(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

nb01>> me too..very confuse now. i am accepting fb requests whenever my email pop up..i dont who is who le..pls pm my fb to advice me your nickname here,can? confusing. @_@
<font color="green"> ladies although we had each other personal contact now heee... this thread still need to be alive ok... keep this thread running..</font>
i think talk here better lah, otherwise emails will flood....hahaha

I saw all the email address but I don't know who is who. Only know gingerbreader &amp; tethysea.
i am lost too
if i miss out adding anyone of u gals.. pls feel free to add me.. i refer email and nick until i gong gong liau..
I tried to add as many as I can, 6 so far. Now I can see ur face in FB but I still don't know who is who...hahahaha... So messy.
Haha.. So no one can find me? I manage to "hide" myself so well? Sorry ladies, even using my fb nick doesn't help. I tried! Haha...

Never mind, guess can still contact me here or via my email or PM. Like the others said, I am also confused as to who is who. Still more comfortable using nick here. Hee...

Received your PM. Are you going for the meetup?
nb01>> At the moment I can make it, I have to check with my hubby first, confirm with you again ok?

SJX>> Oh, so Dr Tan's medicine have to boil and brew? The current TCM gives me pills to eat wor.. Does Dr Tan have pills? I lazy to brew.. Haha.. Can pm me her actual clinic address?
I AGREE...hahaha, maybe just for the fun of seeing some fotos but still don't know who is who...

Anyway will chat here lah...hahaha
<font color="green">heee for u gals' i change my facebook profile name hee...

For dr tan, i dont think got pill but i know got powders...
my hubby one is powder as he need cant cook when he is overseas...

Dr Tan SB's clinics:

1) NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic
60 Nanyang Dr SBS-01s-68
Tel 65921732

2) Kang De Mei Health n Beauty P/L
38 Upper Cross St
Tel 65344131
Meetup: Date: Wed 6th July, 7pm

1. nb01
2. peapea
3. Starrie
4. SarahFaith
5. tethysea
6. Mrs Ho
7. SJX
8. Olivia2012
9. Agie
10. bearGE
11. sonel

Calling for E-cups, Amy, sunshine, janjan, Jessica, PhyLee etc...

I know you are attending but don't have your details yet so you are not on the list. PM ok? Tks.
i tink we are all still recovering from the massive action jus nw.. lol..

u mean dr tan can give powder med one ah? cos im gg bkk after my visit.. so prob can ask her med for tt wk?
nb01, thanks for remembering me! Im not joining you all for dinner le. But I don't mind sharing my age. Im 32! haha.
<font color="green">Agie..
yes but ah that is for NTU.. for Chinatown i dont know yet.. as my hubby see her in NTU while i am in chinatown... but i think chinatown can as if u go there u can see there is a room behind the counter.. beside the waiting corridor.. there is a huge machine there for brewing and making the medicine...

i think brew better as powder is very thick and when u mix with water.. it take even more bitter than brew haa it very thick and concentrated</font>
<font color="green">i never add anyone.. i just accept heee...else very confusing
plus for u ladies... i added my real name here also haaaa so I so NICE!!
SJX>> Oh, I have used to eat chinese medicine in powder form.. Hope I can get used to it.. I am still waiting for my flat to come, so the kitchen is still under my parents' territory.. Haha..

Check with you all, taking all these chinese medicine, do you get heaty? I am feeling quite sick today, feel like a sorethroat coming up and yet I cannot take any liang cha etc to cool down my body.. Don't know what to do, like going to fall sick soon..
sarah- want to try 100plus? I won't feel heaty taking my chinese med coz Dr. Tan knows I am weak but heaty in nature. If the med she give is gng to be slightly heaty, she will warn me to drink more water.

btw if u r pregnant, sick easily hor...coz immune system super low.
<font color="green">coyote
wahaha... not for me as i still confuse hee..

anyway back to topic... suddenly i got A LOT eggwhite discharge.. i am thinking... is it medicine caused it?? it is normal?
as i should be away from my O liao...</font>
Coyote>> 100 plus can help cool down? Ok, I will go try.. Have been drinking water whole day and am super bloated now.. Hope can go home quickly to sleep.. My TCM did not advice me whether the medicine will be heaty or not etc, also did not advice me what I can eat or cannot eat while taking the medicine.. I think my next trip to the clinic, I will ask her what medicine she has been giving me and what to avoid eating to prevent heatiness.. I am on a package with my TCM, if not much help, I may switch to Dr Tan since she seems to give more advice..

I am not pregnant yet, waiting for around 2 cycles of AF before can TTC again..
<font color="green">pardon me that my reply like so slow as this forum kept rejecting my post!! so piss off!!!

so far for me never, as doc will base on ur body to give u the medicine so not possible but!!! u need to drink alot water lah...
beside drink these herb, u also drink red date and logan drink that is extra heaty
but there is this virus in the air!! which is sore throat, cough then flu then fever as i got it and my whole family memebers also..

hi gals, my wkly popping in to wave to u =) Saw that u gals r planning to meet up! Maybe i can go.. depending on my reporting timeline :p this would be my 3rd time meeting forum friends lol.. ps: nb01, pm u shortly.

Anyway, nothing much happen to me since i last post, it's going to be almost CD50+ (almost lose count liao), with no sign of O, hv some cramps here &amp; there but no AF. No sore breast or nipples, though i do feel more sleepy nowadays. Definitely nt late O cos i check cervix position. &amp; i resist testing cos i had test 4x prior wks, all -ve. I was hoping if it's -ve then my body will "disappoint but relax" then AF will come. But still no sign of AF.

I also ditch BBT *hi-5 SJX* cos the temp is really stressing me out, constantly low at 36.3-36.4. Also i just sold my hse, so next few mths will be hunting for a new place &amp; renovation etc. Think that might just take mind off TTC for a while &amp; really leave to fate liao.

So hor.. i think i will be reader most of time liao, except to congrats fellow TTC grads.
SJX>> I am not drinking LRD much.. Scared heaty very easily.. Always working always forget to drink water.. Only today keep feeling thirsty keep drinking water..

Wa.. The virus so strong? Your whole family get it ah.. I beginning of the year also caught a virus, very high fever and bad cough with very sore throat, whole family also caught it, but I was told that after I caught that virus, I should be immune to it, similar to like chicken pox.. Hopefully is not virus, just normal heatiness..
<font color="green">yoyo Lynn...
well since u got so many things in mind now, guess u put ttc asside... and who know actually u strike without thinking about it
that was what happen to a lot people

wahaha like this ah... u cant blame anyone as u alway forget to drink water.. haaa
yes it that strong... i got it from my colleagues first.. and my Father in law got it from outside then we both spread to each other and eventually whole members except for the dog haaa...
just drink more water</font>
Hi ladies..
I just want to share how i got preggy..

Have been ttc since early 2008..
Every month also disappointed.. never ovulate..
Tried clomid for 2 time (Oct'10 and Jan'11).. also -ve..
Went for SO-IUI in Mar'11.. failed..
Signed up for IVF to be done in Aug'11..
Apr'11 and May'11.. we were very relax.. didnt think much.. waiting to start IVF in Aug..
Then i have all the preggy symptoms in June.. tested and it is +VE!!
I am now 7+weeks preggy.. heard BB's heartbeat yesterday..

Gynae say these maybe the +ve reasons:
- the jabs during SO-IUI 'woke' the eggs up
- mood very impt.. must relax and not think too much

Good luck!
Congrats joy... Pls shower us with lots of babydust.... Starrie> maybe the lh surge is on d way....sometimes the lh surge is accompanied with ewcm...
peapea, hugs... after so many postings.. u are the only 1 missing me wor.. lols

Today on MC...when to see a doc cos kena ear infection.. totally blocked and cant hear anything..

The doc sound so serious &amp; ask me to go A&amp;E... so i went &amp; waited for 3 hours but in the end i only manage to see the nurse (not even a glance on the doc!) &amp; given antibodies &amp; painkiller &amp; kick me back home!!! wasted 1 whole day in the hospital WAITING!!! WTH!

I was also looking for you! Never see my post above! Hee...
Stupid doc. Waste your MC like that when you could have rested at home. Hope you are feeling better now. Do take care ok?
