(2013/02) March 2013

mummies, side track abit.. anyone here attended Mrs Wong Boh Boi (from TMC) antenatal class b4? any reviews?

@sbb: hahaa.. yaya i know how it feels. some of my colleagues 'beo' at my stomach esp in the lift.. maybe i kept wearing loose clothings & on flats.

i try not to avoid eye contact or pretend bz sending sms.. haha.. :p
Sbb: so do u all are not announcing until 2nd trimester right? i very tempted to tell my "neighbour" sitting beside me but not sure if she can be trusted... hmmm.. was sharing with u all.. she oso preggy but she already book for abortion tmr. =(
sbb, thanks.. hopefully there is an available one that i can book.

so i far i only told only my close friends and team mates (other than my immediate family members). i haven't told my boss yet cos he is not working in the same office as me and i don't know how to bring this up to him. :p but alot ppl in office already guessed it cos my tummy quite obvious. they asked me i just smile smile. :p
thanks Jessi. shall go back home to take Duphaston which my gynae gave me when i last spotted...

And yes, my bump also very obvious!?!? thought jus me gerting fatter. the foetus only 30mm, how could it cause a bump.... thought i'm getting fatter since 1st 3months, eat-sit-eat-sleep
I hate that feeling of gagging. What to do. Haha..
I was wondering if any of the mummies has actually puke at the train before?
Imagine, the train so packed and puke… toinksssssss

Ha… mine didn’t beo so much.
But actually today I wear those expandable t shirt and not dress so definitely can see but I hide with blazer.
I was thinking, if they want to know than know ba. Cos its already 10+ weeks. Another 2 weeks is 3 mths liao le. but I think I still xin xu, so wear the blazer. Haha..
babybreathorchid, imho i tink better go visit e gynae. avoid carrying too heavy stuff too. take care.

sbb, ive told my boss and one frend in my office. others are my close friends, but since now im almosdt hitting 10weeks, i may annouce soon. hahha! cant wait to share the joy.

karen, oh dear..i don tink its good time to share e news w your neighbor, since she have already decided on abortion. bless the bb soul. so sad for the baby..

me too!! i love spicy stuff now.. i used to like ketchup, now chilli! tomyam!!
hm, so far only told my boss and one trusted team mate. and family lah. have not told friends yet, well, i just want to be safe and tell at 3 months mark after the test. news spread very fast lah.

karen, why your neighbour wanna abort? so sad!
ya..same here.. also cant wait to share my status with my friends.. but have to 'ren' for another 3 more wks.

take good care babybreathorchid!
I already shared with some colleagues cos they all started asking me if I'm preg. They say the word 'preg' is written on my forehead haha. Cos my face so pale, nausea face and tired face. No need to say they will know.

Just done my oscars. Actually I only opt for NT scan cos it's only $160. If I do blood test , I need to top up another $160. Already know the results on the spot. Everything is fine. Baby is 6cm !

Hope everyone hang on to end first trimester!
Hi everyone, I made just one post eons ago then went silent. The link to the google doc was so long ago that I can't seem to locate it anymore so here are my details:

My EDD: 23 March 2013
Gynac: Dr Chia Yee Tien
Hospital: Mt Elizabeth
Hometown: City
Currently: 9 weeks

Oh, and I have a 19 mths girl. Pennny, our childens' age are close!

Is there a facebook page for our group? Can I be added on it too? My email is [email protected]

Btw, since everyone is on the topic of announcing, I haven't announced because both hubby and I are thalassaemia carriers so there is only a 75% chance the baby is viable. Will wait till its confirmed before the big announcement. But I have told my boss who is also head of office and close friends.
sunflower: u never do oscar scan ar? wah lau, i go TMC n i paid $457 + the details scan..very exp leh... hahaha...

my tummy show liao, but sometimes i see like fats... i find this round my tummy look smaller.
Alamak mummies,
I just sat up and found blood stains at my cushion. Go toilet check got 50cents dark red blood. Check internet they said should be ok. Just need to ensure not a lot of blood.
Ya I can't wait to share the joy too. Ha....
My boss all don't know ha... Only one colleague very close friend know. Ha..

Suddenly my office block the motherhood forum. Don't know what happen
@sbb: spotting/brown discharge is pretty common googled once on this b4..nevetheless, must closely monitor.

dont worried too much, sometimes it will go away de..
Thanks jolz!

I only opt scan for oscars and omit BT. For KKH , they alow u to choose one and add on the other if the result for scan is not too gd. So there is flexibility. My tummy also showing, it's faster than my previous pregnancy
reia, so is there any other tests require? did you do any test for your girl? my girl is 21mths this month. :D i am also a thalessamia carrier, luckily hub is not.
Mrs Lee & Lynn, thanks. I do hope everything will be fine. Will be doing Amino test on Sep 18...Gosh!! hubby's birthday.
Mrs Lee, im also a thalessamia carrier... hiazzz...

Is Amino test normal?
Afternoon Mummies...

So tired today. Conducted 2 3 hour lectures for students today. One student actually ask me if I'm preggie. Hahaha! Should have replied... ARE U SAYIN I'm FAT hahaahah but no la. I feel not so nice to say you are not when you actually are so I just smile lor. =)

My OsCars is on the 7th of Sept. Can't wait.

OH some mummy asking about Wong Boi Boi Class right. My advice is to book EARLY. Cos it gets booked out very fast. I heard that she is good and really funny. I didn't get a chance to go for her class but she was at one of the talks i attended and it was very entertaining. =)
WBB class, i didnt attend. but my gf did.. she enjoy her class lots, but shes more of the angmo style. she encourages bathing during confinement. yup, its usually quite crowded, better book early.

serene, its pretty normal but i heard theres certain risk. but anyhow, trusted youre in good hands, jia you!
Jolz- I attended Mrs Wong class when i was having my no 1 eventhough i delivered at glen e. Her class is very interesting, informative and funny. I did enjoyed her class a lot. But like wat other mention remember to book early. Her classes are taken up very fast.

Reia- Yaya our kids age gap are indeed very close. I thought like 2 yrs gap is always an ideal for myself and heng heng strike it. Do u hope for a boy this time? haha
u also from kkh? can just opt for scan and omit blood test? i didn't know leh and i schedule for both, if like that then how ah? call the clinic and tell them i wanna change?

i inform my closer friends, family and my boss. bcos im so call 1 man show so must let my boss know in advance so he can be prepared. but he tell me its my responsibility to look for someone to take over me before i leave.

We both under the same Gynae
. No need to call. When u r there, they will council u and discuss with u if u wan which package.
Penny, how do u book for wbb's class? I'm kinda I interested.

Mummies, when do we normally attend such classes? Third trimester?

Sunflower, congrats on the good scan results! Waiting anxiously for my result!

Serene, I've a gf who score a little low on oscars ratio. Went for amino and everything turns up well. She even get to know the gender on the day she gets her amino test result. Everything will be fine ;)
Beanbean- That time i just call up thomson parentcraft then book directly and then send a chq over. But i think if u are delivering at thomson have the membership card like have discount.

i attend when i was in my third trimester but is early part of third trimester.
Penny, yar, one each will be nice but actually girls are nicer to parents so 2 girls will be good too.

So interesting all these discussions about the different tests. Because of my thalassaemia I always go straight to the obgyn and demand CVS, after that all they need is to supplement with a detailed scan.
reia, my #1 gynae didnt treat me differently. just tat i was admitted to hospital and given 1mth hospitalisation leave to rest cos my blood count was low. was also given blood transfusion.
Thanks Beanbean !


Just to give u some assurance. The sonographer told me usuaally those who get not so gd results for Oscar, usually baby turns out fine. Unless u have family history. Else most of the time is fine. And so far , heard of many false positive. Most Pple with bad oscars turns out fine. Amino has a very high risk, do read up. I'm sure u will be fine.
penny : added.. lol realized we have a few common friends.. hahaha...

reia: added as well...

my appetite is better as compared to yest... hope tml is good as well!!
Hi Celtbaby, I didn't know Mt A on reno now... But I'm confirmed giving birth at TMC coz my gynae is based there and easier too... I gave birth to my first baby in TMC so I guess I'll just stick to TMC... Their confinement food not bad leh... Haha... I'm very choosy with food but when I saw their food, I just gobbled it down... Very very hungry after giving birth... Lol...
Prof Han just tell me to consider and arrange for AMC to call me for appt. They immediately book me for blood test amd scan. So now I already have both appt schedule in September

I made appt for both tests too. But when u r there, u can still change Ur mind. Just need to tell AMC councillor. U can save half of the money if u just take up the scan only. Only if result not gd, then u can decide on the spot if u wan to do Bt to combine results. The sonographer will explain the results on the spot and advise u Wat to do. No worries.
Sunflower, thanks

Its so nice to have all the support and encouragement...feel blessed.

Lynn, u r also with Prof Han fm KKH?

U with prof Han too? Can I Noe Ur ratio? So far my fren with low ratio 1:170++ , baby is fine leh. Bubbly and active now. Can u see nasal bone? Maybe it's the fluid that pulls down Ur result ? Or Bt.
yes yes, im with Prof Han...
how old is ur friend? Im 33 this year leh...so most probably, old liao...hahhaa...
yup, can see the nasal bone.
my ratio is 1:206 ah...no good...

ur friend went for Amino?

Not old la. My fren is 37 and hb is 38 !! It took her many years to conceive her bb so no matter Wat results, she will not abort. So she decided to give amino a miss. And bb is really fine! I am very sure u will be fine as long as no family history. If it's the fluid that brings down Ur result, it's very common cos some babies tend to have more fluid.
hmm, i got no history of this. but to place safe, think i will proceed with Amino test and rest well. I need all ur support!
berrydelight, thanks for the update. ;)

serene, don lose hope or scare yourself. it will be fine. try talking to bb often.
Morning ladies…
How’s every one today.
Today MS seems to be a lot better. Heng. Haha…

Any one counter keep going to toilet?
I keep going to toilet – 1 night 2 times.
