(2013/01) Jan 2013

Steanie and all : when i drink water, the nausea feeling come, so can only drink little bit but i think cannot achieve 8 or 10 glasses a day. so I had constipation and blood stool, really no good. I tried to take prune juice but no help... anyone got a solution? waiting for another 4 weeks to complete 1st trimester..
Fullhouse : welcome back. I was thinking about a 2nd trimester holiday, and thinking about london and shopping too! but people tell me better to go US can buy bb staff very cheap and lots of variety, still thinking if can survive the long flight? how do u do it?
Mrs_R blk 588

I guess really have to let BB get used to the stroller if u want to make full use of it. I always bring stroller out when I go out alone, so that I don't need to carry everything and him... I tried a few stroller.
Combi Miracle Turn, Maclaren XT, Peg Perego Pliko mini.
I like Peg perego mini the best as its light wt, very stable and able to stand on itself. price is ok too $300+ after discount, I bought from Taka.

I think my bb heard those post saying 2 times a day is nothing.. haha I MS 4 times today, all my food were out! really hope it will get better soon.
London during Olympics will be crazy! Best to go in Sept / Oct. After Olmpics and not so cold yet...

London has lots a bb stuff too, but of course you've to drive out to the outlets, like US. Or you can shop online :D and deliver to hotel. I didn't buy any bb stuff, though I bought loads of books! For kids mostly!

US west coast is really long haul! London's only 13 hr flight, but US is longer unless you stopover at Japan orHK.

You can wear those anti dvt socks during flight and move around loads, keep yourself hydrated coz humidity onboard is only 30% CF on land...

As you can see I'm jet lag now lol!
My mum also taught me to mix honey with water, add in few drop of ginger juice & drink. It will help to reduce giddiness & nauseous.

But what brand of honey is good? I need a small bottle will do. Has been buying a lot of beveraged like soy milk, ribena... but after a while, dun feel like drinking them, it makes me feel sick.
steanie, I wished I can drink more water. But I feel nausea everytime I drink plain water. So now I have to get my fluid from juices.

Madagascar 3 is a very good movie. My 5yo laughed so much in the cinema. But please do not watch 3D, I felt giddy half way through.
shice, who is your Gynae? I also couldn't get a slot for OSCAR at TMC. I was told to go there and queue on 29th Jun, and be prepare to wait half a day!!!
My gynae veli positive. He said having MS is good. Proof that body is responding well. If suddenly no ms, then should worry.
Good ladies!

Happy 37th birthday to myself! =)
Great to be well and back @ work.

Tigress : can ask your gynae clinic for help. My clinic has booked for me 07July when i was there for checkup abt 1.5wks ago.
Hihi.... im so bored at home!!! doc give me total of 4 days MC.. i think tmw i will go back work. cannot take it.. and i also feel peiseh.. take so many mc cannot use all finish must zi dong abit... but my spotting n bleed is like on n off. i bedrest all the way then suddenly at night got 1 patch of blood on panty liner.. damn sian if everyday like that isnt it need to see gynea everyday? wah i will bankrupt liao le.. haiz.. damn frustrating! sighz.. but im not very scare now when i bleed when doc told me is normal just that when i see blood im like.. haiz..... u know u know?

Tigress: really! i cant wait to bring my gal to watch! but i also want to watch man in black haha

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Happy birthday canopyhaze!!! </font></font>
i was also told that OSCAR at TMC all fully booked, gonna try luck to go and queue...

haha that's wat my gynae said too!
my oscar test will be done in Paragon.. I am not sure which clinic. Got to see my gynae first on 2jul then after that proceed to paragon for the test. It will not be done at GLEN hos.
Happy birthday, canopyhaze!

Morning ladies... So tired... Tonight still got company's dinner. Bad headache cos last night dreamt whole nite, never got enough rest...woke up, don't remember what I dreamt... Sigh...

Fabbie, 1st tri is very important. If need bed rest, just r and r. Don't overwork hor...

Agreed that MS is good. I don't have so don't know whether baby ok or not... Can only wait for scan to see baby again... Btw, old people believe that if mothers suffer from MS and very 'xing ku' during preg means that baby will be easy to take care, filial and better temper. Both my SIL and myself got no MS for our pregnancy and needtheless to say, both my boy and nephew are terrors! So suffer for 10 mths is better than suffer for years right? Lol! So ladies with MS, Hope I make your day
fabbie, agree that you should rest at home. don't think about work now. since doc already gave you mc, better to stay home and rest.

friends, wah that really make my day regarding the MS theory! hope it's true!
<font color="0000ff">canopyhaze (canopyhaze) : Happy Birthday to ya~~

babbiee.com (fabbie) : I think you should still rest at home.. work is important.. but your body n bb is even more important… take care… </font>
happy birthday canopyhaze!!

ya if really need to rest just rest. dun feel bad for company for they will not feel bad if ur health/body is not gd... dun sell urself to the company.

aiyo no la bb nv hear. bb is guai. it's ok, soon MS will be all over for all of us!

nice to hear that! confirm make my day better. =)
<font color="0000ff">the nausea feeling lingering in my chest is terrible.. feel like just break down n cry.. it is such horrible feeling… when will all these end? Sob sob… </font>
Happy birthday canopyhaze! We are both born in the same year.

My Gynae clinic assistant was not able to get any slot for OSCAR at TMC. The whole week of end Jun was fully booked. I even tried to book 1st week of Jul, but it was full too. Any later date would be too late for me. So no choice, I have to go there and queue up lor.
Thanks ladies!!!!
Let's jia you to a healthy bb!
My birthday wish has came true as i am blessed to be bfp and going to have a bb in Jan.
Been lucky for this yr so far, confirmed my job probation after 6mths, upgraded to my fav car, passed my exam, and got pregnant; and lastly, have met such lovely ladies like all of you.
Re Gaviscon.. hmm what is it for?

Fullhouse, u went london for holiday? so shiok..
how long were u there?

Purplerain, try not to get manuka honey.. it's not suitable for preg women.. but normal honey, i'm not too sure.. Basically, i try to avoid all honey during preg.. hahaha..
Canopyhaze, happy birthday!

Fabbie, no need paiseh la... Just rest at home please...

Friends, feel better after reading your theory...

Tigress, I just drink a few sips at a time (plain water).. Can't really drink a lot too. There was one time, I felt so thirsty and drink lots, end up vomit all out. Terrible experience..

Angeliqueous, I try eating an apple or kiwi after dinner, bowel movement on the next day morning.. I think can solve constipation.. Try try no harm hehe
Tigress, my gynae is Dr Yvonne Chan. Ya loh.. same here.. go there and q..
dunno is it due to the high demand in dragon year or wat.. hopefully when we deliver, it's not so bad..

Canopyhaze, happy birthday!!
same as Fullhouse, I was just back from London last sat. Guess I am not so lucky like her. My journey there was terrible with most of the time occupying the toilet.. with the motion sickness kicking in, is not helping at all.. and I didn't enjoyed the food and shopping there as well.. felt so sick throughout my stay there.. haiz..
jo, sorry sorry.. i just went to google.. it's safe for preg woman, but not safe for babies.. paiseh.. i rem wrongly and got it mixed up.. =P
Yah, shice, honey safe for preg woman but honey drink not safe for baby below 1 year old. I drank a lot of Manuka honey for my no 1 and currently when I feel that sore throat is coming...
Friends, that makes me feel better! Haha
I don't mind ms, but not every meal lah... Very Jialat leh... Haiz...

Canopy, Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy ur day!

I hope my trips during my 2nd will be good!! Please no more ms by then!!

Oscar scan
My friend also fully booked when she wanted to do, so the clinic asked her to walk in n she waited half a day! Madness!

Very tiring these few days, #1 down with fever n being super cranky... And I really no mood to entertain him... Sometimes he kena scolding... Poor boy...
<font color="119911">I am into my 11th week and I thk my ADS is almost gone! So far been ok since yday.
So, ladies, persevere a while longer will do!
hi how many ladies have told your boss that your preggy? when do you intend to do it if u haven't.

Jarol: ur so fast in 11 th week uh.. r u showing ?

when do we start to show?
<font color="119911">koms: I have been showing since 1st week! lol... Haven't been able to shed that bump from #1.

But of course now is like bigger - as if I'm already 4-5mths when I had #1!

I intend to inform my boss next week when I'm into my 12th week.
Visting my gynae this Fri and I'm so excited! Been 4 weeks since I last saw bb#2 and hb...</font>
koms, i break the news to my boss yesterday cause i'm overwhelm with work. and he won't be in singapore when i go for my next gynae appointment so i wanna let him know beforehand. at least it's easier for me when i want to go for my gynae appointment if not he will think how come i keep going on mc. hahaha
my boss n colleagues know already, coz i was on mc for 2 weeks due to spotting..

my tummy also showing.. it's like 2+ months only n today someone just gave seat to me in the bus.. so paiseh, so i try t make my tummy look bigger when i sat down.. lol.. anyway i think coz the tummy muscle is stretch from #1, so easier to show now..

dunno y my MS feeling came b right after lunch.. munching some biscuits now even though i'm super full..
hopefully the feeling will go away..
oh ... i have been thinking when to tell the boss since my visit from the gynae last week.
However, i am only into the 9th week now.
Should i just wait and tell him after my 12th week? any advises? my next gynae visit is only on the 18th july when i am 13 weeks.
koms, i'm 6wks+ now when i told my boss. tomorrow will be my 7th week. i think there is no harm letting your boss know earlier. unless you are uncomfortable and want to only let him know after you pass 1st tri. i told him that i don't intend to let the rest of my team members know as i have not pass my 1st tri yet and he's ok with it.
ah thanks missy.. i am getting paranoid with telling my boss for some strange reason. Dunno y!!

Guess its the hormones or what.. any ladies putting on weight ready?

will be 11th week too in 4 days.... hopefully get better as i starting part time work on 12th week.., and motion sickness on any public transport really makes me sick.wah got pp give u seat ah.. mine showing a bit pp ask me for the seat but elderly so ok la
I'm feeling so sick.. having bad cough n sore throat.. cannot slp well at night..

Can i drink pi pa gao or is there any liang Teh to cure?
the puking started again. just puke all my lunch out. feel so uncomfortable now

bbjes, i think better not to take any liang teh. scare too cooling. i think pi pa gao is alright? i remember one of the ladies mention their gynae gave approval for pi pa gao. but u can also check with your gynae if you can consume that or they have any medication for you.
Komathi P, I will tell my boss in two weeks' time after my Oscar with it after 12/13weeks,

Bbjes, I was sick for about a mth.. Cough, flu until last week I went to GP.. I tried to self med by eating pi pa gao and honey but cough got worse. Instantly feel better after taking med from GP but u must tell doctor to give u preg safe drugs.

i also having a bad cough for awhile esp at nite.. gynae give me dhasedyl.. the black cough syrup but i dun dare take leh. end up every nite drink warm water b4 sleep but i want the cough to go off...

whats inside that gift pack?
