(2013/02) March 2013

haha.. same boat already lor..

my son than this week keep on wantig to sleep on my pillow. don kw why. alamak.

Glad I insisted on kicking my girl out of my bedroom when she was 6 months old (my mum said I was cruel). But she still insists on me carrying her all the time, I'm so tired! Do you guys reckon the kids know another child is coming along and is vying for attention?
I sun think my kid know but he become more 'understanding'... I will say I have no strength and he will let daddy carry. Last time he will prefer I carry and will koala bear me such that daddy cannot pry him away...
Hahahahahahaha! Was so sian see train so packed and is been some time since I took train during peak hour.. I usually cab...

Purposely stood infront an Indian guy at reserved seat but pretend... Dunno is he really dunno or pretend dunno... Den an auntie few seats away gave seat to me... Muahahahahaa...
Hi Mummies,

Finally got time to log in coz was super bz for co. event...

Re: announcing to collics
My whole co alrdy know! Coz co got a big event and I need to run ard~ so bobian got to tell them~

Cramps: I had cramps at night too~ and tum looks really round~~

I went for my 9 weeks scan this tues~ can make out bb's arms and legs.. And bb moving his/her leg~~~~~ so cute!
Berrydelight, I've pm-ed you on fb.

I get cramps at the calves. Happened twice so far in the middle of the night.

May I check wat's amino test?

Sazaethh - we are visiting the same gynae!

Going for Oscar n blood test on Tues n super excited cos i see that many of you have seen bb moving yet i'm worried at the same time if the results would be ok.

As for spotting, I had it on n off even at week 10. Now it's mostly discharge so I guess wait for it to die down. It'd go away.
Hi all~
I'm currently in my 9th week pregnancy and EDD is 25th Mar.
Have yet to see any gynae yet but have arranged an appt to see Dr Kenneth Edward Lee from Mt.A on coming Tuesday. ^^
Hey mummies,
About child care leave..
Our first one already got 6days right.
Than 2nd one also got 6days?
So total got 12days?
salove: my appt for oscars is also on tues
at tmc...excited too.

Sbb, i think 6days childcare leave only, rgdless of hw many kids we have
Dear all, pls beware of this confinement lady from malacca. Her name is aunty Meimei. She is recommended by another confinement lady call aunty guihua from malacca..

To keep it short, her cooking is terrible!! My mum, mum in law n my hubby all say her cooking is super terrible! My hubby even say he can cook better than her.. She even had a cooking recipe book which I found she hide it in my kitchen cabinet.. She dun even cook longan red date water everyday n keep leftover longan red date water for me to drink in fridge.. She complain n gossip abt everything.. Say my house kitchen small, kaya not nice, bath tub not good, massage lady fat, baby clothing not gd, my relative fat, etc etc.. N she keep some half cook meat in the fridge n recook tomoro for mi to eat..when I tell her off she even threaten mi to pay her salary n she will leave.. N she love to go shopping.. Ask my mum in law go shopping with her few times but mum in law reject her.. I bring her go buy groceries at giant end up she go shopping buy clothes herself..

The worst thing mi n my hubby feel abt her is that she I not appreciative! She even tell mi aunty guihua is not gd etc etc.. She should have some ethics n be appreciative since it's aunty guihua who recommend her the job but yet she turn around n gossip abt her..

Aunty Meimei Hp is 0102319077
Aunty guihua Hp is 91305526, 60122878467

I m not gaining anything from this post. I just hope all mummies will beware n especially first time mums like mi will not get such bad experience when we hav to pay so much for confinement lady n we can't get gd confinement at all!
just wondering has most mum-to-be booked ur confinement lady and postnatal massage lady? It was such a nightmare.. n i m still stuck in the frantic searching. Most of the popular one recommended in the forum are all booked!!! >~~<
stressed to max "."
i love babies: wow...that'sreally fast. congrats to you. i thought only at 5 months then we can know the gender. i'm doing my oscar scan tomorrow. hehehehe super excited to meet bb
woah! so fast can know the gender at wk12!

i went for my chk up last friday, around week 11.
my hb said the scan look like baby boy.
bt my gynae said too early to say!
Wah so fast know gender liao? When i went for OSCAR at week 13, the sonographer said too early to tell now coz both bb boy and ger will have a small stub in between their legs. The stub will disappear for gers around week 15.
Morning all,

So fast know gender? My scan is tml, dunno can see anot.. hehe

Anyone watch the National Rally last night? Extra Paternity Leave confirmed.. yeah! I hope its 1mth. Now at least hb can help with the housework while we take care of the bb haha ;p... of course also for them to bond with the bb too...
my gyane told me if the baby allow he will tell me the gender of my baby nxt visit...

he joke and tell me see if if i need to go for #3.. hahaha.. i say no matter wat gender is the bb.. i not gg for #3 liao..
Hey fellow mommies, when do you intend to buy the necessity for the new born like cot, stroller etc? My girlfrens told me by the 6-7mth, i won't have the energy to shop round liao. Is that true?
morning, im feeling better... how everyone MS?

blurbabe: depend leh.. last time i can still can round when im 6-7 month preggy...
Really ah. My frens ask me to buy early just in case. But i thought buy now like abit too early. Thinking of waiting till 3rd tri then buy the major items.

i knew my #1 gender at wk13 leh.. as long as ur gynae is skillful enough in checking out the gender, even week12 also can see.


i think its not EXTRA leh... its shared with maternity! its another short term solution. but i think i would rather take the full 4mth for full breastfeeding..
i still have abit of MS now n then...arggghh, hungry but jus can't eat. feel terrible.

blurbabe, think when you are about 6-7mth, you will feel even more excited then tired to buy the stuffs
sazaethh, yes to prenatel massage, but after 5th months. i went before, not really shiok as usual massage cos the theraphist wouldnt press you too hard.

blurbabe, i got mine when i was about 7th month preg? but purposely ask delivery after 2 months, so wouldnt cramp up my house. hehhe!! bought during taka baby fair.

bb gender, congrats I love babies! your gynae machine must be really powerful, and your baby very co-operative. i know chinese physcian able to detect gender by feeling our pulse. they can feel when the mother is 2mths preg.

Haiz... but i still hope its extra.. because then what's the pt.... they probably created another problem for the couples...hw many mummies wld like to split their maternity leave and go back to work earlier rather than spend time with their babies?
i also at a dilemma as to when to buy the baby stuff leh... 2nd trim i scared too early, 3rd trim i scared not energy to shop. My hb was just askg me wanna order the breast pump n bottles online. I told him, buy so early what if end up i got no breastmilk supply how? So ladies, can i ask issit better to get the breastpump after birth?

other stuff includes cot, rocker, pram, carseat... dunno when to buy oso.

ya, i more keen in long term benefits like childcare etc.. seems like there is a package they are working on..lets wait till january ba..

actually, i always believe there is breastmilk for all mummies..its whether one is hardworking and determined or not..even low supply, also can keep going.. sure have one, just need to keep going..
I think the package are mainly monetary bonus for the bb.

like what Mrs Lee said, if you have space in your hse, can buy liao if you find a suitable one. For me, i will buy my cot later coz the one i am eyeing will not have much price difference and don't think can find at bb fair. As for stroller and car seat, may buy at the upcoming parent fair if it is available.
Hi Mummies,

Re: ND Rally speech
I think LHL meant 4 mths for mothers is fixed and wun increase but for paternity leave, it's either extra given to fathers or extra shared by the father and mother

Breast feeding-i'm worried abt milk supply also... but as for now, my breast has alrdy swollen and grown heavier... my experienced cousin say shld not be a problem for me......
aiyo.. a bit sad on the rally. haha.. he was saying one lady told him, scared boss might forget her. what is this? company pay u $$ where got forget u one. haha.. cos normally they pay first than claimed back from goverment.

not much saying on the motherhood stuff thing. no changes
oh for child care - they said they will be setting up what group for preschool.

preschool is actually more expensive wor... last time my boy went to this center 480/MTH After deduction. i calculate during his stay for 4 years - total amount will be SGD 23,040. almost same like uni is it?
coming back to the nauseaous..
hmm... my night one seems to be better
as long as i don stand too long at mrt than i will feel better.
but still will gag.. i just hope this sympton stops soon...
i guess, the question is for policymakers is, what is hindering people from having more babies? they won't have a policy that will put women at a disadvantage in work so much that companies prefer men, or women would rather be a full time house wife as opposed to working in the work force (well, else what to do if suddnely half of the workforce stays at home right, no good for sg gdp).

i think having closer family bonds would help. right now, after i heard that both my parents and in laws won't want to take care even with a maid, i just feel so hesitant about having another kid. unless after i put in infant care, i am so comfortable with the idea that i am ok with not having family support for my kid. So for me, i would like to see more work from home, part time opportunities, more family support, more infant cares and preschools with flexibility to allow parents and grandparents to chip in.
Celtbaby, on breasfeeding, really depends, altho i do agree w sunflower. but sometimes really don have or nipple is too unique to produce milk. for my #1, i was too afraid of no milk, so i didnt invested on machines, i loan from my SIL. borrowed manual and auto pump. n with the stimulation of keep pumping and make my boobs work really work, i manage to bf my girl for 5.5mths till i return to workforce. maybe you can try to loan one first if you don mind.
that will also have to depend on companies mindset... MNCs or Ang Mo companies tend to have better benefits for mothers... but if u talk abt SMEs, 1stly they cannot afford to have a staff not working full time...

My parents and in-laws will not be taking care of my bb too.. as they are still all working, but at least my mum gave some suggestions to get my cousin to take care since she is a SAHM... guess it's better than putting my bb in infant care or with a nanny that i dun really know.....

Ultimately, i dun wan to miss out on the growing up of my kids.. in fact my immediate boss understands tt and will be making alternative arrangements for me when i come back from maternity leave...
what kind of alternative arrangement will your boss be making? i am also considering speaking to my boss on alternative arrangements just not sure what there are,

sigh, i am also reluctant to put my kids in the hands of strangers. but grandparents dun want to take care, even if they are not working, i dun see what alternatives there are.
for me~ i'll be taking full 3 mths maternity, and after that, she's suggesting that i go on half days alternate days and adjusting my work load so that i can go home on the dot n not much ot....
Sunflower: I'm also hoping for better childcare subsidies, medisave account for kids is also mentioned... yes, gotta wait till Jan when the pkg is finalised.

I'm worried abt bm supply but hearing what u said, at least got some assurance haha... shall work harder n perservere when the time comes.


U must really have very supportive family to assist on caring for the small.
You know, my mum is already telling me she is unable to take care of 2nd one. So for once and for all, my big one I will be sending him to full day at OCT which I really thought its alright after much disagreement with my mother.

I already book infant care just now to put my 2nd one to try. The teachers I met is very nice there.

My in laws are willing to help me but they are getting too old. So at the moment, they said they will help pick up my 1st and 2nd after 5pm.
So when my 2nd one is at 3mths, I will be there to monitor the progress for a mth before I goes to work or maybe I will take unpaid leave for another 2 mths to make it 6mths. I really need to ensure that my 2nd one is doing fine at infant care.

Furthermore, infant care is unpaid 6days leave. What the heck…
