(2013/01) Jan 2013


think every mum will buy beansprout pillow as light to use on infant for them to feel secure while sleeping.

But cant wash so hv to air it everytime.

Hi mummies,
I'm a first time mom and am clueless about the preparation of welcoming my new born. Due in late dec-jan. any car seat or stroller to recommend? and what should i should be looking out for.
junior : my stylist didn't apply it to my scalp,
I really can't tahan my curls so decided to straighten it.
@canopyhaze...envy.. haha.. wanted to do.. but my hb dun allow.. mayb tonight i can ask the gynae hopefully she can convince the man.. haha
junior : hahaha, i have been talking abt it since a few months ago, now really buay tahan liao, and since i didn't have any lunch appt today so go during lunch.
bliss : there's a flu bug & virus going round, am down with sorethroat, flu & very bad cough, has spread it to my hubby & son as well. Do take care. Am still down and can't sleep every night due to the cough, and the coughing is so bad that i pee. Need to wear sanitary pad to counter it as panty liner is too thin
Hihi all!~~

I'm new here and hope is not too late to join fellow Jan mummies for sharing and exchanging session. It is my first child and i'm stil overwhelm by this whole process.

Especially vulnerable now since my hubby is overseas for work w/o contact for 1mth. Need to be even more independent now..then my gf told me abt this forum where fellow mummies gather n exchng pointers. Am so glad for her reminder!

Anyways, here's my details.
EDD : 17 Jan 2013
Gender : Boy
Delivering at TMC

If there's a FB group, I hope I can join.

just received call from KKH, i failed the glucose test :p... need to be admitted one day and monitor sugar level everyday liao. sianz
poke finger 7 times a day is no joke loh
Canopyhaze, wah envy that u still do your hair... I'm practically look like an old auntie liao. Messy and half head white somemore... Gynae still can tell straight in our face that he don't recommend hair dye, rebonding or any kind of treatment. Kenan warned by hubby cannot do anything till delivery. Super sianz when looking at the mirror nowadays.

Bliss, my boy also started to fall sick over the weekend. Vomited on the whole bed and we end up washing the bedsheet at 1am
Also on antibiotics.. I'm a zombie today.... So tired....
gina: I just bought a Quinny Buzz and a MaxiCosi infant car seat from the Baby Fair over the weekend. I was looking specifically for a jogger, although Quinny Buzz is a cross between jogger and stroller i think it is good enough to motivate me to job with my baby after giving birth.
Friend : all my colleagues say i look 10yrs younger after the cut.

Nilee : I personally think that Quinny buzz is a little too bulky for jogging but is good for baby to sleep in. I use Quinny Buzz & Maxi Cosi infant carrier as well.
@tres, agreed with u that 5k subsidy is better than nothing. Hmm, I just contacted a financial advisor and will meet her this Thursday to chk for her comments .. see what she say. Coz if really want to sign up with the Prufirst gift, I will need to decide soon (think need to sign before W32 and still need 1 month for them to chk the medical problems).
NileeYko : i went to the fair just yesterday and was looking at that model of stroller as well. It seems like many ppl is using that. Guess it should be good to use.
Gina : Maclaren stroller is lighter than Quinny and the price is relatively cheap. It is cheap & durable, i used it for travelling to overseas.
Gina, I personally like maclaren stroller.. Not too heavy for me esp if using escalator or taking public transport by myself. The quest 2012 can be used for new born onward. Price reasonable and what canopy haze said durable. Value for money.

Now with 3 kids plus maid, we will fully utilised our MPV therefore limited space for the car boot.. We can't get those quinny type..big and bulky.
Canopy, I'm having bad cough too!! And I totally understand what u going thru!! Hate the pee part!!!

Gina, I used Maclaren Techno XT and Peg Perego pilko Mini, both about the same but Peg Perego is more stable, Maclaren will topple if I hang bags behind with no baby in the stroller but Pliko Mini won't... I going to get a Peg Perego Pilko P3...

Bliss, hope ur girl is feeling better! Rashes means recovering already!! Hang on!!
NileeYko, how much is the quinny buzz and maxi cosi infant car seat?

I am still contemplating if i should buy quinny buzz. I like but just too bulky. At the fair I was a baby girl sleeping soundly in a pink buzz. So nice.
Now I realised that alot preg mums will pee when coughing n sneeze.

#1 no such prob, #2 happ to hv this prob that I asked gynae. But I din take pills, just keep drinking honey so that bb will nt be affect by drugs.

Though buying Maclaren, pls chk u hv the additional safety catch as there are incident where kid's finger can trapped in between and that's why they gave this additional part.

though my hairdresser dun apply to the roots, he also dun allow me to straighten/dye hair. so layering to keep hair thinner n neater.

I think I look like maid when preg & bf!! LOL!!
Maclaren Strollers - Can be quite light depending on the model that you get. The more features there are the heavier they get. For mummies who are getting the first strollers, you need to get full recline if you intend to use from birth. Some strollers allow you to fix in the infant car seat so that works too (like maxi cosi).

I think when getting strollers/prams, what you generally need to look out for is:
1. Stability/Sturdiness
2. Ease of opening and closing (with one hand if possible since u need to juggle quite a few things if u are alone)
3. 360 degrees turning of wheels (for easy pushing, some of the cheaper strollers are one directional... :p)
4. Use of the stroller (is it for park/jogging? or for shopping? If it's mostly for shopping or manuvering of small aisle, a not so bulky stroller would be ideal. I know some mummies find that the Quinny Buzz is not practical for shopping usage esp if u wanna squeeze in a crowd or a narrow aisle?)
5. Weight of the stroller (if u intend to "lug" it around)
6. Compatibility with infant car seat (if u intend to get one. Maxicosi, Capella, etc have infant car seats which u may get. So consider carefully cos they cannot universally "adapt")
7. Growing with your child (some strollers are for certain age only, so be careful before u invest.
@ Canopyhaze, oh gosh.. i do agree.. U must take care of urself and rest well. It tough especially we preggy nw and trying not to take medication. I had to take antibiotics last mth due to constant cough for 2 mths ++. Same as u, cough then urine leak abit.. Must change to Posie pad.. Both hub and son been to doctor? It seems that the flu virus is getting stronger..

@ Friends, How was ur son nw? In cc or taken care by mil? Been to doctor? Mine been to doctor last fri and was told that if she not on antibiotics, it hard for her to get thru this period.. nw her face still has abit of small spots.
Bliss, thanks for asking. My boy is currently at home, didn't send him to the playgp as he is still in recovery stage. Also on antibiotics, fever went down but his nose still like running tap... Sigh....
my gal was punished by her dad again last sunday cos she didnt want to sleep and asking me to make milk for her which she never drink. Hub wants to watch the "Money week" and was pissed that he cant watch as my gal pestered him to go to the room with her.

To cut story short, he carried her and left her in dark corner without any dim light and close the door. Cried and screamed til mil came out of the room. He blocked my way to open the door to rescuse her. While MIl rescused her, he smacked on her thigh and scolded her. My gal cried so hard til "merlion" ...

Even used wire hanger on her once when i removed her soiled pant in toilet. I had to wash her soiled clothes cos hub refused to help and carried on watching his tv. Reason : he damn pissed.

Think it he inherits such bad temper and "violence" from his dad. FIL still add in "fire" and told us at our face that must used cane etc.. our so called love discipline is no used. My mum feels that they are wrong to use such harsh punishment cos she only 2 yrs 4 months leh.

I was reprimanded by hub abt her behaviour. Was so angry and i know it not good for #2 inside tummy.

Quite sick and tired over this issue cos it happened every week thus i went back to my mum place to zzz with my gal yst. Peace at my mum place and my gal sleeps early.. Thinking to move back to my mum place.

I think i may go to depression if this cycle goes on and on..
@ friends, is ur boy on Aerius syrup? It meant for running / blocked nose.. Works well for my gal.. tried sinupret and zytech last week but it didnt helped to resolve the prob..
<font color="119911">Oh bliss_ling... The whole "drama" sounds so terrible!
Your hubby really TV addict, think he is those type whom will flare at anyone who stop him from watching.
You might really wanna consider staying at your mum's house for the time being till your gal recovers?
Better for both of you maybe?
SAYANG hor...</font>
oh bliss, if you think you will feel better, then go lah!
I'm sorry to say this but if your hb just wanna watch TV and not help you to look after your girl, then he is not much of a help, better rely on better help. Good for you esp you are preggy and at this stage, it will be tougher, harder to look after your lil girl.
Maybe your gal is more comfortable at your mum's too, she can sleep early w/o much fuss.. so why not! Look after your own sanity / comfort first!
Thanks bliss! hubby &amp; son are much better than me. I have finished a bottle of cough mixture, but seems no effect, the sorethroat has however lessen.

Bliss : wow, your hubby seems to have "violent" trade. Do keep an eye on your gal as it might have an impact on her since it is formative years for her now. Try talking to your hubby, or ask him to consult a doc for his temper. This can't go on, and it will also affect you since you're preggy now.
Bliss, think best u stay in your mother's place for the time being until your ger recovers... My boy also like your ger, will cry even harder and Merlion if kenan beaten. Talk nicely then will listen type but guys being guys... Sometimes just don't get it... My hubby also will continue to beat but not as fierce as yours... Usually my inlaws and me will 'save' my boy away from him.... So nowadays when my boy throws his temper and realise that hubby is looking at him, he will scream 'I don't want daddy!' and run to my side to hide...
@ hammiebao, thanks gal = )
Yes, nw fever down..

@ LDG, ya lor... TV addict to certain extend.. He can dont watch other shows unless it interesting. Very impt to him is the News and Moneyweek etc..

Yes, i going back to my mum place this week. If not, I also dun know what will happen next.. Very draining for myself
@ tres, yes totally agree.. better go back to my mum place .. I need sanity and comfort.. Well, I sleep first before my gal in mum hse.. My mum will settle her milk feed and dad settle clothes and washing of bottles.. So practically I just rest at home which my mum keeps reminding me to do so.. Especiallymy right leg keep acting up due to poor blood circulation..
@ canopy,I also finished 1 whole bottle then my gynae said he gave me antiobiotics which safe for preggy and cough syrup.. I hesitate cos antibiotics not good for us during preggy.. I tried honey and in the end gained 3 kg during 2 weeks of consumption of the honey.. I also scare of getting GD cos it will mean poking my poor fingers as my sis had it druing her pregnancy.

yes yes, I also afraid that it will have an impact and she will be violenve.. It a cycle .. monkeys see, monkeys do.. She may think using violence is the right way to get ppl agree / does her own way in future. Creating fear is the last we want our kids to have.

@ Friends, our kids same yr and mth.. so same age and u can imagine the heart pain when they get beaten up. Use ruler i ok.. not wire clothes hanger.. very painful especially the strength a guy.

Well lucky it happened in mil place. He will react worse if it at my place cos he knows my mum cant take it when he does it.. So my gal punishment will be harsher.

My hub takes a no nonsense approach and i know he grew up in such environment when he was a child even to young adult. It all abt his dad "love discipline". He hates his childhood..

So nw is to min the time if my gal trys to "bully" me in giving in to her demands by not sleeping ..
thanks ladies for listening to my ranting... Seriously I have a fair bit of parenting issues than the rest due to hub childhood...

It impt for a child to have a happy childhood and not the painful harsh childhood...

If only One can invent a scanning time machine so that can scan thru another person before marriage... whahahahahaa
btw, my mum asked my gal yst and this morn whether she wants to go back to inlaw hse... Her reply " No, I dont want" and she shaked her head
Hi @averie @hammiebao,

I also encounted back pain near tailbone while stand up or sit down from chair. Its getting irritating and urge to give birh asap. Is the belt supports work? any brand to recommend?
LDG : U wanna pm me? I can add you.

Bliss : true, my hubby has alwaqys stressed that he wanna break the cycle; he disallow hitting, shoutting and abusive scolding or threathening in our household as he himself has grew up from his mom's acid tongue or threads. eg. If you cry, i will give up away etc. He wants our kids to grow up in a conducive environment which is safe enough for them to express. He will even tell my mil off if she does that to our son unintentionally.
Canopyhaze - can u add me as well? For the FB, is it a private group?

Bliss_ling - sorry to read about your kid and situation at home. hope that your hubby can understand soon that a child's self-esteem has to be nurtured from young. Luckily for your child, she has you.

Bliss, my gynae just gave me antibiotic for my cough, I will be taking it as i cough till i vomited yesterday, I think it's quite safe since given by gynae, he mentioned coughing will stress on the water bag which might lead to serious consequence if water bag burst..

Anyway, First Few Years at paragon havig 10% off for Britax car seat for member.. I just got one and a Peg Perego Pliko P3 at offer price $499... Both items cost me $980 after discount..
