(2013/01) Jan 2013

Jiayou! Jiayou! Hope you will have a fast & smooth delivery! Can see baby soon!!!!

Juz woke up.. Guess wat? Still nothing.. Haha!! Like tat nt true tat #2 faster than #1 leh.. Kena cheated.. Gt pain once in a while during the night bt bearable n nt intense leh.. Yest was told at 6am will induce again, 7am doc will break water bag. Now 7+ liao no1 came.. Issit coz KKH too many patients?? Haizzz... Wait lor...

Aspialle: how?? I have a feeling u faster than me leh.. Haha!!
Vivian: u tink i shd ring the bell? Coz i tot they shd know bah.. I oso nt sure leh.. Haha!!! Am thinking since wait so long liao juz wait lor.. Anywaz still early.. Can let my hubby slp more oso, y nt.. Juz feel cheated la.. Bb don wanna come out.. Too comfy inside i tink.. Haha!! Nvm, wait for breakfast.. Hehe!!
Nurse just came.. Night shift handing over to morning shift.. Now i know y no1 came.. Delivery suite is full!!!! Said later gt bed than will get me down there either to induce again or for doc to break water bag.. Oh well.. Wait for my breakfast time!! Haha!!
BBLove, Yiping,
Congrats! Exciting and memorable birth stories!
BBLove, cool that you eventually had VBA2C - hope I can hv VBAC successfully too like you!

Wah KKH so many delivery suites also will be full house! Ej your bf then! All the best for the induced delivery later!

Hv a smooth and safe delivery!
I'm strapped to machine n inserted first tablet since 6 am but no actions yet.. Lie down till back n buttock pain cos can't move... U haven go to ward?
*Ouch* Tt sounds super painful.
Hubby was in shocked when he witness the birth of bb coming out from the 'v' area. He said he cannot imagine it was strenched till so big for bb to come out.
Yup. 3 kids, 3 different birth experience. #1 was epistles c-sect, #2 wanted to try vbca but bb ended in distress on c-sect under GA. #3 - Vba2c when c-sect scheduled. Hubby said he would rather I go through knieves than normal birth cos painless delivery.
He was so loss n shocked cos he was half way doing admission for me when called up by the nurse to the delivery room. But glad Tt he did not miss the witnessing of the birth.
Happy New Year 2013!
Yesterday me felt contraction & admitted Mount A at 5pm. 4cm dilate oredi & pain getting bad so opt for epidural injection once 5cm.
Dear mummies, I must say that epidural is our best friend, those can endure thoughout the labour process...Salute!!!
Paisay me cant stand pain & dun wan to be heroine.

Tot got chance to be first bb of yr 13 but after pushing one hr frm 1130pm & nurses also hoping bb pop out after countdown , somemore we all watch tv countdown together while Im pushing.
Tried in vain; still bb not popping out after an hr..ok, situation changed..actually me got high fever@38 earlier & never subside but go up to 39! Of cos, this affects bb & her heartbeat very fast till out of chart! Gynae worry cos this nt gd sign as bb also got fever inside me!! Bb must pop out fast if not life theatening. No choice, Ned to E csect immed..I dun really wish for this but bb health more impt nw.
My first Bb born on 01-01-13 @ 1.02am; never expect her to come out 18 days earlier frm my EDD.

God bless all mummies for smooth labour & Julie, jia you!!
Bblove, my hubby turned pale during delivery thou this is the 2nd child birth. When Dr asked him to cut the cord, he also stressed. During my no1, we had told Dr not to pass anything bloody to hubby cos he cannot witness bloody scene. This time round, forgotten cos everything happened so fast... Anyway, he did cut! Last night, he told me that he agreed to 'close shop' liao cos he don't want me to suffer again. Aww... So sweet of him...

Dr came and said my swelling has subsided significantly and I can discharge today. PD came and informed that all results for the tests performed so far are good. Baby is healthy! Thks god for everything! Now waiting for jaundice result to see if baby can discharge with me today. Hospital Bill shd be high cos I opted for 2 bedded instead of 4 bedded as no free upgrade due to the shortage of 1 and 2 bedded in TMC and now there is this new metabolism screening test which cost $250 plus for baby... I opted for it.

That's all for the day... I thank all of you for your well wishes! Agreed that this thread rocks! Everyone is so active, positive and encouraging. Shall step into another tiring journey ... Bfeeding... So far still can't get the correct comfortable position.. Hope can survive.
Just finished breakfast, nurse say as long as give birth , can discharge 24 hrs later.

Julie I'm in ward 81 02, the ward seems newly renovated, diff from last time
4season: congratz! thank goodness everything went well. do furnish the bb's details eg name; weight so that i can update the spreadsheet.
4season: congrats!! Faster than me n aspialle!! Haha!!

Aspialle: u back in ward? I in labour ward now. Did eat breakfast juz now before coming down.. Same ward!! I'm 81 14!! Mayb after delivery feel better can find u!! Chit chat at night. Haha!! Yest the 1 beside me oso waiting to deliver than she was crying while on fon, i tink wif her hubby. I hear her cry till so poor thing wanted go console her.. Bt she seems to b in pain, so didnt go disturb her..

Doc broke waterbag at 8.45am juz now. Started feeling slight pain fm 9.20am. Bt bearable. Than fm 10.30am the pain is more intense bt still bearable. Wanna try c if can don epidural or not..
Good morning mummies! It's the month we've been waiting for!
Julie: you seemed relaxed, should be able to tahan wo epi?
Elp_mum: eh, still can take it so far.. No pain relief so far. But tracking contractions. About every 3min.. Gonna try gas if reli need.. If after gas still cannot than too bad liao haha!!!
Congrats!! Yah a bit sayang but what's important is you are in competent hands. Dr Ong is good, isn't he? Iya I want early early, but now siao lo, they have nafa on Saturday... Hope I won't deliver before that. At least first couple of lessons can settle them...

You power wor. I'll just go in and scream, 'get the anesthetist'!!! I think even if like last time 45 min I might still opt for epi leh, at least my mind is kept off the pain for a while :p
Happy new year 2013 to all mummies !

Still quite emotional, feel like crying when read JOey post .. Yesterday watch mv also can cry when the song is a bit sad sad one. Guess is because baby just come out from our stomach after 9 months of carrying them ... A bit lost.

Saw the post about epidural , seems quite true but I'd agree that don't think first and decide when you need it. I not sure if I can last so long if I didn't take epidural ? May be will consider not to take epidural for next baby ... Truly agree that area with stitches are really OUCH ... Painkiller also can't help much.

Today morning pump again, have 40ml ... Later will try again. Just now massage lady come, I have done my first massage, tomorrow got to bring baby to see pd so will skip massage tomorrow and continue the next day.
Happy New Year to all Mummy & MTB.

Jia you!! Julie & aspialle...

Still dk when my little one will pop out. Making me so excited each day~
Hugs hugs pocketpig! We are all learning along the way.. U r indeed superb already.. Don't stress yourself, ok? I tried not to stress myself too.. Heehee.. Have tried to understand baby's habits bit by bit.. Though he still does not latch, nowadays can see that he will turn in to suck my sleeves.. Haha.. Once, he bit my hubby's arm.. Cos hungry.. :p

I also did not pump when I had gynae's and PD's visits last fri too.. Only managed to pump at night.. :p

Enjoy your bonding with baby.. Don't cry too much.. Not good for your eyes too.. Let's all jiayou together!
But my massage lady came in the evening to massage for me last fri though.. Haha.. Luckily she can accommodate my timing and I'm the last customer for that day.. :p
mummies delivering at TMC, can I check after deliver when do we need to go back for check up? my last one with nuh was 2 weeks later. need to know the timing coz my mil want me go jb the moment I got the baby passport.. but I only wanna go back after the check up n my massages (10 days)
Jos - as far as I know, it depends on your doc, not the hospital. You will have to check with your gynae. For me, my doc usuallly requires her patients to go back 2 weeks later.

For my PD, he needs baby to be brought to the clinic at 7 days old. You have to check with your PD when he/ she wants the baby to be brought back for a check up as well.
Congrats on the birth of you baby gal!

Julie, Aspialle,
Jiayou! I am not so garang, will just ask for epi haha!
Do share how the nurses in KKH are ya? And the hospital will auto assign pd right?
Hi Jos, agree with Chin.. It depends on ur gynae.. For c-sect, they will want to see you a week later to check on the stitches and remove if healed.. For natural, might not need to be so fast.. For PD, might also depend.. If bb has slight jaundice, PD might want to check if the jaundice level has lowered or increased etc.. Different doctors will set different appt dates.. The appt dates will be fixed b4 u discharged..
Friends n 4seasons,
Congrats on the smooth delivery of ur healthy babies!

Apialle n Julie,
Jiayou jiayou!

This thread so exciting with new birth stories n updates everyday, makes me so looking forward to seeing my bb sooner too. Hope bb wan to come out early. Hee
Going for hospital orientation at Raffles hospital tomorrow n to reg some details with them. Hope bb like it after the tour n decide to come out soon :p
Maybe Julie given birth, haven heard from her. Induction is torturing lying down till back pain strapped can't move, second tablet still no actions. Like my no 1 ..., whole day no action only come midnight

nevermind, bb meant to be JAN 2013 BB loh.

U pushing nw??


4season, congrats!!

u take care!!

KKH delivery suite all full? wah!!

ok lah. HB happy, relatives all know. good too.
Pocket pig,
Take it easy ok? I'm also feeling a bit emo cos deliver too early then no one seems prepared for confinement. CL yet to arrive.

Bm supply is still a question mark. I'm waiting for pd check on Friday to confirm that bb has no jaundice. On day 2 I tried to pump and got a pathetic few drops so I stopped thereafter and just latch. Hope there's really milk in there!

1st jan babies,
No more news of new additions? Or all the mummies have yet to report? Agree this thread is like live stock update.
Serene : u gg to Raffles tour tmr ah, have you decided what room type you are taking? I think they mostly only have single room so it is better to state your preference if otherwise. . We may be at the hospital at the same time, as doc say I will b early by a week!
I was having contractions when strapped to machine, nurse ask me wait for another half hr, after which when I shiver in pain she ask me sit down wait for porter to send me back to ward.. Wonder is it becos my contraction report seems too mild to her? But I feel pain leh
Hi all!! Sorry now than update.. Been reli tired.. Guess coz i was admitted since last night n didnt slp well..

I popped at 1307hrs!! I did it!! Without epidural!! So amazed wif myself!! Ok, here goes my story..

Came in 7pm last night, strapped to monitor, 8pm (2cm) induced. 10pm nothing, was sent back to ward.. Did countdown, can hear fireworks bt see nothing.. Couldnt slp, coz of the big tummy and gt bb crying, on off gt lights on, and go toilet.. Morning, woke up at 7am, nothing. Finally went down to labour ward at bout 830am coz all labour wards were full!! Went in, changed, doc was there, he burst my water bag about 845am(dilated 3cm). Felt slight pain fm 920am. Higher intensity pain fm about 1030am, bt still ok. More pain at 1140 (4-5cm), n requested for laughing gas. Super pain at dono wat time and asked midwife to check dilation (6-7cm), coz gas like nt effective, thinking of epi. Midwife ask how? Wan epi? I couldnt reli reply, decided to wait a while so went back to gas. About 1250, cannot put mask on myself liao, when hubby c my face fo towards gas he will help me put on. At this time told hubby to call nurse coz gt urge liao (9cm). Did a few slight pushes coz super pain (midwife don allow me to take gas liao coz say i will high till cannot push). Slight push onli coz nurse say haven fully dilate. 1255, allowed to push, wif help fm hubby n midwife, bt midwife say don too hard if nt will tear, n gynae nt ard yet. He came shortly, and after 3 super strong pushes, bb is out at 1307!!!

When doc came in he put my feet against his waist, which i find very gd, coz i had somewhere to push the energy to.. The other leg was against hubby. Tink i squeeze hubby hand till his hand pain oso. Haha!! I could feel i kick doc very strongly bt whocares!! Haha!! The part where he did the cut was super painful.. And the part where he was pulling out placenta very ticklish so i kept moving. He say put backside down! I say very ticklish. Than he n midwife laugh.. Haiz.. Than i c them getting ready sutures i soooo scared!! Coz confirm super pain!! Bt tink he injected painkiller at the area, so could feel him suturing bt nt tat painful.. When he's done, he bye bye!! Shook my hubby hand somemore.. If i had the strength would ask him where he goin, coz he wont be ard fm tmr..
Bt bad thing is, they reli took their own sweet time.. Delivered at 1307, bt was at labour ward till bout 1545 than go back ward... Bt ok la, coz i napped when they went ard doing their stuff. Guess coz alot of deliveries oso..

After back to ward, wound still pain n very tired. My #1 was ard as well, tats y till now than could come in. They left about 5pm and i fell asleep.. Dinner came oso dono. Than woke up eat halfway bb came for feed.

Nurse juz came to call me pee.. Didnt have the sensation bt end up pee alot!! Mayb coz of the sutures tats y.. Nurse put a cold pack for me coz say abit swollen.. Down there now super cold!!!

Ooo, btw, did i mention bb is huge??!!!! Coz last checkup on 26dec est 3kg.. Deliver 6days later, came out 3.444kg!! Didnt expect such a big bb fm a small frame like me.. Ok!! I'm done.. Sorry like so lor soh.. Haha!!

Aspialle!!!! How u doin?? Don tink can visit u later at night.. Coz now i still pain.. Mayb tmr feel better than go c u.. Guess u oso delivered? Shd b tired tonight too..
Bdmummy, friends: u reli shd try don take epi 1st.. Coz reli as the midwife said, after 5cm very fast.. She said i considered quite fast. N i realised laughing gas reli made u high!! Felt the rm spinning thou i didnt reli use it alot.. Coz i felt so giddy so didnt wanna reli use it. Be brave!! I tot i couldnt, bt i did!! So u can too!!

Bdmummy, guess coz alot of deliveries today, the nurses all super busy.. Bt my midwife quite gd, at least she's encouraging and patient, nt like my 1st experience at TMC where i was scolded. I did c her badge, she the senior midwife. My gynae still could joke when i was pushing tat she's the most senior 1 ard at tat time.. Bt they reli funny la.. Coz my doc in morn was angry tat the nurses all missing, than no1 help him. When he burst my waterbag, i was the 1 who helped him remove the instrument packaging. After burst waterbag, he gave instuctions to start oxytoxin at 10am bt when he came back about 10.10 still no start than he so angry.. After he was gone the nurse complain bout him, say so many deliveries, where gt free. Haha!! Than when due to push, midwife scold him back, say he come so slow.. Still joked say call him jump down fm upstairs, faster.. C if he will break his head or not.. Haha!! So tat's the way they destress among the stress. Bt i did hear a mummy pushing, when i was waiting to be pushed back to ward.. She was moaning away n i guess is midwife or nurse, kept calling her don shout, call her push push, like sound so impatient. So i guess midwife is heng suay one..

As for pd, i nt sure.. Coz mine tmr than will have pd checking on bb. Bt i tink shd b chosen by my gynae before hand already? Or mayb whoevers available?
Ooo!! And, thanks all mummies who helped me jiayou!!!

I'm guessing aspialle is done.. And resting.. Guess she'll update when she's rested enuff..
Juz tot of something.. Like very long winded.. Haha!!

Hubby did mention 1 thing better about KKH compare to TMC. Bt i guess this comment is more to the doc rather than the hosp. Coz he say, when deliver at TMC like push 2x onli than say wan use vacuum. Bt at KKH, doc never mentioned about vacuum or forceps. And he was standing all the way (mentioned he let me push him), bt at TMC doc was sitting down all the way. Bt to me this comment is more about the gynae rather than the hosp. Bt i did have a comment on hosp, tat is, TMC more efficient than KKH. Coz after delivery i was up in ward in less than an hr, bt today i onli went back to ward after more than 2hrs..
Wanna ask mummies who go for induction, did yr gynae instruct u no food/water intake after certain hr??

I'm admitting at 6.30am later, gynae said no food/water intake after 12am. Dont tell me no water, no milo or chicken essence ar? I'll be damn hungry in the morning lei.. no food/water how to push after that??

Jojo90, I will be admitting to mt a at 6am too. I will be having my c-section at 10.15am. My gynae told me to fast at 4am.. 6 hrs apart before c-sect. As for induction.. I not sure when u need to fast.. Hope we both hv a smooth delivery..
