(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Kimmy, I deliver in Kkh. As a first time mummy I don't even know is contraction tot just normal pulling which I always have. So just go in for check and the nurse said I have contraction every 2-3 mins and dilate 3cm can't wait have to jab to mature the bb lungs. And dr Loh is surprise that o deliver so fast as my last check only 4 days ago . My bb now 4 mths

Ya I will call my gynae at 9 to c how I m v v b sure I m gg back to her clinic. I guess I m causing a lot of trouble Both at work and at home. Hubby can't finish his project to c his lecturer today. Oops...
Hi hazel,

how have you been? Wound recovered? Me has sore nipples so pain ah!!! Still have to pump eventho of the pain. I applied the Avent nipple cream (sample pack) last min given during my stay at Mt A. However last nite, nipple area became pain and burning, I couldn't even carry bb, even the clothes tat i'm wearing causes pain when in contact with my nipples, till i washed off the cream and applied cold cabbage compress for 1hr to relieve the symptoms,,,by then it was nearly 1am...CL taught me this method last nite. I was totally exhausted.
Hi catherine/hazel,

ya my visitors are my in-laws, they come daily around 7pm to check on my gals as she was down with flu. I was really tired and that time is my pumping time but no choice got to entertain them. Like when i was in the hospital, i felt the blues too, cos haven't slept in 2 days, wasn't used to the hospital bed, and when i tried to catch a nap in the afternoon, visitors came...then i can't sleep.i was really fustrated cos lack of sleep. Was very happy that i was finally discharged. I managed to sleep on my last nite at the hospital.
Summer, belle latched on, a few suckle n she dun wan already, she is rather impatient.. (like me?).. So, I hv to pump... 2 pumps, equal to her one feed of 50ml... Little BM..
Hope flows can come in now that I can pump every 3 hourly...

Chris, My wound more or less hv recovered.. Except the piles.. Which came out during delivery... Btw, did u opt for the hearing test - automated brain auditory evoked response? It seems that is optional... Belle has to re test on march.. Think her ears got wax or fluid.. Hey, I realize music can calm bb down.. U tried?
Catherine, pls go ASAP to hospital.. We nv know why we r bleeding... Now, dr loh told me, my staining cld be a sign of infection too.. If not why belle has a lung infection at birth?
Kimmy, tink u muz be overly excited n tink too much so tat u haf such dreams. Haha... Relax ya, girl.

When my dad informed my old granny tat I m preggy n is a girl, she told my dad gender can oni be confirm at time of birth. She said will be a boy. Haha. And when cny we went to visit her, she saw n touch my tummy n said boy la. Haha.... Both mi n hb feel so amused. There once a maternity auntie oso tot mine is boy coz of my tummy shape n I told her, no la. Is a girl girl.

Anyway, these are all individual guess. Wat matters most is that we trust dr loh n e scans.

Catherine, do keep us update on yr status ! Jiayou....

Tzac, r u e one tat mentioned u b gg c-sec prev ?
Feel rather moody today as hb start gg for his high key reservist today. He will be away for 2.5 weeks. Oni mi nn bb alone at hm...
I m now on cab to tmc. So angry with my gynae nurse then force the nurse who answered my phone to pass the phone to the better nurse. My bb movement is more intense. Should reach tmc in 10 mins never in my life I take so many cabs in a week haha... I m also v tired now
Hazel, when I pumped bm this morning, there is blood, dare not gv bb drink. My left nipple is bleeding, how ar? I applied nipple cream. Btw, what brand of niple cream will u recommand?
Catherine / Bbliss,
haha yah. I guess in 3rd tri, we tend to have more weird dreams eh? So funny...there I was thinking oh no! No girl clothes, haven't' tot of girl names. Gosh. but yes, I just spoke to my little man in the tummy and he acknowledged with a kick so I guess he knew what I was talking about :p only part which freaked me out was that I was delivering at 31 weeks. LOL.

catherine - take care and wishing you a smooth delivery! Keep us posted, very excited for you!

Babybaby75 - thanks for sharing. Wow, you had painless contractions! I wonder how can we tell, if it just based on pulling, Cuz if its pulling, sometimes I might just try to sleep it off unless i have a bloody show or contractions so bad I can't sleep. Hmm. will take note and to ask dr Loh during next visit ;p
Summer, I nv use any.. I use those moisturing wipes, that contains edible food pdts.. before and after pumping..Our BM is the best moisturer..

Blood means the latch is not gd..
Summer, I nv use any.. I use those moisturing wipes, that contains edible food pdts.. before and after pumping..Our BM is the best moisturer..

Blood means the latch is not gd..
Another day of wait. My "gate" dun want to open. So gynae can't induce though I still have contraction . I will still bleed no cos cervix test was done on me juz now. Hate it. Really shocking to c blood.
Hazel, just now I pumped no more blood.

Hazel/Chris, did u send bb for metabolic disorders test? I send bb for hearing test, hubby said shld send for metabolic test instead. Yesterday brounght bb to PD for review, she said still can do the metabolic test but need to draw more blood.
Summer, u bb hearing test ok? My didn't write pass or fail,. Just put thee re test in march.. Dunno wat that means also.. Can't help but worry.. U with TMC? Which PD?

Didn't do the metalboic disorder test.. Coz I asked dr Loh.. He said KKH will confirm do.. He told me metalboic disorder not common..

Hey, how long u take to feed bb on bottles? My can take 1 hr!!
Hazel, really?? Heehee I m still bleeding fresh blood now.

I was so frustrated juz now was thinking whether I should seek 2nd opinion. My fren cheer me up say my bb wants to b a true blue dragon baby So dun worry. My godma told me i can b due anytime cos I got pang sai feeling. My mum on the other hand said mayb my gal is waiting for my hb to go pai tai Sui b4 coming out lol....
Bleeding fresh blood coz cervix is opening!! U dun feel sore n painful down there after the check.. Ur experience similar to mine!
Catherine, u r v cool.. I was stressed out then..when i was bleeding... I was hooked to ctg.. N my eyes were always on the machine.. Observing bb's heart beat... At times, bb changed position, n machine went dead... I freaked out n cried!
catherine, dun b moody..waiting for your good news :)

bbliss, yup i m the one that is opting for c-section. that's why my EDD will be early apr as stated by my gynae. will be seeing him on 8 feb

hazel, good that Belle is back home with you. take care....

dunno what happened today but tummy kepp having pain. its like menstral cramp pain and so so uncomfortable...
catherine, dun b moody.... waiting for your good news.

hazel, great that Belle is back home

bbliss, yeah, i m the one that is opting for c-section. EDD is early apr as confirmed by my gyne. will b seeing bb on 8 apr :)

dunno y but tummy keep having mentral cramp kind of pain... so uncomfortable...
For sore/cracked nipples, try purelan 100 from Medela. You don't have to wipe before feed. Recommended by mrs Wong, was using since my first born.

Summer, Squeeze n leave BM on nipple then air dry will help healing. Used boiled cool water to clean the cracked to prevent infection. Hand express milk n empty breast. Cos if the milk stay in there to long might lead to infection, which is what happen to me the last time. Use a nipple shield, I use the one from Medela, to prevent abrasion.
My bb passed her hearing test. Retest maybe due to belle borned premature, she sure can pass the hearing test in march.
My gynae Dr Benjamin Tham recommended Dr Vanessa Tan as bb PD. She is not bad n her clinic near my place. She also mentioned that the metabolic disorder is rare, up to us to decide whether want to do or not.
Hi Tzac, mind sharing y u choose to c-sec ? Is this yr 1st or 2nd bb ? So u oredi set yr c-sec date as 8 Apr ? Quite a nice date ya 080412

Heard diff sharing of c-sec experiences n tat made mi quite scared. Some said painful n some said nt. some said got side effects n again some said no. Aiyo yo... Till I oso very confused.
Any of you panning to make passport for your baby?
I downloaded this app "IC Photo for Singapore NRIC and Passport" on my iPhone and use it to take my baby photo against a white background (bedsheet), and submit online. Apparently, ICA accept it and inform us to collect her passport from tomorrow onwards.

For those who are making birth cert after you have discharge. Just realised that ICA charge $18 for birth registration at ICA and hospital charge an admin fee on top of the $18. $34 plus at Mt E when I make my ger's BC.
Bbliss, tis is my 2nd kid. For 1st one, want to go natural but failed as cervix did not diliate even after 2 induction pills. Dun 1 break waterbag as i already in for a day n bursting bag may need to wait up to 10hrs so opt c-section.

Frankly, i find it ok. Only painful part is the epidural n ny wounds heal pretty fast n gd so tats y me go back same gynae after dr loh left kkh. Opt c-section as dared not go for natural now heehee

Dun worry too much as i remembered for my first, i did not think much n its actually my hubby tat was worried

U may not need to go c- section if ur placenta moved up.
Hi summer,hazel

I only went for hearing test for bb. my nipples are sore, called the lactation consultant from Mt alvernia and she taught me to use BM to apply on nipples (10layers).

Hiaz...quite moody this few days, wanna cry when i look at my gal. Brought her to see PD at Temp 828 again this morning, cos CL says that my gal has been gasping for breath since 3am last nite and CL has to carry her and pat on her back to relieve the discomfort cos of the phlgem till 6am. I told CL if this happens again just wake us up cos if serious we can bring bb go KK 24hrs childrens clinic. She said she can handle cos her son used to have asthma before and after patting on my gals back, she fell asleep around 6am.

Brought my gal to see PD, and PD says my gal blocked airway and suspect she has infection and asked if anyone in the family has flu cos she suspected my gal must have caught it somewhere. I told her most likely during the 1st PD appt at Mt A. Hospital cos it was 3rd day of CNY, and alot of kids was sick, down with fever and flu, there was even a bb less than 1mth old admitted to hospital think cos of lung infection. I was pretty angry cos the Mt A. PD terence tan gave my gal appt at 9.30am and told us to call in the morning to confirm the appt. Before we left home, we have being calling the clinic and nobody picks up the phone. When we reached the clinic at 9.30am to register, the clinic was in chaos alot of sick kids and parents. We waited till 12.20pm to finally see terence tan. I told this thing to the nurse at tamp 828 while collecting medicine, cos my poor gal now got to take additional medicine such as ventolin (clear airway) and antibiotics. And the nurse at tamp clinic also asked me where did my gal caught the virus. When she heard my story, she said that the Mt A. clinic should give priority to infants cos they are very weak, no immunity at all and shouldn't let my gal and other infants who are few days old to wait for 3hrs in the clinic with all those sick kids. She said like her clinic, they will give priority to infants. Yup I told her i was very angry too, cos i went bk Mt A, and the bill is ex just becos i trusted them and thought that it will be less crowded so my gal will be not be exposed to virus that easily, end up still kena..
Hi hazel,

The angry thing is when i told the nurse (Dr terence tan's clinic) that i wanna wait outside cos alot of sick children around, she told me to wait inside and said those more serious cases like fever are told to wait outside the clinic lor..Bull shit!!! I told her to call us when is our turn and she still insisted us to wait inside. So we waited, and guess wat ? me and cl saw familiar faces of those really sick children moving inside the clinic and hovering around. There was even sick parents coughing around my gal. I was pretty worried tat my gal and the other infants who are like my gals just 7days old will catch the virus. When we asked the nurse when is our turn, she kept saying soon and told us 4 more persons, and we ended up waiting another 1.5hrs. My gal was pretty healthy and smiling at me when we brought her there and now she is sick. I'm abit cranky these days cos nipples are sore and painful and can't carry my gal.
Hi all, I hv a question., I m having wind from my vaginal for the past few days (pandon my description). I only tested bfp last fri.. Is this common or any cause for concern? Been v stress at work.. Hope baby fine inside coz we work so hard for it.. My first scan is next fri. Hope if u can help... Thks much!
Hi nell,

Thanks for the advise for sore/cracked nipples. Me too have this problem... very uncomfy and pain and got burning feeling, used mrs wong's method of cold cabbage compress to ease the "hotness" and "burning' feeling.
Hi Ladies,

Those interested in pre-natal yoga (2nd trimester onwards), there will a 45 minutes free trial class at Como Shambhala on the 11th Feb Saturday 10.45am-11.00am which will be conducted by Samantha. Please refer to this link for more details.

Robinsons is having a sale with 20% for members and 15% for non members on regular priced items. Unfortunately this is not applicable for Medela breast pumps. This sale ends on the 5th Feb.
Chris, no leh n actually osso dunno how to contact my gynae as i m fr kkh. See me so blur, will moniter n c how tomolo
Yes, its FM. Usually I will latch her before gv FM.

Its tough to take care of sick bb moreover she is only few days old. Hope ur bb will get well soon. U take care too.
Hi hazel,

Sorry oops i missed your earlier posts. Happy for you that your gal is back. I'm thankful that i got CL to help me take care of her during nitefeeds, cos this whole week, rather tired cos of pumping, feeding her medicine, seeing doc etc....

Hi Summer,

Ya its rather shag, esp for my CL as she covering the nite shift.
Hazel pls don't think highly of me. On one hand I use papers to hide away. On the other hand I m always looking at the ctg screen. Same the machine went dead today I was so scare.

Ladies, when would I c my gal? Believe some time away. She is v naughty. If she is on ctg machine she will not move. I keep talking to her also no use. How to prove to gynae that my pain is intense? Sigh.... Now I want to sleep she is active. I m tired juz want to rest well tonight. Good night All
Summer, I know why belle take so long to feed already... She is not used to avent teats! Which are harder than the disposable teats that the hospital used. Just now, i asked CL to feed her with medela teat & bottle.. Two times, she took 30mins instead of the regular an hr plus! Hubs went to kiddy palace to buy nuk teats & bottles just now as their teats are softer than avent too!

Hey, how long did u nurse your bb on each side of your breasts? Incl FM bottle feeding, how long per feed session?

I tried to combined the BM I pump out into one feed of 50ml.. But she will go hungry v fast! 2 hrs at most she wan again... BM is really much diluted than FM
cock cock
I've not experience any passing of wind from the vagina during my pregnancy. On the contrary flatulence and especially belching is pretty common for me. One of the symptoms of a weakened pelvic floor is uncontrollably breaking wind from either the anus or vagina. Do consult your gynae. If this is the case he most likely will advice you to do your pelvic floor exercises/Kigel. Nevertheless, I'm certain this will not harm your baby. I wouldn't worry if it's just a few episodes.
Hazel, ya, baby has to be awake. We made 3 attempts. Try to catch her when she is awake esp after diaper change. We use a white sheet at background then try to snap. 2 assistants needed. On to position her head n one to hold her hand down. The apps is free so it is worth downloading. I try to send in the application, worse case reject then re apply, but since they approve, I guess you all can try.

Chris, I can't stand the smell of cabbage. So only reserve it for extreme engorgement. I apply the nipple cream after feed then wear back my bra n use cold compress to ease the pain.
I m seeing Dr Kenny Ee at Kinder Clinic, Paragon. They put my baby on first appt so that we don't have to mingle too long in the clinic. I also heard other parents bringing their kids for vaccines request for nurse to call them before their turn so they can bring the kids to the mall jalan jalan instead of staying in the enclosed room. My Gynae n my sil ( a GP a paragon) both recommended Kenny Ee, said he is good. We are happy w his management so far.

For those staying in the East, you may one to check ours Kai Clinic, Dr Alan Ho. This PD is my mom childhood fren's hubby. A v senior doc n v experience. His clinic no air con v old school but good ventilation unlike air con clinic where the bugs get circulated within. The fees is low compare to the PD in the mall n hospital. Only problem for me is it is too far, but I still go back to him when my son is down with cough or bad flu.

Prevention better than cure, some points to note when being baby for check up:
1. Ask clinic to call you when your turn is near.
2. Stand at least 3-4 feet away from ppl who sneeze or cough.
3. Use a hand sanitizer before touching baby when u are at the clinic. I.e. after registering, sanitize your hand then touch baby. Keep your hands away from the mag while waiting. If u flip any mag, then sanitize again before picking up your baby.
Important to make sure your fingers, nails n web are properly clean!
My hubby monitored my every moment when I m at the clinic just to make sure I m "cleaned". Same apply to ourselve. Avoid touching face after touching other stuff. He pick up this habit during the SARS period n make sure I observe all these whenever I m in hospital compound.
