(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

<font color="0000ff">hoping if i see gynae. he scan n says he sees the sac. WAHAHAHA! *dreaming*

aiya. i no hope liao. doesnt seem possible so late then get positive. too late. </font>
missy : yes its my #1

Canopy : sourplum hv to try i guess.

Lynzi : tks lynzi... got too many diff type for ms. i oso duno.

Happiness : if jab helps i wud b more den hapi. sumx i jz tahan or lime juice kind of help.
missy : yes its my #1

Canopy : sourplum hv to try i guess.

Lynzi : tks lynzi... got too many diff type for ms. i oso duno.

Happiness : if jab helps i wud b more den hapi. sumx i jz tahan or lime juice kind of help.
Hi Ladies....a busy morning for me, finally got time to log in here

Been busy teaching the new part time lady how to do my work when I'm not ard, just some simple duties n stuff but she like blur blur....sigh...3 hrs coaching n she still dun get it! My boss that time teach me 1 day only then left me alone to figure out myself....

Rush home to tend to my gal as my mum is feeling sick these 2 days....she's happy n relieve that she dun have to take care of my gal for me starting next week....can join her frens for singing n dancing already...have already signed up courses for next mth onwards....terrible
Jaster, ya 1st day at work but pls show some interest lah, like bo chap attitude, sigh....younger than me but looks like aunty lor, haha.....guess I look younger than her

Happiness, are u ok with yr MIL? saw in fb....sayang sayang u, dun worry....MIL n DIL sure got some conflicts, will work out some day...

missycandy, tot u got chance this cycle, haha....stay hopeful ok? like they always say no see red means still got hope!
A Big Hi to All on your TTC journey.
For all your Ovulation and Pregnancy needs, please visit <font color="0000ff">www.bbshop01.blogspot.com</font> or email <font color="0000ff">[email protected]</font>

High sensitive OPKs and HPTs @ <font color="0000ff">$0.50 to $0.60</font> per strip.
Clearblue digital ovulation <font color="ff0000">(smiley face)</font> 7 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$45.90</font>
Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator <font color="ff0000">(tells how many weeks pregnant)</font> 2 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$27.90</font>
Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$220</font>
Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$46.50</font> (with free HPTs)
Lucky packages incl Pre-seed/Conceive Plus, Basal Thermometer also available.

Fast delivery guaranteed and Next day delivery is also available.
<font color="0000ff"> idali, try to chat more w the mummies with same due month as you. You will find it very supportive as you all are going thru same thing at the same time. Especially after you have given birth... It will be good for your bb to have play dates of d same age... And all you mummies can share similar experiences together .. You will find it very supportive! I've found a few good frns thru that way.. Do try it too
Hi All,

I wish to be in the ttc journey. Currently hv two girls. Am trying for no.3... this is my 6th cycle. Felt like giving up and I am worried i will hv a 3rd girl. I went to the temple at Bugis and the lot said "a girl will be born". I am not sure if I want to ttc already : (
hi ladies! gd morning!!!

bbwish, wah! 2 kids and intend to have another one ah!!! =) i think i'll just stop at two... hahaa.. jia you wor! =P
Hi morning,

Yes Idali, join the mummies with same due date as u...wat missy said is true...i regretted i didnt join the Mar 2009 thread earlier as there's so much to learn n share with them!

bbwish, u ttcing for bb boy is it tats y trying for #3? actually ppl say if u keep thinking of wanting a boy, it will come out as girl, same as when u keep thinking wan a girl, it will come out as boy...

same as when ppl don wan to get preg, they will accidentally get preg..

so if u really love children, don think abt the gender 1st...most impt is he/she is healthy!! no matter is girl or boy, they r still ur own kid!
Good morning ladies,
I need to verify something with you guys...
Im yet to get my menses.. suppoosed to be on the 18...last night had cramps around tummy and back, expectating menses to come but didnt.
Any idea y the cramps are bad?
After my #1, i dont have cramps anymore, but last night was unusual.
Cant remember if i had this when i got preggie with the #1.
agree with Jo's mummy...Jo mummy you still can join your thread ppl now yah? =P i also not very active in my bb's birth mth thread... they very onz one.. always got gathering!!!
morning ladies!!!!

Idali : I have joined Dec 09 thread for my #1, was definitely rewarding as some of them r experienced moms and some of them r newbies like me. Learnt a fair bit from each other and kept each other updated of the progress. I have found some gd friends thru' the thread and we still go out for lunches etc.

BBwish : I agreed with Jo. It is a blessing to have a bb, hence it doesn't matter the gender. of cos love to have a bb gal but i would be happy if i can preggie in the 1st place.

Anna : might be menses cramps, do check with your gynae.

doneky : it is scary!
<font color="0077aa">I didn't book any hotel package but my friend bought it and stayed there with no problem.

What's your usual BBT before &amp; after ovulation?

Have you taken the pregnancy test?

Saw your status update on FB. Please take care and perhaps request for a seat if it's a long journey.</font>
Morning Ladies!! Had a busy and bad day at work yesterday so no time to log in.
No la, I cannot be preg..hahaha cos the 2 times we tried to BD, both times is mission not complete, cos my girl wokeup when we are only halfway done... wahahahah

Idali : If u feel that yr MS is so bad that u need help, go to yr gynae and speak to him/her again. For me, after my 1st failed pregnancy, i was very very cautious of my 2nd pregnancy. SO in fact, as much as I am very very uncomfortable with my bad MS, I was infact happy about it and somehow sadistically enjoy the MS. For that is a good sign to me. It means that my baby is growing well, my HCG is rising rapidly and healthily.
ANd I wan to stay as healthy and drugs free as possible... to create a better "living area" for my baby...
In fact alot of mummies here wishes to have BAD MS too... but then it's still not our turn yet. But in time to come, I'm sure we would not mind the BAD MS.... right ladies????!!!!

Charlotte : Monster in law, 1 word cannot finish saying. Hahaha.... Can u MSN? If can add me. I PM u my email in a while....

Donkey : Lucky i nvr buy the hotel stay. Nearly wanted to buy. My frd bought and sadly this Cyan person just went missing....
certainly agree with u!!! when i was carrying my #1, i also love ms to bits!!! in fact if there is one day i dun feel pukey i'll panic!!! hahaa..
Idali, I hope you understand what we are trying to say. We are here trying/struggling HARD for no.2 or more while you are there telling us how bad your MS is for no.1. We are in different boat. Yes, we can do hand holding with you but we are in different situation, therefore, a little challenging to balance it.

Donkey, that is scary. I was still thinking to book through her.

Charlotte, you've booked through her right? eveything was good.

Moi, I did BBT for some time then stopped. For me, usually, pre-O is 36.4+, 1 days before O will dip to 36.1+, next day goes up to 36.6, and up up till 37 or so. 1-2 days before AF come, will drop to 36.6, that is how I know that it's a unsuccessful cycle.
Morning ladies.

Oh my! I nearly booked with her!! Luckily hubby stopped me. Nowadays scams are so often. I always warn myself when the deal is too good and always go with those organisers who has proved themselves. Even then, to trf $1K to someone is scary!!

Hope the ladies will get their $ back.
Jaster : In fact after i deliver my girl and my MS went off... i was like... oopps my tummy and my MS is missing... wahhahaha... Yes..MS is a comforting sign for me during my preg...

Jo : I've PM u my email.
canopyhaze: hi! i have not been having cramps since i delieverd my #1. no out the blue so much of cramping pains...
I think it might be menses but a part of me hoping...

moi: Hi!! i have not maybe i shall go get and get over the supsense...
<font color="0000ff">wow!!! Luckily I didn't book too! Oh man! Horrible . Sigh. Greed. I think the amt of money too overwhelming ... Temptation tsk tsk

Anyway, il b away next few days... Not sure if I have Internet access... Will update chart when I get back! Hopefully good news when I get back .. Lol !

See ya'l sat night !!!! Or Sunday morning !!!
<font color="aa00aa">Hihi ladies!

thanks..feeling a bit better now.
Did u change your nick?
Cos i dont seem to remember u.

Re: hotel stay
im so glad i didnt go n book.
Was so tempted to book but dh advised me not to.
My dh working at rws since a year ago after being in the police force for very long.
He said the deal sounds too good to be true as he said rws got very strict rules n he doubt a rws member can do so many subsidised bookings in a month.
I doubt the mummies can get their money back.</font>
<font color="ff0000">Clearblue Digital Ovulation special clearance</font>

Have a batch of Clearblue Digital Ovulation to clear. Expiry date is 10/2011. Selling at discounted price of $40 including normal local postage (12.5% off!! usual price $45.90)
Also available to sell per test/strip at $6 each with normal local postage.
Please contact via email at [email protected]
hi Ladies, OMG....yes I booked thru her on 2nd June for my gal birthday but everything was fine so guess I was the lucky ones...phew!!!! Can't believe it was a scam cos many ppl booked thru her...oh gosh...guess we got to be careful next time for these kind of offers....what exactly happen? I think I go bk n read the thread again!

Happiness, later I will add u but I seldom log in msn lah....
Jaster : oops i re-read the past post... i realise i did not reply to yr qns.
No bf-ing will not cos mense to go haywire. But I was exclusively bf-ing for 1 yr. And my mense did not report since May 2009 till Dec 2010. Cos in Dec 2010 i was slowly dwn on my pumping and my 1st mense came bk in end dec 2010. by Jan 2011 i stopped bf (when my girl turns 1).
In a way, I suppose i was exclusively bf-ing for a pretty long time and suddenly my body just refuse to be "back to normal" and mense reported every alt weeks. No choice have to see gynae to regulate. Was put on medication for a month. And 1st mense after med reported on 17 May. Till now still no show.
however, gynae did mention that for some mummies who bf-ed for extended period, it may take a while for the body to regulate the hormones.
<font color="ff6000">BabyL, yar, u rem I whatsapp you, say I starting to ttc also? Yar, AW grad liao. No worries abt the meet up. Just let me know.

Starrz, I am now FTWM, how I wish I can be SAHM too....no $$$$ no talk. sigh....

brownies, congrats.

abt Bb bonus for twins Thot got 2 since 2 diff acc for individual babies? If really only 1 then a bit xian, not engh help since the bill will be x2.

Airy, Welcome back to Singapore! The feeling is great right? I came back to Singaore in Feb after 2 yrs, the feeling is super awesome.
hi ladies

back to TTC now, today CD25 and for the past 2 mths with Clomid.. my cycles varies from 34-35days. Clomid can take for 6 cycles straight?
will be goin back to see gynae on the 16 July for 3 more cycles of Clomid though

good luck to all that are in 2WW!

btw my #1 is 4yos
<font color="ff6000">donkeymami, When I was young till Primary 5 I was staying at Bukit Batok blk 127, it was my childhood place.
My Uncle still stay around the coffee shop there I think.

can ask brownies to spread twins baby dust to me.
kekek. I would love twins.
althou no $$$$$$

Charlotte, how old is ur that part time lady?

bbwish, welcome. Erm, understand how you feel, initially when I know the gender of my 1st-a gal, I was a little upset becos of my mum's pressure and such. But now I have my darling, I am, okie to have either girl or boy.

And tell you what, My mum gave birth to 3 girls...so I think that is why she been pressuring me on something I CANT CHOSE.

hahah abt MS: When I have my #1, I also keep wanting MS Sadistically but I got almost none, except for very bad heartburn and serious Constipate in 1st tri. So very worrying for me everytime until I finally delivered.

Happiness, I am still bfing now after office hr....and my menses not back, I dunno how to know I am pregnant like that leh since no menses....lazy to dig my box for hpts too and outside sell v ex.

Dr Happiness, u v funny lor. :p
Apple, u preggie ah? OMG....the PT lady is 30years old this year but looks older thsn her age....she got 2 kids, 1 at primary school already, the other at K1...(think so) everything so blur like that, maybe long time never work...tmr going bk to face her n handover the work to her then fri last day n am done....hurray...
Apple, i forgetful...hehe...so you FTWM now, who take care of your gal? Hope all is good for u.... Me today CD 21, 2WW so torturing....just got to know a friend who just BD once and strike the first time... hope we all can huat soon!
<font color="ff6000">Charlotte, I not preggy. Did I say something to mislead you?

BabyL, my girl in infant care.

Hhaha, I hope to huat too, But a bit hard to know if I huat cos my Menses not here since after I deliver.
hello everyone... i'm ttc-ing for number 2 too.. though not very actively... my girl is turning 10 months old soon..

<font color="0000ff">da jies... hellloooo...

Starrz da jie - Congrats!!!! diam diam leh.. never say even tell me... so happy for u...
Apple, you hit the nail. I am fine with three girls. But my hubby prefer to stick to two. It's only after much persuasion that he gave in. I know both he and his mum wanted a boy. I just dun want to disappoint them. If it's a boy, at least mil might be willingly to take care. Also I feel sian of the failure for the past 6 cycles. So might want to stop ttc
OMG! Luckily I didn't book the hotel package. I was asking Charlotte about it a couple of weeks back. In the end, I decided to book a chalet instead.
Apple, u still bfing or stopped? Then have to try try n see can heng heng huat anot... I thnk some mummies also can huat during bf without AF. So got chance!

Mei, happy to see u here! Hehehe... Not actively but now active? Me 2ww, so gan chiong..... Try hard not to think about it....

da jie - as in won't check bbt, won't test whether O or not... just anyhow do, see whether can anyhow tio or not lor... moreover now dh injure his leg, worse case if surgery.. if go surgery.. how to have number 2.. haiz.. dilemma...
