewing red date tea. Some people add longan for sweetness (or a little bit of rock sugar) but I don't. So I use more red dates.
What other options do you have? My friend is one of the pioneer in key hole u want me to get some advice?
Thanks for the info ladies,
On a side note, my colleague left a very pungent air freshener because his neigbour BO quite strong when I asked him to tone it down he says no. Even though he knows I'm pregnant. But he did mention that this can't tone down one la. So no choice I need to suck it up. We mothers so poor thing!

I tried to change the setting on PM but couldn't do it... u mind emailing me at [email protected] instead? Many thks for sharing!

BTW, Angela, Sunflower and I are meeting up for lunch next Wed at 1pm, at Raffles Exchange..anyone keen to join us? The more the merrier!

This wk I almost every alternate day will Merlion. Just vomit this morning and culprit is butter coz I ate kaya butter toast. Throat is burning from all the vomit.

My gynae prefers to see me once every 2 weeks during 1st tri. He also can issue HL even though I did not stay in hospital.

Angela, that is really dramatic. My fren prefers to bring her kids to go TMC.

Trinity, why not consider dr sf loh? His skills are top notch and I did my lapro with him and healed well.
Hi mummies.. just came back from checkup... and just recovered from a big big cry! Doc said still can't see bb hb and from last week to today..bb didn't grow much..just did blood test and mon got to do another one to see results.. but I don't have much confidence.. very likely my bb has stopped growing since few days back..this is my 2nd bb.. first one was very smooth without any hiccups.. not even a day of ms.. but this 2nd bb is very weak..very very sad that I have no chance to bring it to this world...now I'm praying that blood test results turns out fine and bb catch up in the growth...though very slim hope but I still wish it could be this way!
Hi Trinity,
You can consider Dr Law Wei Seng from Pacific Healthcare. His main expertise also in laproscopy and key hole surgery and done lots of such op before.
Rachel, sent!

Shirley, even if no HB detected now. It could still be very early. I know of some who didn't have the HB detected till almost 12 weeks and that is also because they didn't see the doc till they were abt 10weeks. So, please, don't let the doc convince u to do a D&C just because there is no hb. A life may be removed simply because s/he wasn't given a chance to grow at its own pace.
Shirley how many weeks r u? Maybe like what ocean say, baby still haven develop. Some of us are also born to be slow learner like me. Please don't dishearten, still got hope. Jaiyou!

Got it thks so much! Wah......KKH is super duper expensive my gosh! I dun rmb paying so much in 2008.... haha...


Jiayou jiayou pls try to cheer up and we will all pray for you and your baby...But why did u say u feel that ur bb has stopped growing since few days back? How many weeks are u?
Shirley: Just be patient and wait a little ok? Don't rush into anything yet. Baby may be too small to detect heartbeat now so wait a little more.
Dear mummies I am going for my Gynae appointment now. Everytime appointment is looking forward and afraid. Wish me luck.

Shirley. Maybe is still early. Wait and see if baby develops. Take care meanwhile

Happymum: Thanks for organizing! I would love to go but I have to attend my friend's son 1st birthday party tomorrow. Hope I can join u all next time!

Even though NUH had changed over the years, I don't think I would want to try NUH again. Many yrs back, my dad was asked to stay for observation. His condition worsen over his 2 weeks stay there and the doctors kept withdrawing blood to find out what went wrong. Maybe my dad's condition was too complex back then, but somehow, I do think the inexperienced young doctors there had a part to play in diagnosing too late. Maybe I was wrong about them as I was too young back then to understand what happened.

I totally agreed that no matter which hospital you go, ultimately the most important is to have the right doctors and nurses to attend you. And given the bad memory I had with NUH, till now I don't want to give them a chance at all.
