(2013/01) Jan 2013


rem a mum share dun eat/drink aloe vera, nt sure using it on nipple will have same effect.

u can use nipple cream

itchy become dry? or it's preparing for latch soon.
Oh... dun use soap to wash as it will be drier.

Morning all!! Been busy last few days so no log in.. Bt read up on ur posts.. Today oso busy coz my ger cc nt open so taking care of her today..

Anywaz.. Read u all say drypers will leak? For my #1 beginnin used pampers brand. Bt so ex.. After tat changed to drypers.. So which beand for newborn is gd n nt ex till can die??

Fainting spells: i had it a few times.. Bt it all happened when i was in hawker center when queueing up for food. Tink coz too stuffy and stand too long..

Had flu since last wed.. Lucky it kind of cleared up this morning.. Finally!!! Thou juz went gynae last wk, bt cant wait to c bb again soon!! Last visit the nurse say can book bed already, than realized it's time soon!!
Sylvia: cannot take aloe vera? I juz drank aloe vera honey lemon the other day at geylang frog porrridge. Bt no taste 1.. Speaking out the geylang frog porridge, luckily i don eat ginger n spring onions.. While picking them out.. Picked out something else.. A cockcroach!!! Yucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky haven start eating, told the guy bt tink he fm china (sorry, no offense) coz he like don reli understand wat we toking.. Bt i have a feeling they onli took it to the kitchen, added a few more spring onions n ginger, made it hot and served it back to me.. Eewww...............
Had a busy weekend with my son's p1 orientation, his books are rather expensive and those books to bring on first day of Sch is around 3.5 kg! Signed up a few enrichment to occupy him during year end holidays if not i also can't rest..
Sob sob I just diagnosed with gestational diabetics. My gynae referred me to seeing a endocrinologist (diabetic specialist).
I just seen the endocrinologist and he asked me buy blood test kit everyday prick my finger 4 times to take the reading for one week. If glucose still too high I need to take insulin jab everyday *faint....
back from lunch & shopping. Didn't buy anything except for Royce's caramel potato chips for my team to share and my hubby to eat @home.
Went to satisfy my craving by eating KFC.
i will be doing my OGTT next week. Keep my fingers crossed. Can i know how much is the blood test kit.

I did the blood test @ my gynae clinc and it cost $10.90 for such a simple test.
Slyvia - thanks. Need to do something about it otherwise i tell u every night I scratch like monkey and yes the aerola there dry and peel..

Will try out nipple cream...need to go buy.

Averie - oh dear..I worry too. I am into sweet nowadays but without it i no energy.

Fainting - Now feeling slightly better I think is because my eldercare Centre very stuffy, I feel very uncomfortable..

Taobao.com - gosh I just ordered many things from there...jialat..pocket big hole. I ordered the Medela stuff and nursing wear.
Averie: if you control your diet may not need jabs. I didnt need jabs, i am sharing my diet here http://lifeafterbfp.blogspot.sg/ you can take as reference. Its tough to be very discipline but we really do not have a choice so just chin up, we can do it!

Main thing is to stop all rice/noodle/white bread thats the worse!
Averie : oh dear. Do take care and restrain from any starch & sweet stuffs. Hang in there as we are reaching the finishing line.
Averie, jiayou! I am subjected to 7 pricks by my gynae for two days in a week... Currently also controlling my diet. When eating outside, do order soupy stuff but do not drink the soup. I failed one of the prick test by finishing a bowl of ban mian and the soup.... The reading remained at 8.4 even after 2-3hrs! Fish soup and Yong Tau foo with a bit of bee hoon/ rice still ok... Readings still between 5.5-7.

BP, I didn't buy blood test kit... My gynae clinic loaned it to me at $10 but the consumables, i.e. needle and the strip for testing is $3.50 per time.
My co is selling the test kit and today i just went to check with the sales rep on the price of to do test and it cost less than $1.5. I realised that my gynae is charging 10 times of the price and just to do it in her clinic.
I am thinking to loan the kit from my co. if i really failed my OGTT.

Hopefully i will not need to use it.
Averie I also need to test 2 days a week and 7 times in a day leh, controlling my diet. It's painful, the type of needle loaned is diff from the last one I used, more painful, like a stapler.... Sometimes I bleed, blood just drip cannot stop
I bought the self-test kit at Unity pharmacy for $169. Used to prick myself 7 times x 2 consecutive day a week. But last month gynae reviewed my chart and said I can do once a week . Yes, avoid starchy/ carbohydrate/ sweet food (e.g. potato, rice, noodle). Once I ate economical fried noodle for bfast with milo kosong. I failed the test (scored 9.5) gynae said possibly the stall holder added sweet sauce for the brown colouring. Eat fruit as a whole. Do not drink fruit juice.
canopy, I cannot make it this friday... :p cos i on leave liao on thurs...

aspialle, after pricking, u need to use a cotton/gauze and press on the site to stop the bleeding... I think it's super "ouch" lor for such tests. U take care yah? I thot can buy the ones from pharmacy Omron or something?
Aspialle: interesting tip on the cloth diaper thing! Hmm.. Still can't figure out how to do it leh... Need to sew?

Jan: I had a fainting spell yesterday too! Was in the lift and suddenly felt warm and broke out in cold sweat. Once out of the lift, I 'see stars' and quickly grabbed hold of hubby. Then didn't have any appetite or lunch. Felt better after 1 hr. my, it feels like first trimester again!
Ctrus cannot eat yellow noodle and drink milo. Milo is sweet by itself even if u take kosong.

Snowger , sometimes I'm clumsy, I prick already then put the strip in to machine. So blood just flow. If I put strip in first, by the time I decided which finger to prick, time lapse will cause error, then have to prick again.

Gals, anyone going to do ligation procedure to stop birth?
Feeling pukish the whole afternoon, and now too...not much appetite to eat anything. Not sure if the nausea is cos I am not eating enough...
Haiza, it is very nice to know NUK bottles can fit on Medela freestyle pump. is it any size NUK bottle can fit? Any recommendaation what to buy as spare bottles on top of those 4 bottles that came with the pump? Same as other 1st time mum, still very confuse about bottle and teats. I was told to get Medela Calma teats and bottle as it is very good, but it is so expensive.
What about the rest of you?
Finger prick test,
I think my blood flow is not very good. Always have to squeeze like mad to get enough blood out. My mum does the test regularly and she said must press the blood up to the fingertip, hold it there, and pierce the side, not the top of your finger pad. She says its less painful, so u can try that. Also, there are different levels for the pricking, mine has from level 1-4 I think. 3 works for me.

To prevent wastage of the test strip, open up first and stick it halfway into the kit, but not fully in. Wait till you prick your finger and see blood then insert the strip all the way to activate the kit. Timing shd be ok then. Hope this helps!
Bad day at work. Busy until don't noe what to say.. Work discussion ended late and resulted no food in canteen (those i can eat) for lunch... had to walk to nearby food court for lunch alone... My Braxton Hicks r getting more and more frequent... Very uncomfortable... Ended my working day with train delay due to train fault! Struck 5 minutes for every station!!! no seat as well... Suay siah!!
Friends: bad bad day.. Bt at least it's over!! Urs is braxton hicks, mine is back pain. Dono y started this morning have a sharp pain at the back, near the end of the spine. Dono issit i bend n squat too much.. No1 give up seat to u on train? All pretend to slp issit? At this stage tummy shd b big enuff for pple to realise u're preg mah.. Shame on them...
I borrowed the blood testing kit from my MIL. She happen to have one new in the box. The brand is 'Optium Xceed' which she never used it before. All the test strip that comes with it all expired liao so just now rush down to pharmacy go buy the test strip, pricking needle and alcohol swap. Also to get the pharmacist to teach me how to use. The micro chip strip very ex. 1 box of 50 sticks is $75. I also bought alcohol swap to dap before and after pricking. 1 box 100 pieces only $5+. I haven't start pricking... Will start tomorrow morning coz today take OGTT test already prick 3 times abit scare. My MIL, hubby and SIL very nice let me try pricking on their fingers to test the needle thing. The needle kit can adjust 1 to 8. I try 3 and all said no pain and no feeling. Haha... I think quite good. If wanna buy can try get Optium. The kit itself also $100+ Today when I did the OGTT test at gynae clinic they are also using Optium
Good tt some of u can loan frm clinic/hospital. My clinic provide loan too but some didn't return aft loan period. Hence I jz bought frm pharmacy. We stand a higher chance of type 2 diabetes aft pregnancy. So let's jiayou tgt to ctrl our diet.

I have very bad lower back aches, it's near our 盆骨. Hubby massage every night but the pain doesnt go away. Stimes I do felt sudden sharp pain or tightness at the lower abdomen.
Morning mummies,
Woah, thread is moving super fast. been realy busy with work and #1 also feel sick - fever after vaccine and then caught the flu virus, starting coughing and also had hi fever last couple of days.

I loan my kit from KKH too! Did you attend the full day session? I found it really useful and great that we can still eat some carbo, just need to keep to the medium size bowl serving size for lunch and dinner.

JTS, here are some foods purchased from outside/'convenience' foods that pass the prick test for me:
- Killiney Road Kopitiam curry chicken, including 2 small potatoes + a little toasted white bread (reading was 4.6)
- Fried fish fillet + pasta with tomato sauce (reading was 6.9)
- Half a thin crust frozen pizza (Dr Oetker brand), Watties mixed vege, 1 orange
- Surprise! Half packet of KOKA purple wheat noodles, Watties mixed vege, grilled fish, 1 orange (reading was 5.1)
Do note that after you clean finger w the alcohol swap, make sure the alcohol dries off first, then wipe first drop of blood away with tissue paper (coz of the alcohol), then squeeze another drop of blood to use on the test kit (for accurate reading). I am using Optium Xceed kit too, loaned from KKH.

Oh, if got leftover alcohol swaps, keep them to clean bb's umbilical cord next time
Jan, my nips are also getting rather dry. Maybe can start putting nipple cream and avoid soap like what sylvia advice.

Friends, u can go ask for seats. Your tummy should be very obvious by now. I asked for seat before coz really too tired to stand in the train. Rather be abit more thick skin.
Bdmummy, wow your food list is very interesting! I haven't touched curry chicken even since been diagnosed with GD... Now at least got something to look forward to!
Ladies, keep sharing the food listing leh... I'm very bored with my fish and YTF diet liao....
Julie and Shice, thks for hearing me out.... I didn't ask for seats cos it's only 3 stops away... Didn't know that a 5-10 min journey can drag to 30-40 mins... Anyway after a good sleep, today I'm back to my chippy self.... Jia you! Jia you! 32 weeks now, I will survive!!!
oh no..i am still having my curry noddle at least once a week at golden shoe food court. That is one of my fav for this prgnancy. Can't resisit it.
aspialle, I c c... Jia you jia you. It will be over. The good news is GD will go aftr birth. *jia you!*

angeliqueous, only NUK standard necks will fit the Medela. NUK has two range, the standard neck and wide necks (Premium range) bottles. The last time I actually bot some tollyjoy small bottles during their factory sale (standard neck size) and found that they fit the medela pump too. I think you won't need that many pump bottles as u can always transfer it to baby's feeding bottles and put in the fridge. ;)

bdmummy/Friends, if I am not wrong - wheat noodles/wholemeal noodles are actually healthier and less starchy as compared to those yellow noodles or rice. U can try asking ur dietician. Cos my grandma who is diabetic was asked to take those high fibre grains.
Angeliqueous, NUK standard neck bottles can fit Medela pumps. not the wide neck bottles. any standard neck bottles will do. u can get Pigeon breastmilk storage bottles if u wan, i think its abt $15-16 for a set of 3? If u want to get Medela Calma bottles, we r having a medela bp. kindly reply me asap if u r getting. currently the price is $35 per 150ml bottle with teats. will update the prices once we confirmed the orders! so let me know soon.

closing the spree! by 12noon today! thanks!!
Yes, let's share what can pass... coz really very hard to eat lunch and dinner outside or even to cook at home can be a chore at times!

What failed for me was Pepper Lunch. I omitted the brown butter, only used only the soy sauce seasoning, had some chicken, salmon, bean sprouts, a little corn, but still fail at readingo of 9.2 - so suspect they use sugar in their seasoning quite heavily!

FYI, if eating starchy vege like potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, yam etc, will need to reduce a third of rice intake.

BP: Noodles can only eat white color noodles e.g. bee hoon, tang hoon, kway teow, but cannot eat mee sua. All yellow noodles are out, so no hokkien noodles, etc. Laksa also cannot eat.
Yep, I only take wholemeal bread now. Or wholemeal biscuits. Pasta can take coz made from wheat flour not plain flour. But sometimes outside very hard to find brown rice so ok for white noodles or white rice but need to control to only 1 medium bowl max, but i usually prefer to half this portion coz not sure if seasoning from outside food contains some sugar.

Pureen breastmilk storage bottles are quite affordable - I saw them retailing at KKH Pureen store @ 3 bottles for $7.90 or $8.90. In fact anything from Pureen is cheaper at this shop compared to other retailers coz this shop is opened by Pureen itself.
friends, it's good that u had a good sleep. Seriously, i'm abit worried. Dunno if life is better now with a toddler and baby in tummy or later with a toddler and baby outside tummy. abit scared that i cannot cope after delivery.

Btw, i've scheduled my c-sec in week 37. Seem like very fast. No time to prepare the cot, clothes, steriliser, etc, at all.
Tried contacting my CL over the last weekend, couldn't get her. Was so relieved that she called back yesterday. At least no need to worry that she fly my aeroplane.
Friends, maybe next time if they annouce got train fault, u can ask for a seat? Just say that you are feeling a bit dizzy. I'm sure the person will give you the seat.
bdmummy, if I am not wrong most japanese food will have sweet seasoning. Mirin ( the jap wine)which is a very common Jap seasoning has natural sugar content in it (from the fementation that comes from the white rice). Terreyaki sauce confirm has sugar in it, cos I made the sauce from scratch before and it requires sugar to give the sauce that shiny and thick feel to it.

Shice, so ur delivery date will be in end dec or early Jan? I also starting to feel super kan cheong cos I havent wash the clothes yet... The only nest thing I did over the weekend was wash my v dirty kitchen window cos it was raining super heavy and for super long. HAHAH!
faith, got steriliser, no need to use sterilising tablet. the tablet is used when u have no access to hot water or steriliser.

snowger, my edd is 7 jan. Originally scheduled for 26 dec. But baby seems abit big, so brought forward by another week. So will start my ML from 17 Dec.
Yiping, if you have steriliser (those steam ones), no need sterilising tablets already. Most mommies buy it to sterilise while on the go (i.e. when travelling with the babies or when going back to work to sterilise the breast pump acessories).

In this forum, some mommies have shared that if they were to pump twice during a work-day, they will not sterilise after the first pump. Instead, the mummy will rinse it then put them in a clean zip lock to throw into the fridge.

shice, wah! so u'll be the first to deliver in our thread...
Jia you and yah, btr start packing all the stuff liao!
