(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Hi piky

Bearge: Hahah I haveen seen a positive line
it's all faint lines.. So considered I am in 2ww? Yes I believe ppl like mrs Ho, gingerbreadger, u and me can hold hands ;)

<font color="purple">wahah i am thinking why the thread is so quiet today.... now it back

bearGE i am , not DPO4 only
but i got cramp and backache now

bearGE >> Me shld b DPO 4 i tink based on the chart .. but me shld b no good news cuz i might hav missed my O when i BD .. let's wait and see

Starrie >> U still faint line ? Wat bout ur BBT ?
<font color="0000ff">thanks xiu &amp; sonel! hee. a bit excited. wanna make appt with him. see if he cn help me scan n see if i O or not. heh. thanks thanks!

enjoy the weekend!!!

amy - just whack!</font>

For masturbation after BD, that shouldn't be done as like missycandy said, you will end up pushing out the swimmers. Instead, you should try to have orgasm when BD-ing so that the "force" will push the swimmers further in.

Having +OPK doesn't mean that the egg is definitely released. +OPK just means that you have a mature egg for release but whether it actually releases, it depends. Only way to know for sure if it released is to go for scan or get pregnant. LOL...

Good that your cycles have shortened. Too long cycles are not good. I updated your details on the table.

Welcome piky
<font color="0077aa">Missycandy> Gd luck! My frend went to see Dr Tham for fertility check up and she wanted to do a hsg.He did a scan and inform my frend that she is gg to ovulate soon and advises her to bd. And the next visit, my frend went to see him as she has strike...</font>
<font color="000080">Wah today really very quiet. I was expecting to have to catch up on at least 2 pages of archives :p

FRIDAY!!!!! Plus my big boss is not around, I'm drowning in work yet very happy! :p I wish she'd take her stupid leave instead of coming in everyday going for meetings that increase my workload because she will go and promise some idiot the world, then after that come and complain to me that she haven't take her leave, as if she expect me not to take my leave and let it forfeit as well. Chey...</font>
Thanks! I thought I read somewhere it's ok to drink LRD when pregnant. Anyway I guess, good to check with TCM again when it happens. Now praying for it to happen first. :p
gingerbreadgal: congrats! happy for you!

i've used at least 12 sticks but still negative. lol. i think i'll stop testing le. just BD all the way
<font color="purple">Amy..
every one has friday mood now wahaha so slow in reply

thanks... i am crossing too

Thanks all!!

I jus now itchy hand when to use cb to test again. Coz quite tired to do it 2 consecutive nites. Tinking if no smiley face tonight maybe wun do. BUT Its still +ve!!!! So we have to do the deed tonight!!!

Tangerine> today is my cd 22. N i started testing since cd 9. Haha and i use cb smiley face and watsons sticks which is quite ex too. So no worries. I definately waste more $$ than u. Hahaha u can tink of me to make urself feel better.

Ok, now me waitin for hubs to come back for scheduled HEYSHYO!!!
Gals, I got a faint line on OPK juz now. Tested coz saw a bit of sticky white discharge. Think I'll juz pounce hubby tonite when he gets home and do the deed! =) AF not showing up also dun care liao. Juz whack like wat missycandy said! Hee.. =>
Today not many posts hor?

Gingerbreader- great, still +ve, more chances. But if tonite too tired, tmr morn still in time? Is Watson stick cheaper than cb stick?
Hi, i'm new here.. I'm also ttc-ing for the #1.. =)

I used the watson brand ovulating kit, i saw a light line on the T zone, of course the C zone always have line de.. Tot that i was ovulating but however when i see the instruction, it says is -tive... So wondering is it really -tive or am i really ovulating?

I'm those with very irregular menses thus very difficult to track. =)

So need advise from all MTBs.. =D
Gingerbreader- den Watson brand is much affordable. Is it easy to read like cb?

Welcome baby. Have u been ttc for long?
Coyote> yeah. Quite essy to read. Cause e instructions says even if faint line is also a -ve. When i got +ve, it was a immediate bold line.

Baby> its negative. I get the faint line since cd 9. When its +ve, its 2 obvious bold lines. Try getting the cb monitor, or the cb smiley face. Its much easier. Thou e watsons one i tink is easy too.

But i wld much advise on the monitor. Im switching to the monitor nex mth!!
<font color="0000ff">Amy, my af also Mia. Lol! So sianz!!! But no af also can ovulate... My frn had 2 kis without having af. -.-"

Hmmm, faint line on opk means negative... Only when test line on opk strip is same colour as control line or darker then it's positive wor... I remember lynzi mentioned before all of us have LH all the time. Just that when goin to O, there will be a surge which is when you will get positive... So faint line for opk is negative... But faint line for hpt is positive. Hee.

Gingerbreadger, wow must whack! If can, tmr n day after also whack! Cover all the bases to make sure. Hee! </font>
Hi coyote, ginger &amp; siu ping,

I've jus done my traditional excatly 3 weeks ago and have been ttc-ing 1 month before my wedding so it nearly 2 months of ttc-ing.

For last month and this month, my menses seems to be quite accurate but quantity are very less. I've been to gynea @ Sunplaza, Dr Lawrence Ang. He did an ultrascan and it was fine. I had taken 3 cycle of Clomid but yet to start as it need to start taking on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle.

So currently, i'm hoping to test +tive for ovulating for this cycle. Haiz..

I do have the CB smileyface but still have some left over from the watson Ovulating kit so use finish le then use CB smileyface. BUT, sometimes i really cant bear to use it cuz it is VERY very very expensive la.. haa.. Xin Tong to use it when end time after use it showed a "O" haa..

Miss Candy,
So if i'm using kit it is consider as negative?
Only strips is will be consider as positive?

Hi Joanne,
I'm too new here.. ttc-ing for my #1 too... =D
<font color="0000ff">baby, kit or strips, same thing. Faint line is negative. Has to b dark line. But some say not accurate. Sigh. </font>
Missycandy!! Canot today n tml la.. Wait i must put my hubs on wheelchair.. Coz legs too soft.. Haha coz we v ks. We've been bd- ing alternate days since cd9. Then cd 20, 21, 22 consecutive days. Tink today will close shop leow.. Wait he got internal injury.. Haha
Gingerbreader- that's a lot of BD-ing hahaha. Tks for the Watson review, I will check it out frm the store. Hope to save a bit using on early CD.

Welcome Joanne.
<font color="0000ff">lol!!!! Wow! Like rabbits . Lol! If you can, whack one more time. Becos u still have smiley. Usually after seeing smiley, means u will o btwn 12-36hrs... So maybe u bd too early. Lol... So now do alt day? Then nxt mth u graduate Liao then can relax... Don't need bd so much for the next yr.. Lol!</font>
Good morning ladies..

Have not been feeling too well since last night.
this weekend will be stay at home and rest le..
Starrie>> LS, heartburn and giddy spell. I guess I have indigestion...
now LS control, still have slight heartburn and giddy spell. If still persist will go see doctor this evening.
Welcome baby &amp; Joanne..
Hi ladies! I m having mother of all headaches..tried to control myself from taking panadol but cannot take it so I just took one.Wah u all talking about BD.. I m going to kill the nurse who told my hubby cannot BD now..I certainly dun feel preggy n I bet the uterus lining thick cos AF coming.. But Dh dun believe. Haiz!
HappyGoLucky>> lol.. I am only dpo2 today.. Still far far way to go. Anyway, me also having headache and slight giddy. I guess weather too warm for me le. Need to drink plenty of water.
Today is a moody day for me auntie visit me lo... Anyone with dr Chen qiu Mei? I just started having treatment with her... Hope can get good news soon... My hubby troops not good so still under treatment with Chen qiu Mei... Ttc for 3 years lo
