(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Hi ladies!

Wow.. you gals are talking abt trips? I also want to go! But just came back so need to rest a bit first. Haha...

Cheer up. Waiting for O now right? Maybe can get good news and no need go for IUI?

I understand what you mean abt your hubby. Mine is also like that sometimes. Really have to one ear in, one ear out...

Btw, since you are talking abt helpers and household work etc... I was wondering if you have any good agencies to recommend. Thinking of looking around and then see how. But I dun want Indo or Filipino if possible. Many tks!
hi amy, totally understand cos i'm facing similar thing myself, if nt more complicated due to D&C. hang on there and dun give urself unnecessary stress. maybe just take 1 step at a time... since u just change TCM, give at least 2-3mths time for med to work. Like me.. target see gynae next wk then decide wat's next. DH say we don't even know whether either 1 of us hv issues and if so wat's the issue, so there's nothing to worry now. (though it doesn't stop me fr googling more & making myself worried more :p)

hi dee, i think i also semi-depression every night fr 9-11, aka google online on my condition. I actually cried to sleep last wk cos no AF for 2mths & spotting instead. DH also v stressed cos he doesn't know how to cheer me up. I am the cheerleader in the family so normally i cheer ppl and nt the other way round. Between DH & I, we discuss a little bit on adoption so at least i know he's nt totally against adoption though nt in near future if we choose to. For now i am constantly telingl ourselves to cheer up and keep on trying.

I'm getting a bit nervous abt the gynae appt next wk. On 1 hand i want to know and affirm we are ok or at least treat-able prob, on the other hand i'm scare if there's really serious prob, especially when i read more and more abt the post D&C complications, keeping fingers crossed that it doesn't happen to me. Gals who did D&C, pls monitor ur AF carefully, if it doesn't come or spotting or becomes lighter and lighter as mths go, ie anything different from ur normal AF or u just feel "something" nt right, go for a checkup asap. Apparently 1 serious but rare condition called Asherman's syndrome might be the cause. Ur AF will nt come due to blockage, some experience spotting instead of period. I wish my gynae had told me more abt this AS instead of just telling me 1 complication is possible scarring but she will be careful then stop at that.
Dear Ladies, hang on there. Dun give urself undue stress... With help of gynea & tcm, we can make it de.

peapea, time for BD....
Ladies, need some help here....

I just tested OPK on cheap strips and it was definitely a -ve coz the test line was much lighter. BUT when I used my CB digital, it gave me a smiley face!!! BUT BUT, I had to pee twice on the CB digital coz it wasn't working the first time, i.e. the test indicator didn't flash. I was just playing around with my CB digital as didn't think I would get a smiley face so now am confused.

Question: Am I O-ing??? Or is it a false +ve coz I had to pee twice on 1 stick?

I want to retest but I got no more pee left to retest so can only retest at 4-5pm later. LOL...
sjx - go read up the symptons of depression and see whether you have any. From our chat last nite, you seem a cheerful girl to me. Of course maybe deep down you are feeling depressed which I can't tell from the appearance. Do you cry often and feel negative always?

happy - my gf shared that 5 language of love list with me years back and my rate for my DH was no. 5. Now that you have posted and I relook at the list, I am happy to see that my DH now scores all 5.

lynn - *hugs* hope that everything will be fine for you.
Ya.. definitely going to retest!!! But now if I get -ve later, I will still question if the OPKs are wrong. Haha...

Will be testing like crazy today and tomorrow!!! Use up all my CB digital never mind... I got a lot!!! Haha... Just opened a new box!

Morale of the story:
Don't pee twice on the same stick and remember to store up enough pee for a 2nd retest!

nb01, i really dun habour too much hopes on the OPK lah.. cos today is CD20!! and the slight little tiny of EWCM doesnt even appear at all lor.. boringzzz..maybe of the HSG test that im not O-ing this month...
Lynn: its difficult not to be nervous about your gynae appt. But dont get too upset about your condition yet, you could be worrying unduly. Arm yourself with all the questions you want to ask and then forget about it until the day of the appt. You have us here to cheer u up if and when you need it. Hope everything goes well!
Issue is I am detecting EWCM so I know my O is coming. And also had a bit of O pains yesterday. Normally both the cheap strips and CB digital gives me the same result. Only this test is so crazy. Hee...

I normally use a cup to dip the strips but this test, I somehow didn't. So now going to use a cup and store the pee and test and test until I am happy! Haha...
Just went to see your list again. My hubby does all EXCEPT no 5! Argh... Haha...

Your hubby is so nice!!!
peapea, remember when i did my HSG on the CD9 & i bleed all the way to CD15..so dun knw whether got affect the O in this cycle or miss the boat liao..
ecups, u want to call the gynae to ask? ur hsg is really bad experience man... i thought hsg will help to clear the tube so can O better
peapea, i called liao but since the bleeding stop.. the gynae say should be ok one..

Now the blood really stop liao.. then still call.. abit atus leh..
sjx> can tailor make shirts for ur hubs. its quite cheap there. can go mbk n do, but if u wana do, first day go do, then can ask them to send to ur hotel after tat. can go chinatown eat seafood, got one T&K like quite famous.
when u go chatuchat, go n see the map first, n pick where u wana go first, cause its damn huge. one day canot finish. so u must be focus n give priority on where u wana go first.
<font color="ff6000">Hi Everybardy...

Bad news: Keep hving diarhhea since 5am today! Now legs weak liao...

Good news: I oso got 'Smiley Face'!!!

This came as a surprise as well...

Juz now need to rush to LS then quickly capture my urine in my container b4 my LS come full blast (Sorry, TMI).
Then test on my smiley while the other hole keep blasting... (Sorry again, TMI again..)

Then I dun expect smiley cos think today CM become lesser.

HAHA!!! After while, got 2 eyes n a smile looking at me!
Then quickly sms my DH say need to BD again today.

Peapea, nb
We muz work hard these 2 days n a day after k!
Good luck to all of us!

Who else joining us??</font>
heee... yes sunshine and nb01, lets work hard!!

ecups, i will b e praying u can join us too! take some grapefruit juice (as per nb01 advice) to increase CM
<font color="ff6000">Ecup
Wait for awhile more..
Maybe body still in 'shock' after that HSG.

U dun go n do alot of activities then no mood or too tired to BD huh...
Cos most of trips wif my DH, we try go alot of plc to go shopping and eating lah.
At the end of day, too tired to do anything.
But i agree wif gingerbreadger, muz go Chinatown eat seafood, sharkfin (oops) n birdnest.

Is it holiday Inn silom? If its in Silom, I stayed there b4.
Hotel lobby v nice but their lifts not matching lei, haha!
Anyway, room is big. Bed is comfy. TV got cable programs.
Location okie... Near to a Naraya shop n a big massage palour, price reasonable n clean.
Near to Patpong n Robinson, if take cab abt less than 10min.</font>
sunshine, E-cups and peapea
Lets jia you together!

Not forgetting Miloqueen too! Hope you get your +ve soon!

Btw, yes, can take grapefruit juice to increase CM. I read that on xiu or siuping's post and started taking and really saw an increase in CM. Hope it works for you too!
hi hi
Bear reporting!!

**waving** at lynn

Happy>> me also go through the list you posted earlier, my hubby also does all 5.

For those waiting for O, JIA YOU!!

For those having smiley face le, must work hard arr!!!

For those af report le, pls bu your body and keep your womb warm.
<font color="ff6000">SJX
Last time, I oso got into depressions at times. Sometime DH very annoying and so irritating that really make my blood boil.
Then while I'm crying to sleep, he can happily watch TV or play games in the living room.
Then sometime look at him and say to myself, 'Why this man'?
Now got TTC problem, it just add on.
After learning yoga, and mediation helps in a way or another.
Cos the guru teach us how to turn 'blind eye n deaf ear' to those things that r negative.
Guess the only person or the best medication to help, is only OURSELF and our MIND.
Mind is a very powerful thing.
U can't see it but it has tremendous power to control u.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Coyote
Thks but no thks... Haha!!!
I can eat the chicken feet when it is served in dim sum style.
But ask me to eat when its still white in color, I cannot.
Same thing but different color pushes me off...
I dun dare to eat anti-diarrheal pill, juz in case it soak all my CM.
Now ate some bread and drank warm water to replenish my energy, felt better than in the morning liao...</font>
<font color="ff6000">bearger
Long time no c u... Bz ah?

U need to employ a maid ah?
Yr DH so sayang u...
I'm the maid of my house lei...</font>
Sunshine/peapea/nb01, gals pray hard for me ok.. as for the grapefruit juice, buy from NTUC or wht?? wht brand?? dun sunkist /marigold brand har..??

Sunshine, i dun my body want to be "shock" until when lor.. shock nvm leh.. dun become SIAO lor.. lols
u learn wht yoga har...?? wanted to try the hote yoga.. very ex lor..=.="
<font color="ff6000">Ecup
Will cross my fingers n toes for u!!!
The shock won't be long lah... Just an illustration, no scare ok?
Not sure but fruit juice is the best when u drink it right from the fruit itself bah.
I learn yoga from this yoga centre, called Anada Marga from MP.
It teaches more on whole well being than yoga (exercise/stretches).
Last wk my guru said that long time ago, yoga oni got 2 poses.
One is the Lotus pose, the other one is the mediation pose. Ha! As the years go by, pple created poses to ease the body pain.
Thats why nowadays got so many yoga poses and different school teaches different things.</font>
Sunshine, so that place is @ MP.. so u are also stay in east lah..

Can u help me to ask your guru whether a person with arthitis is ok to do yoga..?? or flat feet can do yoga?
<font color="ff6000">Ecup
No lah, I stay in the central area..
Okie, will ask for u tonight when I go for my class.
U oso got flat feet?</font>
abit busy with work lately.. but did pop in see see look look.
You also O-ing together with peapea and nb01? must JIA YOU!!
I get the fresh grapefruit juice mixed with orange juice from Sunkist. Buy from NTUC coz Cold Storage doesn't sell this mixed version. I feel fresh juice is better and if you take grapefruit by itself, I find a bit too bitter. And orange juice is good for vit C too!

Ya... Thinking of employing a maid by year end. My hubby is currently the maid of the house! Haha..
nb01, where to get fresh grapefruit..means cut &amp; squeeze type then mixed with sunkist orange har..?? pengzz..then drink everyday or??

Sunshine, u see how pathetic i am.. got flat feet + arthitis.. all the outdoor sports are out for me lor.. sianzzz..
No lah... Not use fresh fruit and cut. Like that, I dun want to drink too coz too troublesome. Hee..
I mean the brand from Sunkist is fresh grapefruit juice mixed with orange juice. 100% juice and not from concentrate and no added sugar. So I quite like it.
I think drink a cup a day is enough.
<font color="ff6000">Bearge
Do dropby more often lah...
Ya lor, think 4 of us 'O'-ing now.
Now wat we can do is BD n hopefully, can enjoy the process lah.

Hmmm, v good. U're thinking ahead

So envy... yr DH is the maid of the house... So yr job oni cook ah?</font>
<font color="blue">Lynn
HUG.... dont worry u be fine...

i dont cry in fact.. i just feel down... but i will get excited easily..
but i will keep myself away from thing i dont wish to see or know... so i also dont know am i or am i not having depression

just wack BD!!! since there is a smiley heee....dont care so much on the test already

dont worry... u wasnt feeling well (infection if i remember) so maybe u are recovering that y o late?

gingerbreadger and starrie
getting excited wahaha!!!!!! cant wait for next week to come

yes madam... noted on that wahaha... will try morning bd!!!! even better wahaha
as for depression... i dont know whether do i have or not as i dont cry.. just not that positive and cheerful as last time...
i alway a clown to my hubby.. but he feel i am not myself anymore
Fresh grapefruit shld be too sour to drink.

I am still thinking of which brand to get for the royal jelly...hmmm.....
<font color="ff6000">SJX
Whether u hv or dun hv, its good to 'psycho' ourselves, we DUN HV. Good idea anot?
Then let yr DH be the clown lor. Role exchg....

BTW, I ask Dr Tan SB hoh. When BD best? Morning or night?
She say the BEST time is the time to catch the egg, ha! Meaning doesn't matter to do in the morn or night... hmmmm....

D u ask Dr Tan wat soup u can drink?</font>
sunshine, i want to go for aqua aerobics but then now the lessons stop liao..=.=" the club is doing some restructure.. sianzzz
Please ask your guru abt arthitis &amp; flat feet so i see what other exercises i can do...

nb01, oic.. heng ar.. i tot squeeze confirm good bye to this "squeezing" project..

SJX, i can understand.. sometimes i sit bus also will cry leh.. just drop tears.. similar situation.. just that u dun cry..u knw why.. WORRY FOR NOTHING!! lols..
