(2012) TTC Christian Mummies

Happiness and jo, i may need more faith in god.ya we ve gone for the test. we can conceive with chomid. but then i wont be able to tell when is e window period. pray for more trust and faith in lord.

Hi All,

Praise to the lord for this thread foe me to vent my frustration n sorrow in my journey to Motherhood n of cos to hear more of God's words.

I'm into Christianity not long n I do not have a church to go to n my HB is not a believer hence is not easy at times. All I can do is to pray to God to touch his heart with his love for him.

I hv been ttcing for almost 3yrs, went throu IUI, IVF, but fail. N both of us are exhausted with all these ttcing. We intend to go for FET when my Aug menses is here. I'm taking it more lightly nw cos ultimately is God that implant n not by my own effort or what my natural circumstances is. I can only pray for God's blessings. But I'm sad that me n HB no longer hv that intimatacy n I wonder is there anything wrong with us or does he not love me? I'm actually quite bothered by it. Cos like wat u ladies mention here, we hv to manage our marriage first n automatically God will complete our family but nw I feel we are nt so does it constitute we are not ready for it. I feel kind of lost n sad... Thanks for hearing to out.

God Bless u ladies with a gd week ahead
FaithBB> If you want to help your hb know God, you have to do your part as Christian (go to church)...its not easy for you but trust God will work out if you do what HE want u to do.
If can you join some marriage talk, plan some dating time with hb.
Marriage is more important then having a bb. So, if you want to have good marriage, seek help from Church or counseller.
Al, I appreciate your advice, but my hb oppose me being a Christian so I hv to do everything secretly n I hate it. Seriously I feel so lost at this moment that I even have second thoughts of gg for FET this Aug.
I can only pray for God's guidance...
FaithBB> Will pray for you & your husband to change his heart
one thing I need encourage you, be a strong women in Christ. Know what God's plan for your life, so you won't do secretly...you want stand in the light and make yourself freedom.

In my church, I know some mummies's husband oppose Christian and they have diffliculty to come Church. I'm proud of them that they make a stand for God to come church and they really love God. you know wat, some of their husband from oppose Christian now become Christian because of their wife consistly to come church and be a good wife. Life will influence others to changed.and God will workout for you.
Thxs Al, that's how I feel. My HB will be able to c the change in me n is nt by my effort that I hv changed but by God's grace. I will wan to influence him n be a testimony, bringing glory n honor to God!
welcome! thanks for sharing on e book, will check out library see if they carry... now have been borrowing books from e library, quite gd... do u ladies noe can reserve a book (even 1 from other branches) for $1.55?

as for seeking medical help, i personally feel it's okie... we all see doc when not feeling well rite? but then again, it's up to ur own conviction... some ppl do feel strongly against it... u mentioned tat u'll feel more at peace if u go? then go lah!

welcome and congrats!

welcome too!
yah, i see my hb sometimes when stressed oso display gastritis symptoms... pls do take care and try to let go of wat is happening at work... i noe not easy, but ur health is more impt...

so how's e interview?

ok mah, at least ur hb still keen... it's juz tat his take on e whole issue is different from u... precisely becos u dunno when ur ovulation is, tat's why he doesn't wan u to fret i think... but God noes! He is able to cause u to ovulate when u both have e desire to make luv, so trust God for His perfect timing okie?
welcome! actually, i'm amazed at ur faith in our Lord... considering u are a young Christian... u noe wat, God sees ur heart!

dun worry abt whether ur family is considered ready or not for u to be blessed wif a bb... for now, play ur part in bringing forth a child... if u feel like going for fet, go... dun be overly concerned abt ur readiness... in His timing, He will bless u wif a child... and all things will work for ur gd!

as for ur r/s wif hb when comes to going church, i would advise doing it wif peace... watever it is, dun quarrel over it... i am not asking u to give in to him if he doesn't wan u to go... but u can tell him calmly tat u are going, no matter wat... cos i agree wif al tat when u are a living testimony of how God has impacted ur life positively, he will come to see tat... oso, noe tat ur hb is oreidi saved... cos u are saved! e manifestation of him coming to e Lord will happen later, juz keep believing...

anyway, do pm if u need someone to tok to okie? i can be ur sms pal, haha...
*hugs* everyone !!! wah so much to read - didnt log in as i was down w a cough and a bit flu.

Blessing to all in HIS Almighty name.

H&B hope yr job interview came thru.
and speedy recovery from the gastric.

ComingC: I am today 15wks
Praise the lord for prompting me to post in this thread, n to kn u Sis in Christ. I can get to hear more of God's words n get to know lord more with each day. Amen :D

Coming Champ, thxs for ur kind words n encouragement. I can only trust God to turn around my situation cos he is a stubborn person m my in laws are stouchy buddhists n I kn it will brew into a big arguement talking abt religion. I feel
Sad n get so weary in life but can only lean on God cos he will not forsake me. Is really not easy n I'm learning to.

Dun wan spoil this beautiful Wed morning with my sorrows. Congrats to all MTB, I guess it is such a wonderful sight to c ur bb throu scan n a joy to carry them I'm ur arms aft 9mths. We will all get there surely!
Dear all "HUG HUG"

Ya, after reading this thread I feel need make myself closer to God...have repent ha. I know after got #2 MS all this become my reason lazy to read HIS word...repent

FaithBB> want to share this verses to u
Psalm 130:5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

happiness& bliss> any good news? do take care your body
Hi FaithBB : My hb is a non-believer too. To add to my sorrow, i stay with MIL who is a believer in "deities". N make my hb follow her around praying to some kind of deities. Well, before my wedding or rather when in BG R/S, I make it clear to my hb that I will not "Force" him to be a Christian. For I would rather he believe in God willingly. Cos for me, what's the point if i force him to be a christian and he will always be a "Christian in name" and not a believer?
But then I also have to tell myself very firmly that I will not be yield by non-believer. My hb and MIL knows of my stand, so if they pray, they will seperate out my food portion and set it aside before they do prayers etc. From the little things they do, they do respect my "religion". But one thing I have to tell you, never belittle other' religion or say anything negative about other religion. This is a vicious cycle and that's how "religious war" start. This is what the devil wants.
I am not attending church too after i deliver my girl. Because if i go church on Sunday, i have no one to take care of my girl. My hb do not allow me to deposit her at Sunday School. So I am praying to God for solution and for some acceptance from hubby.
And you know what, God did answer to my prayers in HIS way. I could not enrol my girl into other pre-school near our area cos of long waitlist. BUT, there is a spot in Fairfield Methodist Pre-School when i call. I told my hb, no choice only this sch has place. And so, my girl will be attending Church kindergarden coming year 2013

God will not forsake you just because you do not attend Church. Do speak to HIM just like you to to your Father. HE is our FATHER in heaven and he knows about our difficult spot.
But always remember, DO NOT be ashame of HIM, for if you are ashame of HIM.. HE will also be ashame of you!

Cheer up FaithBB! Things will work out. Pray for an answer and solution and free yr heart to receive HIS divine solution for you.

Sorry for the long winded post! I better stop before it gets too long :p
Al : sadly no news lei. Haiz.... go for so many interviews but always end up no news. I only take into consolation that God probably feels that these are not "my cup of tea". But hor, go interviews and kena rejected so many times hor i start to be very weary alr. Sad...sad...
Happiness&Bliss> dont give up! find out what the reason they reject...
i know most company they look at yr job scope suite their post or not. from here u have to 下功夫
U know my husband looking for job from Feb till June still cannot get.... end up a company totally dif line with his experience offer him. yes, believe God one day u will get new job.
Al : thanks for the encouragement
I have spoken to my boss last friday about my added on responsibilities to my alr very heavy portfolio. I told him i could not cope. Well, as expected he is very unhappy with me.
Before I spoke to him, i alr prepared myself for the negative reaction from my boss.
But then I also am not happy here so am urgently and desperately looking for job.
Before this director, I was serving another director. The previous director was very easy. This new director is a indian national and his style is so different from us. And although he says he does not want to micro-manage, he actually does that.
And he will just change my jobscope as and when he sees deem fit, or as and when he likes. Can't work with him. And to him, those who work OT till late nite is "HARDWORKING" and those who goes back on the dot is "not productive". C'mom, I have a life and I have a family that I need to go home to.
So now you know my desperation! Haiz...
God please help me!
faith as small as a mustard seed is enuff to move mountains!

gd for u, congrats again!

yup, it's not easy... but our Lord is wif u to help u!

i remember my mum was not a believer many yrs back... e nite before i got baptised, she was very very upset wif me... all kinds of things were being said, mostly by her... and she threatened to commit suicide... she felt tat God has stolen her daughter away from her... but a few yrs down e rd, i invited her to church 1 day... tat day, she took e holy communion even though it's for believers... i din stop her, cos i noe her heart is open liao... on mother's day tat yr, she accepted Christ!

so continue to press on yah?

hehe, gd to be tired then leave everything to God... then when He works, u noe without a doubt it's Him!
Praise the Lor Priase the Lord !!!

hi hi good morning everyone - Just got call from clinic - Triple x blood test result - for my age 1% risk, my results were 1/3 of the 1% risk so my gynae say dont think need to do amnio test ! YESH!!!!!

Amen - To God be the Glory!
Am I emo or getting to sensitive?
I've a v gd fren, she learnt abt my pregnancy & was showing a lot of concern which I appreciate. But kept taking me to compare when she was preg & even w her mc! Knew she had a hard time when preg w her gal.
But when she knew that my in laws & parents knew abt my preg she exclaimed. Wah! I tell so many ppl. When she actually told her mum?!
Everyday she will tell me where got BB fair I'll say expo too far sianz don't want go. Latest was a fair in town & responded that ok leh. Maybe can pop by. She told me. Hey too early too see la
My mood is gg on a roller coaster! Am I too sensitive?
I've my cramps to cope w & y is she doing this to me?
comingC: PTL for yr mum to accept Christ

H&B : Jia you - on job search - TRUST HIM to provide.

Jo - wow an over zealous friend.... if she is a really a good friend - i think it's ok to ask her for some space/breather.
Tks skies !

Hey mamas - I went and got the book - Supernatural Childbirth - and cant seems to put it down. it's very encouraging for TTC , during pregnancy and birth.

Those who read / reading hope you share the same thoughts as me
praise e name of Jesus!

how abt putting it across to her jokingly? like she mentioned mc, then u say "choy choy, dun curse me leh..." then laugh it off? or too early to see, u say "am excited leh, u dun wanna go wif me ah?"

i dun think she did it intentionally, but i must tell u tat women's mind sometimes a bit crooked... like when i heard abt my hb's fren's pregnancy (she is due abt e time my bb was due), i was actually a bit angry... i am happy for them, yet upset at e same time... i din wanna meet them, but dunno how to tell hb tat my xin li bu zheng chang... so i juz said i din feel like it... now tat i got over it, i am better abt to face them...

then another fren of mine actually commented when she heard abt my ectopic, "at least it proves tat u can conceive"... wah, wat kind of consolation is tat? but i noe she din mean it negatively, so juz let it go lor...

so, wat i wanna say is... she probably din mean it... maybe juz at tat moment, she was being insensitive...
Good morning all - TGIF

Christian ladies - We Are REMEEDED

Mark 11:23,24

23 “Truly[a] I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


Morning all. TGIF!

Thanks for all ur encouragement n inspiring story. I know I can rely on God to route out my way hence I'm not worried but anxious for this day to happen!

Hq, praise the lord for ur gd report!

Jo, I think woman get more emo when they preg cos of the hormones hence u are 'normsl' but I dun think she got any ill intention but some jus dun kn how to phrase it in a gd way. She is jus those blunt person. Be happy cos u are different fr her as ur bb is protected by god unharmed till ur delivery!

My hb's frenz even worse. They keep urging us to hv bb. Show the kid to me n say bb nt cute meh? Faster go hv one. N they can even say is it my hb cannot that's y I'm not preg. So hurt! Wish god can punish him. N he even so boastful that he plan which mth he wan try so that the bb will be born in the mth he wanted. Even thou is nt the mth he planned but his wife is preg n gotten a son. I admit I hv some evil
thoughts but I try to get rid of that. Cos I kn Father in heaven will nt want me to behave that way, he has so much grace that whoever come to him will be forgiven n love by him. Anyway God will judge and he will provide me more than
I can imagine.
Good morning all, TGIF

My tummy getting bigger, if wear maternity cloth seem like too big for me, but totaly cannot wear others cloths liao. ppl tot i'm pregnance 5 months
look so big meh.

H&B> Last time i'm in logistics line, a new Director also a indian nationality...everyday hear he scolding ppl on the phone, looks so fears. but you know what, after few months our Logistics president sack him away (say it's retrench la). a new Director is Chinese looks better.
FaithBB : That time when i was preg and knew that i was expecting a gal. My cousin in law says "eh, most of my frd all preg with boys. Now many people preg with boys". I reply politely "to me this is my 1st child so boy or girl is fine. So long as she is healthy that is most important".
Then everytime she visit she will say who and who preg with boy... her col preg with boy etc etc... Until my MIL fed up ask her, "eh then y dun u go try a bb yrself. Better still if u also get boy, then IT's VERY GD u knw".
Well, she just deliver her baby last Dec. AND........ it's a GIRL!!!!! Now she comes visit she also nvr talk so much liao...
Some people are just very insensitive. Well, what goes around comes around. Try not to take it to heart.

Al : the thing is, my indian boss is in a very Positive Position with my Big Bosses now! So retrenchment ar, hmmm probably I will be retrench 1st ba!
H&B, I kn wat u trying to drive to me. But is difficult especially we hv tried so long n even went throu IVF but still at ground level. Only God kn how desperate I'm to hv one cos me n my
Hb lv kids n I alr map out so much things to do with them. N seems that surrounding friends all hv kids n all so fertile that they undergo surgery aft that so as to stop production.
I undergo so many treatment n eat such stuff but still like this hence I can only say is God's will n timing. Can only pray for my coming FET.

I learn to view things in life fr a different perspective nw n tend to be grateful to God for small things in life.
FaithBB : anxiety will not do you any good! It's difficult to conceive when u r in tense mode.
U know after my MC, I have people who tell me "aiya because u nvr take care of yrself" or "must be u la, take wrong things" etc etc.Sometimes remarks from these insensitive people are really hard to swallow. But you just have to take it in stride.
I have to face my frds who are super fertile and was preg one after another. While I am coping with my MC. Haiz.... but then again life goes on. When HE wans to bless u with one, it's in HIS timing. Even anxious also no use.
I only got my girl 1yr plus after my MC lei.
Cheer up gal! Treasure yr "twosome" time. Cos once baby comes along, there goes your "tian mi mi" time with hubby.

I know it's tough girl, but really cheer up! Once u r in a relax mood, u will nvr knw wht kind of blessings u will get from HIM.
Hi ladies thanks for e encouragement.

Let us place our faith in God & trust in
Think I'm esp emo when my fren told her mom
& exclaimed why I told so many ppl after knowing I've let my mom know too. I was just thinking hello which mom is more impt here. Lol. Guess after bring preggy starting to miss my mom a lot. So esp touchy abt it.

Fren a Christian too & we prayed for her BB during her preg that's y can't understand but u gals r right maybe she has mixed feelings. But never any bad intent!

Cramps was bad early this wk add to moody.
Tml is the check up. Pray everything's fine.
Hi ladies,

If you are considering to purchase OPK/ HPT, Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, Clearblue Digital OPK/ HPT, basal thermometers, and TTC supplements, do check out http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

Ladies who have irregular menses, do consider supplements to help to regulate your menses cycle and also improve your ovulation!

Recently, Jacelyn Tay (ex Mediacorp Actress) shared one of her success tips in conceiving easily is drinking organic raspberry tea that improves the health of her womb. Do try out this tea which is now available at Baby Dust Shop.

PS: One of the partners of Baby Dust Shop is now pregnant and all products are now sprinkled with tons of sticky babydust (for good luck)!
Hello everyone Blessed Weekend.

FaithBB : dont care what pp say - important is you Believe and Expect God will bless you! Believe in HIS timing too. Dont too stress out -have a mini holiday to get away.

H&B : Pray that your boss will have a change of heart toward preggy mum - nicer lahhh.
Also pray for God to open windows and doors for you for new job oppty one that is family friendly and will even accpet preggy mum employment.

Jo: Rest well and let us know how your check up- Trust that our Lord will keep both mum & babe - all in good hands.

AL: congrats on growth, get comfortable wear loose fitting clothes give bb space to grow too

Just wanna share that the devil is very real to steal our mind esp that, recently I want to beef up my relationship with God and of course being engaged chatting on this forum is very encouraging, however I feel that the bad one keeps trying to put bad thoughts in my head esp fear. I hate it! Really have to pray hard each day for protection and covering for ourseleves, our babies inside and our families.

ladies Keep it up, God hears our petition.
Hi ladies, hahaa just a little of BB hb not clear enough cos forgot to fill bladder. Gotta go back next wk.
Not clear but I'm happy enough. Thank God
Faithb, we are in the similiar siuation. i am trying to tcc as well.brok down yest when isaw my period coming. at some point i started to think twice about god and being a Christian. cos my nun compare of and brother who is a hard core Buddhist .my sis in law conceive her child easily . Then i tell my husband to pray for of to wall closer to god instead of pushing me away from him . now i started to take it easy . it is god planning . but sometimes it is not the time.
hq : Thanks... but I am not preggy yet lei... hhahaha no la, honestly I have not been trying. Hahaha... I have to find a new job and make sure things work out then try. Then also have to make sure I have someone to take care of #2 etc etc....

Tweety : I understand how u feel. Cos when i had my MC I was depressed. Then I see my frd who is buddist and they got preg easily, and they simply breeze thru their preg. But for me, I trusted GOD, why did HE allow me to MC etc... I had so many questions on my mind that time...
But, pls do not DISTRUST God. He had everything happen for a reason. Although people told me bad things happen is by devil.. then i will qns then why did HE allow what devil did to me???

But as time went by, I realise I was in no position to take care of my baby that time. My health was no good, I was travelling extensively due to my work etc

When I was preg again a yr later, I had it easy. My womb was strong enough, I was in better health. I got a job that do not require me to travel (thou i do work late on and off) and my girl progresses quite well in my womb. Altough i did get morning sickness for the whole 9 months. But I was grateful.

My point is, it is GOD's timing. When HE decides it's time, you will HAVE IT. And then you need not worry about anything else... Cos all will be plan by HIM and all will be well.

So I would rather wait for him to decide it's time. I hope you know what i mean.
In the meantime, try to occupy yrself with some Christians books on pregnancy and childbirth etc. So that you are better prepared when you find yourself preg!
And pray for your health, your womb and your hb's health and troops etc... I did that too...

Cheer up dear!
dear all,
remember <font color="0000ff">GOD IS FAITHFUL</font> He will provide a way out of all the situations you are in... stay renewed in His presence...

I am very thankful... been trying to accept the fact that i got to let go of my dog... GOD has provided for a good family to take over my dog... <font color="0000ff">GOD will provide</font>

God has been very gracious to me through out these time... He've been my comforter, my shelter...

lean on HIM and let HIM carry you through...
Happines&amp;bliss, I fully agree with u.

Everything happens for a reason n sometimes we just can't use our human reasoning to reason things out. Ytdy I was listening to this service n it jus boost my Faith towards God! We must always remember that Lord Jesus has bore ALL our sins, pain, sickness in OUR plc, so we are nw free, healthy and prosper in all aspects of our life. As we are nw in Christ, we can request from our Heavenly Father anything in the name of Jesus and we will be granted to us. God fulfil ALL his promises to us! Don't look at our own circumstances or wat the medical report says, cos God has the final say! God says we are all made fruitful n will multiply in abundance so we will! We must not doubt but hv faith in God!

The service share with us this pastor whom have been trying for 7yrs for children but to no avail but he still holds on to God's words n nw they are blessed with 4 children n can't seems to stop nw.

I kn for some of us our journey to Motherhood is not easy but we will get there cos God says so n look up to the cross when we fear, when we waver in our Faith at times. I'm still learning n sharing to gear up all of us that God Loves us n is Faithful to us!
This is from adevotion, msg for today:

God Has A Plan

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Genesis 37 tells the story of Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers. At that time, I'm sure it didn't look to Joseph like God had a plan -- at least not one that was good for him.

Joseph surely thought what many of us have, "Why did you let this happen to me, God?"

No doubt things looked clearer to Joseph later on when he was ruling Egypt and was able to save his entire family from starvation. (Genesis 45-50)

Often life may seem confusing and out-of-control. But don't despair. God has a plan for you which He is working out. If you could only see the end He has in mind for you -- you would begin to rejoice and thank God right now. (Hint, hint.)

SAY THIS: God has a plan for me, and I will trust Him to work everything out in my life.
my pastor always uses tis analogy... if a hunter went shooting, 1 bird died and 1 bird is wounded... which will he go for? definitely e wounded, cos e dead cannot fly away anymore... but there's still a chance for e wounded to get away... so likewise, there is no reason for e devil to attack those who are dead spiritually... but those who are spiritually alive, cos he hates us and hates e fact tat he has oreidi been defeated at e cross... he wans us to doubt God so he can have his way in our lives... but fear not, for we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!
Happiness, now i shifted my goal to slimming down . definitely deep down in my heart , i still want to try for baby.
let my mind to be more focus on other things than just baby.
To stop thinking of bb topic for the time being.
Doing things to keep my mind occupied.

Comingchamp, thanks for your sharing. Yes i find that christian faces more challenges than non christian. At the same time, i have seen a lot of christian doing very well and can see that god makes all possible and they are faithfull to god.

I pray hard that god will bless me and add glory in his name soon.
Tweety : wan to slim dwn also must slim dwn heathily hor...
You are still young. No worried u will have your own beautiful baby very soon. B4 even u realise

Raspberry : I also not very good! Haiz.... Last friday draw $50 out from petty cash cos got to take cab to phil embassy ytd. Only to realise the $50 gone ytd when i took out my wallet. Could have drop it when i paid for some stuff over the weekend.
Today go draw $50 from my account to pay back. Super heartpain. But like my hb say "破才消灾". Hopefully its like that lo.
Hey Ladies,

This is off the topic of TTC.

I have a pedicure package at Bishan Junction 8. Left with 4 sessions. I want to let go at $100 neg.

I hardly go there now. As I have shifted after I got married. So don't want the package to go to waste.

If anyone interested pls PM me ok? Price can nego.
