(2013/04) April 2013

apple, that's good news! my MS seems to be at peak for this 2-3 weeks. Even the pills which gynae gave last week stopped working

Shirelle: Haha, maybe my MS havent start yet. I remember during my no 1 my MS peak is at week 12 -13. What pill does your gynae give? I remember i have serious MS and my gynae give me some pill, but when i eat, my MS get worse.
I have 1 for gastric reflux and 1 to help with vomiting. worked for almost a week and then it lost its effect. =( for my #1 I've only puked twice from overeating. So not really used to this urgh.
I noticed that my poo turned greenish. Think a lot of bile flow down the digestive system. Anyone experiencing the same thing?
Mocca: I think its possible that some lucky mommies experience no MS at all lor...i didn't have any MS on my 1st trimester when I was pregn with my #1, but MS came on 2nd trimester instead..

Wah so you work in Loyang? How nice would it be if I could work in Loyang, since I stay in Pasir Ris..

Just curious: Any mommies working in Tg Pagar? Maybe we can meet up for lunch since most of us can't break the news to the colleagues yet, and can't stand our colleagues! Haha....

Maybe u vomitted too hard? If dehydration, wana to try some 100 plus?

When i puke, all d gas also burp out. Bt felt more relieved after puking.
Aiyo how I wish I can exchange work place with u all. It takes me 1hr 15mins to come here from punggol. No one work nearby to lunch with me ar

I wanted to resign some time ago cos of my roast pork boss. But think about it, the more u don't want be preggie, the more I should take ml from u LOL

Tay, hmm now I don't have ms yet. But scare will come at later stage.

Now take bus to work no one will give up seats for us. Actually very tired but can't tell ppl eh can give up seat for me? Hahaha
Mocca Mama: Wa, that long.. I think i have the same travel as you.. From eunos to sembawang to work. Yes, seldom people will give up seat to pregnant lady. I remember when i am 7 months pregnant for no 1, no1 give up the seat in mrt even my tummy is quite big.
Divein: I think you try too hard so got vomit, don't force yourself if you can't really puke..

doramum: actually folic acid is quite heaty..

Yes, the more your roast pork boss dun wan, the more u shd take ML to get back at her!

Yeah, it also takes me 1hour++ to travel from Pasir Ris to TG Pagar everyday (that's 2 hours++ everyday on the travelling alone), as i have to take a feeder bus from my house to Pasir Ris mrt somemore...

ggChua, ME! I've been having bad diarrhoe and stomach cramps for the past 2 mths, and i suspected it could be the Anmum or GNC vitamins which I took, so I have stopped taking both for 2 days and funny, my diarrhoe is not that bad anymore..

Talking abt backache, is Salonpas safe for us? It's medicated so Im abit concerned...
MH: ME TOO! combo hits. stomach cramp + headache + lower back pain. and wanna vomit anytime. gooooddddd...

apple: i feel like a super old lady now. even my granny is healthier than me. haha

rachel: could be! i think is the milk.. i just called my gynae to bring forward my appointment to tomorrow morning. my gynae said might need to put me on drip. I DONT WANT!
Haiz feeling so helpless Lo I took unpaid leave but work prob still keep coming ... As I said earlier I lost 3 kg within 2 weeks body very weak and can't really move ard as nt much strength .. Very stress all alone at home with no help .. Want to drink 100 plus also can't o buy
quarrel with husband and MIL complain I waste her money buy food dun eat .. Haiz how I wish I can eat ... I think she nvr went thru preg .. So cry n it's really cry out loud and nobody ard ... Only my daughter most caring .. At least she realize I was crying .. Bt I can't tell her why

I can't Carl my vomit leh although nothing much come out it still keep forcing
Apple, how come no one give up. I saw quite often preggie n got ppl give up. But that day at p. Ris, got a big tummy one come in. No one offer seat, I gave her mine cos she need more than me. She so happy when I stand up, the rest ppl just act blur. Sickening... I think is luck one.

Ggchua, I also have cramp n backache, in fact whole body ache n weak. Now I walk like ah ma. My colleague ask me ok or not, I look like fainting

Seems like a lot of us travel long hours. I can sleep until head drop n roll in bus nowadays hahaa my bb got a piggy mum

Tay, better don't use ba. I also don't dare use yokoyoko.

Yday I walk pass body shop, Wa I wana puke! The smell makes me feel so unwell n disgusted. I use to love the aroma one
my workplace is around the ARC area lol, at alexandra! urgh. takes me 1.5 hours or so to travel daily. it's a huge torture now cause i have terrible motion sickness. After the ride home surely puke.

Just used fleet enema but didn't manage to clear, guess my stools are too hard
*sobs* wish I had diarrhoea instead lol!
Divein: dont worry! you are not alone. i totally understand how you feel cause im going through the same thing as you! this monday i on unpaid leave, today unpaid half day tomorrow also unpaid leave. on average, one week i only work like 2-3 days. felt so guilty and paiseh to face my boss and colleagues. my husband and i have been quarreling for alnmost a week. best part, hes always at outside. cause ive moved back to my house and so i not sure hes outside drinkin or what. and suddenly i feel that im too disappointed with my husband till i think my love has faded. felt like a single mother man
divein, wa, ignore your mil. it's been too long since they're preggies so they probs forgot how it feels like. I feel that the person who can understand how I feel most is hb's ah ma. she's v sensitive and helpful T.T the rest will still occasionally past weird remarks which can be quite insensitive, including hb. But I guess can't blame, dunno if it's preggies make me more sensitive or what. Cause normally I'm ok with those remarks urgh.

why don't u make a list of what you wanna eat/drink and ask hb to buy for u when he reaches home? that's what i do normally >.<
ggchua, omg. hi 5. I've been using my leave and MC until it's dried up. Work for like 2-3 days a week. Feel so embarrassed to msg my boss that I need to be on leave cause there's so much work to do and we share workload

divein, I think u don't feel the need to poo cause u've puked em. I had quite a lot of food over the past week thanks to the med. now i dunno

Wanna meet up for lunch next week? I could go over to meet you..
Can WA me at 93879948? Any more mommies working in Raffles Place/ City Hall/ Tg Pagar? The more the merrier!

We should definitely arrange to meet up after out 1st trimester!

Mocca, I heard from forum that The Body Shop is not an ethical employer. Not sure how true but the mommy claimed 2 of her pregnant friends kena.. Reason being they would sack their pregnant female employees (due soon) to avoid paying for maternity benefits...I have stopped buying their products years ago...

Shirelle, try taking some oatmeal to loosen up the stool? Or try drinking more Vitagen/ Yakult to improve on your digestive system..
Yeah mine everyday work so late I didn't see him when he home as we all sleep so I dun know how long I can trust that ... After text quarrel I cry so hard and my stomach cramp ... Followed y gastric pain and gastric is damn pain ... Text him he only know ask me rest or eat panadol .. Very sian
I can only meet up when I am in human shape haha now it's really bad .. Pale as paper and no facial
I think make up also can't stick on my face
Hmm do u all try discuss unpaid leave arrangements with boss? I know some bosses very supportive one

Tay, I heard stories of body shop from friend so I believe her. But now since I hate the smell, I will Siam n detour. I use to go for their sales, reconsider now haha

My hub very gross. I was telling him I buy second hand breast pump, cheaper. He say wait for breast hair inside how, curly one some more. Wa he really turn me off, I told him I wana u buy new one for me liao. I don't care.
Rachel, I suspected is Anmum too. Coz after I drank it, my stomach so bloated and keep farting and diahorrea too.

Ggchua, I have migraine, backache and some pain at the pelvic bones, hip bones and uterus.

MS has become worse for me too.
Rachel: Sure! Let's meet up between Mon to Thurs as I will be flying off for my holiday on Fri. =) I will watsapp you when I reach home tonight. I left my handphone at home this morning. >.<
Mocca, there are supportive bosses out there but definitely not my present co. They dont even give timeoff for antenatal visits! With my #1, all my antenatal visits where given time-off, then towards the end of the pregnancy, I was allowed to work from home somemore..this really boils down to the company culture, my previous co was a US MNC which cares alot about work-life balance..not this current one though...
I tell myself, nvm la, after bb is born in April 2013, I take ML until Aug, stay until Dec to get the year-end bonus then maybe I cao liao...
Zenn, u too having problems with Anmum? Does it matter which flavour cos I drink the chocolate one..

Angela, sure, WA me then we could arrange
Divein: By 2nd tri sure got shape le. Lol!

Mocca: I also cannot stand Body Shop smell! Anyway I always find the smell of their products overwhelming, but now it's worse.

Please tell your hubby not to be so bo liao. He think what, pubic hair? What breast hair curly curly one? If it's my hubby, I'll smack him with the breast pump.

Zenn: I am drinking Anmum too but so far everything ok for me leh. Could be depending on individual.
Tay, I agreed. My previous us mnc very understanding to mummy. Even renovate a nice nursing room for expressing. Mlik. They even encourage mummy decorated the room with their baby photos.

My current coy, no nursing room. My boss will ask me go toilet do...
Mocca: For me, I have 2 electric (PIS and Freestyle) and 1 manual pump. I'm a supporter of Medela breast pumps. I started out with Phillips Avent single pump and I pump until I cry. Coz I always kena engorgement and it's very very painful. Medela works very well as it helps clear your breasts until very clean.
Angela, Oh I used to like body shop smell. Now I hate the smell n hate kaya. Weird symptom.

Haha my hub always like to say stupid stuff, I already used to it. He been very supportive n sensitive to me so I have no compliant. Give n take is the way to hold on a marriage I guess.
Anyone's taste bud is very bland? I can hardly taste anything. I had char kway teow just now and the taste was bland. Water is worse. Maybe I'll go and dilute my packet of ribena and drink for the rest of the day. =(
Divein, think you are really stress out. it good that you have this channel here to voice out and share.. do share with us.. and i guess it will be better for you than keeping it to yourself.. hug...

btw ladies, is it normal that my gynae only arrange to meet me 2 mths later after my 1st visit?? then i will already in the 2nd trimester le?

Mocca: I love their shower gel, but this morning when I used the moringa one, I nearly puked in the bathroom. I think for this No. 2, I also cannot use all these nice smelling stuff. Can only use cetaphil. SIGH!!!!!
