(2013/04) April 2013

Rachel: Yeah, guess we have to keep assuring her that she's still our precious darling and nothing will change when the little sibling comes along.

ggchua: Anti-vomit jab can last for about a week, and for some, about 2 weeks.

Angela, better still, put it in a positive way.
Tell her did/meimei will love and protect her! So she dun feel all burdened of having to protect her sibling... :p

WA me tonight ok?
Racahel: Thanks for the advice! I will watsapp you tonight. Wrote your number on the post-it note. But I will be home quite late, about 10.30pm as I have to pick up my gal from my mum's home after work. Hope you haven't slept at that time yet. =)
Angela: I'm quite near you! ^^ Am at uob plaza...

Rachel: Sure, will WA you soon! Would be nice to know more mummies hehee.

mummies, would the MS naturally go away after the first trimester? My puky feeling started this week and have to run to the toilet to gag, but so far nothing able to come out. Feel better after gagging though. I have heard horror stories of MS lasting throughout the pregnancy so want to get more opinions.

1030pm I should be tucking my terror in bed..maybe u could WA me tomorrow morning instead hehe?

Sunflower: SURE! :p

Re MS: It really depends...some MS will be gone after 1st trimester, some suay one can last until they gv birth, but those are extremely suay cases la..U wanna try having sour plum with u in case u feel like puking? U know i very ah ma, nowadays i carry the medicated oil (feng you) in my handbag wherever I go...It helps!
sunflower, u may wanna check with your mom how was her MS like when expecting u (and your siblings). I read that MS is also hereditary. My mom was comforting me last night that my MS won't last too long as no one in her family had very long MS and that it was for 1st tri only. I felt very comforted hearing it.
sunflower: That's nice! Wow, I have mummies near my workplace and home. So happy!

My last pregnancy made me nauseous nearly throughout the whole pregnancy. It starts to ease at around 5th month but came back again during the last 2 months, though not as bad as the 1st tri. But it really depends on individual.
Also, for me, I'm relying on 3 things to curb my MS which comes at specific times of the day. Meiji crackers, sour plums and ginger ale. Ginger ale is helping a lot for the last 2 weeks while sour plums is starting to lose its effect after sucking on them for the last 2 weeks.
rachel, go ahead! haha

ocean blue, my mom didn't have ms past 1st trim. but my mil kept saying she puked all the way till 7 mths when carrying hb. said this baby may carry father's genes. omg NOOOOOOO!!! hope it won't happen cause for #1 i was ok.
ocean: thanks for the tip, I'll check with her. I find that eating meiji crackers help too!

Rachel: Just got a pack of sour plums, hope it works. Go ahead with the joke haha!
Haha sure har..u girls dun scold me after i tell the joke..

FYI, my office just had a brief blackout when i was typing the joke...zzz

My hb told me, to ease the MS, the best is to swallow your hb's erm...whole load of cum..then the MS would disappear! Not sure how true! But I'm pretty sure that's just one of his tactic to make us wives, u know, swallow!

Haha sorry sorry mommies if u feel offended..
Tay, Haha I think is just an excuse from your hub. Talking abt this, do u all like fear doing that thing now? I find it hard to enjoy n tell my hub didn't rest in my tummy. I scare will hurt bb even though is small now. Am I panorid?

Got another funny thing to share with u all. My friend college guy say he saw the whole Labour process. After that when he do it with his wife, he had this phobia. Like the baby head is down there coming out. He feel like he doing trisom hhaaa
Angela: Oh, your gal already know she have sibling, i think she feel unsecure, you have to talk to her telling no matter what, you still love her the most. I have yet to tell my 30 months old gal, my mum say only told her when it is about 5-6 months.
Shirelle: I dun think will be genes, my mum never have ms, but i have very serious ms during my no 1. It last till 6th month to me.
Shirelle & ggchua
I think the most scary jab I seen till now is epidural ~

Haha that's definitely ur hubby trick u to do it lol
Our sensitive nose is X2 active now!! I think it will be worse than body shop smell heehee
My girl picks bad habit from play group friends on and off .. Last night she was sucking fingers which she nvr did before .. I told her baby do u want to get ugly teeth and fingers? She immediately stop becos she's a vain pot ....

Try nt to tell her to behave because she going to Hv a sibling I think it's stressful..

For separation anxiety my girl take it quite well .. As long she didn't see us she's ok ..now she's 3 she's enjoying time wif her friends.. Try talk to her like talking to adults I think it helps open up her communication and will eventually know how to express her thoughts with u .. For me it works well so far ..
actually i gt a very jealousy ger..she dun allow me and hb hold hands together, dun allow us to hug together..haha..she will go in between us then break us off..then she will hold my hands..
sigh my ms started liao..no appetite to eat then try to eat then almost vomitted out..#1 ms kicked in 8-9 weeks..tis one so early..haha

super tired also..i still gt a toddler to look after..sigh sigh sigh
It's very normal I guess my girl too come between us all the time guess when they grow older we want hold their hands they may nt even like haha enjoy now ...
My ms came earlier ard 6 wks last time 8 wks ... I can almost sleep 24 hrs sometimes dunno why so fatigue ...can't concentrate do anything.
Hi ladies,long time didnt Post in here.. Last night I had very sharp abdominal pain that woke me up I was so scared that I called my gynea to ask if it's normal luckily he sounded ok but last night was really scary.. And i was feeling hungry but dare not eat cos scared of my ms..Now I'm feeling paranoid dunno want to go n check or not..
hi mummies, has anyone of you went to check your hcg at 4weeks? I just went Ytd.. its was 1700.. wonder if it normal range?
Morning mommies!

The rain this morning was horrible......almost all drenched luckily i have a sweater and wearing long pants....if not sure damn cold...

Re bb bump:
Mine is showing oredy, partly becos it was oredy flabby with my #1...so its most fat + gas..
morning mummies and mummies to be!!

i didn't sleep well last night. keep tossing here and there. so tired today.. and now i feel like sleeping when working.

Hello Maxlene! we have the same gynae and our EDD is one day apart!! Oh i wanna check with you, when is your next visit after your 1st visit? mine was 8 wks later and i wonder is it normal? seems like a bit too long for the next visit.. Hope to hear from you soon!!
Morning mummies!
I managed to ask sponsors if they could do a special for us! For the pregnacy talk Tom at mbs 3-5pm. There's talk on overall wellness of pregnacy by dr, breasts reding my mrs Wong and goodie bags. The fees are 10 dollars but if I can get 20 participants they can give motherhood forum group at 5 dollars, any one wants to go? I want to go for the breast feeding talk and haha for the goodie bag, heard theres mothercare product, milk samples, diapers.. Quitr worth it..Let make this our first mass gathering?
Can u email me ur name, hp, email n I/c to secure the registration by 4pm today? But I need 20 names to hit it..
My emal is [email protected]
Good morning mummies! It's a cold day today, shivering in the office....*grrr*

Re bb bump, mine shown already and quite obvious. I think I look like 3 months preggie now. =(

This morning, after giving my gal her 1st milk feed at 6am, she suddenly clinged onto me very tightly and refuse to let go. I told her mummy loves her very much, and though there's a baby in mummy's tummy, you are still mummy's precious darling. Baby will love you, daddy loves you and mummy will love you too ok? So you must love baby too. After talking to her for about 10 mins, then she release and go back to sleep. So stressful having to deal with her jealousy!
I think my nauseous feeling is getting from bad to worse. Now I can feel it throughout the day and my mouth has a bitter taste. Need to buy ribena during lunch to dilute it as my daily water. =(
I alrdy can't stomach Ribena and vomit out 100 plus this morning ... I hope I can still keep 100 plus .. First time in my life drink so much sugary drink I scare diabetic
Shirley, when they give u the result, there shld be a range on the lab report. Normal range is a big range. As long as yours is within range, there's nothing to worry abt.

Re: baby bump. I think mine's more of eating too much and bloatedness coz' I don't think it's possible for it to be the real bumb since baby is still so tiny and uterus is just expanding.

CanT, I didn't sleep well last night too
I went to bed at 9.30pm, slept till 1.30am. Woke up coz' needed to pee. Went back to bed and was awake from then till 4am as I had to get up again around 2am as I was feeling so hungry.

Has anyone heard of Dr June Tan from KKH and views abt her?
Hi mtbs

I think my body is getting weaker as I didn't eat much as no appetite but I can't force myself to eat ... Wat shd I do? Any idea? I still can eat a little but it's really getting lethargic ...
Yeah now our beanie is still size of blueberry cant make our stomach big .. It's all because of bloating ...

Ocean u changing gynae?
Hello mummies and MTBs,
I am new here and glad to know what I am not alone in this torturing MS thing. Hope it goes away by 2nd trimester. Counting down to another long awaited 4 weeks.
Just had my 2nd checkup/scan ytd and baby is progressing good with strong heartbeat and can see abit of hands and legs. Doc says that the size is equiv to 9+wk size. Next checkup is 3 weeks later.

Had terrible MS for past 2 weeks. Terrible nausea and breathless and no appetite for anything. Anyone of you experience breathlessness also?

Hi Chez,
Pls update for me. Thanks.

Nick Name: Maobibi
BB#: 1
EDD: 07/04/2013
Gynae: Dr Yvonne Chan
Hospital: TMC
Divein, can u stomach milk? If yes, get ur nutrients from milk for mums. Is there anything that u can take at all? Even if it's unhealthy, it's better than not taking anything.

I was looking thru' the package for NUH. Seems expensive and Prof Rauff's charges not cheap. More exp than my private gynae. Thinking of KKH but wanna choose a doc who has experience in high risk pregnancies and pro-natural birth.
Actually...can we really drink 100 plus? There's 100 plus in my office fridge, so tempted to take one and drink and tong until lunch time. I can't drink plain water now and it makes me feel a bit sick. Arghhh...
ocean: Any reason why you choose NUH? Sorry, I am very anti-NUH. Had extremely bad experiences there and will never go back there ever again, even though it's just across the road from my house.
Angela, can esp if u r dehydrated. It's the fastest way to rehydrate. Right now, the impt thing is not whether the drink or food is unhealthy but to make sure u take something and keep it in. Of course they must be safe to consume. 100 plus is 1 of them.

I really recommend taking ginger ale. Get the ones from Cold storage. Waitrose Essential ginger ale. No artificial colourings and flavourings. S$2.60 for 1 large bottle. Must consume within 3 days.
hi ocean: they only told me my hcg level.. I went online to check 1700 falls on week 5 but I am not even week 5 now.. I am at most week 4.. lmp was on 3 Aug..
Angela, what happ at NUH? Only reason why I've to go to restructured hosp is because of my company benefit. I can't claim if go to private hosp. If not, I've a few private docs in mind liao.

I'm kinda hesitant abt KKH coz' for a silly reason. To me, KKH doesn't look nice on baby's birth cert. lol NUH sounds nicer. haha. Also, for NUH I already know which doc I want but after researching more yest, I realised that the costs are very high there. So, thinking of KKH again. Sigh. I don't like SGH so won't go there.
Shirley, HCG level is really a huge range and the range b/t say 1st tri and 2nd tri are over lapped too. Get clinic to give u a copy. Lab will give clinic 2 copies. I for their filing, 1 for patient. U paid for the lab work. U have the right to the copy.
Yes I had my first gynae visit with Dr. June Tan from TPS @ KKH...She is a Senior Consultant there and seems very experienced. She looks very motherly too if you know what i mean.. Are u thinking of seeing her? She is not bad I think...

Angela/ Sunflower:
Got your numbers thks! Let's arrange to meet up for lunch next Wed at RP? Any recommendations? :p

Can drink 100 plus, but preferably not those chilled ones to avoid our uterus from contracting..how about trying soya milk? I drink one cup of warm soya milk every morning as breakfast..drink slowly..

Angela, have u tried drinking diluted honey water. I survived on that for 2 weeks till I'm able to take very warm water starting this week. Honey gives u energy too. But make sure it's not raw honey. Honey is safe for pregnancy as long as it's pasteurised.
