(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

teehee! not emo anymore. enjoying bubble tea again. ;p
where's everyone? bz with fb?

congrats joyojoy! grabbing dust from you.

E-cups: take care ya. i had ear infection before my trip too. just drip the med into the ears, take the antibiotics and you will be ok in a few days.

ecups: take care n rest well ok
tmw mc?
nb01, paiseh.. u gals are running bullet train.. trying hard to read thru..lols... Really wasted lor.. by the time reach home already 6++ come to the same as in work..

Sonel, u still have med to drip.. i totally only antibotics & painkillers.. the hospital SUCKS!

Starrie, tml can MC otherwise mailbox full!! lols.. need to pia all my work by today cos fri halfday & boss coming back on Monday.. need to chiong for his next upcoming trip for next month..
E-cups: see a GP if you dont feel better tmr. see if GP can give you drip. i just depend on drip, never take antibiotics.

did you ask the dr if the antibiotics is safe for preggers since you're in your 2ww rite?
sonel, ya... i highlight from the clinic doc to the nurse.. & the Pharmacist to double confirm that the antibiotics are safe... *sweats* so trying to take the antibiotics & not painkillers.. & next monday still got one followup with the ear specialist.. sianzzz..
Congrats joyojoy, agree that mood n relax is very impt. But I always face with the problem that I try to relax but at the back of my mind I am aware that we are doing homework.

Ecup- take care n rest more.
<font color="ff6000">Hilo evrybardy... I'm bk!

So tired!!!! n I juz got back!
Busy running errands whole day!

Wow... U gers miting up ah? n FB somemore!

Thk u for co-ordinating this gathering with me in mind...
Sorry but I dun think I will be attending.
Due to some reasons, I deactivated my FB liao.
Sorry, I still will remain 'mystery', keke!!!

But U gers will still continue to 'friend' me hoh????

Hope u will get well soon!
Shoo yr sickness n AF away!!!
Was browsing thru yr FF chart...
U got a high BBT today! Due to fever? or really so high ah?

Agie, Coyote, SJX
Huh... I hv been drinking 'soil'! I din wash my chinese herb b4 brewing lei! Cos everytime I pour out the herb, alot of small small herb n make its so difficult to wash.
And the recept oni told me to soak, not wash lei, b4 brewing!
Oh dear!!!
Nx med round, I sure wash liao.

Wow, she upgrade to 神医 liao ah? whaha!!
Hope she can help u (n us) to a sticky BFP too!
Glad that her med cured yr 'stubborn' runny nose!

Sorry, I can't rem who asked abt Dr Tan's med...,
I'm seeing her at NTU n I rem asking her to prescribe me 'pill' type for me. She dun hv 'pill' formula only herb. </font>
<font color="ff6000">Starrie n Mrs Ho
Still negv?
Mayb O late?
Dun give up!
Maybe these few days liao?
Watch out for yr CM n yr urge too!
Good luck!!</font>
sunshine, u go bio my chart har!! lols.. then where is yours.. surrender your chart for viewing..! hehehhe
i also dun knw issit really that high or cause by my ear infection.. definitely not running fever.. but just pin chang xin.. i also got a shock.. but u knw.. somehow the temp is going up up then "crash".. u go see my last chart.. also like that...lols..
<font color="ff6000">Ecup
Not really bio lah! Cos I lost the link to the FF chart then I used yrs to link.
Then I saw lor... Oops!

I juz copy n paste isit?</font>
<font color="ff6000">Ecup
Yr deh-deh got feeling anot huh?
Morn no feeling until juz now release my bra then I feel slight breast tenderness lei, only "slight"...
I feel abit too early to feel breast tenderness lei cos oni DPO8...

I try not to think so much...

Breathe in... Breathe out....</font>
<font color="ff6000">starrie
Ya, we jia you together. I "normal heart", U "patient heart", ok?!
We can make it de!
Remember to monitor yr CM n yr urge.
I din test OPK until I feel the urge to BD, then nx day I test OPK, its +ve.
Trust yr 6th sense too!

The rest not chatting here anymore oredi ah? Very quiet lei...
Maybe its late too..</font>
nb01, so sorry I was so busy at work today and didn't have a chance to post until now. Have just pm'ed you my details, I'm on watsapp too. Let me know if you need any more info ok?

Starrie, you at which CD and how long are your cycles typically? OPK sometimes test our patience but I learnt never give up cos you never know when you will get positive. So jiayou and monitor closely ok!
<font color="ff6000"> OMG!!!!
woken up by the thunder n heavy downpour!

I've got this right side pain frm last nite dinner time until now. The pain is like "appendicitis" pain..
Initially tot will go away aft awhile but it stays on.
V throbbing type.
But dun think it's appendicitis lei cos it shd associated with LS n fever, rite??

Anyone experience this right side pain b4?</font>
Starrie, my cycles also about 30over days but sometimes can be less than 28. I've experienced O at CD9 before so in order not to miss the boat I will test from thereabout. Typically if 35 day cycles, you should expect O around 19-23. You may be able to puck up certain tends along the way. Jiayou jiayou!

Sunshine, sounds like a good sign. Could it be due to implantation?
good morning gals...

sunshine, joking only... tno pain on my deh-deh lah.. my ear is in pain.. no time to take note of other things wor...
As for the temp it drop until 36.15..below the coverline.. sianzz... so i think the "market" is crashing soon...
Gd morning gers. Anyone has more info of Guardian removing their folic acid from the rack, saw from mypaper? Is it a recall from AVA? I tried searching internet but no info available.

I bought my folic acid from Guardian, just wondering whether my m/c was due to that?
Starrie, no leh.. too busy liao... just MC one day my mails already almost hit 100... so now rushin g my work and see can take half day bo...
<font color="ff6000">Morning everybardy!!

Mge to go bk n sleep after being woken up by the lightning n thunder...

Ya, saw the news abt the Guardian Pharmacy Folic Acid.
I'm not taking FA frm Guardian.
Saw the news via omy news website. N apparently oni HKG's AVA std say its not safe, SG AVA still say its "safe" according to some stupid EUro std.
But think SG has shelved them down now, right?
Not sure whether it may linked to yr MC.

I hope it is...
This morn peepee, when wiped got stained lei.
Maybe AF coming? *Shoo*Shoo*
My deh deh "tenderness" oni can be "felt" when pressed.
C how lah....

My chart like roller coaster lah.. Nthg great to c anyway.
Stock crashed? Isit not enuf sleep?
Go n get another ear drop,if not how to survive whole day??</font>
sunshine - yes SG Guardian has removed them frm the shelf.

Btw where do u gers get ur folic acid from? Maybe tmr I ask gynae to precribe some safe brands to me. But the thing is nothing is safe unless they have gone for the test...haiz... Black-hearted mechants!!!!!
<font color="ff6000">coyote
Present strip is from Mustafa. Cos it look exactly the same 'brand' as wat KKH has given.</font>
Good morning all!

Oh dear, I also bought my folic acid from Guardian previously before, but now I not yet finish cos I got a bottle from the gynae.. But the folic acid I bought from Guardian looks the same as the ones I got from my gynae.. So is the batch send to Guardian have problem or the brand have problem? Seems like I have to stop my folic acid first?
Good morning ladies.

busy till now then manage to log in and say hi

me also feeling not too well today. Giddy spell again..Sianz arr...

Today cd7 for me. Still having some spotting. Guess this cycle i wont O so early compare to last cycle. :p

Ecup>> take care and try take half day to rest at home.

hmm...i have not seen the news regards to the guardian FA leh..

coyote>> i am taking blackmore brand falate. is similar to folice acid. you can try purchase from watson or guardian.

sunshine>> feeling better le ma? has the pain gone off?
<font color="ff6000">Bearge
Take care of yrself too..
My right side pain oni lasted from after dinner till this morn. No more pain liao.</font>
Afternoon gals haiz. I think this month no chance for o day cos I been sick for two day . Now MC stay at home rest .yesterday morning very sick till hubby ask me eat medicine but I don't want . Worry affect O
but till last night I can't stand anymore took medicine ..
chew88>> *hug* did you told the doc that you are ttc? doc will prescribe you those mild pill de. Must take care, drink more water and rest well.

sunshine>>is it implantation pain?
Good Morning Ladies..

To those who are waiting to pee on the Stick for a BFP..Good luCk!!

To those waiting for O to come..Good Luck too..

To those who are Sick: PLs Get well soon..but dun worry I have a friend who found out she was pregnant when she was sick!

I think I am going to give up hoping for myself..I feel no signs of Period coming and no signs of Pregnancy.. I feel so damn sian.. Some more Hubby this month very onz to BD..Period should be due on the 27th.

Last period I had all the signs of pregnancy but AF came with a BIG BANG! This round nothing is happening..SIANZ like hell!
Hi ladies!

Received your PM. Will update and send out new contact list.

Appendicitis doesn't mean with have LS and fever. I had that before and had an op to remove my appendix. It was very sharp pain and on and off until became very persistent that I curled up on 1 side and couldn't move. That is when I had to go hospital and they realised it was appendicitis.
But could also be implantation since you also have slight stain today. Good luck!

Hope you are feeling better. Do go and get some meds rather than trying to ren ok?
Btw, are you coming for meetup?

Do take care of yourself too!

I get my folic from my gynae but I wouldn't advise you to get from gynae coz it is super ex!!! I am paying an extra zero from what the other gals are paying when they get from outside! But hopefully it is safe. *fingers crossed*
But I think you can try getting from Unity. I heard that is quite cheap there. Or maybe just go KKH and get. Theirs should be quite cheap too.

<font color="ff0000">Btw, can someone post a pic of their folic acid from Guardian? So we can see and know? I also want to compare to the ones I take. Many tks! A bit concerned when Sarah says it looks the same to the one bought from her gynae. Maybe not many different brands of folic acid?</font>
<font color="green">morning ladies!! my hubby came back early from his trip but he missed the O period totally..
congrats!!! snatch ur baby dust

i also miss u!! haaa just that i also sick till i dont know what i am thinking
how are u now??? better? can hear now??? cheer up ya!
dont think so much and think... u better stop bbt (as usual my advise to u :p ) heeee

wahah u know ah i have been sick for a week now... never feel better after drinking her herbs.. if i dont regard her as my sheng yi... also cant! haaa
I!!!! experience this sharp pain before also at the right.. i check with doc he told me is my ovlualtion pain wo... as my pain is like an hour only..

i am kinda depress as.. my buddy just gave birth and during then we tried to TTC together and got m/c together... but since then there is no news for me till now..

she alway very negative while i alway very positive but funny is... positive wave goes to her and negative wave came to me... why is it so???
<font color="000080">Wah a lot of you sick... my sup also coughing like mad next to me *trying to ward off the germs*

Crazy crazy day at work... it's already lunchtime and I still haven't managed to touch my own work - still writing emails for my boss! Sigh.

Hmmm I didn't buy the housebrand FA. BTW, their housebrand stuff sucks lar. I bought mossie repellant patch, the mosquito actually landed right next to the patch and I saw it there happily sucking my blood.

SJX >> *hugs* Maybe someone up there felt she was in more urgent need to have something in her life to make her more positive. :p

HappyGoLucky >> It's ok, new cycle new hope! Keeping fingers crossed for you anyway - the signs are actually quite similar for AF or BFP.

<font color="ff6000">Chew88
Guai guai lah, take yr med n recover first...
If u dun get well fast, how to hv O too?
Drink more water too, k?

Ya, sometime we feel we may strike. Then AF report, crash all our hopes.
But sometime no signs maybe a surprise too lei?
Let's take it easy ... I'm also trying hard not to read too much into those signs n symptoms...
*inner peace*

U wake up liao ah? keke...
Yr dad shd b discharging today right?
I oso hope so, haha!!!
BTW, implantation bleeding will cause pain over right side of body n the stain is oni visible when wiped or will it stained pantyliner too?
As for now, only wipe hv.
I keep pressing my boobs, testing for tenderness.
Think tender breast is wat I'm looking for, ha!!</font>
<font color="ff6000">SJX
Haha, indeed. Whoever can cure me, I oso call them '神医'
I oso tot it may be ovulation pain and I tested my OPK (ha! so paranoid rite), negv lei.. Oni slight faint line.
But couldnt be too rite? I O +ve last wk liao lei.
O twice???? Cannot be lah, haha!!!</font>
Yup, discharged. Going over later to bring him food.
I am not too sure abt implantation bleeding as never experienced before. Only know what is written on the web. But I think implantation can be any side and might depend on where your egg comes from so maybe your egg is from right side this month? Implantation is light spotting. Whether it is visible only when wiped or stain pantyliner depends on individual. You can google and read more.

Tks for posting the link. Seems like it is their inhouse brand so should be different from the ones you get from your gynae?

<font color="ff6000">nb
Good, good!
I google n it says varies in individual.
Anyway, now got stain. I juz try to take it easy lah.
If its AF, try again lor. (Then I can enjoy my milk tea nx wk, keke!!)
If its not.. Then wait n C lah!
Anyway, as long its not appendicitis, can liao!</font>
