(2013/01) Jan 2013

snow: u r making gan chiong as well. I didn't do a thing yet. Will ask hubby to pack the hospital bag end of the month. We have yet to buy a playpen for #2 as well. Will shop for some new clothes for #2 soon.

Was trying to plan for my maternity leave earlier on. I think i will clearing my this yr annual leave starting 24Dec for 2wks then starts my ML on 09Jan, coming back to office on 03May13.
canopy, the washing of the windows is making me super happy. Cos everytime I walk into my kitchen I will see and feel shiok abt the sparkling windows... LOL! Didn't have the strength else I would have washed the windows in my living room too. :p My PT helper is getting a bit slow. In 4 hrs, she only manage to wash both my toilets, clean the whole house floor and fold clothes (which she does not even need to keep into the cupboards). Then I notice that some of the surface (which she wipes) are very dusty (means she has not been wiping lor). Haiz... I am not expecting perfection la... But still I need some level of work. Plus she not cheap hourly, the pay is about $14/hr.
Mummies doing the daily blood test:
Jiayou wor. Only 2 more months to go before little babies arrive. Am so glad I managed to pass the GTT, hope all the little ones can appreciate what their mummies went thru to make sure they arrive safely

Went for gynae visit yesterday, bb is now 1.76kg at week 30. Doc said is good weight, though this is just estimated from BB's AC and FL measurements so +- abt 10% for the weight during actual birth.

Hopefully everything stays good for the rest of pregnancy.
Got a bit of giddy spell too a few days back, n feeling more tired again these days. Seems like fatigue from trimester one is crawling back.
i dun wanna deliver so early one. Tot can enjoy my xmas holidays, and new year if possible. Now gotta confine at home. Cannot go party gatherings also. haha.. Btw, ur PT helper really quite slow. Usually can be done within 3 hours. Mine didn't fold clothes, but clean kitchen, sometimes change bedsheet and clean some windows & grilles. 3 hours, ard $12/hour for 5 rm. Btw, tot u got helper/maid?
Maternity leave - me probably starting the first week of Jan, then can prepare #2 for her playgroup. Haven't get official approval from Boss yet, cuz he simply couldn't care less and still no news on who is taking over me.

I be planning my c-sect on 15 Jan, that is on my 36.5 weeks, not sure if Gynae allows but I already told him the date so far he didn't say no so counting down 9 more weeks.

Washed one pack of clothes and prepared the baby cot already another few more packs of clothes to wash up. Haven't find a storage place for baby's stuff yet and all is now dumped at the upper deck of my kids' double deck bed hahahaha..

Aspialle - I initally or rather told gynae I want to do ligation after birth..but then these few weeks been thinking...WHAT IF..I "change" husband hahahahahha...then want baby how? So maybe I will opt for MIRENA for birth control. Not choosing the Metal IUD heard its not good so choosing this new plastic IUD instead.

Elp_mum - probably of the funny weather nowadays..body feeling weird. Fainting spells, blackout, oh my...I gotta drive with extra care now.

Canopy - try having some sour plums with you, it might help a little on the nauseous.

For me nauseous, I think when I am hungry I will feel it. So now I always make sure I have something to snack on like biscuits or whatever so that the feeling can go away.
jan : thanks! sour plums make me feel worst. I am like constantly hungry but i see the food, i have no appetite. Tummy like in a mess!

Snow : your pt maid is indeed slow, my ex pt maid charges 60 for 4hrs, she can clean the whole house, 3 toilets, kitcehn, sweep, mop and vacumm, iron & fold clothes, wipe all surfaces and can even finish her lunch @ my place, she will stay till she finishes her work. Sometimes, even feed the fishes, cleans the pond & water my plants. Really missed her but no choice i have engaged a full time maid. She stays in telok blangah, if u want i can give u her contact. She is always fully booked by the way. I have intro a few of friends to her and all says she super good and trustworthy.
Canopy - gosh then its probably the acid from your tummy. Grab some dry biscuits to ease it. I have this during my 1st trimester and gynae advised me to eat something dry to soak up the gastric acid..
My gynae asked me if i want Mirena for birth control last year during my pap smear test and i told her i will do in the following year....if i would take the decision during that time, i will not be in this thread now and one year later i went back to her instead of smear test but to confim by pregnancy..LOL
hey anyone knows what's the shop name for the one selling bb clothes at waterloo temple near the toilet? My friend wants to know, she went there last week but couldn't find, so she was wondering if they have moved.
anyone can suggest where to book birthday cake for children? I am planning to book a birthday cake for my son's 3rd birthday on 01Dec, had bought the cake toppers but was wondering which cake shop to go. Been ordering from Pine gardens, and The Patisserie for the past 2 years. Would like to try out other shops, any suggestions?
Serene: Yes, totally agree with you. The fatigue from 1st trimester is coming back. And starting to feel breathless and giddy, would be worse when the air ventilation is no good (e.g. train platform, crowded places).
jan : yes, been feeling sick since last saturday after my newphew's birthday party. Luckily my Xiamen trip this week was cancelled last min. if not, i will be feeling shit in China.
Canopyhaze : Shen Kwong Trading Co. is located at Blk 269 Queen St #01-246 S(180269), Tel 6338 3260.
I just bought abt 2 weeks ago
Mummies >> Beside The Sweetest Moment baby shower packages. Anyone else tried others? We were thinking of getting from Pine's Garden because we ordered our GDL cakes there too. But is more pricey though
Jan: change husband? So fast intending to change husband liao ah? Haha!!

So happy to recover fm my flu on sunday, bt started to have sore throat yest.. Such a horrible feeling, couldnt slp yest due to the itchiness in throat.. Itchy so kept drinking water, made me go toilet even more!!

I tell myself to get things done in dec. so i still have 3wks of relaxing time.. Haha!! Due on 4jan, hopefully don come out in late dec.. I don wanna waste ML on public hols!! Luckily My mum is helping out on washing of bb clothes, coz i stay at MIL place, and i handwash our clothes.. Cant imagine having to handwash bb clothes.. I bath my #1 oso shag like crazy. Somemore recently gt sharp pain at the end of the spine, esp when i make sudden movements like standing up or sitting down. Have the cot ready, bt haven cleaned it yet.. Now hubby is dumping our pillows n bolsters n blanket in it. No space to keep bb clothes too. Headache.. Yest hubby did try clearing out some space, bt at the end of it, the cabinets still in the rm, no diff.. Haiz.. Tats the prob when u dont have ur own house.. Space cOnstrain.. Praying hard for my new house to be ready asap!!!!
Just after I posted that i'm back to chippy self... I kenan another assignment to be completed by tomorrow.. Zzzz.. I wonder when I can start to do my handover list...

I have all the baby clothes but yet to sort according to sizes and wash... Target to do it over the weekend and the packing of my hospital bag.

Shice, you will be the first to deliver?! Wow... time flies... I'm getting nervous...

Snowger, yah, thks.. next time will ask for seat.. cannot act smart and strong.. Mind and body behave differently nowadays... My PT maid charges $12/per hr. Currently only able to slot 3hrs for me weekly as she is fully booked too... She took up my cleaning assignment cos she pity I preg... Stuff she will do in 3-hr: washing of 2 toilets, vacuum and mop the whole unit, wiping my boy's playmat and sofa and ironing office wears (hubby and mine) for the week... My hse is 4-room HDB so area quite small...

GD diet: Yes, no yellow noodles. I cleared my tests with thick/thin Bee Hoon /half bowl of white rice/plain thick porridge. Wholemeal bread with cheese, ham and a cup of Teh C koso for breakfast on workking day. For weekend, 4 pcs of chwee kueh (with only a tiny bit of the raddish, 1 half boiled egg and a cup of Teh C koso.

Ok.. Back to work... Sigh...
friends, ya currently prob first to deliver. But may have mummies who will pop earlier by natural? heh.. ur PT helper not bad, still got time for ironing of clothes. I skip the ironing of clothes coz it's too time consuming. Rather keep the house clean first. haha..
Jan u v funny hahaha tinking of changing hubby???

Ctrus, I tried sweetest moments for my no1 but relatives feedback the Kuehs turn bad already when they receive so not sure if I wan to order from them again or other bakeries...
Hi all mrb/mummies!

Friends, it's really tiring nowadays to travel around hor? I've encountered times when people don't bother to give up seat though they can see my big belly. But there are lots of nice ladies, gentlemen, aunties & uncles who let me have seat too.

Yiping, I think sterilizing tablet is used when there is no steam sterilizer or boiling water available.

Glucose test
My turn to go for it this Thursday... First time I'm doing this test. Anyone can share, is it finger prick test or draw blood for test?

Aspialle, exciting for P1 orientation! Is your son looking forward to his new school? What enrichment did u sign up for him?

Shice, 37 wks so early? Usually I heard my friends choose 38wks.
Hahahaha...things are hard to say..have to think ahead. *touch wood* you never know what will happen ma..hahahahhaha

Cake - i ordered from Melrose place for both my #1 & #2 for baby shower.

Birthday cakes - I noticed nowadays agar agar cake like very popular and is quite nice, a different thing from normal cake. If anyone interested, I have added one in FB think its called Cake Story. She does cupcakes and agar agar cakes.
I just went to the shop opp Waterloo Temple on sat! It's quite easy to find. Just locate the toilet and you'll be able to find it. The whole row a lot of medical shops..
The clothes there are nice and cheap! Bought 6 pieces of button tops for $12 and 6 bottoms (with feet covered) too (can't rem how much).. plus towels, cloth diapers.. the staff there are really nice. Just approach anyone and they'll rattle a list of things to make sure you don't miss out on anything

Anyone has lobangs for bean sprout husk pillow? Was hoping mum/MIL make one for baby but so far no news so I think gonna buy it.. the ones I saw are about $15...I'm looking for cheaper sources..
For the glucose test, will start by drawing blood first, then take the super sweet glucose drink, and draw blood 2 hours later again. The second drawing of blood will need to hv glucose level less than readinging of 7 in order to pass i.e. your pancreas is able to produce enough insulin to break down the glucose.

Take care! hmm, think I need to check w the fengshui person if there is any better date for c-sec lian in end Dec or early Jan in case for some reason cannot try VBAC.

Jan, Aspialle,
I ordered for #1 1st month from Sweetest Moments 2.5 yrs back, reviews were quite good lei. Were the cakes/kueh you ordered/received also for 1st month celebration? Dun tell me their standard drop ah? aiyoh, still considering for #2 1st month, haha thought no need to think so hard initially and just get what is tried and test but now hmm...

Next time I will order Teh C kosong!
jan / shice
dry nipple... I rem home & health channel.. can use honey & yogurt. or even use egg white. will moist it. u might wanna try as chemical free

I think the maid is good!!

bean sprout husk... at chinatown.
think is lesser than $15
Thanks to all who replied abt the sterilising tablets. Hah. U mummies are awesome! Perks of joining a thread where there are many experienced mummies. hehe.

Feels so surreal that the pregnancy is coming to an end! Although its getting tougher each day, i must say..This morning felt such a sharp pain on the bottom left of tummy... Must have pulled a muscle while sleeping or something.. Still dunno how braxton hicks are suppose to feel so also dunno if i got it already. haha.

Anyone got a good suggestion of where to hold the baby's full month? Think my house too small but i dont want it to be a huge expenditure too, considering the amount we will be spending on the baby..
Hi, super tired today! Such a gd weather to sleep...

Can add me into ur Jan 13 fb. I just created my fb account not long ago together wif this forum a/c. Hav been very mountain tortose until my friend told me to join u all to chit chat and learn more abt motherhood.

My email, [email protected].

Any mummies staying in sembawang. Noted tis sembawang mummy fb group. Just joined in too.

Hope to meet more new friends.
NUK bottles & medela pump > Yes, only NUK standard neck bottles can fit. Pigeon storage bottles, I tried before. I find it not a good fit for my Freestyle, always leaking. Don't know if it's my pump lar..

PT cleaner > Can you ladies recommend me your contacts who can do for West area on Saturdays (Bukit Batok)? Only thing is, must be English-speaking cos' I can't really speak Mandarin. My PT maid recently went MIA. Thanks in advance!
starting to feel tightness in my tummy, and some ache on the area below my breast... and v v weak bladder... anyone encounter tt? gg week 31 soon.
Yeah.. Gd weather to slp.. Bt working today, wif a bad sore throat.. Yawnzzz....

I'm also thinking of 1st mth celebration.. Coz if bb comes out near due date (4jan), after 1mth would be a wk b4 cny.. Dono pple will turn up nt.. Coz thinking of celebratin my #1's bdae together, coz her bdae on 9feb..

So tired now.. Tink i'll have a 5min nap b4 goin back to work..
ctrus > I ordered from Melrose for #1's bb shower. Taste nice but packaging so so only. Maybe u can also consider Bengawan Solo.
Do try to avoid sweet foods the day before as well. My mum and grandmother (who both have higher blood sugar readings) say it helps to avoid high readings the next day. As your test will be done in the morning. I had Korean BBQ the night before and failed. Think it was the seasoning used in the small vege dishes or the meat.

Foods that pass GD test,
I've been having whole wheat cereal with fresh milk for the snacks and that usually passes. Quite convenient to have on standby too. Read the labels for cereal to find the one with least sugar added.

Whole wheat bread (and sometimes white butter rolls) with ham slices and cheese also pass. If u are avoiding ham cos of the preservatives u can toast the cheese sandwich for more flavour n add tomato slices.

Somehow the ang moh food makes it easier to pass. When eating outside economy rice I ask the person not to scoop gravy with the ingredients. That helps too.

Anyone tried white fried bee hoon as opposed to brown fried bee hoon? Does it make a difference?

You're welcome.
jan, it's funny to think of changing hubby la but i agree with you. I have a male friend who "cut" his after the first child. Then now hor divorced le... Whilst he is not into r/s but u know if u wan more kids, cannot have le... Not sure if the man one is permanent or not.

eh... got perm n temp.
I hv an overseas frd who went to cut when he's in China as he got really scare of the women who literally threw themselves to him.

after he left China, then he released it.

I heard ligation 2 type? 1 perm & 1 temp? IUD?
I hv a frd had 3 kids then divorced n then remarried ... then wanna hv more kids also dun hv.

But I heard of accidents as it's tilted n then preg again.
Regarding Cakes
Erhhh....I was asking for places to order children birthday cakes and not 1st month cakes lah. :p Any suggestion?
canopyhaze > hehe.. many places.. are u looking at customised cakes? google for auntie yochana.. for shops ah.. swensen, prima deli, bengawan solo, ecreative and xin yi pin (they are caterer and also doing cakes). yiling cakes, delcie, emicakes..

delcie is ex and they do customised cakes. have vegan cakes, gluten free cakes, baby friendly cakes.
bdmummy & LM, thanks for the info.
Will avoid sweet stuff the day before my GTT.

Canopyhaze, how about Smiling Orchid, Ecreative? Don't know whether these are still around.

Courgeous, I feel tightness at belly only after very full meals or when haven't "clear". This pregnancy I've weak bladder control too, especially when sneezing.
Hihi back after a 2 hours meeting..stress now.

Finally I heard from my boss that he realised oh i am 9 weeks away from my birth!!! Thank GOD!

Slyvia/Snowger - ya that's why I think put Mirena safer la..hahahah..

Dragontail!- I from Sembawang also lei!!! heheheh....u which part?

Canopy - if u have fb, u go source cake story or megan cuppies...they have nice cakes/cupcakes. for birthdays.

bdmummy- i never order sweetest moments before lei, mine is from melrose place

BTW, want create FB page ma???
Those who want can PM me ur email from FB then I create a page for FB then if too busy come here and least go FB yak yak?? Want?
Thanks xinyue & piscean! I saw these shops online, but they seems pretty old fashioned leh. Thot of Glaze Patisserie or Patisserie Flor or Max Bennan or 1 caramel, But they cant seems to customise the cake.
Canopy, try Panya's palette on fb.. my fren does customised cakes
she teaching small kids some cake making classes too.. can get her to make cakes like those from pine gardens..

Jan, u can pm canopyhaze to add u into our Jan fb group.. we oredi have a group liao

faith, for braxton hicks, u will feel ur tummy very hard...

Jan, I stay wellington side. Wan join sembawang mummies fb? U can email to me and I add u in.

Oh ya, hows the price of the cupcakes? I'm thinking of cupcakes too but tight budget leh.
