(2013/02) March 2013

HJ, yup my #1 also delivered by Dr Kee.

serene, ya it will be fine, don't worry and think positively

sbb, on average i also wake up twice a night to pee. sometimes 3 times! like whole night never sleep at all..

i got very bad memory and thus suddenly forget we seeing same gynae =x my blood test appt is before my scanning bcos they say the scanning appt very full. can only schedule me earliest on 13/9. but blood test is on 4/9. think like that i just cancel the appt on 4/9 for blood test. hehe

yup, im also seeing prof han at tps. dun worriew so much for your test. it will be fine! jiayou!

i will go toilet 1-2 times a night even thou i dun drink water after dinner. when i lazy i try to sleep it off but then will keep on drift in and out.
a pregnant friend of mine says that this is a training period for us to adapt to not able to sleep thru the night peacefully, similar to waking up and feed bb.. lol
berrydelight, yes youre right. but to wake up about 3imes a night its pretty tiring. infact, towards the end of the pregnancy e frequency is more. during my #1 time, my timing was pretty standard. 2am, 5am. as tho i woke up to feed the baby. hahha!

tummy cramp, any mother experience this? i have cramp this week. cramps like menses.
mrs lee, now that you mentioned.. i realised that my pee time at night also quite standard, always around 3am and 6am.. the body like alarm clock and auto will wake up.
i had been having alot of weird dreams since preggy.. this morning i was woken up by my dream, dreamt that bb gave me a very hard kick, can even see the kick movement on the tummy.. like kick me to wake up and go work.. kekeke...
berrydelight, actually i didnt much. but will still wake up once every night. hehhe!!

jessi, haha!! self alarm clock. ironically, when my #1 is out, her feeding time is also about those timing. hahha!
Hi Mummies,

I have been a silent reader. Can i join the fb group as well? I can't access to the doc to add my details.

My EDD: 18 March 2013
Gynac: Dr Caroline Khi
Hospital: TMC
Currently: 10 weeks
Email: [email protected]

Will be going for both blood test and Oscar scan on 4th Sep.
Re : Peeing
haha.. seems a lot of mummies here also pee 2-3x per night. me too sometimes sleep through so that i don want the last pee to wake me up. haha.. so tiring to keep on peeing. than with the young chap between us, u kw sometimes they don just sleep soundly.

Mrs Lee
they said cramping is uterus expanding. but if u really feel very uncomfortable, better check with your doc. sometimes its better to check.

Re: head heaviness
once i have this stupid head heaviness, i tend to wnat to puke. what is this
yup, my MS seems better today too... trying to eat as much as i can now

sbb, i have been to the toilet about twice a night... but now better. else is, jus finish going, the urge is still there
yesterday i go through my search for vegetarian CL. i managed to write something down few mths back while planning for 2nd one. haha...

this fri is the rally, hope 6mths ML is passed!!!
Ya me too same leh
Like the urine never finishes
Last time I read, after u urine, sit at the toilet bowl for a while first wait for somemore to come. Haha..
sorry haven finished my writing. i will give u the details which i know of and see if it is useful to u.
Just went for 11 wks scan ... Can see baby hands and legs moving like waving to me haha .. So cute .. Everything seems fine and doing oscars soon ..

Jessie: how old is your #1? my no 1 is also delivered by him .. Now already 29 mths old!

I also keep waking up to pee ... So tiring ...
Thks berry for updatg the spreadsheet

Serene: all the best for ur amnio test, im sure ur bb will be fine.

Rgd MS, its easing... Sbb i too feel head heaviness n always accompanied by nausea. Its like havg fever.... But nw its gettg better.

My constipation is gettg better, able to poo everyday. But pee frequency increased le, at least twice a night, daytime oso keep going to the toilet.
Sufeiya, yup, mt a under reno, not sure by next year will be done or not. So got tochk it out b4 deciding. Actually my gynae clinic oso at tmc, tats y i also considering tmc.
thanks for adding me.

i had sleepless nights for few weeks already.. can only sleep abt 2-3 hrs at night. anyone experiencing this? and nightmares too. i feel so depressed.
sbb, thanks for e clarification. now i recall the same cramp i have when im with #1. hahha. time to wear more loose clothes.

actually if you wan to empty your bladder, can try to lean froward when you pee, it helps for me.
Mrs Lee
i already wear loose clothings already..

Re: Lemon Juice
can we drink lemon juice?
i squeeze fresh juice and put to ice cubes.
when i feeling MS, i drink that a bit and don feel like vomitting. haha.. don kw if that is good or bad.

Re : feeling baby inside tummy
I think i really felt something moving.
its not the normal gas i have
Mrs lee

As long as cramp is bearable and not accompanied with bleeding, it's ok. Womb is expanding.

I think it's common for all of us especially at nite
I also woke up at least once in the night to pee. Sometimes I will have problem falling back to sleep. Then I will Ren till I wake up. Sometimes when bladder is too full, will feel a bit crampy after peeing.

I too have vivid dreams these days..maybe that's why we are always tired.
After lunch, my tummy seems to get bigger. Haha.. and this will last till the night time.
Before lunch it is still ok.
Sleepiness is getting me.. yawn……..
haha... i guess its normal isn't it.
haha.. but luckily this whole week i got a seat

yesterday when i gg back, this couple the lady is leaning against the guy shoulder. i guess around poly or uni student la. than the guy keep looking at me but didn't give up his seat cos of the gf. alamak...

i was anticipating his action. see what he will do. haha..
Zzz haven’t attack me. But I super bloated!

Btw anyone know if we can eat double boiled hashima? I had dim sum for lunch and shared a bowl of that with another pregnant colleague.

Came back google, I read from Eu Ren San website is not suitable for pregnancy. Dunno how now… =((((
my dreams are vivid too... and mostly not good dreams.... arrrghhh

jus a quick check, anyone feels better sleeping on ur left side then on ur right side?

i cant sleep sideway - right side...

erm, can catch what im saying?
serene, i sleep better on my left than on my right. when i sleep on my right, i tends to feel a kind of cramp or stretching feeling on my left side. but i read before that sleeping on the left side is better as more blood flow to the bb.
i also read that slping on ur left is better for blood flow..and also for ur heart to pump better..something like that..

i only noe hashima is vvv cooling for pregnancy..not too sure if its dangerous..if u only eat abit, shld be a problem?
Mrs Lee, sorry I missed your earlier question! If your hub is not a carrier then no need for any additional tests. Its only if both are carriers that the baby has a chance of being a thal major (not just carrier).

On all the food concerns, everything in moderation is fine. I avoided hashima for my first pregnancy because I remember it had some female hormone but half a bowl really won't make a difference. Lemon is also perfectly fine!

Sleeping on left side is slightly better for bloodflow etc but I've always slept on my right side and continue to do so, otherwise I can't fall asleep! Just glad I'm not one of those used to sleeping in a prone position.
i used to sleep on my tummy... now cannot...hahaha... i dun noe...sleeping on my left is so comfy...when i turns to my right, i can't sleep well.
reia, no worries.. just continue w your folic acid k. take care!

beanbean, i tink better don tahan. just wake up and pee, cos preggies are prone to UTI. i had UTI during 3-4weeks preg, didnt go away for 3 days, went to see GP and had antibiotic. so beter just pee all out!

yup..its better to sleep on your left side, i had this habit since #1. but now, ever since i know im preg, i keep sleeping on my tummy. hahhaha! super shiok!

my tummy usually gets bigger at night when am home. maybe i feel more relax and ate too much, tummy showing very obviously. heheh!
sleeping, i have to sleep on the right. haha.. strangely.

maybe if i sleep right side, i'm facing away from my son so i sleep more soundly. haha..

everynight i have to hold hands with him before sleeping.
Jessi: yes his fees are quite ex now .. But I like him as a doctor so haha no choice .. And my last delivery was only 2 years ago!

I look so pregnant .. Went Lego sale just now and the staff knows I'm pregnant and helped me carry the goods haha ..
Serene, yup, mine too, mostly vivid and not so good dreams. I dreamt of my hb having affair twice! Hahahaha!

Opps I din know not answering nature's call will lead to uti! I will take note le, thanks mrs lee.

I don't feel my tummy getting bigger maybe coz I'm fat to begin with :p but my cousin manage to guess im preg! So I think shd have grown slightly bigger
Sleeping Position: Sleeping on the left side is better towards the final weeks of the preganancy when tummy is huge. For now sleep any side also okay. I tend to sleep on my right cos if I sleep on my left #1 will be in my face. I got to think of a way to move him out of my bed. =P SBB looks like we have the same problem. =)

HJ: Got Lego fair? Where????
can still sleep on ur tummy mah? won't harm the baby? i dun dare to...so guai guai sleep one side...hahaha

i always stand near the seats... nobody gave up the seats to me... i feel like telling the person, can you give me the seat pls... hahaha
