(2013/04) April 2013

Mooca Mama: Dun worry so much, be relax and happy..
I m sure in the next visit you will able to see the sac with heartbeat!
You know what my MIL say in front of us few months ago, see your 1st gal so naughty, if give birth another one, dun expect me to take care! I mean now my gal is not taken care of her, i don't expect her to take care since she is never supportive during my 1st pregnancy till my gal growing phase. Always compare my gal with her daughter son. Say her daughter son so smart and guai not like my gal so naughty, bad tempered. She always say bad things in front of my gal which i dun like.
Angela: So coincidental! Probably we saw each other before and probably every morning at the NTUC bus stop. How to exchange numbers from here? Which gynae are you seeing?
Mocca, my sac looks like 6cm on the screen (based on my estimation) and I know it can't be that big.

I always asks for MC from my gynae even before I was preg when I went for check ups. I'm sure if u ask, the doc will give. No reason for not giving esp from a private doc.
Bb_burger as long as you at comfortable with dr woo. The clinic is definitely more convenient than dr fong coz it opens in th evening. Better for you & hb if not everytime need to take mc. Wow can sign package already, so fast. Good can save money.

Angela, yeah I think he is quite popular cos always need to wait at least an hour to see him if got appointment. Walk in I kena 3 hours before.
apple, teach your girl "Hear no evil (cover her ears), see no evil (cover her eyes)!" lol

Mocca, if u go to the expo, make sure u don't over exert yourself. Easy to get carried away with all the cute stuff : And it's gonna be sooo... crowded
bb burger: I pm you my number. =) Erm, we probably don't meet at the bus stop, maybe at NTUC on weekends. Lol! Coz my hubby gotta drive us all to my mum's place at around 7.20am, that's why I hardly take bus to work from the ntuc bus stop.
apple: Ignore your MIL. I hate it when elders make comparisons. Next time if you need to rebuke her, tell her that if kids are not naughty, they are not clever. =P
Mocca: your colleagues so neg one. Even if it's accident, it's a beautiful accident.
My working environment has a quite few ladies, so naturally more supportive of one another. Probably the working culture plays in a part too, ang moh company more open minded.
Mocca, one more week to go to see your little one growing. Relax. I also like to see baby stuff now but can't buy so better don't see. But last weekend I bought an maternity bottom. Coz my bottoms all very tight .

Happy mum, thanks for the advice.
Angela, Haha don't laugh at me, I'm sure u all also ganchiong inside, just didn't admit hahahaa
My hub ask me stay positive n b happy, so I told him I wana see bb stuff. See touch cannot buy also feel shoick. He say ok, take it as therapy to improve my mood. Is free anyway!

Apple, same here. It seems like mil now days very differ from our grandparents. My hub is her only son other than 2 single sisters. I tot she will be excited n happy for us cos the daughter won't get married so soon.
End up, tell me don't anyhow talk now especially 7th mth. Keep telling me twins better!

I'm praying hard everyday for my little one to grow well now.
zenn: Ya I always see his clinic very crowded, coz I used to go to the GP which is a few doors away. I see the queue I want to faint, that's why I never go there even though it's a very convenient location for me.
Angela, Haha don't laugh at me, I'm sure u all also ganchiong inside, just didn't admit hahahaa
My hub ask me stay positive n b happy, so I told him I wana see bb stuff. See touch cannot buy also feel shoick. He say ok, take it as therapy to improve my mood. Is free anyway!

Apple, same here. It seems like mil now days very differ from our grandparents. My hub is her only son other than 2 single sisters. I tot she will be excited n happy for us cos the daughter won't get married so soon.
End up, tell me don't anyhow talk now especially 7th mth. Keep telling me twins better!

I'm praying hard everyday for my little one to grow well now.
Mocca: Haha! Ok lah, when I was with No. 1, I was also very gan chiong. Now not gan chiong liao. I told hubby there's nothing to buy already except another car seat. Haha!
zenn zenn, my gynae is also dr fong yang! you see him at tiong bahru or paragon? i prefer paragon coz more spacious.

zhen mao dun. dun eat feel giddy, eat alr feels like merlion. anyone like me?

mocca, dun gan cheong. some bb are juz late developers initially and will catch up later. chill n relax and all will be well!
mocca mama, dun worry.. at times.. BB shy, so abit hard to see. next scan.. talk to ur BB, tell BB , be gd.. mama going to see u.. let's see each other in the scan..
Apple, ya told my hub just go there see see look look. Take it as research, no need buy. Ocean remind me going to be crowded, so I won't stay long. I having cramps on off this few days.

Burger, my boss even worse. Ask me after hearing Labour is so painful, u sure u still want baby? I feel like slapping her. Tell her we Chinese got this saying, ur mum born one roast pork better than born u ar. If all women think like u, u still alive meh u roast pork.
Angela, is normal. My friend told me first bb he very siao on. Everyday sterilize the bottle. Whole house sparkling clean.

No2 come out hack care luao. Just agar wash n use. House messy nvm La, no time. Expose kid to home germs is ok haha

Thanks girls for ur support, suddenly I feel I got a new bunch of mummies buddies to go through with me =) hope I can share good news of my scan next week!
Mareikebb, I see dr fong yang at tb coz is more convenient for , I just need to walk there. I also preferred paragon coz is more spacious and the scaning machine is much clearer than tb one..

Angela, your office nearby?

Mocca, u made me lol with your roast pork.
mocca, roast pork lol

Shld just tell her, yes, labour is painful but have u not heard of pain relief interventions? I'm brave. I will go thru' it.
Zenn Zenn: I thought can save a bit from signing the package, so didn't think much. Just pray hard that Dr Woo is good.

Angela: Thanks! I just did, but I couldn't find your message or was it blocked previously? Blur me.

Mocca: I am also very gan cheong, maybe partly coz it's my first one.
But I think my hubby is even more gan cheong than me. He don't really sayang me last time when I fell sick, but ever since I was pregnant, he was very caring to me. A big change as he didn't want kids at all, that's y I postpone baby planning till now.
Angela: I always ignore my MIL, i keep quiet, so there is one time she cannot tahan my quietness, and say me, why u dun answer, you dumb huh? haha..
Rachel, I'm staying at tamps too but visiting a gynae at mt e. It's not mandatory to award time off for antenatal visits but boss can give out of good will.

I am so thirsty: ( all drinks not OK, after drinking wanna throw up zzz
zenn: my office at raffles place. my ex-colleagues recommended me my present gynae so I just stick with him. Anyway he did a good job for my No. 1 so don't intend to switch even though I dread going to Mt. E.
haahaa cos i was really pissed with my female boss! is ridiculous to tell me tink twice abt giving birth, even tell me to have family planning, avoid accident. I told her ya we have family planning but what i meant is we wana start not avoid. Drive my roast pork to death!

but anyway, im glad i made some of u smile here =)

rach, ya the expo is this coming wkend
Bb burger, dont worry, you will be in good hands.

I am so bloated now. I felt extremely bloated after drinking anmum milk.
Angela, I am very blur. Can you show me how to see my PM message?

Zenn Zenn, I hope so too. Just tell myself it's not the time to worry about whether the gynae is good or not. I am more concern to know that my bb is growing well inside.

gghua, do you feel better today?
Mocca_mama: Same, my hb also only son, but with 2 sister being married. My MIL always like to compare my girl with her daughter's kids.
I also having frequent cramps, think it is a sign of pregnancy..
I have just decided to choose which gynae but yet to call them to make appointment, cos wanted to discuss with my hb, does he wanted to go with me.
Good afternooon ladies. I just feel terrible all the time... how can you all have energy to chat so much?

Been feeling so hungry for the past 2 days. Like keep eating and eating and still feeling hungry. Also keep burping and feeling so 'no energy'.
hi mummies,
Just confirmed positive by gynae 1 week ago.
any FB for this thread? I am due 30 April but will be earlier since c-sect normally 2 weeks earlier.2nd kids. first one is boy 2 years old.
Anyone updating the nick name, hospital & EDD in this thread?

Today I gave in to all my food temptation just to make myself better. Ate korean kimchi ramen and 2 soon kueh for lunch, now drinking pokka green tea. Mood is better liao but just now got stomache. Think I ate too much. =P
apple, haah we in same kinda shit!
i just hope she doesnt give me more problem now especially when im really stressed up. I told hub dun tell me anything that u think i will get upset wif.

Oh i read up on the cramps, some say our uterus is expanding that causes it. as long as is not serious pain is fine. Happy shopping for gynac, rem to ask if they have night clinic n package =)

Lee, i read before tt we women talk average of 2000 words a day, so we all come in here hit quota.

welcome Chez!
Welcome, Chez!

Mocca Mama: Ya, most important is hb being supportive. I check online, his package start at 12 weeks $700, it do have night clinic at yishun chongpang, near my mum place, so it is more convienent for me.
Mocca: The cramps now are nothing compared to braxton hicks and the delivery cramps. So long as it's not extremely painful then it is alright. =)
