(2013/01) Jan 2013

congrats on ur newborn Julie.. really a big girl..
all the best to mummies delivering later~ jiayou
chin, Joey thanks for your advice I will check with dr Tham n our PD during the next visit.

today I went isetan n kiddy palace stock up milk storage bags, new born teats n also 2 breast pump cushions.. gonna start packing hospital bag this weekend so excited~

Julie: congrats! after hearing your story, maybe i shld really try w/o epi and see how far I can go. After taking the laughing gas, do u still feel high after deliver? I wonder if can try to bf to have the skin-to-skin immediately or will be too weak to do that?
Hi Chkoe_Mummy, when I gave birth to my girl 9 years ago (via induce), KKH did indeed tell me to fast.. I still remembered it was during SARS period.. My hubby could not accompany me.. After putting in the pill, I was just left alone there enduring the contraction pains.. No meals or milo etc was served.. I went there since morning.. Went w/o food the whole day till I gave birth late at night.. Managed to ask for a cup of milo after being pushed to the ward in order to take the painkillers.. Not so sure if it will be the same now..
Congrats, Julie on the arrival of your little princess!
have a good rest!
Nice story, and well done, Julie. Have a good rest. And oh yes, congratulations.

As for me, baby is happily wriggling inside. Looks like my doc is right again (she was quite accurate last 2 times on when I would deliver) - last Thur, she told me - looks like I will see you for another check up next week at 40 weeks. Haha...
Hi ladies, wondering if anyone have the confinement Chinese medicine list to share? I remember seeing it somewhere in the fb group, but my access to that group seems to be revoked.. Thanks in advance!
Congrats Julie ! You are very brave to do it without epi! Bravos!!

Chin I think our edd is only 1 day apart and also no action yet on my end.. Now already 39.5 weeks.. My #1 was at 39 weeks no induction.. May have to go for induce for this one depending on what gynae says tomorrow.. Sweatz
Wasabe..Ya..let's see what happens this week. Will try my best to wait until she is ready to come out. My tummy is starting to get itcyh...I am worried my rashes are starting up. That would be hard to bear.

Is your #1 boy or girl?
Wow Julie, your birth stories really interesting !! hee! and u are so power...no EPI needed...i hope i can too! Rest well and speedy recovery!!!!
Congrats! And what a birth story! great that u have a good gynae, and also good midwife for your delivery + very brave to not opt for epi! U cool lei, still can joke w your gynae and midwife wor! Think in TMC the delivery suites even more packed and crowded than KKH so the nurses have no choice but to be super efficient to make room for the next mummy to deliver.

Rest well!

Chloe_mummy, Loveubaby,
All the best for your deliveries tmr!
Chloe_mummy: i was to go in for induction at 6pm, arrived at 6.20pm, the nurse told me go eat dinner 1st if nt after tat at least 3hrs no food n water. So went eat than go back for monitoring at 7pm. Reli nothing to eat n drink when strapped to machine lor. The onli thing i gt was water when went up ward 2hrs induce. No food, coz late at nite..

Angeliqueous: yes!! Try try!! Eh, laughing gas onli high after taking during tat moment, bt wears off after a while. Bt do rem to remove once no pain. At times when i feel giddy i'll remove even b4 the pain goes away. Than nurse say muz take in gas till no pain. After delivery wont giddy. Coz when time to push they don allow u to take gas already, if nt will too giddy to push. I did have the immediate skin-to-skin contact n 1st breastfeeding. Felt tired n pain bt since bb oso lie there nothing to do, midwife ask i wanna carry n bf. she helped me adjust position so tat u're both lyin on ur side than bb suckle.
Wasabe, bdmummy, rugirly: thanks!! U girls can try without epi too!! Bt i find my story very lor soh.. Haha!!

Chin: my 4jan edd partner!! Jiayou!! It's onli a few more days!!

Aspialle: hope u're doing fine!!

Chloemummy, loveubaby: gd luck!! All the best!!
Yes officially 2013!!

Chin, my #1 is girl.. Girl faster than boy maybe? Lol.. Anyway I think my gynae won't allow me to wait beyond this week.. She says my pelvic frame v small and worry about baby size if I wait longer..

Julie my pain threshold v v low one.. I scared the nurses can't stand my screaming if I go without epi wor lol
Re Laughing Gas -- careful on getting too high on it.

I delivered my earlier child without epi too
it's a great experience if u can manage it. My only fear was getting too high on laughing gas. I recalled a period of "blackout" while waiting for gynae to rush down to deliver my bb. At that point in time, I thought I am "gone". When I finally make it through, I remembered telling my hubby that thankfully not my 1st birth else for sure, I wont dare for more kids.

The experience I like about natural without epi is the speed of recovery after birth. It's truly wonder as I experienced the process n the speed I regained my mobility in comparison to a birth with epi.

Just offering my personal experience for sharing

Oh yes, we welcome our dragon bb on 1/1/13 natural with epi
congrats to the Jan mummies n MTBs too. JIa you n I enjoyed reading the posts silently for the past months.
Julie, congrats! No epi, well done! Me cannot no epi lah... My experience of inducing no 1 with 17 hrs labour is too painful to forget and I'm have heart problem. Heart Dr's advise was not to stress my heart condition so for the safety of mother and child. Anyway, I enjoy my this delivery very much so happy can liao. U power siah!
Loveubaby: wish u smooth delivery too!!

Thanks all! Now waiting in the delivery suite, waiting to be attended by the nurses. But till now no feel yet.. hopefully bb cooperates and let me have a fast delivery.. est 8-10hrs??

But the delivery suite looks very new to me.. quite different from 2 yrs back. Its smaller thou, but looks jus renovated.
Gynae jus came.. dilated only 2-2.5cm.. going to have my sandwiches later!! Yeah.. doc said action will start only after lunch..
Good morning ladies....! Congratulations Julie, Friends, aspialle and all who have popped!

Was busy trying to complete all my ironing etc yesterday before I head to hospital today (and in case I become invalid for the whole of next month after my caesarian. I wil have to catch up on the reading (aka gossips) when possible! Heh!

Am so glad that this baby has been cooperative and stayed in until past 1 Jan (saves trouble writing deferment letter 5 yrs later!)

Now I can't wait to meet this little bugger and find out who he looks like! At the same time I dread the Caesarian as well as the recovery stage after the operation and the challenge of breastfeeding (and sore nipples)!
Thks mummies for all the blessing & greeting;)
Me exhausted; since its public holiday, all fds & relatives came to visit me..Tired but happy mummy;)
Fullhouse-yes, Dr Ong is a nice gynae & he kept encouraging me that I hv tried my best pushing an hr but bb too high up & fever so no choice to go for E-csect-dun wan to risk bb's health & safety..My bb gal weighs 2.86kg & she be named 'Gracia'.

Salute to Julie!! Labour w/o epidural!! I can't imagine myself to bear the pain throughout labour!! Again, brave mummy & congrats!!!

We shall wait & hear frm aspialle,chloemummy & luvubaby soon on their new birth story;) all the best!!!
Congrats to all mummies who have popped! I'm impressed with mummies who went without epi - I tried to make do with laughing gas for my first pregnancy but it just made me felt high without taking away the pain. Had to request (almost begging!) for epi in the end. :p

And for those who are still playing the waiting game, we are finally in 2013!

My elder boy is starting his first day in school today. However, my tummy is too big and my feet are too swollen to walk hence I'm not following him for the orientation. Quite sad about that though.

For those who have done csect before or is going through csect, may I know how long do you wait to do post-natal massage?
gd morning! congratz to all mummies who have popped! all the best to the rest of us esp to chloe n loveubaby who r scheduled fof c sec today.

going for my weekly checkup at tmc this morning. cant wait to see our #2!
Wasabe: i oso tot my pain threshold low, coz for #1 asked for epi quite early and it was reli a relief. I initially requested for it bt after reading the fast deliveries fm 2nd time mummies, decided to try.. And i did it!! Bt reli will scream leh. For #1 took epi, and no screaming involved. This time did have some noise fm my mouth! Haha!! Bt nt reli loud i guess, juz moaning and ah ah ah... Bt midwife say sound don come out, quietly push easier, n i tink it's true!! Try it!!

DoReMi: yup, gt abit high on laughing gas. Coz 1st time using it, bt once i felt abit giddy i removed it, even thou still gt pain. Bt midwife didnt allow me to use once gt urge to push.. So while waiting for doc i was no longer giddy.. So to those using gas, juz make sure to remove the mask, don keep taking in the gas..

Friends: gd for u!! As long as both healthy can already. Hubby said this time more scary than 1st coz he could reli c bb head super big coming out. Coz #1 used vacuum after 2 pushes so he said nt so scary. Haha!! When we had #2 he still complain y wan have #2 coz #1 big already, bt after delivery he still could comment, ok next one blah blah blah.. I was like.. Next one?!! No thanks.. Haha!!

Chloe_mummy: gd luck!! Enjoy ur sandwich!! Hehe!!

4season: congrats to u too!! I told pple nt to visit, coz too tired.. So i had my rest yest. Onli prob was need to keep asking nurse to come when need help.. Bt tats wat they r for rite? Hehe!!

Wah, bb came for feeding half hr ago, bt don wanna suck!! Keep sleeping.. I carry till hand so pain.. So heavy!! Haha!! N i cant bear to wake her up coz she's a screamer!! Cry super loud!!
I'm still at labour ward, inserted 3rd tablet, contraction get worse from 8 pm .... But never dilate so still pain till now.. Duno when can come out
It is recommended to do massage etc only after abt 3 weeks - 4 weeks post c-sec. For #1, I decided no point in doing post natal massage at all coz it should be done like within first 2 weeks of delivery for best results. Maybe you can consider getting binder (can ask gynae or hospital to recommend or by from BP) instead of doing massage. Bf also helps uterus to shrink back to normal size.

Julie, congrats!!!! you are indeed a female warrior... *salute* you can deliver w/o epi... i am soooo envious of you... hahaa...

bt, i am a person with low threshold... So, i tink i will be using epi in the end... haha..

so many mummies have popped... i feel so happy for them and now waiting for my turn...

bt, my bb seems to be in high position (as in my bb is only half engaged, not fully yet)... hmm, guess... i still have to wait for some more time... hahaa....

btw julie.. thanks for your reminder --> to take off the lauging gas mask when not in pain anymore... if nt will feel high...

hope i can remember all these tips when i m in the delivery suite... hehe...
Hi Tzen, I did post natal massage (exclud wound area) 2 days after discharge.. Cos I was having breast engorgement and my blood pressure shot up very high...

Agree with bdmummy that it is recommended for post natal massage about 3 weeks after delivery..
Sunny: I think tmc is using huggies now?

Yup, post natal massage for csec usually done 3 to 4 weeks after delivery. In the meantime, use the abdominal binder to support the wound.
Wow aspialle, xin ku ni le.. My #2 did not have any effect after induction too.. But gynae decided to burst my waterbag after waiting for few hours.. Thereafter, contractions and dilation start very fast..

My pain threshold is very low too.. When I was 4cm dilated, my gynae advised against epidural, saying baby is going to be out soon.. But I told him I can't endure at all.. Haha.. But regretted injecting cos I was too high on laughing gas, I moved and epidural was injected fully on my left side.. Just injected and I was fully dilated.. The nurses panicked and had to find a pillow, cos my left leg could not stay up.. Haha.. A close shave
Jia you Aspialle! Hope baby will be out soon

Wow Julie, you are an inspiration! I will try w/o Epidural first. Test threshold first.

I'm back at work... but no mood! Keep having queazy feelings every hour or so, since last night. Not sure if they are contractions or not - it feels like tummy ache/a lot of wind...
Hi Sunny, for natural delivery, can actually start post natal massage right after discharge.. Think u have to check with your massage lady's schedule though..
Elp Mum: Hi^5... back at work but totally no mood. Our EDDs are 1 day apart. Been looking out for signs of labour LOL... looking forward to see my bb (physically)
Dear all mummies and MTBs who will be delivering at TMC, they use looped maternity pads.. If u r not used to them, better bring your own pads.. But the 1st packet is used by the nurse w/o asking though..
ladies : just done with my gynae checkup. at 38wk+3days; gained 500g; bb has gained 700g! He weigh 4.065kg now! dr tseng is surprised that bb has grown so big within a week as it was 3.3kg last wk! He still thinks i can go for natural unless bb is too high up and if my pelvic cannot take the weight then needs c sec. my water level is still high. so looks like gotta wait for 1 more wk before i pop.
Actually I brought my own maternity pad and waterproof sheet.. but they jus opened and used their without asking.

After 3 hrs.. only dilated by 1cm. Now at 3-4cm only.

Canopyhaze: im only 3.33kg at 37 week, my gynae alrdy said big and want me to induce. She scared I cannot push. So here I am at tmc being induced for 'big baby'.
i am also back at work.. abit sian.. haha.. still contemplating when to start ML..

elp_mum like you i am also experiencing alot of winds.. and these few days my uterus feels abit tight.. and my buttock like abit "sour sour".. dunno am i thinking too much..
wah canopyhaze your bb is big.. u must have eat alot to beef him up..

my last check up, my gynae told me.. my bb had lost weight.. and the weight i put on..nothing goes to her.. haha
My colleagues haven't seen me since xmas eve and when I'm back again, they commented I look very bloated! I heard it's a sign that baby is coming... sigh.. every moment I have I will tell baby, hurry come out so that I don't have to take my annual leave or maternity leave earlier just to stay away from work! Doesn't help that office has stairs only and reno is on-going... no mood no mood!

Hi sunny, I'm not sure whether can pre-empt the nurse or not.. They just put it on for me after my c-sect which I'm too drowsy or tired to even notice.. Haha.. Besides, my belongings are all in the ward so when I was sent back to the room, the packet was already opened..
