(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Hazel,

How's your gal? Do u get to bath/ change diapers etc for her? or your CL handles them? My CL keep ask me to rest and seldom let me handle ah...esp feeding she does it and says bb sick now better she feed then keep ask me go rest ah. Then my in-laws and sil keep asked me whether have i hands on etc and told me that i got to hands on fast cos if not CL left liao just me alone at home with bb ah etc...And in-law keep asking me whether i got carry or feed my bb etc cos if not bb not close to me..aiyoyo stress le...i already headache with breastfeeding liao.... And my mil keep asking me if i got alot of milkflow or not and keep say her fren's daughter got alot to stall in fridge etc..blah..blah..blah... Aiyoyoyo beitahan ah!!!

Hi Chris,
I am in my 4th mth Liao. This fri going for scan & follow up. I am worry.... Btw at 4th mth is tummy suppose to feel hard??? I feel hard after food. At my assistant just MIA and I am all alone. Feel so stress up. If a mum feel stress will bb feel the same?
Hi Faithfully,

Is normal to feel the way u do now cos during preggy, our emotions are heightened cos of our hormones changes. bb will feel and know tat mummy is stress. Try to find someone to talk too, like your hbs, family members and frens to relieve the pent up feelings. Relax, eat and do something that you like to keep your mood up. At 4th mth tummy might not feel hard as different people varies. Like mine, my colleagues start to notice i preggy only at 6mths.
Hi hazel, can I ask e pre admission is for wat purpose huh ? To book dr loh n e type of bed or ? Is there some form of delivery package we can sign now or wat coz over 30 wks Liao.

Hi Hazel,

Do you get up in the middle of the nite to pump? Cos my colleague who gave birth 2wks after me does tat. I told her abt my engorgement issues and she said for her, her milkflow is alot so she needs to express out at least every 4hrs, she tried before to express after 5hrs and it was pretty painful for her. So she set her alarm clock to wake herself up to pump, like 9pm, 1am, 5am then 9am. She does this faithfully every 4hrs. So last nite, after my last pump at 9.00pm+, i tried to wake up at 1am++ to pump, to relieve engorgement and it works at least when morning i don't feel tat pain and engorged. She told me not to worry about the flow, whether have or not just pump like 3-4hrs to relieve.
Hi Chrisl, nice for your sis to be visiting in March
I'm sure you'll both have great time catching up. Btw, bird nests is about $130 to $200 per 38.7g (一两), depending on if preference is birds living in caves or birds living in man-made facilities. I've been told the nutritious values are tha same. But for the man made facilities ones, best to get those without 加功. Try not to get China ones too especially after the recent bleaching saga. Many shops here carry bird nests fr Indonesia.

For Clarins, sometimes can get 20% off if purchase fr say Metro or Robinsons etc, otherwise there is this shop in Chinatown that sells skincare products at 20% off too, very established shop.

How's your ms now? Getting any better?

Other day, my cousin in law was telling us about her milk blocked duct that troubled for her days because it was located underneath her armpit, she didn't check there. She says it's worse then labour pain
didn't know anything can beat labour pain, now, something else to look out for...lol...
Hi Faithfully, I also noticed my tummy also felt harder after food, hmm...I thought its normal. Can also see the lower abdominal is starting to merge with upper abdominal now, quite exciting change
Chris, other than bottle feeding and bathing bb, the rest I will do. 1 wk before CL goes back I will hv to take over the bottle feeding coz belle may recognize the Person who feed her.. I m not feeding her now coz she drinks too slowly..

Bbliss, the pre admission form is for booking the no of bedder you want. Package wise, sun hv to worry, at point of admission they will give u the package price for delivery. Eg, I took premier single bedder. So, was charged delivery package of abt $2,200 (excl dr fees) and the differential between normal single and premier single bed cost. (coz package is for 4 bedder to normal single bed)

There r also other charges not included in the delivery package, eg, labour ward cost, companion charge, etc.

Actually, need a memo from dr Loh too. When I was warded, I was asked abt the support/med I was taking n some other stuff. Was told dr needs to give me a memo woth teae details.. What if i was in lota of pain, dun think i can furnish them with the info

For pte, all our Medical records / files are with the pte clinics. Not like in KKH, have access to our records either in computer systems or in our files.
Hi Faithfully
Dun worry.. Ur tummy skin is expanding ba.. Me too just complain that my tummy very hard and can feel the tummy is trying to stretch especially at night.. I asks my hb to press my tummy last nite n he oso say hard.. Then he asks me to apply more stretch mark cream..

I havent let my boss know.. Not sure will he be unhappy if i so late then inform? Hmm.. Shd i tell soon??

Hi tromso
How u tell the uterus has move up? I dun know how to see..;p
Hi hazel,

Is true bb recognises who bottle feeds her ah. Tats why today i told CL tat i wanna try bottlefeed her, yup altho she took 20-25mins to finish her milk. My arms shoulders are aching hahaha maybe didn't sit properly while feeding her.
Chris, I just book appt with KKH. I wan to bring belle to KKH pd.. I still feel that KKH is the best.. Just now at TMC pd clinic, also need to wait 45 mins! Took belle there for her vaccination..
Hi Joanne, my abdominal has grown more in the last 2 weeks I think, used to be quite clear that tummy and uterus are separated. Now the waistline is blurring away, and lower abdominal (uterus, fetus, etc.) is becoming bigger and higher. So entire abdominal (upper ans lower) looks more round together now. Hmm...not sure if my description makes sense...

Have you settled CL?

My very lazy with stretch mark cream, think will have to start soon, just don't like the feeling of applying 'foreign' items on tummy when fetus is inside....just my own weird psycho hee...
Hi Hazel,

45mins still okie, i waited at kinder's clinic for 3hrs for her 1st appt!! sorry ah till now i still quite pissed off with them cos of my gal catching the virus from there. My colleague told me tat she didn't go to kinder's clinic for her boy's 1st appt 1 week ago, cos last round when she had her 1st boy she also waited donkey hours!! So this time round, she said she went polyclinic instead and infant got priority to see pd no need to wait.
My MS heightened these 2 weeks (started last week 11th)seems like not in the mornings it's evenings lol..cos comes say pre dinner - 9pm..i'll feel nausea and cranky..even my hb commented that it seems the opposite for me not morning sickness lol but i didn't merlion lah just feeling a tad bad..luckily it's not everyday..You? Thanks for the tips on the shop in chinatown..i forgotten abt that shop..long time since i've gone there! And oh? Underneath the armpits too? Didn't know that..another new thing learnt!

The midwife also said that the uterus will move up towards in between the pelvis bone and think ard 12/13 week will be done so..cos she press the area down below the naval to feel for mine that time in 11th week..my tummy too rounder and same lor waistline is disppearing more and more haha (well there's not much to begin with for me) LOL

have you gals got any breast pumps yet? Or trying to get in the baby fair? Are breastpumps cheaper in bb fairs?

I read that BMI over 27 of mummy has increased chances of risks in pregnancy..im over leh @27,7..looks like i have to watch how much im putting on..So far i've put on almost 2kg! And im in my 12th week now..how abt you gals?
Hi Joanne,

How are you? I'm good. Into my 22 weeks now. EDD 17 Jun. Having a bb gal.
When is yours? You having twins rite?
Hi hazel,

My bm supply is decreasing altho i tried to pump every 3-4hrs. Dunnoe why...maybe cos haven't been drinking papaya fish soup for 3-4 days ah. Mil unable to buy green papaya altho she went to the mkt very early.... My fren just sms me and says nevermind the most supplement with FM lor..but just ask me to continue to pump if not engorgement then i'll suffer.
Hi Chris, yup I mamnage to sponge myself and sweat it out. Wanted to take mc today. Slept till 7.30am and found a SMS from my staff. She is taking mc! So Bo bian I quickly woke my hubby up get ready and fly to office. Big boss ask me to go home after my daily report but my phone keep ringing and lots of work. Stayed till 1.15pm then head to doc doc jus need more rest.
Any of u have pain in sleeping? I injured my tailbone at the parent craft exercise. Since oct sometimes it's v pain sometimes ok. Now v v v v pain. Sleep on 1 side wah pain and can't turn the other side, want to get up also wah pain. Sob sob....

Chris, hazel, told my mum I got stomach pain like want to poo can't poo and can't eat a lot! My mum ask me to b careful cos I may b giving birth. I dun know what's wrong with me. If I lie down I can feel like puking, Mayb heartburn? Told my gp he say maybe wind ask me drink more yakult.

Haven't heard from kimmy for few days. Kimmy,,, hope u r ok
Hi Amelia, r u with dr Eunice chua?

Omg my gal is giving me bad Braxton hicks and like bad contraction pain. I wish my gynae will tell me this sat ok bb can come out. my ex colleague gave birth yesterday to a bb gal and she had no epi. Only use laughing gas n deep breathing. All in all took 10 hrs! She is a heroine. Seems that there is a bed crunch at tmc. She wanted a 4 bedder but got upgraded to 2 bedder

Chris, hazel- u ladies settle yr caterer and cakes? Pls share who u r ordering from
Argh!! Coe keep rising.

Oh hazel, today I received a call from a great co that pay bonus like 6 mths. I was v honest to tell the hr mgr I m preggy. So tomorrow she will tell hiring mgr b4 they will say ok to go for interview or not. Honestly I have limited exp. If they want me it's like striking lottery!
Hi Amelia, gd to hear from you! How are u? I remember we bpf ard the same time. I am thinking of cocoa pops too, where she has twins. Our edd is only 1 day diff ;) . So glad to see your post and get to know everything goes well!

Hi Chrisl, my bmi is over 30, hahah.. No one can actually see that I am pregnant.. They just think that I am fat.. By the way, I only gain 2.2kg at near 22 weeks. My face becomes sharp. Will you be back to sg? There is a bb fair at expo, need me to help u get some stuff? I think we stay nearby
Catherine, caterer, hubs said use Lavish. We use them for our church wedding lunch & had good feedback from guests. U can go their website n see. Cakes, I am using Choz confectionary.

Yes, wants to deliver will hv poo poo feeling..
Chris, u mean u hv enough EBM previously to give bb for all her feeds? So gd! I hv only enough EBM to give 2/8 feeds a day!
Hazel, ai ya u think go market buy veg meh? I can't work until June. My bonus payout is on 15jul. Even if they want me they have to wait till aug 15. Who can wait half a yr? I will not forgo my bonus unless they pay la and I m v sure no one is so kind to do so.

K thx.. Will check out caterer. my hb also wants me to use chocz cos we used them for our wedding cakes too. I want papa and mama.
Any sisters stay in 2 bedded rm in TMC before ? Otherwise, could sisters share wat e prOs n cons bet a single bedded n. 2 bedded.

In a dilemma as dun noe which rm to choose as there really quite a price diff bet these 2 types.

Bbliss, I took 1 bedded for a few reasons. I can't sleep with ppl who make noise eg snores, talking. Even if my hubby snores at night I stuff his mouth with pillow. I like pitch dark rooms and not too cold room staying in 1 bedded allow me to control the light and aircon. I also want my hubby to stay over to give me security (scare nurse dun take care of me or got intruder). I dun like to share toilet with others. I like it v clean and dry.

My mum on the other hand wanted me to get 2 bedded she said mayb got a chance next bed got no ppl? Mummy feels that I could have company during the day if I m bored. But what if the next bed has so many visitors in the day? I will b deprive of rest.

Like u I was considering the cost ultimately I know myself best ... Having been warded twice for other ops where I took 4 and 6 bedded , i know if I dun have the rest I need, I will b v grumpy. So hubby said since he has a lot of medisave juz go and enjoy my 3days chalet .... Kind of reward for me haha
Catherine, ask for sign on bonus lah!

Gals, ntuc is having baby fair from 9-22 feb. eg pampers diapers for new born 2 for $8.95 only! Almost 50% cheaper!! Pls refer to today's straits times page a17.
Ha... Catherine, in fact some of my concerns r same as yrs but am juz bit deter by e cost.

Even if can pay bk by medisave, dunnoe hw much cash payout do we nid to fork out......?
Catherine & Bbliss, my hubs said is an expensive hotel! Keke.. Anyway, pls get ready, bring along & furnish $350 worth of gynae receipts at pt of admission to be allowed to claim maximum medisave of abt $2,500. My total bill was $6.9k (which is considered higher end for natural delivery).. hub paid abt $4k plus in cash. U may wan to use that as an estimate of the amount of cash required. I stayed in premier 1 bedder. If normal single bedder will be $100 cheaper for ward a night. Also, dun forget I spent more time in labour ward & I used 2 bottles of epidural instead of one bottle, and I stayed one more night more..
Thx hazel, I have not bought my papers yet. I do agree it's an expensive hotel that we r staying.

This morning scolded the maid of my neighbor,she throw her newspapers, bottles all over the floor ... I know she is sending to recycling bin but I m preggy leh she expect me to jump over? So I angrily tell her pack yr things properly the corridor is not yrs! Then she keep apologizing .. Juz hate maids with pig brains

Have u ladies encounter yr upstairs unit has 2kids running like elephant and the family drag their furnitures daily like non stop. Complain to mp, hdb all say can't do anything ask me to go mediation. Worse is upstairs the unit upstairs is tenanted! Argh
Hi hazel,

I got EBM to give my gal 3/4 of her feeds the rest is all FM ah..esp at nite. Now my gal is better her appetite has grown ah. I might give her more FM instead cos my EBM decreasing le.
Hi Catherine, Hazel,

i'm still undecided between neo garden and meihao99. My sil used meihao99 and the food okie, but decorations and setup very plain unlike Neo but Neo is more ex la. For cakes, most likely a mix lor, get bengawan vouchers for in-law's side cos they prefer it and colleagues and friends i'll use sweetest moments.

Oh i'll go to lavish to look at their menu later.
Hi Catherine,
I also heard my left inner thigh near my pelvic area on my 32 wks during prenatal yoga, pain like hell till i took a few wks to recover ah, getting up and down from bed is more painful as need to go for frequent nite toilet breaks. And i really walk like a penguin ah cos of the pain... U better be careful... Yup i read from books tat feeling the urge to poo poo at the last stage could also mean that u are delivering soon. So watch out and if not sure call and ask your gynae.
Hi Catherine,
Me same with you, tats why i took 1 bedder room too, cos i'm a light sleeper, i can't sleep with snores and noise, and my room has to be dark b4 i can sleep. And for 2 bedder -4 bedder rooms not very convenient cos got to share toilet and wat if i c-section will have difficulty moving around etc. My hb stayed with me throughout my stay.
Chris, I poo this morning. Felt better but my gal is v v v active now. Make my stomach v weird and i feel like puking. My mum is making me mee suah now so that I will eat better. My mum always call my gal naughty gal.
Chris, lavish set up is not bad. They hv a few menu. Look under "other menu". Got as cheap at $12 pax. Most ex is $25 pax. Got japanese food too!
These days I find myself getting irritated very quickly...i guess it must be the hormones...I shouted at 2 taxi drivers cause they drive too fast and suddenly suddenly put emergency breaks despite telling them to drive slowly!!Aiyo!

kimmy and bbliss, how are you progressing...i find third trimester very tiring...these days going to work is such a chore!

Hazel, tks for the contact...still deciding whether to take origins of jamu or nadia...
Vann, post natal massages better to hv tummy wrap. Not sure if jambu massage has that? With pumping of milk n 3 days of wrapping tummy, my tummy almost gone already.. Hehe
Vann, that's my reason for not taking cabs. I take bus or mrt. No reason for me to grumble. Now on mrt and a guy sit on reserved seat and dun give me his seat. Lucky I only take 2 stops. wanted to take my car but I feel like puking.
I juz alighted from mrt and saw a lady without a seat in another cabin. She is at least 6 mths preggy. Poor thing she juz hung on to the pole. I should not b complaining . Y m I having the feeling of puking?? I already dun have appetite to eat. Really feel bad now
Hazel, agree is an ex hotel stay... Haha...

Btw, y nid to use 2 bottles of epi ? U requested or ? My hb has been encouraging mi to use epi n dun try to be hero coz he feels tat my threshold of pain is low. Haha. But I told him I wan to try w/o epi. Den he jokingly said "u later dun cry n scream at mi ah..."

Vann- ya lor.... I oso feel very tired. Like asking mi to walk is like dragging a pig cross e street. Hehe.... I believe u feel very heavy too rite. Still got some misc bb stuff haven buy but too lazy n tired to shop.

Worst still, for e past few weeks, keep having long mtgs. N end up missing my lunch. When say long mtgs, can u believe is always 5-6 hrs ! Faintz....

TOld my hb, my hb said my boss buay zi dong. See mi preggy still dun break for lunch. But wat to do, boss dun eat lunch, hw can we eat. Sigh.... So normally my lunch equal my tea break which is ard 3pm.

Btw, Vann, hw many weeks u r nw n hw yr bb's wt

Bbliss, my down there was all swollen, painful & bleeding after 2 cervix checks by dr loh... he forced the cervix to open to kick start the induce process.. Coz water bag can only burst after cervix is 3-4cm diated... Bursting of water bag means from below again! Ie, his hand will go all the way in again! I told dr loh I can't take the pain again.. So, he put me on epidural, once it kicks in then he burst water bag,. N once water bag burst, contractions will be painful... So, I started epid early, no pain from then..

1 bottle of epidural will last abt 6 hrs. If labour is longer than that, then 1 bottle will not be enough loh...

The prices of Manduca carriers are on the website I posted. It is comparable to Babylon carriers .. $200 plus.

My gf was using it when she visited me.. Unlike Babylon where bb groin will sit tightly on a fixed pouch in the carrier, manduca ones wun.. So bb will feel more comfortable.
