(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Sonel, sound very positive! Contd to press on and yes you can have a baby waving soon

Yeah Sonel. New cycle new hope. Btw, how does bird's nest help till O?

Azsrina, HPT positive with very faint lines still consider positive.
Hi everyone!
Fingers crossed for all those whose egg has met sperm! Hopefully good news!

My AF still not here. Dun dare do anymore HPT cos dun want to cry again. Sianz!

Btw how long must we steam the chicken breast for the essence?
<font color="0077aa">Azsrina:</font> <font color="0077aa">2 faint lines should be positive! why not, go get a ClearBlue test kit to triple confirm now?</font>

<font color="0077aa">Starrie:</font> <font color="0077aa">thanks!</font>

<font color="0077aa">Happy:</font> <font color="0077aa">thanks! must be positive else will be depressed leh. hehehe!</font>

<font color="0077aa">Siu Ping: Mrs Ho</font><font color="0077aa"> is correct. haha! my fave bird nest. bought alot during the last EYS sales, so have to clear stock ;b</font>
Sonel, how you cook your burds' nest har? I bought some awhile ago but lazy to clean. You remove the 'feathers' before cooking?
Happy, tethysea n sonel - yes, 一个月后又是一条好汉!

Mrs ho - got it

Tangerinez - 6 days is considered norm isn't it. Mine is 5 days. Actually how do my consider the end of AF? Totally no spotting then is the end?
Starrie, san > I use the same method but lazy to cook. :p take 1-2 hours to try to 'de-feather' then within 3 mins finish the small bowl!
Ginger: I hv no idea hw many DPO I m cos I nvr track. Tatz the prob with me. I m counting my AF should be here anytime based on the ultrasound the Gynae did. I m in my luteal phase as the uterine walls were already thick.

I tried brewing the chicken essence.. N I hate to admit, I love it! Made chicken sandwich with the chix. :))

I do not know hw to feel towards my friend's pregnancy... I m happy yet jealous n I feel bad about being jealous. Anyone shares the sentiment with me? Plus she got preggy easy :-(
Happy> me too... Envy all my frens who has baby.. Last wk went out with my 3 couple frens n all 3 is preggy n/ or with a baby.. Me leh? Only me lor...tried so many months also don't have..getting old liao leh...
Morning gals.

HappyGoLucky &amp; Longtaizi, same sentiment here. But ours will be here soon.
We must stay positive &amp; we can make it de though sometimes news of others being preggy can still affect us.
Gd morning ladies!!

It Monday!! Let's all JIA YOU together!! Going to be a busy working day ahead. Will try to log into forum later.

Those in 2ww, any good news?
<font color="green">morning ladies!!!
AF reported over the weekend... and today... Monday Blue....

Anyway....New cycle, new hopes....stay hopeful!</font>
morning girls!!

for those who AF has arrived, new cycle new hope! happy to see everyone so positive! =)

sjx, you here yet?? need to check with you, do you see your fertile cm coincide with high fertile period on your CB fertility monitor? thanks!!
dpo 11 today.. very itchy hand.. to test later.. haha.. my spotting is not here yet. my menses is due on wednesday. n i normally spot 3-5 days before my menses...
<font color="green"> yes i'm in gingerbreadger
i do leh... but hor very funny is.. my peak (3 bar full) my egg white is not that much, need to use toilet paper to see it....and when it 2 bar... my eggwhite increases a lot! </font>
sjx, lol... im the one who ask you la... not gingerbreadger.. hee

im starting to see fertile cm.. but hor, until now still one bar.... a little depressing lei
oops... just woke up.. in blur stage wahahah....

just bd and wack lah.... what CD are you now??

Gingerbreadger, continue with the chicken essence. Did the tcm ask u to drink on specific day or everyday? Anyway, ren zhu, dun test yet.
Good morning gals!!

sonel, NO O yet.. cos did my HSG test on CD9 and bleed all the way to CD15..so dun knw O finish liao bo.. No EWCM + tested the last few days but dun have +ve but nvm.. i thinking maybe take a break liao.. cos i listen to SJX... not taking BBT!! lols

peapea: are we cycle buddies?? looks like we are both testing for +ve OPK!
sjx, CD16 i think... we just do when we feel like it... hahaha... im still waiting for my O... hai

ecups! yes i believe we are cycle buddies! now is the hardest time of the month, testing of OPK! miloqueen shld be our cycle buddy too.
Hi all.

Just to share. I am 4 days late. No show of AF. But there is no pregnancy signs like having to peeing a lot and all this. I did a HPT test 2 days ago, but it was negative. I'm scared to check again coz if it is still is negative. My menses are always regular. What should I do?
gingerbreadger: hahaha.. i not testing... i dont wan to get disappointed.. heeheee :p

peapea: jia you... time to bd

ecups: maybe coming soon.. glad that u doing away the bbt
the sinseh dint tell me. but i jus whack everyday. haha. the past 2 days i cook on my own with chick breasts, drank half a bowl each day. wkdays i gg my mum's place for dinner, so she'll cook black chick for me.

u noe i got one problem.. i've alreadi got eevryting settled for saturday gg bkk.... i tinking if i test early, hopefully get a early +ve, i can make arrangement to cancel my trip... cause if less than 48 hrs cancellation.. things gets complicated. ie. got penalty n all.

do u girls tink its safe to air travel if test +ve? i tried googling.. sounds safe.. hte oni reason thats not safe is, 25% of 1st trimester pregnancy ends up with miscarriage, so if go to 1 place that have no good medical facilities, if mc then troublesome. but i tink i wun have such prob, because its very earli stage (even if +ve), it'll jus eject itself out like normal mnses... how how how!!??!!
peapea, hehehe.. so lets cycle our way soon soon to motherhood with all the gals here!!

Due to my ear infection... i have stop my LRD &amp; chi cessence cos my mummy say maybe too heaty...

So guess chances are low again this month..
<font color="blue">E-cups...
wahahahha... finally :p
but did you share with your TCM that it kinda stress to take BBT??

can bd laio lah....just wack

Hi there...
well what you can do now it wait... and stay relax...

ecups, i also worried lei... hahaha... i worried that i nv O at all... a bit silly right...

i think u just keep away from cooling stuff first since u cant take the heaty stuff...
Ecups, yeah I think the 3 of us cyclamates. Just spotted some EWCM this morning tonight will test OPK. I also stop LRD these few days cos scared to heaty given my throat/cough. Maybe will prepare some in office later.
peapea, ya..trying to avoid cold stuffs lor but abit hard based on our weather NOW!! from what i understand that sometimes we do not O every month lor.. but just BD when u need to ok... Have u BD yet.. i start whacking only on CD 16 &amp; CD18.. lols.. alternate days mah..

SJX, no leh.. i just told her i forgot to take.. :p
Peapea, when's your tcm appointment har? Mine end of the month which hopefully will be after O. But I scared hit the few days before AF leh. Anyway, slot hard to come by will just go and see what doc says.

My DH kena backache don't know from where two days ago. This cycle me sick plus he like that don't know can 'exercise' anot so I'm not so hopeful. Sianz
miloqueen, my appt is this tues... so hopefully she can give some advise... aiyoh... both of u must take care lei... if not also tough for TTC

ecups, eh, we just bd over fri and sat... hahaha... i think i shld start alt day bd too.... maybe from today if hubby is up for the mood
coyote: i thought 6 days is long. have friends who are 4 days. i include the days where it's ending but still a bit of stain.

SJX: *waves* AF reported on weekend? we are cycle buddies again! jia you!

anyone knows whether it is good or bad to have a shorter cycle than before? my cycles used to be around 30 to 32 days but the previous one was 28 days and first two days were much heavier than before.
<font color="blue">tangerinez.. High Five!!!!

me is 27 to 40 days.... but most people are 28 to 32 day which is very normal...and day longer than 35 is not too good...that what i read lah...</font>
<font color="000080">tangerinez >> My AF is 7 days. But usually day 4 is nothing one - not even spotting.

SJX >> New cycle new hope!</font>
tethysea, what do you mean by day 4 is nothing one?

my menses will go heavy on the first 2 days then day 3 is medium to light flow. Day 4 and 5 is light light traces of blood not sure if i shd count as spotting.

tethysea, same same.. i get nothing on day 4.

happy: i did some research online and it says anything from 21 days to 45 days is normal, though the average for most pple is 28 days.

it seems that as we age, our cycles will shorten. yikes! this means my body is aging quickly! sad...
