(2013/02) March 2013

every pregnancy is different.
my earlier on is so bad. and my son now everyday my bb inside not to let mummy xin ku. haha.. else mummy cannot play with him.

Dear mummies...
i feel so xinku today. morning ate one donut n vomitted badly. follow by lunch and vomit everything out. my stomach starts to have bad cramps becos of constant vomitting. i'm hungry and crave for food and yes...after buying or queing for food i wanna puke and no appetite. i dont know what i want to eat. cant stand my inlaws cooked food or when she is cooking... the smell of the cooking in the air -_-||||

unlike me, my sister has no MS. she cannot understand how i feel. she thinks that is my mental thoughts telling me i got MS!!! no it is not. it's like within me telling me to puke esp in MRT or travelling on transport!

dear aurora, i havent tried the essence. my hubby says we try the delmonte prune juice first. ok lo.. but i feel my stomach still over cramped!! very miserable.

dear lynn princess: oscar is the downsyndrome test usually can only be done within 11-12 weeks period if i'm not wrong. cannot missed the appointment. they measure the thickness behind our foetal neck to test for down syndrome probability. i didnt know there is any package? i'm having my test in sgh. do test then see doctor on same day.

celtbaby! i have also been eating many junk food. but every time my craving change rapidly! i ate burgers during ndp yesterday and vomit badly. i couldnt enjoy ndp sobbed sobbed. my friends all suspect i am preggie. keep ask my hubby and say i actin strange. my tummy showing! and i cannot stand the smell of certain people!

oh ya. one question: may i know what do u all usually eat for breakfast? any recommendations for good healthy breakfast? bcos i follow my hubs and family. they always eat alot and v unhealthy food. i dont want to live this way... but seems like i cant control myself or my mood boo**

Jamie mama! i know how xinku.. is only my 2nd pregnancy. first one i had a pregnancy loss and i dont have ms. i'm always going to the toilet. scared my colleagues think i eat snake!! i coluld stay there for so long puking >.<

I am v fatigue.. work doesnt allow me to nap!
Blueswimmercrab-I read a book frm a Japanese writer about how to raise up a happy bb.It said if mommy always has negative thinking,when bb come out he/she will be very emotional or will like to cry easily.Cos our mood will affect little bb inside us.I also try not to think too much.Juz try to make ur self happy always.

this sounded like my last preggy state.

now i had oats, sandwiches, steam sweet potatos, or cook porridge. rotate everyday la.. so my son or me won be boring.

the cook smell is also making me sick! and i hate it!!! even the rice steam you know. i fainting.

maybe you have to try to find something that won make you feel so bad.
Baby dreamy-Jiayou Jiayou.
Hmmmm.Before I'm pregnant I don't like to eat porridge.But now I like to eat porridge a lot.Normally i will have white porridge plus some braised peanuts,fried egg n veggies for my bf.U can have any side dishes that u refer to go with ur porridge.Sometimes if I don't have much appetite I will have oat porridge or just a bowl of bf cereals.
hahaha me also same as michelle!! like to eat porrdige.. something light will do......

for breakfast.. either cerals with milk, or bread with coffee (yes i'm still on coffee, once a day)... but bread i try to buy those whole grain .. healthier.. but more boring lor....

i think if u wanna eat healthier, we should get it starting 2nd trimester.. coz gynae now tell me now wat spicy or junk food u wanna eat.. eat!! coz in any case eat also will throw out.. anything suits my appetite just eat (except raw food)... but 2nd trim maybe gotta watch out
Dear blueswimmercrab! i also have v negative thoughts at the start of my pregnancy. my colelagues noticed i was crying and depressed and suspected my pregnancy. i was too emotional and couldnt cope with the chanegs of my body bcos i feel weak and useless. but v importantly they told me to keep a happy mind. becos if we are depressed during pregnancy, the baby may develop depression too after he/she is born.

thanks sbb, michelle and berry for the advice and encouragement!
i used to eat like this. i dont know why so haywire. hen xinku. i will work hard and give my bb a healthy body. i hope i can be stronger ! and healthier! wish my hubby can also b healthy, after marriage he put on so much weight. now even worst bcos he keep eating my left over food. i am too fickle alr. >.<

hehe fortunately our first tri is ending soon. i'm going to embrace 2nd tri! pray pray* the symptoms will not be that bad.

oh yah i am drinking lemon tea. prob once a day? is it v bad? tea like very 'liang' or got caffefine. berry , u still drink coffee ah? i think can right as long as not overdosed.
Baby dreamy,berry delight-I like to drink iced milk tea,but after I know I'm pregnant I don't dare to drink until nw.I only drink milk,soy milk or fruit juice.Drink plain water I will feel like puking.Im 7 weeks nw.22 Aug then will be gg for my 1st check up.
Babydreamy: you r not alone, dont wry.. Try to think positively k, very soon 2nd trim n all these ms will be gone

I want to eat healthy but the thought of healthy food like sandwiches, porridge, vege rice makes me lose my appetite. The only healthy food i crave for is my mom's home cooked food but i dont live with her ao cant get to eat everyday. I just told my dh i wanna eat prata with fish curry for dnr later... See! Unhealthy food again.

Emotionally quite unstable, cry easily n throw tantrums at home, recently i was so angry abt something i threw the plates n bowls into my sink breakg some, which nver happened to me b4. I'm actually quite a calm person.. Haha.
haha hi michelle i'm also big fan of milk tea bubble tea! i trying my best to refrain myself. oh ya by 22 aug u def can see bb heartbeat!

thanks celtbaby! i'm also like this esp dinner i told my hubby i dont wanna eat my inlaw food. we specially went to eat curry n prata! seems i have craving for v spicy or sour food lately :p

hehe i'm always an anxious person. my emotional mood swing i'm afraid it might spoil relationship between my hubby. sometimes i tell him u dont understand my MS or soemtimes my bust swelling n pain. i just whine and say u dont know how i feel lah... >.<
Baby dreamy-looking forward to see my bb heartbeat.
Me too,I also have craving for spicy n salty fd.Yeh!Bubble tea nice leh,every time I see ppl drinking I feel like buying.Haha.
Celtbaby-I like to eat my grandma home cooked fd,but I don't stay near her so can't get to eat everyday.I also like to eat those so call unhealthy fd coz nw u ask me to eat fish soup I will puke.Hope will get better.
My grandma don't want to eat too much noodles,she said no good,so I have to control abit.
Yah baby dreamy, and the curry with prata must be fish curry, cannot be chicken coz fish curry is sourish mah.. Haha.

Michelle, i only get to eat my mom's homecooked food once a week

I keep tellg myself, i will start eatg healthy fr 2nd trim onwards, when no more ms... So nw abit unhealthy nvm. ;p
Yes I can't wait for 2 trimenster to come, been eating a lot of junk, fried Kay teow, KFC, burger kind, n tom yum soup .. My mil,cook pasta the other day and I don't know how to tell her I don't feel,like eating cos she doesn't know abt the pregnancy.. I ask my hubby to buy spicy ramen n smuggle home.. Terrible me
Hi Mummy,

I am letting go the stroller at a attractive price of $500 (more than 30% off the original price). Original price is at $729. Certain stores are selling at $583 during promotion. If interested, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Many thanks!

Key Note:

•All items are brand new less the folded frame (condition 9.9/10). I had used the folded frame with my Maxi-Cosi baby car seat (Cabriofix) less than 10 times.
•Rocky black seat with sun canopy
•Comes with red colour seat reducer (worth $89), shopping basket, rain cover and Maxi-Cosi baby car seat adapters



P.S. Price is slightly negotiable
Baby dreamy: ya I still drink coffee once a day if I'm working.. Doc said is ok if once a day.. So ard 4-5 cups per week lo... I think moderate is ok..
Just to share with u mummies..
I went to a Chinese doc at Yuguo (famous for baby massage at kembangan) coz I been vomitting every meal and can't eat the medicine my GP gave me for my throat infection n cough..

He recommended me a traditional natural remedy for curbing ms!!!!!!

Shave the skin off green apples.. Cut the skin into small pieces and stir fry with uncooked white rice till brown n dry.
Steep a few spoonful in a cup of hot water or a bottle of hot water.. Can drink a few times a day everyday till ms goes away!! He says fry already can keep quite long.
Hubby bought me some green apples just now.. Gonna fry n try the drink later :D
Pootz, Melissa, so our #1 all around the same age then. Do you realise recently that #1 is starting to understand instructions?

I saw baby's HB on friday, so exciting. Even heard the HB. Doc turned up the sound for me to hear, so interesting.

Faith, why don't you tell your MIL you're pregnant? I thought it's ok to tell parents and in-laws. People don't tell cos worry that if something happens, then the friends not in the known about the loss will still ask about pregnancy. But close relatives will never harp on it so ok to tell them.
My ms is killing me too.. Wat I eat throw up in the toilet bowl.. Ytd go kkh a&amp;e they suspect me hav gastric...

This pregnancy is tough compare to my #1
I suspect I'm having gastric prob too!!
This time round I can't tell the difference whether I wanna puke due to ms or gastric pain.. can't tell whether I'm hungry or not till I go dizzy..
How did the doc differentiate between gastric n ms?
Hi mummies-to-be,
Are you all taking any medication for ease MS? If not, have to try some methods to ease it.

My MS started from throwing up after every meal to the current throw-up only at night. It was so bad till i vomited blood for the past 4 nights. Just like nana-mum, i can no longer tell the diff bet being hungry, gastric or MS. I went to see a doc on Sat and he said the blood was due to the bursting of a small blood vessel and when i over-vomit. He gave me some medication to ease the vomiting, too. BTW, i am past 12 weeks (according to the last scan) alrdy. So if you are experiencing very very bad MS, please tell your doc and do something about it.

U past 12 wks? I tot this week is still 11wk plus? I did ask for vomiting med, but it's vit B, which I feel is also worsening my ms. Recently these few days, mine became night sickness too, dinner was always out.

Ladies with bad MS,
Maybe u all try eating plain food? Food that is not oily , not spicy will help alot. I tried plain rice with soup, eat already cure ms instantly, thou only last 1-2 hrs max. After that hunger pang strikes .. So bloated yet so hungry. So I tried light cake like chiffon cakes and bread, all works well. If I ate chilli, laksa, sure kena big time. Nt sure if it helps u all, can try.
yes i was prescribed vit B and i felt worst too, so i stopped taking
i also find plain foods better for MS, I tried eating those green pears and feel much better, not sure if it works for everyone

My ms is terrible for this weekend~ kept feeling to puke, but nothing came out... only air and more air... dun feel like eating at all~~~ i forcing myself to eat so tat bb can get nutrients..... and.. super fickle minded too... bought cheecheongfun for brekkie morning, after opening and smelling the food, i gagged and threw away... now munching on biscuits......

berrydelight: I'm still drinking coffee too! once a day as approved by my gynae~~~~
Hi All,

Sorry for interrup. I have a electic beast pump want to sell. Anyone interest ?

Selling Electric Breast Pump : Pigeon Brand.

Selling $120 neg. have been left unused for quite some time. Trying to clear the storage space.

used for 3 months. Not a heavy user as my boy is drinking 80% on formula milk, its look as good as new as its kept inside the box after use.

will add in

1. all the spares parts for the breat pump.
2. 2-3 used bottles (been used to store pumped milk only)
3. 1 tube of nipple care cream (new)
4. 1 box of pigeon disposal breast pad (36pieces) (unopen)

its easy to bring around for usage as there is AC and battery power option, especially for those working mom.

sms me at 9424 9951 if interested, do not pm me as i do not always log in to check the acc. thank you


Silent Electric Breast Pump
The Silent Motor
The silent motor emits a mere 58 decibels of sound. This allows you to express milk without disturbing your baby sleeping nearby.

The Advanced Sealing Air CushionTM
- Stimulates a steady let-down
The soft round edges of the Advanced Sealing Air CushionTM provide an airtight seal over the entire areola. This structure allows for steady expression of milk with only a light suckling sensation.

The Adjustable Suction Strength Dial and Suction Cycle Speed Controller
- allows you to express milk comfortably, depending on your physical condition at the time.
This breast pump comes with a suction strength dial with five pressure level settings and a suction cycle controller for regulating the speed of suction. You can customize the pressure and speed every time to match your own comfort level.
I thought i am at 11 weeks plus too until my gynae told me it is 12 weeks exactly on Sat. So should be around there. I am also prescribe with fish oil and multi-vits. These could only be taken after 1st trimester. So i guess should be around there bah. Anyway the scan result is always +/- a few days.

I can't take soupy stuff. Only some dry food will stay in the stomach. Even if i don't eat, i will still vomit. I hope it will vanish soon.
hi all! i stopped drinking coffee after i found out i was pregnant, i guess most doctors say that one cup a day is still ok especially if you have been habitually drinking it. i drank quite a bit of milk tea and coffee during my first month coz i did not know i was pregnant, and i was in hk at that time.

having flu right now. any mothers taking any medication for flu? trying to eat more kiwi and fruits to get rid of the flu but no avail...
For MS, can try sour plums, sour gummy bear sweets, sour and sugar-coated long gummy you can usually see at patrol stations.

For really bad MS, must get med from gynae. I have a friend who had it so bad that she couldn't sleep at night and just woke up to heave and puke that her gynae gave her strong med. Only gave her a few pills, telling her to take it only when necessary.
Blue Swimmer Crab, I'm taking flu and cough med at moment. Some docs will tell you that certian flu and cough med ard for 50 years and proven to be no side effects to pregnany. Can take lor. Especially cough hard to go away, better take now to suppress it then let it build up.

Re: coffee and tea
I don't like coffee that much so take it maybe once a month. But I take 1 cup of tea everyday still, down from 2/3 cups per day. It's ok cos for my #1, gynae said everything in moderation is ok. In fact, he said sushi is fine so long as no raw food. Meaning can eat the cooked prawn sushi, cooked crabstick sushi. So happy then to hear him say such things. Thought can share with you mummies
Morning Mummies...
So tired on the monday morning cos I'm having a slight flu. Sneezing and drowsy without taking any medication. Anyone knows any natural remedies?

I feel like sleeping in the office. -_-

i rem i read somewhere its btter to take Vit B for first tri for some reasons because its not only for vomitting...so i never stop taking. now i took it just before i slp so at least not so bad..
Nuts n dried fruits are good if you can stomach it... At least can eat when ur stomach feels empty.

Ribena really helps take away my nausea, i ve no idea y but it just works for me.

Do we need to take fish oil nw? Is scotts emulsion n fish oil similar?

fish oil from 2nd tri onwards. gynae will prescribe when u reaches soon. i've got my fish oil and multi-vits on my 10th week visit, but can only starts after week12-13.

ribena helps for my first pregnancy too
why only after week 12 - 13? hm i played table tennis and got all tired out over the weekend. sigh! is this normal? and when can we start exercising? should we?
im dying from MS too..cant wait for this to end.. argh.....

juz now took porridge.. can't finish.. at least stomach something inside.. if not later puke acid again...
by the way, i pop the gastic pills tat doc give me.. it help me alot... hehehe...
any mummies here feel so lazy to even wash face and apply lotion? im feeling so lazy due to the nauseous that i don even want to apply lotion.
oh.. want to ask who is doing confinement for you? i have already engage a confinement lady but my mum is very unhappy about this.

she said she can do fully for me but as i do not have a maid, i need her to concentrate on my elder one while im doing confinement and have someone to look after myself and my little one by another person.

my mother overestimate her strength already.
last time she already have problem struggling with my this elder boy while doing confinement.
