(2013/01) Jan 2013

Canopyhaze, I'll be taking maternity leave from the day I pop, and will be taking the full 16 weeks.. I wanna spend as much time as possible with the baby.

When shall we next meet up?

Bliss : have a long long weekend since you'll be on leave on Monday.

Syyy : Anytime so long i am not on biz trip.

Lets see which date other can make it.
canopy, I see. Regarding the ML, I will leave 1.5 mths to take leave to bring bb for immunization, etc. I don't mind taking leave since my gal will be going regular kindy and will be home in the afternoons.
Esp June/Dec where my hb will be on leave and I can take leave then too.

Bliss_ling, I also cannot survive wo my tea... I will look like one worm uh...
Let's shortlist a few dates (which as u can see my preference is Fridays. HAHA! If there are other dates, please feel free to add in yah?) to kickstart?

Time: From 1230hrs onwards aka lunch and or tea. ;)

- 16 Nov (Fri)
- 23 Nov (Fri)
- 30 Nov (Fri)
Enjoy the long weekend everyone! Bringing my boys to take studio shots tomorrow - looking forward to that.

Maternity Leave - I will take it from the day I deliver...but I have to clear some leave prior. So will probably go off from Christmas Day onwards. Unless of cos, baby chooses to make an appearance prior to that...
Snowger, I dun have much leave Liao leh. Lol.

Mummies who are keen to get medela spares, I have checked with my fren who said shipping from US is very ex. She sent a key back to SGP and that cost her USD$20. So ex. So think we get locally..
Shice will be helping us to check out the discounts by local sellers. Pls kindly post here and let us consolidate the list before we can finalize the total orders. Thanks..
If the pricing is not any better than what we buy indivually, then we will cancel the bp. So we try what we can lah. Haha..
Nickole & Shice

I start the ball rolling:

1)Medela Softfit Breastshield 1 pair or
Pumpin' Pal Essentials : Super Shields Angled Breast pumping flanges(M)

hi ladies!
Just went to expo baby fair today and also Metro and Watson fair next to it. got consultation about selecting pumps, looked at different things like milk tray (amazing), special milk pockets to collect BM on one side while latching, clothes, sterilizer, bassinets and more! Have u girls start shopping? I am really starting late! oh yes, watson fair had Pampers, Size S (48pcs) at 35.80 for 3 packets. seems like a good deal?
2 week back I scalded my tummy while cooking birdnest. Today I fell over a puddle of water but luckily landed on my knee. Thank god nothing happen to baby... Arrgh so angry why I am so clumsy.
Hi all, I am new here. Currently a mother of 2 and expecting a 3rd baby. My EDD is on 26 Jan 2013 and is currently seeing Dr Adrian Tan at TMC.
Hi Hi... I heard that pregant woman need to drink coconut so that the baby will be clean is that true??? When do we need to start drinking? drink everyday or ?
Bliss, for me 1 bottle is enough to cook 3 times of half-chicken quantity. Depends on how much amt of the rice wine you wanna add. 2 bottles might be enough if u have other alcohol like vsop/martell/DOM, etc.

Averie, lucky it's not serious. Now I'm extra careful, esp when I'm walking up/down staircase. Try to take things slower, since we are getting heavier & belly getting bigger.
Ya really need to take things slowly. I keep forgetting I am pregnant. I still tend to walk very fast that why always here pain there pain and gynae suggest i wear support belt. Even wake up also must slowly move body to one side before getting up which I find it troublesome. I always get scolding from my gynae because after ultrasound scan when I get up from the bed I just bring myself up. Haiiizzz...
Happy Monday to everyone!

Wanna ask if any mummy here been told of having low amniotic fluid? My baby is growing as per se, but AF a bit low. Was told to drink tons of water.

Just wondering if any other foods can help to boost the level? I read to drink abit of coconut juice can help too. Any other advise?
I am totally opposite of you. I am having too much of amniotic fluid which is not good for pregencny. it could be GD systoms.
BP, high on AF? I read can take medication to lower the levels right? But I think no meds can help to increase the volume. Are you doing anything over your side?
Morning mummies!!

Was intending to start packing yest coz when came back to forum saw quite a few mummies have already started or almost done wif preps. Bt when i opened the chest of clothes to be washed, didnt know where to start!! Haha!! Coz was thinking.. Wash now than keep back in the drawer end up oso will dusty rite? Coz still gt 2mths to go.. Bt telling my bb nt to come out too early.. If come out early near xmas or new yr maternity leave wasted!! Haha!! Than was thinking need buy cot mattress, bt like too early.. Need buy car seat bt oso like too early.. In a dilema!!
I am going back to my gynae today for review due to a polyps casuing me to have some spotting last week and to be taken out and also was told to do GTT during the checkup. My gynae is more concern if i will get GD as there is family history of dibetic.
Julie... not too early liao.... we are creeping into NOv liao... I think those big ticket items can start looking / buying, at the most ask them to deliver at a later date ba!

Ya, I think I should start my 'engine' to re-wash those NB & 3 months clothes liao.. better to pack and create space for #2, just in case!!
Tres: yeah.. I juz gt a cot last wkend coz i had a playpen buy #1 didnt like slpin in it, so guess #2 wont either.. Haha! Bt my ger seemed so amazed by the cot she slept in it during sat nap, bt onli for 2hrs. At nite call her slp in cot she don wan already. Haha!! Was thinking get the car seat n mattress in early dec bt scared tummy too big very clumsy. Coz same as averie.. I fell down, luckily on my knees last wk. Total 3rd time while preg liao.. 1st time sprain and went tcm to press, the tcm guy say its ok. 2nd time was at KKH cp, coz didnt notice floor was wet. 3rd tripped on a step in office. Lucky all times no hit tummy..

Bt am worried bout during delivery.. Coz my ger like super glue, go toilet oso will come shouting for mummy.. Dono when i hospitalized during delivery she will go mad or nt. haha!! Any1 knows if kidz can stay over at KKH one-bedded rm?
Hello mummies,

Can I join? My EDD is 5 jan 2013.. 2nd child..

I have been on complete bed rest since 26 weeks of pregnancy due to high risk of preterm labor.. Stayed in hospital for 2 weeks and discharged home to continue bed rest.. So hope to chat with mummies here so I won't be so bored at home and Hu Si Luan Xiang hehe
Wasabe: Y cannot join? All welcOme!! My EDD is 4jan.. Hopefully nt too early.. Hehe!! Wow.. Since 26wks.. Boring leh.. So u mean u cannot go walk walk oso? How come will have high risk? U too active b4 tat?
Hi Wasabe, tc!
Dont walk so much..

I am trying to, but I still carry my boy now.
He now will accept that I cannot carry him for long, he will say mama tired, dabby carry..
finally! My hardwork paid off! He normally very sticky to me and now at least he said that and im very happy!

Finally bought the big ticket which is the cupboard! Mei mei and khor khor have their own! loll.

I will start to wash after I clean up the cupboard. but looking at the amount of clothes to be wash, I feel that im way too kiasu..

Khor khor clothes can let mei mei wear till how old already... and I doubt my MIL will use so many clothes.. haha... I think I have to reconsider when i dump into the machine for washing... if not the cupboard also flooded with clothes.
Hi WaSabe,

Take care.. Dont over exert urself and dont get too tired.. watch some happy/cheerful dramas to past the time.. It's not easy, but do try to keep ur moods positive
Mine cannot.. Coz my flat nt ready yet. So staying wif in laws.. All squeezing in 1 rm.. Now oso headache where to keep my #2 clothes. Coz #1 clothes already like no place to keep already.. Mayb juz throw in the cot.. Since bb shd b taking up very little space. Haha!! Hopefully by the time bb turn 6mths new place will b ready.. If nt reli gt space constrain!!!
Thanks mummies!! I had over exerted myself with my 2 year old toddler and a overseas trip and my cervix started opening.. So had to do an emergency cervix stitch under ga... Hiaz.. My first pregnancy was very smooth.. So this really came as a surprise

Gynae said my stitch can only "dong" for a while and i cannot walk and can only sit up for meals.. It's been v tough past few weeks trying to set logistics at home and work and getting use to being so bed bound and cannot carry my ger
.. Last minute hire maid also.. But I'm still very grateful for this pregnancy and trying to entertain myself at home and stay happy!!
every week is a bonus and I will cheer baby on!

Btw mummies.. Will you let your baby boy wear jie jie pink color clothings? Hubby doesn't want his boy clad in pink or ruffles hahaha.. But lidat very wasted le..
Wasabe: take care ok!! If u watch dramas, this is the time to do so!! I love HK dramas, bt no time watch coz once off work is busy wif my ger.. At my 27th wk gynae visit, was gonna go genting for the wkend so ask gynae ok or nt.. Of coz he said no coz gt chance of premature, bt short trip shd b ok coz paid liao.. Bt he still say better nt la, i took the chance. Luckily no prob. No more hols for us till #2 is at least 6mths i guess..

Since preg bout 4mth i already told my ger mummy gt bb cannot carry her.. Whenever hubby is ard i'd say look fOr papa, bt if he's nt ard she'd have to walk. N after a few times she knows. So she alwaz says mummy gt baby, cannot carry. Bt i still carry her when she cant wake up in the morn n i gotta bring her to cc b4 i go to work. Bt seldom..

As for clothes.. I nt particular.. Who says boys cant wear pink? Anywaz.. Who can see when they're wearing it at hm? Unless is take photo or go out gaigai than change to more boyish clothes lor..
loll wasabe, I bought girl romper for my #1,
now can pass down to mei mei liao.. LOL

Unless ur hubby really mind la.
mine bo chap one.
wasabe > I see.. so now.. remember not to over exerted urself.. Yup.. just lie in bed, though it is both boring and worrying (about logistic/household chores/ur toddler).. See what the doc says during your next review. If condition is better, maybe can sit on sofa/bed to play with ur toddler

So far, my boy only had a pink top. However, this top is for boys.. yet, hubby also not pleased..
Hi mummies. Can anyone remember when will the gynae visits change from once monthly to once every 2 weeks? Is it from 32 weeks onwards??? Haiz, my memory is getting bad, can't remember...
Re: coloured top. My hubby oso bochup. Anyway bb clothes all i buy 1, so he have no say. He wanna say than call him buy lor....

Re: gynae checkup. I oso cant rem, bt mayb can reply u this qn on wed coz tat'd be my wk 31 gynae check..
Julie I went for 4 days holiday.. Thought should be ok since I did that for my first pregnancy also .. But I guess the difference was I had my ger with me this time round .. And perhaps 2nd pregnancy Gynae say a bit looser Liao (oops hee)..

I think I will let baby wear pink at home then gai gai wear more boy and macho clothings haha but some really v girly like little cupcake little sweetie that kind maybe not haahaha..
Wasabe: mayb u carried ur ger too much.. Caused too much stress. Coz i refrained fm carrying my ger. Made it up wif lots of hugs n kisses..

no more hols, so sad.. So making it up to my ger by bringing her go play alot every wkend.. Another motive is to make her tired so she'll slp soundly during nap time. Haha!! And i'm Running out of idea on where to go already. Any idea mummies??
At my last check which was week 28, my gynae said next visit at week 32, then will be 3 weeks later, 2 weeks later and then weekly. If my preggy brain didn't get it wrong also. Hehe

Boy/ girl clothes,
My #1 looked like a boy for the longest, longest time. Cos she had little hair growth. So I'm very sensitive about giving her boyish clothes, but she also didn't really suit girly things cos she looked so boi boi!! Only recently with more hair does she not get mistaken for a boy. So I quite sympathise with those with boys who dun want their boys to look like girls. Lol.

I have complete rest for #1 since 5th mth after amino. Can understand the boreness. I watch alot of comedy shows then, now I hv a joker!! LOL!!

I washed bb clothes n keep in boxes, so wont be dusty since anytime from 7th mth is standby.

I am letting didi wear pink at home but I bought more orange, yellow last time. Only receiving blanket is pink!! LOL So wear blue and cover with pink!! LOL!!
canopyhaze, I think alot of ppl still on leave today. I haven't log-in here for a long time as my company block this site, but strangely I can access this webpage today. I think IT also on holiday..lol

iluvcookie, my #1 is c-section, opting for c-section for #2 as well. You can try VBAC if you want, but for me, I hate the waiting game.

same for #1 with little hair growth, wear skirt/dress , bright floral/ pink also hv ppl ask it is boy.

So other than 0-6 mths, all are pink & red .
Now hv to buy boy boy's clothes.

Will leave the boxes of girl clothes for #3 or #4 then.
Friends, noted.

iluvcookie, i want to go for natural if possible. but quite unlikely since my first c-sect is abt 20mths only, by the time i deliver.

For baby clothes, my boi had pinkish clothes hand down by my mil side cos got 2 nieces in front liao, so got lots got pink clothes. i let him wear at home.
i think so thats y ppl tend to buy more neutral colours...

Julie, can go google on the places to go for kids..


i m very sleepy.. yawnz** dun feel like working today..
Nickole: thanks!! I'll try those we havent went!! Cozmy ger abit clumsy (like her mummy).. So she kinda fall quite often.. Nt looking where she's heading to.. So will go for the safer places 1st b4 branching out to the more outdoor activities.. Have been to a few shopping centre water playgrounds.. Reli gd for them to spend time n play!! Bt my ger very timid leh.. Muz alwaz hav a line of sight of mummy or daddy.. If nt she'll keep pulling us to accompany her to the water area..
re: iHerb
Anyone bought from iHerb recently? Have u receive your pdts? I've waited for 2 wks since i ordered, haven't receive. Does it always take so long?


I just rcv mine today.
Usually takes 3 weeks-8weeks. Unless u order using the Euroasia which will take less than 1 wk.
