(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Chris, ya..similac heaty as commented by sil. Enfalac has been e 1st choice on my list of FM.

Btw, for those sis undergo natural delivery, yr wound dwn there pain for hw many days huh ? Mi 5th day le still feel bit pain at e sewn up area n when pee, still got abit of stinging. Izit normal or shld I go see Dr loh despite nex review is in May.

And oso with e wound there, hw u gals poo poo huh ?


she KO the whole afternoon but will wake up for her feeds, so far okie just tat keep sleeping.


is normal to feel pain, as long as its bearable my stitches healed on the 7th day when i went for gynae's appt for review. If you still feel uncomfy then better give dr loh a call in case infection. Just poo as normal, no worries. Take more fibre, drink more liquid and take fruits so tat your stool will be "soft" and easily pass out.
Bbliss relax I hurt for 2 weeks. Did u sit in a tub of hot salt water? That helps

Hazel is belle ok. Cheer up ok, we also dun want to c u so sad. Belle too.
Hazel : I pray all the best for yr little belle..

Btw did anyone researched the axa insurance moms advantage plan? We can't buy right as one of the exclusions say benefit is not payable if it's conceived by artificial insemination.
Dear Vann,
Your post touched me. I'm also eagerly waiting for my miracle to appear in my arms!

Dear Nell,
Laurel is a nice name. Am also thinking of nice names ending with the elle sound.

Dear tzac,
Congrats on a smooth delivery!!!

Dear Hazel,
How is belle now? Be strong ya?
Chris I want to faint already. Elis cried from 8+ to 12.20am. I knew something was not right when i alight from bus after my haircut. Hb turn on the light that we usually dun switch on. True enough I reach home he was carrying elis and tell me to make milk for her. Ok done that was about 9.20pm. Non stop crying. Tried all ways to coax her failed. Called my mum for help told her we will send Elis over. Moment we r in the lift gg to our car she stopped crying. Ok thought can Liao. Terror happened again when we reach home. Pacifier and all sorts of ways dun work. Gave her again milk at 12 midnight still din work. Dun know how she juz stop crying around 1220am. What's wrong with her?? We really dun know!! Now my hb is gg to use my mil method on fri morning. I m gg to Hide elis. Canot use that stupid method. Besides elis has a mini party on fri afternoon. A fren of mine send her wedding invitation to us requesting Elis to attend too. Hb say no scare elis cry so loud embarrass us.
Thanks all for the well wishes.

Hazel, hows belle? Wish everything is ok.

Nell, me not courageous lah as dun dare go natural. Juz hv an injection on tummy for prevention of blood clot. My god!! It hurts. Guess tats diff btw natural n csection haha n i tot i immunr to tummy jabs after so many jabs.

Carherine, do take care n hope elis will pass tis stage soon.
Tzac, actually i admire yr courage to go c section. Though process is quick and fast, I know the pain after that is horrible. I also hope Elis get better. I feel so helpless for her now
Tzac, hw heavy is yr bb

After Vann, myself, kimmy & Tzac, who is nex on labor train

Catherine- my gal is juz few days old n she can already start to cry n cry which I dun noe y esp when it comes to nite time. And I was rather pissed when my CL keep complaining very diff to take care of my gal coz she keeps Lao gai at nite n duringve nite, she doesn't want to sleep n wan to b carry. Well... Said once is enuff but CL can keep repeating n repeatIng e same complain n worst, keep comparing my gal wif other bbs she has taken care of n commented hw easy r e other bbs, nt like my gal so demanding. Argh....

Btw, For those mummies ordering cOnfinement meals, remember to substitute chicken wif pork or fish. Meantime aft delivery fun eat chicken, if wan eat aft e 12th day. Juz sharing wif u wat e old folks n confinement lady been telling mi. Even for dom n chix essence, take aft e 12th day.
Catherine - aft sitting in tub of salt water , do we nid to rinse off wif clean water or juz wipe dry will do ?

Do u oso apply e antiseptic soln aft tat ?

Thx for e advice ya
Congrat Tzac..;) enjoy ur motherhood again..;)

Hi bbliss
Next on the train shd be Ron ba..

Hi hazel
Hope belle is well n will grow up healthily.. Take care of urself well...
Omg. must be very tiring for you n hbs.
How's is ellis now? Does this happen to her most of the time during tat timing? Is it the time she usually go to sleep? Cos sometimes it could be tat she is very tired, however it has passed the "window" period for her to sleep tats why she get very cranky as she can't sleep. Mine last time also like tat cry non-stop...

Mine KO till 5.45pm woke up then start to fuss liao, i carried her up and down for like 10mins, is close to her feeding time but i can't tahan her fussing liao so quickly gave her milk.
Joanne, thanks for well wishes n yes, ron shd b the nxt one.

Ron, when is the big day??

During hospital stay, did u all latch or pump the milk? What abt after discharge? Juz wondering to do both so can stimulate the milk faster.

Bbliss, bb weighs 3.1kg but i find her so small haha she looks so adorable :) how abt urs? Sorry to ask again if u had already posted. How u coping w bb at home? Aiyo ur CL so many complaints but tot tats her job???
Chris, sigh... Been bearing wif her complaints n case studies reviews these few days.

Juz nw complained again, saying my gal dun sleep at nite n fuss make until her headache. She said she got high blood n nt enuff sleep so headache nw. Sigh... Wat can I do...
Bbliss, your CL sound irritating! I will tell her off man! Its her job, she is paid to deal with babies no matter how hard or tiring, like that keep complaining as if will make things matter. And she is supposed to help you, not stress you. You must be so sad hearing all these from her.

Hazel, hope Belle is ok. Stay strong.

wow your CL sounds very much like my ex CL le. But my ex CL daren't complain upright infront of me only if i asked her for updates of clariss during the nite. Cos she pantang daren't comment infront bad things infront of bb. My CL also got high blood tats why the nights where my gal dun wanna sleep she panda eyes.

Just bare with it..no choice lor u able to get help from elsewhere? Some people are like tat juz very open with their comments and like to "complain" but if all else is okie with her, like she good to your gal, cooking alright then just tong for a while.
my gal is starting to show her true colors...she grunts all night...is this normal...and she has this ferocious appetite and drinks so quickly...

bbliss...I'm also giving her enflalac...not enough breast milk...feel like giving up on breast milk

kimmy...how r u?


I think I am gonna have a tough time when hubby returns to work..plus no confinement lady...seriously i couldn't get one...how did you gals manage to get a confinement lady?
Hi Tzac,

are you wearing a binder huh? it helps in the pain relief from my fren.

wow Bbliss, your CL is a negative person leh. yeah think you know what to do when she receive her second ang bao.

oh yes, what is the market rate for the 2 hong baos huh? i am tinking abt the delivery of full month cakes. yeah think keep it simple is good cos i tink is quite stressful to go around singapore distributing the cakes cos luckily my families they are not so particular on all these tins lor.

does any AKK shop deliver ang kuek kuahs one huh? might jus keep it simple with invitation to full month party cos i afraid with separate delivery of the full month cakes, people might tot you are asking for hong bao twice ....hmmhmm sensitive ......
how do you all resolve this distribution of cakes huh?do you all give cake vouchers to collegues or cakes to collegues huh? hrd bengawan solo is no longer halai leh...so cannot buy for malay collegues leh...
Congrats Tzac, hope the breast milk and latching will be a success soon

Ron, we'll be rooting for you next, take good care meanwhile.

Hi Sashamama, thanks for your advice. Dr Loh gave me 2 inserts and after 1 insert, the itch was not noticeable, much better than GP's insert indeed. Dr Loh also prescribed a wash. I'm changing my panty liner about 3 times a day now and staying outta heat too, hope it will not come visiting again. Btw Dr Loh was nice to only charge me for the medication, minus the $68 consultation fee, I'm indeed very surprised

thank you very much for sharing with me the baby sleeping arrangement. definitely useful to me.

yo, after seeing Bbliss commenting to say milk havent come, really makes me wonder whether one should continue to use breastpump to pump even if no milk huh? havent attend WBB's class on this yet so no chance to ask her too. cos some say buy the breastpump after you give birth. but if can buy before birth to help relieve stress, i tot is better tooo...
Hi Hazel,

do you wan to seek 2nd opinion for Belle huh? cos i remembered my sis in law also went to seek second opinion from pte first to confirm whether is the surgery required. take good care and belle will defintely be all right.
Nell, Catherine

I was just telling my buddy dunnoe why clariss this few days keep KO, the time she awake is like 10-20mins then she fuss cos wanna go bk to meet "Zhou gong" liao... quite stress especially when my in-laws keep telling me to play and talk to her often, and sil saying tat i should put her on tummy up exercise daily for 5-10mins to strengthen her neck muscles cos she did it daily when her gal 2mths old, and she commented tat now her gal able to roll over liao. hahaha mil told me muz have patience with bb and can't be lazy..how to when clariss KO after her feed..hahaa
And at times, if i talk or play with her after her short "window" period she'll hint hint me by starting to cry liao then i got to pat her to sleep or leave her alone to go sleep, if not jia lak ah..once she can't go bk to sleep she'll cry cry cry....
tzac - CONGRATS!! she's nice size. How are u recovering? I'm going in for c-sec too but date is not confirmed, as bb is breeched. *fear!* hahaha.

j03/tromso - Thanks - hoping all will go well. Am chilling away before the sleepless nights & baby havoc starts.. hehe..
Surgeon is not convinced belle has hernia after she checked. The lump did not protrude when she checked. (the lump came out again last night When She waa crying Fiercely. After she calmed Down, cant See anymore.)

Surgeon pressed n pressed also not convinced. She also commented that her abdomen is distended due to lots of gas/wind. She gave rid wind drops. She wants belle to do an x ray n ultrasound later this wk to confirm if there is a hernia n to check of they r any reasons why she has so much gas. Will see her again next wk to review the results.

Clariss KO after her bath again, seems like a daily routine for her, she pees on me every time i bath her, cries when i dress her after bath. Today she cries again when i dress her, i ignored her and continued then suddenly she stopped and looked at me. everyday different pattern.
i juz bought mothercare bodysuits 6-9 mths for clariss and she can wear just a bit loose at the tummy area. faintz.... she has long legs and body jus like hbs just tat she not a ba ba baby lor. some babies very cute, ba ba like sumo wrestler.
Congrats to Tzac.

Hazel, hope belle will recover soon and doesn't need any surgery. Good to get a second opinion.
My friend's bb gal had hernia last time too at the groin and she really had to go for surgery. So difficult to imagine when the bb s stil so small.
Bbliss sack yr cl. I hate ppl who complain about my bb or use health reason as an excuse not to do things

Vann, I bought insurance for Elis already one health one endowment and the life policy I m gg to call prudential to convert
For inguidal hernia, a surgery is necessary. Delay will only increase risk of entanglement n create more issues. Umbilical hernia then can wait & see it it goes away.
Chris, we start to pat elis to bed around 8. She will open eyes big big till 11+. Yesterday is ultimate 12+. She juz boo at me. Now after feed she wants to b carried for 1 hr.

Vann, elis drinks v fast too. Dun worry my cousin aunty who is a doc says bb who drink fast had v gd stamina. Told u dun say too early. Yr rash gone? Hmmm when yr hb goes back to work u will b like me. Do things v v fast type.

Sunbelle, the akk shop does not do delivery . My Malay fren Told me bengawan solo is halal that's y I buy for her. K I double check again with her later

Chris, really wish elis ko fast then I can do more things. Today must order food for her fri party. If I keep carrying her sure to miss deadline today
Tzac, congrats!

Hazel, hope everything works out fine for belle. If *touchwood* a surgery is necessary, then it is only for the best interest of baby to go through it. Just to share that I had to undergo a particular surgery when I was a very small baby and my mum told me she felt so heartpain and cried so much then. Seriously i have no recollection of the event or pain at all and I am eternally grateful to my mum to insist on sending me to the operation at that young age; else delay would have caused a lifetime regret.
Hazel - good the surgeon has positive news.

Chris_baby - hahaha, ya man. Last chance to hang out w some gfs before changing career to become baby's PA cum poo cleaner
Heartbeats, replying you..

There was a day last week that I felt I almost blackout too! Even when I was lying on my bed, I felt my head spinning, it was scary indeed! Luckily this got better the next day.

I am wondering if you wanna consider taking an tai yao? I feel less nauseous and can eat & sleep better after taking it. If you still prefer to check with dr Loh first, then try to check with him soon or email him?

Actually, I think that my bb is absorbing more than I can consume as despite me eating pretty well I am losing weight and feeling tired all the time. Dr Zou said it's a good thing that baby is absorbing well but I need to be careful of anemia.

Not sure if my bump is showing or my tummy is bloated. But I can't fit in most of my bottoms already. Last Fri, Bbjourney and I went to shop for maternity clothes, so happy!
When you are more stable, let's meet up too?

I don't intend to disclose to my colleagues until I pass 20 wks. I guess I can do that as I am still on unpaid leave for a few more months and I will just not meet up with them for the time being. :p If you are not comfortable announcing yet, then don't as you are not obliged to tell them. Just say a white lie..say getting fat (if u don't mind)..Lolx!
Thanks again for wishes.

Ron, so far so gd as yet to get down to walk as still waiting for gynae to come n check b4 removing urine tube. Feel very slight pain when sit up but still ok lah. The injection for op osso not tat pain as my first time. Seem like its different i jection as 1st is emergency csec but tis time is scheduled.

Hazel, agree tat it will b gd to seek 2nd opinion. Hope everything will b well for belle ..
Hazel, seek a 2nd opinion if need be. My nephew have the same problem but he is growing up well without surgery. He is doing his final year Uni now. So, don't worry n stress yourself too much. Also, seek a 2nd opinion if need be.

Chris, my baby also KO easily these few days. She is still drink 1 breast and she can sleep thru n have her next fees 4-5hrs later. So, she is having only 5-6 feeds a day now. I quite worried but my hb say never mind. Cos poo n pee normal. Hb go meeting this morning, i put her in carrier go Central take some street photo, havent been holding camera after i have her, so need to see whether i can manage a heavy camera n a baby. Gave up after 1hr, 5.5kg in front, 2kg backpack n 1kg camera. Then i brought her go H&M shopping for her clothes. Bought few top n shorts cos realized she don't look pretty in dresses cos v tomboy ah. She sleep through. Wake for feed when I m at the restaurant having lunch. Now KO again. I m at the bank drawing yen for tomorrow. Taking 8am flight to Osaka. So got to wait up really early of maybe no sleep.

Catherine, baby pattern change so no sweat soon she will be like Clariss n laurel, KO like no body business
Neil, till now I have not shower, read my papers or have my morning tea. I m juz holding her. She pee on the floor I juz use her soiled clothes to wipe. My living room plant fell cos strong wind I dun have time to clean up. Y is she so cranky today? I swallowed down my lunch in 5 mins. Juz v big mouth eat. I still got laundry undone, food for fri party not ordered. now she is in my arms if I put her down means no end tonight . I really hope tomorrow she will behave like laurel or clariss
Chris, I made a decision this morning to stop breastfeeding. I can't cope. Elis needs to b carried or attention needs to b given to her. I have to handle daily housework though not many and most importantly i need rest! I have not slept well for at least 2 mths. B4 I delivered till now. I m surviving on 2-5 hrs sleep daily. I m gg weaker by the day. I will go to my gp to get the prescription to buy the med. though Nadia ask me not to take the pills but I can't spend another 2+ weeks putting cold cabbage and stop it. I need to rest if not touch wood what if i faint at home or drop Elis?
Catherine, Belle is like Elis. So, fr late morning till evening, she is with my parents so that I can do some housework n catch up with my sleep.. But still I feel really tired... My maid is coming next wk. also is my mum who helps me with packing yesterday when we brought belle to KKH. I really hv no energy & time. I just took an hr nap.. But still feel v v tired.. Thinking I will KO soon again...

Hi Hope! Welcome here!

Bbjourney, instead of a Doppler, I am considering a fetal stethoscope which is cheaper and safe to use frequently.
