(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

sunshine, i drink only abit..just go to enjoy with my cousins for a drink and singing @ the KTV pub..lols.. My DH still say that maybe get the soldiers drunk and they swim faster!! lols

Happy, Hi5!! me also sweat in the aircon room.. lols..

sunshine, u still got some CM.. i totally gt nothing lor.. already CD19 liao wor... the last cycle is spotted watery CM on 18/19 then O on the CD22.. but this cycle abit crazy.. maybe bcos of the HSG test.
keep bumping me out...

<font color="ff6000">peapea
Watery but stretchy anot?
Mine can do teh terik but wat I'm concern is, I dun hv +ve on my OPK.

I test at night lei... abt 9+pm.
But I BD irregardless +ve or -ve.
Cos Sinseh pre-warned me liao. She pro-NIKE. Just Do It when I c stretchy CM.

Ohhh... I miss KTV but everytime oni go wif my DH cos he is the only one can 'tolerate' my 'out of tune' n 'out of this world' "lovely voice", whahaha!!!
Eh, yr 'abit' is wat huh? 1 pint? 1 bottle? Haha!!!

Now I'm doing my housework with 阿妹's songs , FULL BLAST, haha!!!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Ecup
After my last yr May's HSG test, I got preggy in Aug.
My fren oso got preggy after her HSG n hers is a success unlike mine.
Dun worry, HSG helped 'flushing' yr tube.
Will BFP soon!</font>
sunshine - ur neighbour won't complain ah?

Just bought deal coupon from Groupon, will be crusing (local river only lah) on my birthday next month. YES!
<font color="0077aa">hihi all! monday BLUE will be over soon!</font>

<font color="0077aa">gals whose AF have just reported, new cycle new hope. lets hold hand for our April Dragonsssssss!!</font>

<font color="0077aa">MiloQueen:</font> <font color="0077aa">i know nuts about cooking bird nest. i drink those bottled ones. heee!</font>

<font color="0077aa">HappyGoLucky :</font> <font color="0077aa">*hugs* don't bother on what other people say lah. our dragon are waving at us leh!</font>

<font color="0077aa">E-cups:</font> <font color="0077aa">guai guai work hard the next few days!</font>

<font color="0077aa">sunshine, coyote:</font> <font color="0077aa">yea... crabs are cooling. i cut down so much that im having withdrawal symptoms! *sob sob*</font>
Ladies - for those asking abt making homemade chicken essence, can refer to the link that peapea posted last time. I followed this method and used abt 3/4 kampung chicken and it yielded one big noodle soup bowl. Enough for hubby and me.

Sorry to hear abt your loss. But never mind, jia you and join us in our TTC journey!

Welcome back! The thread is now more active with you around! LOL...

If you dun mind the cost, then I would say start using the clearblue OPK. I started mine too even though the cheap strips still show a faint line! Super KS this month! Haha...
<font color="ff6000">coyote
So far no one has rang my door bell yet ,keke!!!

Wow! So nice...
Saw that too. Groupon can be trusted anot? Abit worry abt this type of 'good deals' thingy..</font>
Updated table!

For those ladies whose AF reported, I used the info you posted and updated on my own. Hope its ok.
Do check if it is correct.

And if any other ladies want to join or update details, do let me know.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>AF due date</TD><TD>Last AF</TD><TD>CD</TD><TD>Cycle Days</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>TCM</TD><TD>Special issues </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amy</TD><TD>29-May</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD>85</TD><TD>38-41</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>long, erratic cycles &amp; PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>PGHua</TD><TD>4-Jul</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>28-30</TD><TD>Prof Wong (NUH)</TD><TD>DR Tan (Clementi)</TD><TD>Cyst removal (Oct '08) </TD></TR><TR><TD>chew88</TD><TD>9-Jul</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>28-31</TD><TD>Dr Koh</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Olivia</TD><TD>11-Jul</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starrie</TD><TD>15-Jul</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>tethysea</TD><TD>15-Jul</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>32-41</TD><TD>Dr Lien (Mt E/Mt A)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>D&amp;C (May '11) </TD></TR><TR><TD>sleepygal</TD><TD>20-Jul</TD><TD>18-Jun</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>28-29</TD><TD>Dr Jason Lim (SGH)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Clomid </TD></TR><TR><TD>waves</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD>20-Jun</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>Dr Bernard Chern/Dr John Hui</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>Agie</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>31-32</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin (Gleneagles)</TD><TD>Dr Tan Siew Buoy</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunshine</TD><TD>29-Jul</TD><TD>25-Jun</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>Dr Ho HK (Mt A)</TD><TD>Dr Tan Siew Buoy</TD><TD>D&amp;C (Sept '10) </TD></TR><TR><TD>xiu03</TD><TD>31-Jul</TD><TD>1-Jul</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>Dr Zou</TD><TD>PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>MiloQueen</TD><TD>1-Aug</TD><TD>28-Jun</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>28-42</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong (TMC)</TD><TD>tbc</TD><TD>PCOS and blocked tube (left) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Siu Ping</TD><TD>5-Aug</TD><TD>6-Jul</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>30-32</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>Ban Choon Chan</TD><TD>m/c twice 2010 </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedbb</TD><TD>6-Aug</TD><TD>6-Jul</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>31-34</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>SJX</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD>9-Jul</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>30-35</TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>Dr Tan Siew Buoy</TD><TD>Septate womb, left Etopic pregnancy, mild endometrosis </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>9-Aug</TD><TD>11-Jul</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>28-30</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>D&amp;C (Jan '11) </TD></TR><TR><TD>tangerinez</TD><TD>10-Aug</TD><TD>9-Jul</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong (TMC)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>diamond22</TD><TD>10-Aug</TD><TD>11-Jul</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>30-40</TD><TD>Dr Ann Tan (Mt E)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>gingerbreadger </TD><TD>10-Aug</TD><TD>11-Jul</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>30-32</TD><TD>Dr Wee (KKH)</TD><TD>Tan Choon Chan</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>sonel</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>10-Jul</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>Dr Ben Tham (TMC)</TD><TD>Dr Zou</TD><TD>PCOS, Adenomyosis </TD></TR><TR><TD>PhyLee</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>29-30</TD><TD>Dr Charles Lim (Mt E)</TD><TD>DR Tan (Clementi)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>E-cups</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>26-30</TD><TD>Dr Geraldine Tan (TMC)</TD><TD>Dr Zou @ AMK</TD><TD>Long cycles w/o clomid </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Carice</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>32-43</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>chattybear</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr Han (RH)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>D&amp;C (Apr '10) </TD></TR><TR><TD>SarahFaith</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>Dr Wong/Leung</TD><TD>D&amp;C (May '11) </TD></TR><TR><TD>coyote</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Tan (TMC)</TD><TD>Dr Tan Siew Buoy</TD><TD>m/c (Jun '11) </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="ff6000">nb
Hmm... U mean I very 'eng'?? haha!!!
Eh, how come nowadays see u post lesser huh?
U ok??</font>
nb01 - Thanks for the link, I have save it under "Favourite"

sonel - Crab very expensive, I only eat maybe 1-3mths once so shld be ok lah hor.

sunshine - Shld be ok, I bought quite a few from various sites so far no problem. Groupon alone I bought their MINT museum coupon b4 and no mess too. The only deal that I am hesitating to buy is from beauty salon, I very scare they will brain-wash me when I am there to redeem the cheap deal.
I am ok but been busy since I came back from my holiday. Hosting a few parties. And then you are not here to entertain me so post less lor. Haha...
Now waiting for my O. You also right? Good luck!
Thanks all for ur support =)

Ecup &amp; Sunshine -> The HSG test issit painful and ex? My gynae ask me to go for the HSG test after my 1st AF. But I tot HSG test is for those who MC more den once... So i just ignore him! =P

nb01 -> Can help me to update plssss...
AF due date: 2 Aug (I base on 45days cycle.. i got long &amp; irregular cycle)
Last AF: 19 June
Cycle days: 40days ~ 50days
Gynae: Dr A L LIM (TMC)
Special Issues: D&amp;C (Apr 2011)

Thanks Thanksss!!
ying - for me hsg is not painful. Understand that it will be if your tube is blocked. I don't understand, why u had conceived b4 why do you need to take hsg test? Did ur gynae say y?
<font color="ff6000">nb
Aiyah.. Now i rem that u r hosting few house warming parties.. Memories fading liao = aging...
Ya lor, waiting for -ve 'O' lei but dun hv.. Oni got CM.
Ya, so u miss my 'entertainment'? Haha! Shall hang ard often now b4 month end. Cos month end, I shd be away for awhile...

HSG is for those who suspect blocked tube thus unable to conceive. U mge to get preg n hence yr tube not blocked ah. Why need go HSG after D&amp;C lei?
New procedure??

Mine was painful and need to 'poke' twice for same tube. Done in KKH, subsidized rate. Can't rem how much but dun think expensive cos 'referred' from polyclinic.
Dun feel good when the 'Doctor' doing my HSG cos he was busy chatting wif the assistants than looking at the monitor... Sigh...

Who will be doing for u in KKH really depend on LUCK.
Whether u will feel the pain, depend on yr body.
Some feel pain, like me. SOme don't like Coyote.
So if u need to do, I urge u to 'pray' hard b4 u go.</font>
ying, mine was very very painful that i shed tears.. cos the tube keep slipping out... but the moment the doc insert the clipper to open our cervix im suffering liao.. dun knw is the doc no skills or what.. then when he insert the tube i almost fainted and the tube keep slipping out before inject the dye.. after the whole procedure, i bleed for almost a week! which shouldnt be happening!!!

sunshine, im not soo heng one lor.. i already tried alot of methods liao last time..i went to a fortune teller last time and he say i will have to go thru alot to have baby.. guess hinting i need to go for IUI liao..
ying- I did mine at Raffles H, the doctor is very professional and so is the nurse assisting him. B4 the procedure the nurse will brief me on what to expect during and after the procedure. She is there thru-out to comfort me worrying that I may feel pain and need a comfort hand. The doctor was very gentle and the whole process for me is ok. But I may say that coz I didn't experience pain but I do recommend Raffles H for this test.

But if any of ur DH wants to do sperm count test, don't go to Raffles H. Their report is not as detailed as TMC. In terms the coziness of sperm room, both are equally bad lah...no mood at all...wahahaha...

e-cups - IUI is simplier compared to IVF right? That time I wanted to try also cannot, sperm count low cannot.
sunshine,, hi 5.. i curl up after the test and the whole gown was filled with my blood.. like machiam did an "abortion" sia.. stay on the table for almost 1/2 hr.. pengzz.. luckily DH was with me.. let him see i sudffer so MUCH lor!!!
walau. Lucky I didnt gong gong go for the test....!!
I hate this type of pain.... especially tat time when my gynae insert the clipper to open my cervix!! So pain until i feel like slapping him.. HAHA!!
ok i know this is very random...
just wanna check anyone here just went to bangkok???
is it safe now?? whahaha

as i going holiday with hubby lah... and hope it my fertility!! as wanna BD BD BD BD BD there....
<font color="ff6000">Ecup
Wah.. Sound like a horrid movie, 'SAW'. Mine not so bloody but its bloody painful!
Ya, tis thing muz bring DH along so they know we 'suffer', keke...
Aren't we glad its over??
Fortune teller say tis to u ah?
I dare not to go for all these fortune telling... Scare hear liao, I think alot...

think its safe.. Normally, 'riot' only happen congregating at a place.
BKK is a shopping paradise lei...
DUn shop too much till no energy to BD huh...

Can't chat liao. 'Leticia' need to cook liao, DH will be back anytime.

Take care, gers!</font>
<font color="0077aa">sharing my horrible HSG experience. i went alone cos DH was serving the national. pain till like crazy during the procedure (perhaps due to my 0 pain tolerance). when i was asked to turn left... then turned right for the x-ray, i wanna cry out loud. i can't recall if i lost lots of blood but i was feeling so giddy that i had to rest for another 30mins. the nurse asked if she could call my next of kin to bring me home. lied that i felt better so i can go home myself.

went home and suffered in pain for the rest of the day and fever came. struggled to walk to the nearest GP the next morning and was told to go A&amp;E right away. i was having symptoms of infection.

went to KKH and went straight to my gynae's clinic. told the nurse im dying from pain and i need to see him RIGHT now. nurse ki li ku lu dunno what and let me see my dr without an appt. saw my dr within an hour and he confirmed i've infection. gave me some antibotics and one weeks MC. oh, my joker gynae told me that my tubes are not block becos i could feel so much pain. that made me laughed.

i was all alone when i went through this. DH will never understand and he still thinks im being drama till now. DRAMA? yea... men just contribute a sperm and we have to 'suffer' a lifetime. sorry but am feeling emo whenever i thought of this experience.</font>
ttc mates! the mia-gal is here again. I just tell myself i need to drop to post some msg once a wk so as to keep my presence felt :p

my AF finally "flows" after 5 days of on/off spotting. At least i can tell myself no likelihood of Asherman's syndrome. It's quite scary for me when i read up abt AS. *pat pat* my heart now..
Will meet Dr Cheng fr TMC next wk. hopefully can shed some lights on what to do with my hormone imbalance (highest suspect) and whether shld we be on some fertility drugs or nt. A bit scare abt the HSG after reading your experiences. My pain tolerance is high but i'm scare of blood... eee..

anyway, i hv short wkend trips planned... going to Malacca 2wks later and medan in aug. hopefully can hv quality BD, if timing matches =)

new cycle new hope, we can do it!
slowly reading the wkend +today post nows..

hi happy, read abt ur post about godma, basically u give bigger ang bao &amp; bigger present on special occasions and be "bad" parents ie the one who dun nag/scold ;p Being superstitious as chinese, it's gd to be godparents as when u hv a god-child, it stablises the "womb" and believe that u shld be preggie soon after. So it's actually gd to be godparents. My gf is also 9wks and i chop to be god-ma too. ;)

mrs ho &amp; ginger, both of u sound v promising. rooting for your gd news soon. =)
Gingerbreadger, dun worry. Next month will be Urs. When AF finishes, remember to go back &amp; see the tcm uncle to continue with his med.
lynn, is it? that very interesting! i didn't know. One of my frd became my frd's child godma and became pregnant after a few months later! wah so zun!

Ok i prolly need to consider carefully cos i do believe god parents must have certain responsibility and roles to play too haha.

I just tested my OPK. Is a -ve . Smiley face should ocme soon
hi ginger, AF comes on time also gd. New cycle new hope. =)

hi happy, true.. u better check with ur friend on her expectations of u being godma.
gd morning gals...

sunshine, i love to give my fortune to be look at.. lols.. the fortune teller say i wont live until 60 lor.. if i can pass the crisis... lols..

sonel, *hugs* i can understand the pain.. even my DH go with me.. he still did not go thru the procedure with me.. only after the test, the nurse call him in... sometimes when i think back i still blame my DH why i need to go thru all these.. lols.. but your joker gynae theory is same with the joker doc did the test to me leh.. he say that if pain means NO blockage!!
hey girls, how soon into your tests do u all do the hsg tests? cause i did the rest of hte tests, except for the hsg. then i ask my gynae how come no need check the tubes. then he say its considered an invasive test, so it wun be check at such an earli stage.but it seems like u all have done ur hsg alreaid.

cause i kinda worried that wait my tubes got problem. then maybe a bit late if find out later..
<font color="blue">morning ladies!!!!! yesterday tooooo busy lah.. so heee going to skip all the threads that i missed :p
nice meeting you yesterday , hope i never scare you away wahahah

thanks for the update

Hi!!! wave!!! welcome to the club

my trip is meant for BD BD BD BD wahahaha

me going next week!! cant wait!!!! yeah!!!
share with me which part of bangkok u going!!
sjx> actually we got no plans.. haha. cause this was damn last min trip. like last wk then we decide to go. i tink we'll jus have no itinenery and anyhow walk around.. is this ur first time there? we've been there a couple of times.. so prob jus go there n eat n massage
gingerbreadger, not sure y your gynae nvr ask u go to check tubes.. but mine also dun encourage me to go as mostly is DH prob... but i insist.. find pain for myself only..lols
<font color="blue">gingerbreadger..
it will be my 2nd time there....hmmmm which hotel u stay?
i going for 4 days 3 nights heeee... exciting as first time going with hubby there

e-cups and gingerbreadger...
do chekc HSG as needed, for example you had been trying for years but still not able to conceive or had ectopic...
if u got pregnant before and m/c, mean u tube more or less are ok....</font>
SJX, i checked liao.. ok wor.. =.=" suffer for nothing lor.. sian...so is really depends on DH liao.. the vitamins ii bought he practically not interested in taking.. he say eat the chinese medicine can liao.. boringzzzz..
ecups, sjx and starrie... i will... wahahahaahahha!

ecups, u also seeing tcm ah?

sjx, i super duper happy to see 2nd bar this morning lor! almost thought i wont O!
<font color="blue">e-cups..
men are like that one lah super EGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH...
but mind me ask what happen to ur hubby?

heeee.... jia you!!!!!! inner peace when BD dont think about making baby
think how enjoyable you going to be in BD-ing!!

SJX, my DH soldiers sleeping lah.. lazing around.. poor motility &amp; morphology lor.. so if this cycle not doing good.. then i will go for IUI bah.. sian lor..
