DPW : my husband is not Christian. My husband is buddhist. I'm praying for him everyday, for him to open his heart to GOD.
When i was pregnant I read this book "Supernatural Childbirth" by Jackie Mize.
It's a very very good book. You should read it. It has prayers too to pray during pregnancy, childbirth etc. I re-read the book 3 or 4 times i think.
I was also still reading it in delivery ward while combating with my contractions...
I prayed alot during my labour and true to God Promise, i had a natural birth without epidural.
peapea : like u, I don't go to church often too. I shifted after i married and is quite far away from my old church. Then also like u, i had bad experience at church.
N with the birth of my girl, it's even harder to go church.
But i do my daily prayers, and read up on my bible online. I have to be close to GOD and not allow devil to come and "disturb" me.
Sarah : GOD has all purposes for what we went through. My1st pregnancy ended at almost 12 weeks. I was devastated and question HIM too for what i went thru.
But i realise that with daily prayers and "talks" with HIM, i am able to come to terms on what had happen.
But the Good LORD blessed me with another baby 2 yrs later and I went on to have a very healthy pregnancy and deliver a baby girl of very good weight
For HE promises no Barren women! Have FAITH in HIM!