(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

canopy : My girl got me worried. She just does not like it when i take out the books....
I told my hb, Jiat lat alr, she hates books... hahah

Missy : oohhhh Thank you.... yes, she watches some TV programs and we got her some educational DVDs. But she still prefere her "In The Night Garden"... which I absolutely hate... arrrghhh...
I try to teach her as we go for walks... since she does not like books. SO i brought her to garden and tell her, Flower , leaf etc.. and she knew i am teaching her and purpposely dun wan to repeat after me... just look at me and smile... :s

Idali : Cold drinks are not good for the womb ... and during 1st trimester it is always better to avoid cold drinks... gassy drinks such as soft drinks is not encourage as this are excess sugar that is of no benefit to you or baby.
Plus soft drinks contains caffeine and Caffeine is a diuretic and causes your body to lose more water along with essential vitamins such as calcium. It is impoprtant to stay hydrated in order to ensure proper functioning of all body organs, especially when you are pregnant.
But with us chinese, we always belief in minimising cold drinks and "cooling" food or fruits during our pregnancy... till 3rd trimester.
Hope the above helps.
You can also go to the link I attach below to understand better. This is the link I kept since I am pregnant with my #1. It's from NUH website.


<font color="aa00aa">Thanks gals for hearing me out.
Yah im taking him out.
Thinking of putting him in zoophonics thomson as he been there since 18mths for the weekly class.
He is lucky to get good teachers there.
Problem is the transport now cos the school bus doesnt go to my area..headache!!

my mil is taking care of him.
Initially, i tot wana put him in cc so he get used to it n can give my mil some time off.
Now with no 2 coming, i hope my mil can cope.

Re: reading etc
i have been reading to my boy since he was in my tummy.
When he was born, i read to him once a day.
At 5mths, when his head n neck are stable n can sit in bumbo, i started flashing flashcards to him once daily..started with 3 cards then keep increasing till 15 mins a day.
Flashcards done in the morning after his morning bath.
After his afternoon nap, its reading time..one book daily.

When he is older around 1, i included art n crafts into his daily actuvities too.
I still continue with flashcards daily n reading.
I drew up a weekly timetable inclusive of menu for bfast, 2 tea breaks, lunch n dinner.
The good thing is my mil religiously followed the timetable.
I also included activities that strengthen his fine motor skills.
This is to prepare him for writing.
Besides that, he is also in enrichment classes..shichida, LNT, kindermusik, gym, swimming, phonics from young.</font>
lynzi : Isn't a bit overdosed for your boy that u r sending him to so many classes.

Happiness : my boy likes "in the nightgarden" too. He simply loves the CBB channel. We even got him a "in the night garden" school bag for his upcoming enrollment to his childcare. =)
Lynzi : I only let my girl listen to music when she is still in my tummy....
So now can see that she is rather musically incline. But so far hv not enrol her in any class yet but I do sing to her daily.

I may soon enrol her for music class at Gymboree. But am still looking for suitable pre-sch for her... My area quite limited choice...

Maybe i should start my nightly routine of reading to her liao
canopy : Your boy loves that show too??? What's with that show that the kiddos love so much???
My girl loves Makka Pakka she can't say so many vowels words so she calls that creature 'Ka Ka"... My hb even bought as Makka Pakka soft toy for her... that she hugs daily... she just loves this creature...
Where did you get the In the night garden sch bag from huh?
<font color="0000ff">*STARES at lynzi's schedule n classes for faiq... * *faints* thats a lot!!!! fwah!

initially i also wanted to sign kirsten up for zoophonics.. but decided not to.. since now she is in sch from mons to fris. starlearners also has half day... but as like all CCs, the price is like only $100 lesser than full day... buden again, you can always pick him up earlier... by 4-5, they are usually done with learning... and wait for parents to pick them up... bulk of learning is morning time...

my girl has been watching playhouse disney since dunno when.. lol! so shes into mickey, agent oso, dibo the gift dragon, pororo the penguin, pocoyo, timmie time...

canopy - the satay is not bad la... heh heh ... depends on individuals also... you can try and see...
<font color="0000ff">happiness - now yr girl is absorbing like a sponge.. she may not repeat after you.. so enjoy these moments.. once they start, they wont stop.. lol!! in fact, only recently then my girl able to repeat after us... last time just smile n stare only... shes now 2yrs 3mths...
Happiness: he likes MakaPaka as well! These days he will stack all his stuffs just like what MakaPaKa likes to stack the stones! We bought the bag @ Robinson Expo Sales. And where do u get the MakaPaKa soft toy? Thought of buying it.

Missy: Will give it a try.
Someone asking about DR peter chew. I was with him before pregnant. His approach is v agressive, v confident in giving treatments. I took alot of antibiotics from him to cure my UTI. But his charges are v ex...

Any mummies can recommend a good place to hold 1st year party? Appreciate!!
<font color="ff6000">missycandy, yup.

Thanks. I got my girl after I change my nick. So bye bye to naivesg.

Yar, hoping for a dragon.

R u in my FB huh? I think u r leh. What is ur initial in fb?
<font color="ff6000">happiness, if no cold drinks, no caffeine, nothing much to drink for lunch. Can drink fruit juice? Thou is cold?

Tomato, do I know you from another thread too?
missy, my boy also watch disney ch 311 everyday once he wake up in the morning...he also likes

angelina ballerina!!elmo, agent oso, dibo the gift dragon, pororo the penguin, pocoyo, timmie time, gracie lou..he can follow their theme songs too!!
Oh... there is another Apple here! LOL

Today is CD25 for me (DPO11), I have stomache cramp since last week. Last night, my boy accidentally kicked my stomache while on my bed, it's so so painful! Today, the cramp is like from left to right, then center. Don't know what is wrong! AF is due this weekend, after that I have to start on my clomid.

Lynzi, I personally prefer 3 hour daily programme for toddlers. A lot of cc are like profit centers, and you pay &amp; pay for the additional progammes run during school hours. Children in CC always eat, sleep and watch tv in the afternoons. My boy is now in a church kindergarten, and is enjoying himself everyday. His kindergarten adopts learn thru play approach, which I find it very interesting.
<font color="0000ff">jo mummy - yeh. kirs n yr ah boy cn watch tv together liao like that. wahahahahahaha!!!

apple - whats yr name in fb? hee hee.. i duno leh... i did remove some ppl that i cnt recall who n stuff.. but dont know if you still in my fb.. oops =x

tomato - if u into those 1-2hr type, try places like gymboree, kindermusik, little gym, fidgets, royce gym... also can try the cafe de sol at turf city... if u want longer timing, can try grassroot club at YCK.. i held my girl's 1st birthday at grassroots YCK
Apple, think we call u sweet apple better!!

I also hav similar stomache pain as u for 2weeks since CD17 which Im so worried n went for scanning. Doc say its normal to hav this kinda pain &amp; bloatedness after O...if u still worry mayb hav to see ur gynae...

re CC or Playgroup, I would not say I prefer CC but I hav no choice but to put my boy there if I hav #2..bcos my main caretaker for my boy is my MIL alone. If I have #2, MIL hav to help me take care #2 while #1 will hav no choice send him to full day CC...however, until now Im still under longx100 waiting list for all the CCs nearby my house...wat is the govt doing thou keep asking us to seh gia??
Mrng ladies!

Hi Apple, happy to see you here as well. If u still BF mayb can try using OPK strips? not vy zhun according to my gynae but jz rough gadge better than none right?

Mi in my DPO12 le..*bitting my fingers* this mrng urge to test but i managed to hold myself back i wan to tahan till Sat if no AF then i will test.
donnkeymami, don keep thinking (thou i know its easy to say) lol..just as usual cont to take ur folic acid daily...very fast the Sat is coming!!

and of course have a <font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">BFP</font></font> for this Sat test!! wait for ur good news ya!!!gooooooood luuuuuuuck!!
<font color="aa00aa">Hehe..he doesnt attend all those classes at one time.
He started off with swimming, gym n kindermusik at few mths old.
Once he started walking i stop the gym.
Kindermusik till he was nearly 3.
Swimming we started with hwa xia then changed to marsden n now with aquaducks.
I stopped his swimming for about a year n continued again when he turned 2.
Zoophonics is once a week from 18mths till now.
For right brain, we started with shichida.
At 2 yrs, i changed him to LNT.

So currently he only attends zoophonics, swimming.
The right brain i just stopped as im coaching him daily at hm.
Soon will put him in some maths class..maybe enopi or mpm, speech n drama n music.
For the speech n drama n music, he been asking for it.
He finally said he wants to learn piano after so long we ask him to decide between violin or piano.
Err..i didnt let my boy watch tv at all till he was nearly 2 yrs.

u can try bring her to library more often.
Reading is more role modelling too..let her see u and other family members reading.
Soon her interest will pick up.</font>
tomato : The venue will depend on your budget.
You can hold it @ the zoo, Poliwogs etc. but my fav is The Playhouse at rochester.
lynzi, yr boy schedule is like...'WOW'....I get a scolding from my mum already when I put my gal on phonics, chinese n art...once a week besides her 3hr nursery class...then thinking of sending her to CMA for mental arithmetic next mth...now I see yr son schedule, mins is nothing, haha....but my gal is very distracted, also dun like to learn when I teach her...think I am not a good teacher, she can learn better in school!

Now I find that its really not easy to raise a kid in SG.....very tiring for them n mum as well

donkeymami, be waiting for yr good news this weekend....how? any good symptons u feel difference from other cycles?
jo's mummy &amp; misscandy, thanks for ur cheers!

Charlotte, i really hope i can spread the good news out this sat. i dun feel much diff except cramps on &amp; off. so i thk the chance is 50:50 if i hv more signs i prolly tested alr. tat's why i still holding back haiz.
Canopy : wow... seems like your boy and my girl has same taste... hahaha...
My hb bought it online. Let me ask him from who again then i let u know ya! But it's cheap thou, $25

My girl also takes Makka Pakka then she say "Ka ka... tone "... Meaning "makka pakka and stones".. hahahah

Apple (Babytiger) : hehe yes during lunch time i will order fruit juice. Taking care not to touch "cooling fruits"... But the fruit juice i will tell the stall helper not to add ice...
I still take coffee but limit to 1 small cup in the morning... I am a coffee addict, so cannot totally go cold turkey w/o coffee..
After my failed 1st pregnancy, I am super super cautious about my intake of food or drinks etc...
When i have bad MS in the morning i mix a bit of bottled orange juice into my plain water... that helps to curb my MS abit..
donkeymami (donkeymami)
All the best!!

I tested today.. sigh... negative..

just don't understand why its so difficult this time
Canopy, Lynzi, Missy
Mayb we can mit up when i go back, when Canopy go to sembawang..who else stay at North?? SSC got the outdoor playground rite? we can eat there chat there lets the kids play there..

you same as me leh...i always go to Serangoon cos leave my girl at her aunt house, my parttime childcare center..

BFP BFP BFP...i guess you strike the jackpot.
when i reach Sg, you will have BFP..btw now is DPO12, shd be able to know it liao..
Good Luck
<font color="0000ff">airy - yes! sembawang shopping centre has this water splash thingy... when will u be back? from when to when?

i think im falling sick. sigh. my throat feels sore.. i feel warm.. at night my temp goes up 37.5(low grade fever) then i feel chilly easily.. now must use blankie to cover myself.. last time i love the cold air con.. now i find i cant take it...
and the air con temp is only 25! zzz...

time to BU my body... hee hee</font>
Eliz &amp; Airy, thanks

Airy, aiyo i dare not test too early esp aft HCG shots sekali still in my blood give me false hope how. better wait ya.
will reach Sg this sat..but i think i only free after 1st week july, once i handover key to my contractor..will keep u girls update..

Airy : Ok, can just let me know beforehand, my house is not too far to Sembawang; just 15mins from Eng Neo to BKE then SLE then exit Woodlands Ave 12, SSC's parking got problem leh. Never seems to get in before as it is always jammed!!!

AF came during lunch!!! Sian!!!!
<font color="0000ff">canopy u go wrong timing is it? when i go with my dad, no problem with parking leh.. but must admit, wkends quite bad.. hehe... anyway from my plc have shuttle bus.. woo hoo! =P oh man! nvm new cycle new hope!!!!!!!!! JY!!!!!

airy - sure no prob. keep me updated. 1st week july me not free. 2nd to 4th wk shld be ok for now. hee hee. we cn go on sat morning la. then lunch. then the kids cn play til tired. go home n nap. lol!!!</font>
missy : maybe bcos i'm only @ sembawang on weekends~no chance for this month liao, now left u &amp; donkey. Hear from u the gd news soon.
<font color="0000ff">i dont have any news lor. sigh. my body haywire again. *sobs* donkey la. wait for donkey. hee hee.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Tomato, oh sodesne.

missycandy, my intial in FB is V.H.

Dinno there is another apple here. Hello Sweet Apple.

Donkeymami, I need to go dig my strips...Jia you jia you. Waiting for you to spread the babydust. Try to think of other things. Sometimes will only turn bfp at abt DPO15 or DPO18 or more?

I find myself conceive only when I am relax. So I guess I need not so religiously check OPKs and such ba.....

Thanks Happiness for the reply.
<font color="aa00aa">Airy, Missy,
yup yup got covered playground n water play.
When will u be free, Airy?
Give us a buzz.
Later i pm u my no.

hee..i forgot..i put my boy in Berries too..haha
I take the cue from my boy..so long he enjoys n dont find it taxing then i continue.
Then again, i feel that classes like phonics, maths are essential.
I do rationale with my parents ah cos they worried their baobei will be stress n tired.

oops got 2 Apple here.
Yah after the experience with the cc i find hourly classes better.
Then again, im academically inclined..must be the teacher training in me..previous job hazard..haha

i dont need to have malay as a subject in preschool.
My boy has enough exposure to malay thru both grandparents.
Malay can slowly coach him when he goes into pri school.
But this boy of mine refuse to speak in malay.
When my parents or in laws ask him sth in malay, he can answer back but in english.
Its only when he interrupting them in the middle of conversation then he will say in malay.
Very cheeky rite?</font>
canophyhaze, new cycle new hope! BTW, I always illegal park at the condo opposite SSC as there are limited parking lots at SSC. A word of caution for mummies here who like to go for those outdoor waterplay. The water is recycled, not fresh from the tap. The water will go through a filter and re-pumped out to the waterplay grounds. A friend who is an Engineer told me that they don't clean the filters very often. My boy had very bad eye infection after one of the waterplay trip at SSC.

donkeymami, we can hold hands. I'm CD 25 today. AF due this weekend. Don't have high hopes, as I BD once only. I'm having cramps now, same as last few cycles.

Eliz, maybe you tested too early? My #1 I tested after I missed my AF, it was BFN. But 1 week later I tested BFP. As long as AF not here yet, still have hope
canopyhaze, nvm u can hold hands with me n try next cycle, hehe.....lend u my shoulder to cry on if u wan..."pat" "pat"

donkeymami, all hopes on u now...pls give us some babydust n hopes....
<font color="0000ff">when i tested for my #1, i tested 1 day before my AF due... and cld see faint line already... now im already 5 days late still nth.. boo hoo lol! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

sweet apple - ya lor... i also worried abt the water... hmmm... lidat jus play the dry area lor...

if not can always come by my plc.. but i dun have swimming pool ok? i stay HDB =P ahahaha... but nicer to go out n hang lor... hehehehe </font>
<font color="0000ff">im thinking more of food wise.. does it have to be halal... and if they serve pork how.. will it affect yr boy... hehehe.. i think majority of CCs do not teach malay...
ya he very cheeky! lol!</font>
<font color="0000ff"> i thought we had a chart... did we ? it died off.. ? LOL!</font>

<font color="0000ff">aiyer i knw why! becos it was updated by br0wnies! lol!!! lemme get it up...</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>1st Day of Last AF</TD><TD>Expected Date of Next AF</TD><TD>Cycle Days</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">who wants to be in the chart let me knw.. il update it bah... since im quite free... LOL!!!</font>
missycandy, ya its done by brownies...where's she? oh...she strike already ah? then abandone us liao.....so bad!!! Who else noe how to do the chart? sorry I can't as my pc skills not so good...
How to insert table in the message?

1st Day of Last AF : 21-May
Expected Date of Next AF : 19-Jun
Cycle Days : 28 days
Gyane : Adrain Woodworth
Remarks : didn't test opk, but should be CD15 which is 4-Jun

missycandy, u can put yrself 1st lor...pls update mine:

1st day AF - 13th June
Expected next AF - 13th July
CD days - 30days
gynae - Dr Wong M T (TMC)

thanks thanks
