(2013/01) Jan 2013

aspialle > wa.. ur bb power!

nickole > same same.. during my 4mths ML, usually is my mom or hubs who bathed #1. got scolded by hubs for not bathing #1 lor. Thereafter, when i mastered the art of bathing, i bathed #1 till few months back (that was where I stopped due to pregnancy complications).

Pocketpig > Do not fret, you have many many moments ahead in front of you to bathe ur baby.. Being a mummy is on the job training, you learn as you go along, you grow with your kid. Though this is my #2.. I am still learning. Each milestone is a new experience for me! Many things, I still do not know.

mummies > I suppose... first 2 weeks is the learning period plus the setting of routine, thereafter, all be busy planning and sourcing for caterer/cakes/venues for 1st month?

Re breast milk supply, think gynae can prescribe the domperidone to increase supply? Else, can try the malunggay tea.

canopyhaze, freesia, u have the name of your massage lady? I signed for 10 sessions with origin too.. cant wait for baby to pop to start massaging..

btw which day did u start the massage.. straight after discharge from hospital? I wanna finish mine before CNY..
Wow Aspialle
You have lots of milk...
I m using PISA. Pumping both sides together wor...dun understand y 1 slight bigger than the other...i tried latching on to increase supply but he suckle till my nipple bleed..so gotta let it rest awhile till it recovers else i m in great pain pumping n latching.
The speed is the lowest le. I juz manage to reserve a bigger breast shield which will b collecting later. Hopefully it will b alrite frm then on.
Pocketpig. How abt leaving the tub on a table or changing table? It will do your back good..i survived looking after #1 without help. MIL was ard my hse to act bz onli...i didnt let her touch him. Now #2 hv my helper ard so free-er
<font color="119911">Trying of mochi... Haven got chance to buy so haven try! Will try to sneak out this weekend to taka to buy those jap ones... Hokkaido fair ya... Keke...</font>
Just bring my boy for his review from the pediatrician. He was admitted again due to High bilirubin. Can only be d/c only on Friday or sat. Can buy the tea and Fenugreek from TMC pharmacy. For my elder son, I tried domperidone and fenugreek. And i felt that domperidone helps to increase the milk supply more. Currently in 3-4 hourly pumping. Only manage to pump 60-80 mls. Anyone still feel pain upon touching your breast after pumping. For my wound, is healing very well. Today is my 5th day and only felt slight pain on and off.
I also have different BM supply from both sides and it can be as bad as 3 times the difference, for e.g. 40ml from one side and 120ml yield from another for the same pumping time. It has been like that even when I was breastfeeding #1 3 yrs back and I attributed it to less developed milk glands on one side and has given up hope trying to match the yield.

For me, as long as the combined yield is able to feed my babies and I don't face engorgement issues, I'm happy.

I was having blocked ducts problem last week (breasts were lumpy) and thanks to wenyl, I got the massage lady to come down to help clear and now I'm able to yield approx additional 30-50ml per pump.
hi all

today my day 8. Been a stressful first week. Like many first time mummies here, baby latch till nipples sore, bruised feeing, cant even sleep side way no more.

But I found new best friends, namely Ms Nipple Shield and Ms Breast Shell!

God sent after Epidural and Breast Pump!

Now my milk production increased and flow faster, so happy.

So many new thoughst the past few days. One thing I wanna say, Mother is the greatest. Breastfeeding mummy is the GREATER Greatest!!

Let's all perservere..

My baby also admitted for phototherapy session yesterday! Gleneagles and Mount A nurseries ALL FULL HOUSE!!

We waited for a while to finally get a bed at Mount A.

Gues what! GEH charge double of what Mount A does. About $1k a day and Mount A is half of that!
Got my new shield! Thanks to my dad who went down to the shop to get it for me. Feels bettee though the supply still low... shall let bb suckle frm tmr onwards.
I told my hubby abt thw change of breast shield as my breast sore after each pump...he commented "wa grow so big ah"
My #1 was admitted too when he was a bb. I was so upset tat i chk myself in hospital too to see him day n nite. When its my sis's bb, i told her it is actually a time to rest. Whereby u can concentrate in building up supply while the nurses look after for u.
look on the bright side babes
I know there will be difference between 2 breasts. But the prob is my supply was ok on both sides till i got a high fever (hitting 40deg). That my left breast supply drop drastically from almost 30ml till now still ard 5ml or at most 10ml
I ask the jamu lady over to help me clear block ducts. She commented tat there is onli 1 outlet hence block. She suggest ask hubby help to suckle! Haha. Anyone tried b4??
As a first time mummy, I also faced the same pro with some mummies here esp after discharged fm hospital.. my gal refused to sleep at night and she can really cried till me and my hb gave up on her..we couldn't sleep till morning 8+.. and we tried pacifier on her and she refused.. and i was really upset and even thought why did we even hope for her to come out before edd..with all the fuss n crying and rejecting my breasts, i dunno even know wat she wants. And it was unaccidentally we realised she dun like to sleep in air con n under fan. She wants it warm. So now we put her a corner (no fan n aircon and just when we are adapted to her behaviour, ytd she was admitted back to hospital for high bilirubin.. I was so sad.. I dun wish to be separated fm her.. but for her gd we left her at KKH. Lucky she had cleared her test and able to discharge later

As for bm, mummies we just continue to let them suckle.. the milk flow will come in..I believe.. I only survive on longan red tea n warm water.. today is my 6 days.. my avg collection is abt 80ml for both side.

So mummies dun be worried or upset if no milk, dun be upset if babies cries and we are all lost.. wat matter most is they are healthy.. we all learnt from one another
Hi Ryan_Leroy, I heard this method from my massage lady too.. But, my hubby not that comfortable.. :p eventually the blocked ducts are cleared from my perseverance, i.e. initial ice cubes b4 and after pump.. Subsequently, substitute with hot water (in a bottle) massage.. Hence, hubby don't need to suckle.. But, my supply still quite low now.. However, compared to my 1st 2 elder ones (did not breastfed successfully) this is considered quite an achievement..
lol, yes, I've heard of it, but like what Joey says, I think it depends on how comfortable your hubby is though they always say baby latching is the best.

Anyway, hope you have recovered from your fever! It's probably a matter of time before you get back your supply - stay positive!
Joey, tzen
My hubby rejected too..hehe. now i will let my breast get a day rest n tmr let bb suckle. Hopefully supply will b back soon. Btw, shd i let him suckle on both sides or onli the side tat supply is low n express the other side out? Coz my main aim is to b able to monitor his intake n at the same time he dun lookor breast onli as i wilk b back to workforce
Celia: Wa. GEH so ex!! TMC charge everything ard 1500++ for 2 days stay. Can deduct medisave around 900-1000.
I give up in latching, cause 1 hr after latching baby cries for milk again. So tired. Pump out can monitor the intake too.
Hello again all... haven't had much energy to pop in and read thread cos am still trying to get used to having to care for a newborn. Am glad to say am still surviving and baby is still well and alive. yay!

Just managed to register baby's name and am now trying to complete the forms for the CDA account... I am just wondering if anyone thinks OCBC or SCB is better for the CDA account?
celine - my first week of latching was bad, then I read online that this phase will pass (about 7-10 days). Hence I persisted and let baby latch despite of the pain.. now my nipples are now more seasoned and I can hardly feel pain anymore.

I read one of the mummies here have short nipples, so had no choice but to pump... i just want to share that my left nipple is also short, and it is indeed harder for the baby to latch. but the SGH nurse told me to just shaft the nipple in the baby mouth and he will latch eventually, and it worked! Baby takes longer to latch my short nipple than the longer nipple, yes... but it can still be done.
Bblove, u missed me? Keke!! All zzz so I slipped in. I hv given birth on 15th jan 1am.

Canopy, tks for updating!

sucking non stop..... Could it be wrong latch? By enough hm or need to burp as feeling bloated ?

Birth story

All are well. Water bag broke at 1pm 14th jan the moment #1 left for sch . Then call sch to ask hub back as din pick up call. The whole sch knew I gng labour...... :p but #1 wanted go to sch, so left #1 there n went hospital .

Since strong contraction nt there, so nt painful. But shld hv taken lunch before admitting. Then while waiting Hub went home to fetch #1 , bath . Had hiccup as only want me to be home n bath so I hv to handle crisis to calm #1 while handling contraction.

#1 came n was allowed to visit me in delivery rm which was v special case n at least #1 calm dwn. Dunno wat happ later, refused to leave outside n had to force to carry away...... Heart pain.....

Not much dilation till 7pm+, gynae came decide to make water bag break more, call for epidural n then add medicine to increase regulate contraction. Plus he did something special for me.... As I told him v scare poke 6 times again , in the end, he poke my hand n still humming a tune!! Lol!!

Glad to have epidural as can rest and again handle crisis...

Initially was to deliver alone but bro suggested to take care of #1 . So last min , all came. #1 &amp; bro outside playing, hub in delivery rm and arrived as I started pushing .

At 1 am #2 arrived!

3am I returned to ward, #1 still waiting for me. Slept with me &amp; bcoz of this, hub could stay for free as there's a kid lodger.

I latched immediately after delivery whole gynae sewing. Other than 5 am feed which nurse suggested to replace with fm so that I could rest , I hv started bf-ing with 3 hr interval.

V tired bf-ing that I nearly dozed off sometimes.... ;p

Let's jiayou!!!!
Can get Fenugreek supplements from Vitakids too..they carry a few of the organic lines there. I also drink nursing tea to increase supply. Today is Day 12 after delivery - down to supplementing just one night feed. Happy!

hI have also tried to massage the breasts halfway through pumping..it seems to help.

Welcome, Wiwik.
Nice to hear from u! Congrats again

Welcome to join the forum

Yes! Agree that massaging while pumping helps a lot in unblocking the milk ducts too and can actually see more milk being expressed.

Brought #2 to polyclinic today again for jaundice check. Happy that has fallen from 187 to 145! So need to still monitor and return next week for another check and stop only when level reaches the normal range of 100. Sad to see bb being pricked to draw blood....

On brighter side baby seems to be eating and sleeping well. @ day 11 drinking about 80-90ml per feed every 2-3 hrs. But bb's skin peeling very badly! Any mummies facing the same? Have been zealously applying moisturizers every day but the peeling is still there lei...

Btw, any bb taking newborn Photoshoot?
Hi bdmummy, I brought my bb gal to studio play for newborn photoshoot on day 5. To me, their work is ok only but service is good. Can't wait to view the photos 2 weeks later.
Hi bdmummy, I think it is normal for baby to be peeling skin at this period.. Mine peels too and PD said it's normal.. Did not apply any moisturizer.. Currently, he has stopped peeling..
Finally hve time to chk this thread.. I hve prob latching bb too, he does suckle but after tat still cry for milk.. Mke me very stress, Nw pumping n bottle feed instead.. Was milk-less 1st 3-4 days.. Milk started coming in ard day 6, nw at day 10, yielding ard 100-120ml.. Hubby ask me give up latching if its stressing me out cos I was kinda depressed unable to latch bb , at least bottle feeding can monitor intake..

Bb admitted for high jaundice on day 6, d/c on day 8.. Trying to sun bath him at hme but my Hse no sun n no one available bring bb downstairs to sunbath.. Jus dng wat I can by carry bb stand at window bay hopefully catch whatever uv light tats available.. Review at pd this sat hopefully jaundice nt gng up..

Bb is a terror at night! After last feed dun wan slp everyday kept us up till 4-5am despite well fed and diaper chg etc.. Had refused to give him pacifier but finally cave in ytd n managed to hve 3h uninterrupted slp..

Lets all jia you together!
Hi mummies,

Shd we still bf if BB have jaundice? Cos I afraid is the ginger confinement food pass to BB that makes his jaundice back agn. Before BB discharge, pd told me stop bf at the moment n give formula instead to bring jaundice down faster. My boy discharge but ytd went for review n jaundice shoot up agn. Need to go check for another this Friday. If shoot up agn, might need to go back hospital for phototherapy.
Congrats Sylvia !

time to start mooing then haha... other than mochi i think miso soup will oso help to increase bm...
cos during my number 2 time, my bm kick in on e 3rd day n manage to pump out at least 100ml for both side after latching on ... cos during my stay in the hospital, they will feed me with miso soup for all meals n mochi during tea breaks...

did only start hit 500ml per pump session only after the 2nd wk ... but i only get to bm my number 2 for 7 months b4 supply drops like mad... reason being number 3 is here ....

hope this time round i can bf my number 3 till 1yr old ba...
Sweetdream, I should think u can still bf bb.. Perhaps u might want to avoid eating ginger for the time being.. For me, I avoided ginger in my diet till bb's jaundice is gone.. Even for the red dates tea, I told my mil not to add ginger..
Hi aspialle, think u might want to check with your gynae on this.. Have all your blood clots been cleared? Or have you been walking around a lot? It might be wind or blood clots..
Yup! miss you &amp; your posts. so quiet in this thread these days.

How is #1 reaction to Didi? Guess you are the only 1 who dun feel the pressure of molk coming in since you have been bf #1 till birth.
To open CDA Acct with OCBC or SCB depends on individual preference. I preferred OCBC as there are many branches around shopping area which are easily accessible and they have Sunday banking which i like best.
However i do understand that SCB provides free life insurance coverage as long as the account is maintained with them.
So it's best that you discuss with your hubby on the choices ya.
*Raise both my hands &amp; legs* Me too! Fats all around body. Never notice why all my fb photo are mainly kids &amp; baby but no myself. Feel so fat to post photo.
Thank you Vivian, Thank you Chin.

Wow seems like its really not easy to Bf. Btw regarding the baby photoshoot i heard its best taken within 14 days after born, alot of ppl referred me to www.tomato.sg but i don know how much they charge. anyone has any experience before?
Bblove, lol!! CL went marketing so I slip in. Kekeke!!

#1 so excited &amp; 1st thing she woke up was ask where is didi and went to push the armchair in ward to see #2 clearly. Everyday will wanna kiss n also help to take care = pat when #2 fussing for bm. Went home , 1st thing was share her doll ( similar size with #2) it was hilarious!!

Look like accept n happy as just drew drawings where everyone is smiling.

:p ya..... I dunna to mention much on my moo-ing coz think I'm the only one with no latching prob. But I realise can share as I found a way to reduce sore nipple. Before latch, press bb's chin down to open wider then push breast deep in. Dun worry of choke as correct latch suppose to be nt nipple but aerola.

#2 is enjoying bf-ing . #1 is the qc who told me right side white milk is nice. So I asked left side transparent ( colostrum) nt nice? #1 yes. Transparent no taste....nw I know colostrum no taste!! #2 will open mouth super big once confirm the target is in front as will use lip to judge location by moving lip left &amp; right before attacking.

Hv to nego with #1 to drink after #2 or the one less full. Ytd even complain coz nothing left, as #2 drank empty. :p
Btw i am currently still working and my edd is on 29th Jan. Anyone can advised what should i look out for labour symptoms? worry and nervous now..
Cheese, I'm like 6mth preg. #1 ask me wat else I hv inside. More bb?? Lol lol!!
Then ask can hug me as haven't hug me tightly without pressing on tummy. So nw can press &amp; hug tightly
Look for menses cramp which will be regular n getting shorter. Time the interval to judge ur trip to hospital . Or u can chk for water gushing out or show which is heavy spotting , menses .

Enjoy ur waiting!
Your #1 very sweet!

Not easy to be bfing 2 kids. So do take care n hv enough nutrition and calcium!

I read from the KKH bf booklet that ginger will not cause jaundice so ok to consume even if bf. apparently studies are non conclusive in proofing that it causes or worsen jaundice. I find the most impt is to ensure baby has enough intake of milk be it fm or bm, so that they can naturally clear it from their system by urinating. Need to hv at least 6 wey diapers a day.
Bblove, when nurses in delivery rm heard I still bf-ing , they all o_O

Then later they told hub that I am so lucky as nt premature n super small due to bf-ing #1. True meh? My gynae said ok just monitor no early contraction .


I've started having the bloody show since last night. But no other symptoms, no contractions. My clinic nurse advised me to go down to labour ward. But do u guys think it's still very early and i can still wait?
