(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Happy Friday, ladies.

Wil' mum, I'm going to Penang this Sun. Took the entire week off next week. Dying for a good break.

Anyone been to Penang? Care to provide some travel tips? Any food I must try? Any places not to be missed?

Lynzi, let me know.

When I've my no.1, I listened to classical music as I played on CD for my dogs. No.1 quite enjoys it. She was an easy baby, therefore, I was thinking should I consider to get BabyPlus.

Tigress, I going mid-Nov. You let me know what is good there. kekekeke.

I know rojak, assam laksa, chendol, hokkien mee
MeinMe, sure I will let you know when I am back.

Jaster - deep fried chic skin? You know what, I don't eat ALL KINDS OF SKIN. Be it fish or chicken. In fact, I'm a fussy eater, I don't eat pork, mutton or beef.
I am a seafood lover. I do take fish, prawns, crabs, chicken & duck. Pork, mutton and beef is a NO NO for me. I don't like the taste of meat, except chicken and duck. Miss a lot of good food right? I have this eating habit since young, not sure why though.
Tigress.. whoaaa 1 week off ar... So shiokkk!

Penang got a lot of nice food la.. Just watch out for yr boy if eating street food. Enjoy yr trip.. Do a quick one with yr hb if got chance...don miss the egg hahaha..

I eat half-boiled egg everyday & drink chic ess every alt day.. cut carbohydrate intake since i've been putting on some weight during tis ttc.. Hopefully can tio tis cycle!!
Tigress.. wahhh u really miss a lot of nice food!
I love beef... Crazy for beef when i had my boy.. My hb keeps saying that's why my boy is strong like 'bull' now haha..
Char kway teow! Laksa! Chee chup chok !! Roti canai(prata)! Lor bak! Apom! Lok lok! Chendol! Ice kachang! Otah! Koay kak(our carrot cake)! Indian mee goreng! Arghhhhhhh hungry!!!!! Lol! A lot of food to try!!! ;)

I used babyplus for kirsten... Hmmm I'm not sure if helped her but her cognitive skills quite fast. She flipped at 12weeks. Sat at 4mths. Crawl n pull to stand at 5mths. Started standing n walking ard 9-10mths. Some ppl say she's fast but I'm not sure. Lol! But her talking quite slow... Til nw she's still not very proficient in talking but getting better... She's 31mths now...

When I have #2 will also use it ;)
mummies, so tired lor, this week..

this week supposed to bd many times to catch the train de..but so tired and only bd once..hope can catch the last train..

upset cos hubby dont take it seriously lor..
Hi anyone interested to take over my leftover Guardian ovulation (1.5 boxes) n test strips (2 strips) pls sms me 93679627 (dont check in often). Txs! Price negotiable.
Sometimes I feel like I should just forget abt having #2 since hb doesn't make any effort . Why should I b d only one. Then as if I'm d one w problem . Sigh

But I see my gal so poor thing. Yesterday hb brought her to d plygrd.. Then he said no one wanna play w her... Ke sian dia.. Then later on 2 boys played w her... Then they came hm becos suddenly heavy rain.. Then my gal looked so dejected.. Kept on pointing to the door wanna go play w the 2 boys .. Sigh ...

This am I asked her if she wan didi or meimei she said dOnt want -.-"
missycandy, u are not alone....guys are always like that...their ego, like my HB. I just ask him yesterday if he consider go for SA test since my gynae say I m perfectly alright n no reason for us to failed...he immediately jump on me say we got #1 thru naturally....he dun think he got any problem...only maybe he now older lor. sigh....u see they always dun see the problem, stubborn old man!!!!

Just take it naturally...sometimes its meant to be yrs, u will get it if not u will lose it eventually so dun take it too hard, I also learn to let go already...

My gal also tell me yesterday she dun wan to be jie jie, wans to continue to be meimei...wahaha...
gd morning ladies!!! It's Monday!!!

officially a SAHM hor!? hahaha.. for now!!! but still.. hahaa...

hugs hugs!!! men!!! EGO lah... they will not admit that they need any form of help when it comes to XXX !!! seriously... they thought their body won't age so fast one...

my ah lau recently become a vain point. want to make his face nice nice... then want to revamp his wardrobe! Chiam!!! i cannot be obasan!!! also must catch up with him liao!!! not that I love being an "auntie" but still... kns him~~~ dunno isit got pretty colleagues in office trying to seduce him or what!!!
Jaster, u still young lah....no worries, won't become auntie...wahaha....but sometimes got to worry abt outside bitches not our HB. Nowadays gals are very 'zhu dong'....openly seduce guys, so got to be callous if HB suddenly change his appearance or attitude.
but but, when couples ages.. the woman tends to look much older compared to their counterpart!!! so i now must do something to my outlook if not i know i will be an auntie in no time!!! yesterday, i didn't put on contacts (due to eye infection) and never put on make up, i felt so auntie walking at orchard road lah!!! hahahaa...

yah lor!!! and nowadays the ladies more daring!!! see if it's married man also want to 主动!sighhhhhhhhhhhh... i trust my hubby lah but there's still a 1% chance that he may stray mah!!!

i want a makeover!!!
it sure feels good huh!? hahahaa... sighhhhhhhh...

i'm not getting any job satisfaction!!! darn. sian. got to complete my ACCA then can climb up the corporate ladder leh!!!
morning ladies!

super cooling weather now
any more good news?? if my AF not here by thurs, i will test by friday.. coz will be goin drinking @ nite (kiasu)

canopy, how nice to be @ home and rest for awhile! *envy hee
Charlotte, it's normal reaction from them. My HB told me more than 2 years ago that since we can have no.1, no problem with no.1. Last year, I M/Ced, all the more he thinks he is ok. We went to see TCM, TCM made him got to do SA then he realised "oh it's him". I know it's challenging to get him to do it, will be good for him to go to gynae with you, let gynae explain to him why is a need to do it. Expert speaks louder than us, commoner.
Happy lunch time mummies...

Mei2.. Did u see my earlier post? U stay @punggol? Juz wan to check wif u re: waterway!!!
Whoaaa u r waiting for good news... Good luck to u.
I'm also in 2ww..
wils mom, just saw ur earlier posting.. haa!!
i stayed punggol for 4yrs+ liao.. near to punggol plaza
waterway is a beautiful place! took alot of pics since last week :p add me in my fb to view ya [email protected]

hee thanks
hopefully will come soon.. if not we will try harder next cycle
i also pity my girl, she so happy whenever get the chance to play with her cousin or other kids, when go back home seems so lonely. Sometimes she climb on me and tell me she want meimei, ask me shen mei mei. so sad, i told her ok very soon will give her. So i wont give up! WIll try until strike! Very lucky is my husband quite support and make effort too.
Hope we all graduate in these 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!
yes... we still have 4 more months to try for # 2.. #3.. which ever...

don't give up.. cos I just started using the OPK to check for O and results.. negative lah.. but I will keep testing.. till I see 2 bold 2 line!
hi everyone,
am back to this thread after busy schedule! how's everyone? im still waiting for good news but none yet...very upset..for 3mths plus my menses not reporting..anyone experience the same thing?

im thinking if i should go for IUI...any recommendations?
Mei2... I'm trying to add u as friend @ facebook but seems like very challenging haha.. I'm not familiar with the new feature. Anyone know how to add friend @facebook for iphone?

Mei2.. Can u view the waterway from yr flat?
We are going to hv a look around punggol area tis wed. Our selection date is 20nov, hopefully can get a good unit @waterway brooks, the batch near damai lrt.
morning mummies

wils mom, nope my area cant see the waterway.. u have good chance for selection
good luck and i dun have anymore FB friend request leh.. wats urs? mayb i add u from my side

tis cycle mayb gone case again.. saw brown discharge yday late noon and tis early morning, will wait for full blown and try again hee
Good morning ladies!!!

Mei2, u haven't seen full force fresh red discharge right? so don't worry man!!! still got hope!!! even it's not a successful cycle, but still new cycle new hope right? =) jia you jia you!!!

PMS mode. =P just want to eat n eat n eat!!!
Mei2.. U hv accepted my request! My name is Eni

Saw yr punggol fiesta pics... excellent!!!

We got q no 281 of 709units, hopefully can get good unit!

Mei2.. Howlong hv u been with clomid?
Wils mom, oh thats u! haa ok ok :p
good Q number leh!!
have been with clomid for 5mths already

Jaster, havent seen yet.. yday wipe then saw brown discharge but 1x only then tis morning till now lor.. changin to red liao i think haa! ya will try harder next cycle hee i can totally the "eat & eat"!! wahahahha
Afternoon mummies...

Add me in FB too leh!
Wil's mom.. Add add! Hahah other also add add...

Fb name : Angelia Mark Cherelle

Hmm.. Next month hopefully got good news sia.... I this month never even go notice my "O" date. Just bd when i want. Ahhaha! But i guess i got "O" sympthoms. So hope heng heng
Arr! =p

How's everyone doing so far?
Missycandy? Wil's mom? canopy? Tigeress?
Wil's mom : hahaha! That's why i say if got girl.. Pocket sure got big hope. Up till now i still spending hor.. Hahaha! Wah, steady leh. I dont know where is my O so i dont know when 2ww... Just wait till next month lo... =\
Hi ladies, I just had my AF on Sunday.. My first AF after I stopped BFing.. Hopefully will have some luck this cycle! Ladies in ur 2ww, all the best! Hopefully there'll be some positive news!
hi just to share, was told not to consume chrysanthemum tea... its not good for ttcing... also no brinjal, lettuce, long beans, cheese, yogurt, chocolate, tomatoes, raw brocoli...

and ive been drinking chrysanthemum tea very very often!! zzz... sigh...

just to share my joy wif u all, i jz tested bfp aft 11mths yay!

wat i did this cycle,

1) drink ba zhen soup once aft AF clear
2) hubby starts drinking honey (from yummy house)& he claims he tried a diff shooting method this cycle.

I still cannot believe it anyway still vy early stage so still vy hard to tell. but i cant wait to share my joy wif u all. baby dusts to all.

Good night.
Donkeymami, congrats! So happy for u! :)
Jaster, thanks!! :)
Missycandy, icic.. Let's abstain from those food n hopefully we'll get good news soon! :)
Ladies, I m back!!
Will have another round of packing, moving n unpacking soon. I'm moving to proper house soon next mh, aft 2.8 years here! My life 2011 is packing moving renovation unpacking!!!!! Those know mi well like should know after Singapore, now is here turn!
Congrats donkey....!!!!!! Grab ur bb dust!

I m moving again...and at the stage og giving up for trying! Moving to bigger house hope the luck is cum too...but no time to bd..haha...too tired! Aft fr sg, unpacking. Now packing for moving house. Later unpack again. I hope I can settle at new compond few year n hope he get job at here too!
Mrng ladies!

Jaster, missy, airy, blessed bb, wil's mom, thanks for all you well wishes. Dun give up, you BFP is coming you way ok.
