(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

morning gals


today i'm at dpo 8!! tml gg to see tcm. so i guess tml i'll noe hte result.. no need buy pregnancy kit.

but gg with a normal mind. i dont tink i'm prengnat.. cause i've already bought plane tix for next sat's bkk trip!! and book accomodation and all leow.

thou yest i do feel a bit nausea.. but it may all be in my mind.. cause every month i feel majiam i got the pregnancy symptoms.. hahaa

starrie> u settled ur holiday plans?
gingerbreadger: I gt no plans at the moment
hahaha agree with u tat sometimes I will also think too much when I have some symptoms.. Then my dh laugh at me >< hahaha
I should be dpo7
Siu ping> thanks for the info, guess I be buying the royal jelly n rasberry leaf tea to try...are there certain brand or outlet I have to go? Have to buy online?
Gingerbread> my AF late for 5 days n I buay tahan liao, this morning I test n its BFN... Haiz... Next week I'm going hainan, if AF comes then I sure no mood...I haven't try TCM thou, maybe try after my trip...any recommendation?
morning ladies! its friday friday friday!

gingerbreadger, lol... the thank guanyinma its friday is leticia tweet right? lol

miloqueen, no prob... amy couldnt locate you so hope you dont mind i pass your contact to her... heee... hopefully, it will work out for us cycle buddy!

welcome everyone who is new! this morning, im just grateful that without a baby in my life yet, im able to fully appreciate the time and all i have my hubby to myself exclusively =D

that being said, cant wait for my O! sjx, i have this irrational fear that what if FM cant detect my O! ha
Gingerbreadger, Gd luck. I was DPO10 when I saw him last sat. U c what he says tml ba. Btw, I was oso majiam having all the pregnancy symptoms too but not every month. The symptoms b4 AF reporting &amp; pregnancy symptoms really very similar. Juz to share, last yr when I 1st visited him in June, AF yet reported after m/c in apr. Then 2nd visit went bk in July/Aug I think &amp; nearing pregnant again like b4 this. Seen him again in sept, then the following mth pregnant Liao though ended with bb no heartbeat.

So if ur body absorbs his med, most probably the chances of conceiving quite Gd de. That's what I feel for myself. Having said, it still depends on individual body condition.
yeah now i already stopped telling my hubby leow.. cause i tink it mite all be in our head. cause i feel pregnant every month during hte 2ww. ahahah

longtaizi> is ur AF normally late? 5 days sounds like a good sign... i'm currently seeing ban choon chan from marine parade.. no comments yet.. cause this is my 5th cycle seeing him.. n i've oni see him before. but his herbs are in grass and branches. so if u want to see him, u must be prepared to brew those traditional meds. also, his waiting time is 3-4 hours, must be prepared to wait aso. canot make appointment one. you can try searching for reviews in this forum. quite a lot of good reviews
<font color="green"> TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! morning ladies!!!!

Hi Tanny,
welcome! which DPO are u now
temperature looks alright

Guan Yin Ma???????? wahahaha
SHOOOOOOOOO ur AF away!!!!! heeee
me seeing TCM this coming monday... me now DPO11 /12... still cramp... dont hold too much hope tho and has spotting already...

Siu Ping...
Shoo ur AF too!!!!!!!</font>
peapea> yes yes!! leticia tweet! hahaa. i lovee her. so cute

siu ping> thanks! act i quite look fwd to visiting him every mth. cause i always go during the 2ww. 1 wk b4 my AF comes. haha. got a puny hope that one day he'll tell me i'm pregnant. he did tell me last round that my body got absorb, then he change some of my meds aso. *cross fingers*
Longtaizi, I think one of the gals manage to buy from mall. I bought from babydustshop.blogspot.com. I bought their vital pack which consists of the following:

1 bottle of CoQ10 with Selenium 50mg (100 softgels)
1 bottle of Royal Jelly with Bee Pollen (30 days supply)
1 pack of 100gm Organic Red Raspberry Leaf

They will send by courier for those in a pack.

As for tcm, Gingerbreadger &amp; mi are seeing the same tcm, Ban Choon Chan @ Marine Parade central. Let us know if u need the address. Juz to let u know that the tcm dun go by appointment one, got to queue.
Gd morning gals,

gingerbreadger, i love your TGIF!! creative sia..

Siu Ping, i can understand cos i also tot im preggy every month with all the symptoms lor.. so funy.. i think i need a break..
E-cups, ya lor &amp; really tot I was preggy. Haha. Nvm, new cycle new hope for mi.

Jia you ladies.

Anyway think can only catch up on this thread after work le cos gonnabe another busy day. TGIF at last.
SJX, aiyo... y u think that way.. im so sorry.. the thread is running like a bullet.. i dun knw if u have attend the gathering..come on gal.. give u a big beary hug *HUGS*
<font color="green">E-cups
whahahahahaha KIDDING lah...

Anyway Ladies in 2WW.... usually during which DPO u will test for pregnancy?</font>
hey ladies,

i just remember that this lady who did massage for me, told me that there are massages out there meant to help ladies trying to get pregnant. they will help to massage the womb area so that conception is easier.

she didnt tell me who are the ppl who does such massage but mentioned most of those malay ladies that does massage post delivery should be able to do this... just fyi =)
Morning gals!

Typed a post but the forum keep having errors..

peapea>> I am going for massages now and the massage lady is able to tell me if my womb is alright anot.. She said those who have problem with the womb will feel pain when they massage the womb "nerves" or acupoints (something like that).. They can somewhat tell if the womb have lumps and will advice you to do a check to confirm if there is anything wrong.. Previously she also helped me to massage away a small lump near my breast.. I can ask my massage lady if her massages can help strengthen my womb though she just told me last evening that my womb is alright..
wah so many new ladies!!!

Jiaxin, haha i asked this before.. i know nb01 test ultra early but usually they said test when is due date cos too early test and see negative super depressing haha..

Eh i want to testify something lol. You know my hubby and i had been taking royal jelly since end Feb this year so it is almost 4 months. No special effects feel or anything but we did feel more alert in certain ways. Maybe we exercise and run often. But then before MC, we also do exercise very regularly becos training for marathon.

Anyway my point is, they said royal jelly can slow down aging and boost alot other health benefits right. About 2 months back, my frd who haven seen me for a long time said i seem to look more youthful. I dismissed it because I cut bangs LOL. Then just last month, i met 2 new pple and maybe they tot i was 18 years old?! Ok that very kwa zhang right? I am turning 28 in 2 weeks time! and they tot me and my hb was dating... and they were shocked i am married... LOL

Okie.. maybe royal jelly can really make one look young and youthful.. hahaha
<font color="green">E-cups
whahahahahaha ... it friday!!!

starrie and Happy....
ok ... my AF already overdue for long time wahahaha.... but this cycle i O late lah... so i dont know when is my AF coming..
<font color="ff6000">Morning babes...Finally it's Friday! Yuppie!

New comers>>> Welcome on board!

Happy>>>I like royal jelly too. U bought the capsules type or liquid form? Wow, u look 10 yrs younger than ur actual age...Power...
miloqueen>> No probs! Juz pai sei u can't get an earlier date. Yes, u go "report" u are there and ask how many more ppl in front of u then can go jalan jalan. Thou nothing much to walk nearby lah. =x
hey gals, I am interested in starting to take royal jelly but have a couple of qn.

1) Will royal jelly make me put on weight? =p
2) Which kind or wat brands are good?
<font color="ff6000">Amy>>> So far, I have been taking royal jelly for ard 3-4mths, no weight increment for me so far....I am taking gnc royal jelly in capsules. It comes in liquid form too but i dun really like the raw taste of the liquid rj and capsules type is more convenient...Alternatively, u can get the Royal Jelly with Bee Pollen fr babydust shop... :p</font>
Sonel, attain doesnt mean MIA leh.. lols... im now trying to get myself ovulate.. lols... today is CD16..nothing spotted yet.. no WWCm or whteever.. lols
I took the kordel brand royal jelly 500mg one
Didn't take 1000 one cos i tot to begin with start with small amt first

Ya no weight increment
So no worries
Hi ladies!
Dee: me in the same shoes as u.. No signs of AF n I hv no plans to test oso. Wait I start crying like I did on Monday.

I take Royal Jelly from GNC too. I also take Maca root capsules n Zinc n folic acid.. Any of u heard of Maca root?

I can't wait for AF to come so tat can BD. Although I dun intend to try this round cos I dun like Aries star!
Siu Ping Your info on the supplements are really useful.
On Chicken Essence - is nourishing in nature, is recommended by most TCMs to consume during 2 weeks wait as it will help the body to produce more progesterone.

You are referring to the homemade chicken essence right?
I have been trying to find out more on this. I remembered the Uncle at TCM said to take this as it helps produce Estrogen, now I realised it's actually progesterone? I got so confused cos he was throwing me terms like estrogen and progesterone. hahah.

He did mention that during the 1st trimester, it can help to increase my HCG as well though and asked me why I didn't take during the last pregnancy, that's why my HCG went down. -_-
re: Royal Jelly

as mentioned b4, TCM said not everyone is suitable to take. so better check with your TCM (if you're seeing one) before taking it.
<font color="green">starrie
thanks.. but more like God Bless me..

me.. this monday go see tcm.. see what she said..

<font color="green">starrie
thanks.. but more like God Bless me..

me.. this monday go see tcm.. see what she said..
