(2013/01) Jan 2013

probably so...when's ur next appt wif him?

i duno if im experiencing the contractions.. been monitoring it, the first attack was last nite from 10+ thru 11+ and another round today.. once in the morning (10+am) for abt 15 mins or so another time was at 3pm about 20-30 mins, there after another wave around 4 plus.

it does not fullfill the progressive pain though .. but i was wondering if it is contractions or braxton kicks.

isit safer to observe for "show" or leakage??

I think it's my turn soon!
Had show this morning... Then contractions hourly, progressing to half hourly... Pain still bearable.. Meanwhile I shall enjoy a dinner date with hubby
JOey, you also home alone with bb ? Take care ... Mine just started .

Hmmm.. I think my CL also didn't expect got family issue, her daughter and her daughter in law got argument and they only listen to my CL. My CL asked if need to get another CL come but we think, still left around 2 weeks and we also not sure how's another CL so my husband said we tried by our own first.

For confinement , I didn't know the uterus matter and avoid water etc. I still shower everyday, so still touching water ... Quite difficult to avoid water. May be will ask my husband if he can shower bb since I have to avoid squat down. Thanks ladies for advices ~

Actually I more concerns about bb crying, CL know how to settle bb while me and husband always unable to calm bb .
Jos- dun know..I think my doc old style type. For all my 3 babies, I had to go back to remove stitches. It stung a little when she was removing the knot. But now all good. No more pain. I am more comfortable.
Hi all
My milk supply still low. Now relying on my right breast to supply milk while hoping my left breast supply will come back... its still ard 5ml as compare to my right breast of up to 50ml.
My left breast seems smaller than the right. Do u guys hv any difference?
Wondering if i should continue ...haizz
Hi pocketpig.. Yes, home alone with baby.. Can't shower in peace.. Have to keep listening if baby fidgets etc.. Kept telling baby - cannot cover his nose etc.. :p Hubby has to prepare the herbal bath for me b4 he goes to work.. Can't express milk in peace as well.. My breasts starting to get engorged soon cos not regularly clearing the supply.. Can't sleep well at night as hubby too tired to wake up for night feed.. Have to rely on myself..
@sunny and @baby_toh, yeah... Dr Tham always prefer smaller baby.... I always got reminded by him on the weight issue too! But don't worry lah, u r in safe hands with him. He is quite pro natural too...

Pocketpig, being a first time mummy, i must say u have admirable attitude! U r always so positive! Must learn from u. I remember that I cried almost everyday when I had my no 1 not withstanding that I have strong family support hor. Guess I'm too 'weak' and 小姐, little bit cry, little bit very emo. U jiayou! With your positive vibe, I'm sure u can overcome everything!
Had postnatal blues few days back.. Hubby lamented y I'm so lousy where my tummy still hurts.. He compared me with his mum and my mum where they had surgery for removal of wombs, and they can be up and running in 1-2 weeks' time.. I cried.. Feeling myself so useless.. Sigh
I also feel easily depressed and emotional during confinement. Tink is a norm for most of us. Also having breastfeeding issue initially and now, i totally rely on pumping and supplement wit fm. Feel a failure nt able to latch bb well and unable to satisfy her milk crave. But guess pumping can help to monitor her intake and more assured that her hunger is satisfied. Also worrying about the period when nanny leaves. Gg to b challenging for a first time parents. Mummies, all jia u!! We can do it!
Go have the last fling, but don't go hospital too late wor. I ate loads of CNY goodies just before I delivered. Felt contractions them quickly go munch munch munch...

Tell Hb last time man can do hard labour, he can or not? Sheesh... Dun be upset. What you can let go, let it go first. A bit not clean, bb won't die...
Joey and courgeous81, sayang! Sayang! Let's jiayou together! I also fear for the day my CL leaving.... Don't think I can cope with pumping & caring of baby.
Joey, you didn't get helper at all for your confinement ? Who help you to cook confinement food then ? Your husband shouldn't compare with his mom , now different generation. May be you can share with him, try to care about your feeling .. Share those articles about post natal blue with him, let him understand that he will need to care more about your feeling.

I wish my CL tomorrow will call me and told me that she settled her home issue and can back to help me :p
I also experienced post natal blue, easily to cry and easily to out of temper, very emotional. Tomorrow is my 20th day after deliver, my milk supply for the whole day only pump out around 150ml ... Ate a lot of fish head soup and cod fish but all seems wasted on me.
Hi pocketpig, I wanted to get a CL initially.. But, my mil volunteered to cook confinement food for me.. Saying CL very expensive (cos initial EDD is 26 Jan and confinement will cross over to CNY).. But, she can only come in the afternoon.. After bringing the food, she will go back to her house to finish her household chores.. She will bring my dinner ard late afternoon.. After which, she will help me with the 2 older kids who are in primary school.. She practically left me to handle baby all by myself.. Saying that I'm experienced enough since this is the 3rd one.. -.-"" but, no one expects that I will go into early labour, with high blood pressure issues and 1st time c-sect.. My massage lady said as I kept walking around and little rest, the recovery of my uterus is very slow and till now.. 3 weeks into confinement, my tummy area still very swollen painful..
hopefully my c-sect wound will not get worse.. Trying to be positive.. Sigh
Either one of the following: (1) show, (2) water bag breaks, (3) contractions 5-10 mins apart should go hospital to check. Braxton hicks should only feel tightening without pain, whereas contractions are painful. Take care!

Dun given up gal, bm supply takes about 1 mth to be established so do persevere! Can just continue to pump left side to stimulate the bm flow. It's ok to supplement if required, do not be too hard on yourself ya!

Over time u will know your bb's 'pattern' eg when my boy cries and he will just turn his head sideways wanting to latch means he is hungry, and I will feed him first even if his diaper is wet or he poos, coz realized he becomes more calm after feeding and then I can take my time to change him without him being cranky.

Joey, courageous81,
Both of u are alrefy doing a great job!
In fact all of us mummies are doing a great job so let's jia you together!
What's wrong with mother in laws??? I don't go around passing judgement on how she runs her life even though a lot of things she does are ignorant and superstitious.. Why does she think it is her right to pass judgement on everything I do? From decision to breastfeed to decision to bathe to what I buy for baby. It's terribly rude.
Hi pocketpig, courageous & Joey n mummies ending confinement, it's end of tunnel soon. Take good care. Take dom after you pump every night to bu your body. Talk to someone to prevent yourself from post natal blues ok? Take care!
Bb is 1wk1day. I can pump 20ml each side per pumping. Hw to increase bm supply? Got sore nipples and bleeding due to incorrect latching. Hence decided to pump BM and supp with FM.
U can try fenugreek tablets, which may be purchased from pharmacies. Mine was issued by KKH and I took it during hospital stay and continued upon discharge. It's day 10 for me and am getting ard 80ml - 120ml per pump and pumping every 4 hrs, and I may supplement 1-2 feeds per day w fm if necessary.
dear mummies, do you wake your baby for feeds in the middle of the night?

i give formula milk in the night to keep bb fuller.
In initial 1-2 mths, important for bb to hv sufficient nutrition so best to feed bb in the night as well. My boy will auto wake up every 3 hrs at night for feeds. Think Sylvia or another mummy mentioned in this thread before that fm does not make bb more full - in fact fm not as easy to digest compared to bm thus giving impression that bb will be more full. Personally I will pump after feeding bb from bottle (bm from prev pump) and then the freshly pumped one will be for bb's next feed since can keep for 4 hrs w/o refrigeration.
I'm currently taking fenugreek, thinking of taking sacred tea too. Not sure whether can take the 2 together cos my supply still pathetic. 2 sides only can get 20ml despite pumping every 3-4 hourly.
@friends, thanks for the reassurance..

Ryan_leroy, you should continue pumping on the left side.. arbo later boob sizes diff~

siewz: yeah i latched no.1 at night, woke up her to latch during the first 2-3 months.. then after that will wait for her to wake up..agree FM is harder to digest actually if can just bf..we gave no.1 fm as night feed after we decided to wean her off night feedings so we could sleep longer..
tks for the advice mummies!!!

please take good care of yourself, although i know it is always easier said than done.. but nonetheless, im sure u r not the only ones, the mummies here are always available for support
I was thinking of pumping longer too... But nipples already sore.. So dun dare. Now trying to get a bigger size shield then can pump longer else sure bleed like Siao

Anyone know where I can fungreek? Online Oso can. Else gotta trouble hubby go buy after his OT
Hai, I think I have to surrender to pacifier soon?
My princess kept asking for suckle at night... Yesterday 12am plus then morning also.. If not dont wanna sleep.. Yesterday worse.. Latch n latch also don't sleep.. She is yawning but cannot sleep well

Anyone give Pacifier already?
cheese.. we only gave no.1 pacifier after 1 month coz worried of nipple confusion..

ryan_leroy: rem to apply nipple cream, wrong size shield hurts so make sure u get the correct size ones.. i also bought a few sizes shields to try and finally got the correct one.. and dont pump too long.. what i did was power pump. pump for 5 mins, rest and massage for another 5 mins then pump again..i always set alarm to pump every 3 hours for no.1 then bottle feed.. this time round i will try full latching and pump after latch to stimulate supply

i know sacred tea can buy online, through originjamumassage.. not sure about fungreek..
nickole > dont think later on the negative results will become positive.. do remember to check with ur gynae on this.

siewz > i was told during pre-natal class, during the day, we wake bb up for feeds, during night time, is the other way round, i.e. bb to wake us up for feeds.

maddog > sounds like my MIl too..ignorant and yet want to show off. plus she likes to poke her stinky nose in everything we do. if we dont follow, either she is like a housefly..keep "flying" around our ears or she will get 'hands-on'. think u need to stand firm and get the hubs on ur side..

maybe the MIL is afraid that her precious son (ur hubs) will 'throw her aside' after the arrival of the bb.. so she is doing her very best to 'make her presence' known.

welcoming the bb can actually cause another set of issue with the ILs..

mummies > jia you! you all have done a great job with the bb, no matter what the milk supply is!
bdmummy and moonchip: thank you for ur replies.
i tried to wake bb for feed in the middle of the night.. but the prob is my bb will suck for a while, then doze off..
tried all ways to wake him, he sometimes doesn't wake up.. know that he's nt full but he dun wan to drink.. then he will nt sleep well..
Hi cheese, my baby cranky these few nights becos of very congested nose.. I almost succumbed to give pacifier last night.. Tried again to let him latch.. He suckled very angrily.. Both mummy and baby very stressed up.. Was up whole night trying to pacify him..
but hubby insisted no pacifier for baby. Sigh..
Hai my #1 hug his pacifier like his very best friend .. Don't want Mei Mei also like that.. I look at her nose seems ok leh how to know they got congested nose?
Other than fenugreek, can try Fennel tea - it was highly recommended by the lactation nurse though I must say the taste is quite an acquired taste. I have stopped taking it coz I don't really like the taste.

Btw, you can purchase Fenugreek off the Bulk Purchase section.
Hi cheese, my baby has some "Kor Kor" sounds. Then, he seems like gasping for breath.. So, I brought him to the PD.. Even though I did not on the aircon, my area too windy.. It can get very cold at night.. Sigh..
Wah aspialle, ur baby very fast.. Mine likes to use a lot of strength to stretch till his face very red..likes to make sheep or horse neighing sounds when changing his diaper.. My hubby always makes fun of him, telling him he's a dragon.. Not a horse or sheep.. -.-"""
Bdmummy, I'm trying to learn bb pattern. Also watched YouTube and read all the relevant articles.

JOey, wound will get better ... It takes time, try to think positive. You have successfully passed the past 3 weeks , thing will be better ~

I also going to pass 3 weeks confinement tomorrow , episiotomy wound hasn't fully recovered but it is getting better. Today morning I managed to give shower to my bb, feed her and peace her to sleep. Finally I've tried to shower bb, quite scary as she still so fragile. She also feel scared every time when CL bath for her, today my turn to shower her and I can feel how scared the bb feel. She keep crying and very pity ... I believed one day she'll enjoy shower, it takes time.

Still upset with breast milk supply .. #1 Thing need to improve from me, will try the milk tea first ...
I have tried fenugreek and sacred tea but still can't increase my bm supply. i can only get 20-30ml per pump with both side combined. At times, i can get 40ml.

Origins Jamu Massage
Just done my 1st massage, i love it. The malay auntie is very nice and she keeps massaging my spine & shoulder when i told her that i have pains at these areas. She even helps to massage my breast & check if there's any blockage, but she found none. She didn't rush thru the session, and finished abt 1.5hr later instead of the normal 1hr. Love her service! She will come back again for the next 9 days.
Ya I thought they only learn how to flip abt 3 mths but I put him down facing up, next moment he turn to side to sleep hehe

Which means cannot put him on bed unattended.

Pocket pig
I will be facing the same as u after next week when my CL leaves early, by right we cannot touch water but still need to bathe bb, lets jiayou together , remember we r now near to each other

I keep drinking my papaya fish soup daily, morn I manage to pump abt 90 ml then day time let bb latch on , hopefully milk supply will increase too cos day time usually every 2 hrs I pump abt 40 to 50 ml both sides, for me I have to latch or pump more frequently if not my lump will be painful when it's engorged
Canopyhaze: You can ask the massage lady to teach you how to do baby massage too. The masseur assigned to me from Origins Jamu (during my #1) taught me how to do it.

Ryan_Leroy, maybe set ur pump lower power or slower. ur left is smaller becos u din pump on that side. have to latch and pump both sides else will be 大小粒.. not balance yah.. apply more nipple cream or breastmilk on the the sore nipple.

Someone mentioned drinking milo helps in supply too.. And nobody try the mochi for increasing supply??

Moonchip, ya.. will check with gyane thos week..

Pocketpig, good to hear u r coping well.. take it easy, u will learn more as the days go.. jia you
my #1 dun like to shower for the first few days too.. kept crying. but after a few days, he enjoys playing with water. can sing to ur gal, tell her mummy showering for u..

and tell u honestly, for the first 4 months, even though i m on ML at home, i din really help my boy shower, something i m very guilty abt. cos my mum or hb is the one helping me.
i believe u r putting ur bathtub on the floor while showering baby? maybe can try putting the tub on top of the toilet bowl seat to shower. at least no need to bend so low and squatting down. my mum did that.. haha.. but when my #1 gets too active and kicking ard ard 6-7mths plus, have to put on floor, else he will kick and fall down.

Mummies, jia you jia you 加奶加奶!! dun feel blues.. things will get better!!
