(2013/04) April 2013

Rachel and Angela, I drank the normal kind. hmm I think base on individual yah. At first I drink it no prob, only this week, I started to feel bloated,diahorrea after drinking it maybe becoz my digestive system is getting worse with MS.

Mocca: Actually one is enough. I would recommend Freestyle. But it's the most expensive amongst the Medela range.

CanT:By right your gynae visits should be once a month till end of 2nd trimester (or 30 weeks). one visit in 2 months is way too long.
back from lunch.. super guilty.. my boss treat the dept for lunch.. at japanese restaurant. ordered sashimi,etc. and she knows i loved to eat. since i haven announce my preggie news to her.. i cannot reject food she offer.. so no choice.. ate some raw salmon sashimi...
i put alot of wasabi.. hoping will kill some bacteria..
Zenn: I am taking the chocolate flavour one so I find that it's quite ok. Maybe you would like to give it a try? You can call Anmum to ask for chocolate samples if they have it.
Angela, How much is the freestyle. Is it possible buy second hand n change some parts like the cup or smth.

Me too! I used to love their fruity smell, now I wana puke. I think our bb know they anti family so reject it haha
thanks Angela! think i gonna call and check and rearrange for nearer appt!! i thot that was rather long too. but she was telling me that if i decided to do a scan and blood test for the down symptom then it will be in a month's time and she will meet me 8 weeks later from my 1st visit. so i am not sure. first visit also blur blur...

piyo piyo, u ate salmon sashimi, by right cannot le rite, think next time u should reject nicely say your stomach wasnt well so better skip that.. instead of risk taking it. but since u ate it, hope everything is fine!!
divein: at least your hb still asked you to rest etc. my hb DIDNT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. he simply ingnored my messages. anyway, no point to cry over these heartless men. cant blame them also cause they dont and will never understand what we going through. think for yourself! right now, dont think of the baby cause to me, it will make me feel even worst. as i will start thinking why my hb cant give in to me for baby sake.. baby this and baby that. ive been telling myself the morning sickness is good enough to kill me why should i still make myself so miserable by crying like mad and in the end body got worst? CHEER UP! go online shopping! and eat good food even though you know you will still puke it all out.

zenn: my gynae told me that if our stomach cramp at this time is not a good sign cause it means our womb is not strong enough. not sure how true is that.

Shirelle: i dont think we should feel bad cause this is not what we want also! even for my aunt (a very traditional lady) also advised me that at this point of time nothing is more important than our baby. lost job can still find, but anything happen to baby, we can never find.
I also like Annum's chocolate favour milk, it tastes like milo
I want to puke when I try vanilla favour.

For the pump, I like NUK electronic one.
Ggchua, good to hear you are finding ways to cheer yourself up!

Agree, we shouldn't feel bad. If lose Job so be it, bb lost is life time regret. Job we won't once we found new one
Piyo: I missssss salmom sashimi!!

Mocca - PIS can go up to 800++ for double pumps... can't rmb the priving nowadays but it was oredy that expensive in 2008...
Mocca: Can't remember le since I got it 2 years ago. I bought it through Agapebabies from the BP thread here. Alternatively, you can find this lady by the name of Tan Leng Leng in the overseas spree thread. She brings in the breastpumps from USA and doesn't earn anything out of it. It's best that you check with her.

I personally think that it's best not to get a 2nd hand one if you are going to pump a lot. Coz people like me, I pump more often than latch so my pump bo lat very fast. But if it's just an alternative ie. go out or at work then pump, I think it's fine. Usually the mummies here just sell away the pump without the parts ie. breastshield, bottles, membranes and tubing for hygiene purposes so you will still need to get a new set for yourself.
MH: Ya, long jouney. About 1 hr 30mins.. I need to take bus after mrt in sembawang. That why, now i stay with my mum hse in yishun about 2-3 days. Somemore i need to bring my girl all the way from eunos to yishun for childcare. This is very tiring.
MH: Me too! When I had No. 1, I puked out every single drop of the plain Anmum milk. Now it tastes so yummy to me! But having to pay $20+ a box is soooo expensive. I can buy 10 bottles of my Meiji milk already.
Mocca: of course i'm not that strong yet. i still broke into tears at times when im feeling vunerable. like take bus home halfway need to get down at some unknown place just because i wanna puke. then i will start crying. lol
Shirelle: I think you better go and see your gynae soon and get help for your constipation and puking problem. Your problem is quite similar to the time when I had my No. 1 and it was really jialat. Please quickly seek help ok????
ggchua: That's part and parcel of being preggie. Don't worry so much, there's still us here who will support you and one another since we are all in the same boat. =)
Mocca mama: Ya, is depend on luck if pple wanted to give u seat when pregnant. UNless you ask them to give up. Or keep show them your big tummy in front of them. Wahaha.
For breast pump, i would think is a must to buy a brand new one, i brought meleda. I brought it during baby fair, think got discount and free gifts.
Hello mummies...am currently about 8 weeks along and joining this group to know more mummies. First gynae visit tomorrow at TMC.
First baby so am very anxious and the MS is making me feel like crap.
My son just called and told me:" mommy i drew a VERY CUTE sun in school and tonight I'm going to show you...But I cannot give it to you because it's not Mother's Day!" zzzzzz
shirelle: try to stop puking these few days. it will worsen. like me! my blood getting more and now my mouth got the blood taste. go see doctor to get pills for vomiting.

apple: ya, my granny can even walk faster than me now. lol! and talk louder too..

angela: thanks babe!

Hmm if brought d medela pumps from Tan leng leng, it doesnt come w local warantty rite?? Or it does? Last time i used medela swing, pump until i wana to cry also. Super long & it only 1 sided. So tis time round im tinting to get a new medela pump. Freestyle isit v noisy when pumping?
Ggchua: really yah I felt the aching on the bones, I thought is the uterus expand? Will check with my gynae tmr.

Thanks Angela. Take care Shirelle, welcome Sunflowers
welcome sunflowers!

rachel, your son is really very sweet. gotta share some tips with us how u raise him!

puking sucks
just had soup and my meds, all puke out zzz. just tried ah ma's assam curry with bread. hope won't come out lol. i can imagine gynae will give jab - which is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO scary!
mummypooh: Last time don't have but now I think you can buy extended warranty for Singapore. Ya freestyle is a bit noisy, but it's quite compact.
Shirelle: I suggest that you stay off spicy and sour stuff coz your gastic may be affected by all the puking. Spicy stuff actually aggravates the condition. Try to eat bland food for now. It will only get better.
Shirelle, dear, drink some 100plus cos I'm worried that you might be dehydrated from all the puking...

Sunflower, you work in RP too? Wanna join Angela and me for lunch next week? WA me at 93879948.

Haha, my son is super sweet but also super naughty at times la...so far he is the MOST TALKATIVE toddler I have ever met, he is even more talkative than all the girls I know..
2nd time mummies, may I ask you all a question? My girl has been feeling very moody and seemed insecure all the time. Also when I carry her a while and later put her down, she doesn't look happy. Could she sense that there's a baby now and she's jealous? Coz in school she also clings onto the teacher's assistant, and since she is older now, the assistant doesn't carry her on her lap anymore and is taking care of a younger kid. She got jealous and refuse to eat and drink milk at home now. Today when my mum asked the teacher if something happened in school, she immediately broke down and cried.
angela, can try explaining to your girl. it happened to my girl last time. She didn't like it when hb and I carried my niece or other kids.

rachel, yeah, i'm gonna try some 100+

ggchua, gynae can give jab to help with puking. it'll cause drowsiness so can slp better too. but i refuse to take jab >.<
Shirelle: My girl hor, she has a strong character. She keeps all problems to herself and will not cry even if she's bullied. She must have endured for many days then today break down in school. I hear liao so heartpain. =(
I think ur girl is feeling insecured, and since she has been the only child at home, she gets the full attn at home. And when she goes to sch, she clings on the TA to seek comfort..Can I know how long has she attended her sch for? I read that this phrase would be over soon, but you do need to assure her mommy daddy love you as much as before, even when there is a new baby..

Come to think of it, my son had the separation anxiety for a short while when he was about 1 year old...he would keep crying and wailing everytime we left for work. But all he could do was to keep assuring him that daddy mommy would always come home to him at night.. I find that reading relevant books to him helped alot..I managed to find many relevant books and read to him so he understands the logic that daddy mommy have to work...it helped him to get over that phrase quite quickly..

During that time, whenever we were home, we didn't turn on the tv/ handphone, and we paid full attn to him, even just by listening and talking to him..he felt important and loved i suppose..
Rachel: She has been in play group for about half a year now. She used to be very happy, especially after school. It was only recently that she's like that. I suspect she's getting jealous coz my mum, hubby and I have been telling her she's going to be a big sister soon and she is a big girl now. Probably she feels that all attention will be taken away from her.

apple: My gal will be turning 2 yrs old in less than a month, so she isn't very good at expressing herself. But when my mum ask her if teacher scold her in school, she will nod her head and pout, knowing that she had been naughty in class.
Yeah sometimes young kids can not accept that there is a new sibling coming along and would get jealous...have u assured her that you will all love her the same, and the baby also will love and protect her like daddy mommy? It's important to tell ur gal that so she wont feel threatened by the new baby...
Actually I do tell her I love her all the time and will always give her a kiss before she sleeps, and I'll ask her to kiss me back. This morning I asked her to kiss my tummy, she was reluctant. Aiyoh, so hard to deal with 2 kids!
angela, my girl is also v strong headed. and our parents @#@(#@! itchy mouth kept telling her she is gonna be a big sister (too) and must behave; daddy and mummy will still love you, etc etc. probed her to ask qns like "mummy, got baby u still love me?"... kids these days are so smart!

Hb and I explained to her and gave her many examples of how she will be getting a companion/play mate. kept "brainwashing" her daily. now she's v receptive to having a sibling and thinks the baby belongs to her *faints* but we guess it's better than feeling threatened
I think one mistake I made was also that, because till now she still sucks her fingers, I always tell her that she as a big sister shouldn't continue to suck her fingers as it's unsightly. Whenever we see a baby photo, we'll ask her, do you see baby suck fingers? No right? So please don't suck anymore ok? Then she will get pissed off.

Yeah man..my son also tells me that the baby belongs to him, and would not allow his daddy to kiss and sayang my tummy like he does...haha...


Try not to keep telling her big girls dun do this, dun do that, esp she is feeling sensitive with the new baby...
