(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Duthie - usually 48-72 hours preferred but some ladies do take longer Doubling time. Nothing much you can do now so try to stay strong until beta tomorrow. Like BNB says, we all hope for a miracle for you.

Miraclebb - you went for your scan this week With dr loh Liao?
Hi there, thks for this new thread!
Ive been follow the old one but till lost track, coz too long... hahaha.... Hope that i can catch up wif this new thread as well!
I'm considering for IVF for months liao, and will going to sign up this IVF end of sept.
Hopefully everything will go smooth smooth for me, hehehe....
Jonjonbear, all the best, I hope u r mentally ready for it. I had phobia of injections... But I knew I had to do it to save my marriage. When I was ready hospital was giving tons of problems.... Thankfully I Found out I was expecting few days after i scolded ivf centre.... Hope u can find yourself expecting b4 u head to ivf centre. Stay positive.
Catherine - oh, so you bfp naturally! That's lucky? Were u in between cycles? Sorry didn't realize that earlier
Hi Catherine - yes, seeing my pte gynae for 2nd opinion (actually kk gynae haven't seen report yet cuz its taking so long to be sent to me...) next Sat.

Jonjonbear - all the best!

Duthie - hope your bhcg improves ;) Don't worry, slow & steady rise in hcg is also positive. As long as it rises

Koirc - read about your 'blood spots on toilet paper' post. I also have that from time to time. Yesterday it was a wipe of pink stain after my poop and I was a little worried. Then I realized I may just be heaty. BTW, spoting has been common in 2 of my friends lately and after they went for hormone jab (I'm assuming progesterone), it subsided. Hope yours gets better too
Ron and bnb.... I m seeing dr LOH later in afternoon... Not pinning any hope though. Will update u all later.... But guess bad news not v interesting hahaha
Good morning sisters, it's Friday!

Kimmy, I went to the toilet every 30 min to check. After about an hour, no more blood stains. This morning nurse called to ask about my situation. I was so touched. Hahaha...

Can I ask the sisters here if you have consistent pregnancy symptoms? Or it's not very consistent?

I frequent the toilet initially but now not as much. I also was very tired and always need to take nap after I get home from work but I haven't done that the last two days. And I was very hungry all the time but not so the last two days too. It's like a sudden change and I don't know why. Just wanted to know if it's normal.
miraclebb, be positive :)

koirc, i think its normal as my appetite changes too. sometimes hv ms and sometimes dun hv so think dun hv to worry too much ;-)

me in my week 9+ now, i think and waiting impatiently for next doc visit 2 wks later.

anyone any idea for oscar test done in kk, is it can know results right away or hv to wait till doc visit?
Morning sisters!
Btw ytd I went to buy organic nail polish and remover (it's certified safe for preggy women and kids too) as it does not contain toluene, formuldahide and any chemical products (it's the first in us to be able to remove all these chemicals and was featured in various parenting magazine). It's called karma organic nail polish and bought it from my village mall at serangoon gardens, in case u are interested
Koirc - hehe I feel same way as u do. One moment I'm waking up middle of night to pee frequently, now its around 730am everyday. I read cuz our hormones keep adjusting as we pass our weeks so u may feel less of one symptom and more of another new one

Miracle bb - yes, keep yr spirits up. I also agree like your nickname, bb will be miracle!
rooting for good updates from dr Loh!
Crap! Did a poop and pink stain on toilet paper again thanks to constipation. I take so long.... But I'm already drinking water and milk! Any suggestions?
Bluenosebear - thanks! Oh ya, btw Dr Loh said not to eat Del Monte bananas k ?

Miracle bb - 7 weeks! Wow! That's good!!!
Dear sisters, thank you all for your encouragement!

Phew, my bhcg today is 627.3. At least it is catching up.

I think having a positive mind really helps. So Miracle BB and Kimmy don't give up hope, we will all jia you for you.

Kimmy, both my sister and her husband are carriers of thalassemia, i think they are both 50%. They now have a son 12 yrs old and a daughter 10 yrs old. Cant remember if the children are carriers but both of them are healthy and normal.

Out of the four children my parents have, only my sister who shares the same blood group as my mother does not have thalassemai. The rest including myself are carriers. We take after our father.

We all didnt even know what's thalassemai until my sis was pregnant with her son 12 yrs ago and we all took the test.

So kimmy, I think your situation is better than my sister's.
Tzac, 2 more weeks to safe zone for you?

Kimmy, be careful when you take prune juice. I took it everyday previous and will go toilet to LS everyday!
Du- see all went well.
Anymore spotting?
Koirc- can't drink everyday if is prune juice, maybe alt days. It all depend how u k tolerate.
Bluenosebear, ya I didn't know cannot drink everyday. So now I am smarter. Lol. I drink only once a week!
Duthie - nice
here's to continued doubling! Must be a big relief when you got the BT results...

Now hope for miraclebb

Kimmy - have you tried more veg (1 or 2 serving during meals) & daily fruits? Nowadays even if I take chicken rice for lunch, I have to order side veg, or else "suffer" the consequence tomorrow.. Fruits can also take in juice form. Thanks for the tip to get natural nail polish!!! I want!!
Duthie - great news that it's doubling. What good news for the weekend! Thanks for sharing with me your sister's situation. I think I got too scared when nurse gave me 'worse case scenarios'. Think maybe their duty to inform but since that afternoon after I told myself that I refuse to get down or affected by such news, I'm much better now ;)

Thanks for all the love, sisters!

Ron - mm ya maybe cuz I tend to eat veg only during dinner, then lunch (like yr chicken rice example) a bit tough to pack veg for one person unless I eat cai fan (rice & veg) which the kopishop outside my home don't sell cuz small neighborhood. Nvm, next week gg back to work so hopefully lunch
Choices improves! Hehe ya, the organic nail polish has a pretty good range of colours and the nail polish remover totally no smell one. Lots of vitamin e oil to nourish your cuticles too!
Hi sisters!! Have not been here a couple of days cux i m Jux too tired... Reach home everyday ard 630. Nap from 7-9, wake up have dinner then sleep at 11 again. Still very tired... Today is my 8 wk scan. Baby is 1.25cm. Gynae days baby growing very well. But nausea will get worse nx mth cux hormone level very high. Initially ask me to stop oral progesterone. But since I still have some left, she say take once a day.. But nx scan is going to b 12 wk scan..
so long!! I ve decided to go pte gynae on wk 10. Also want check out their packages..

Hi koirc, EDD will b on the report during ur 1st scan. Aft the scan, CARE will give u a report to bring over to the gynae. Take a peep at it n u will see ur EDD... How r u feeling? Better now? No more spotting ya?

Hi Catherine, urs is natural birth!! Lucky gal!! Eehhh... Not sure if it's a sensitive ques. But y u say need to save marriage?

Hi Duthie, congrats!!!
Hopeful, My mil eyes r on me y I m not able to get pregnant!!! I dun want her to say i m infertile or any nasty words on me. Ai ya she dun like me since day 1. Despite hoe my hubby reconvince her and how my mum told my mil off... Still can't la. I also think my marriage was a bit stale. We juz do our own things not gd....somehow we need to b promoted like at work to go further ... Btw hor now that u ladies r pregnant does yr mil ask abt u? Mine never so upset.
Thanks Catherine n Kimmy! I really hope that i can cope with those needles and pain! :p
Actually, im seeing Dr Khong Chit Chong at KKH. Any sisters with him? Any comments to share?
Is it ok to take Lactus syrup for constipation? I've been having constipation afew days... Dun really like prune juice coz of the taste...
Hi Miracle baby, *hugs*

Hi Catherine, my mil passed away b4 I met him. But I ve an irritating Sis-in-law whom has been irritating me BIG time. Hubby knows that i really dislike her. So he has not told anyone from his family.. Since they won't n can't do anything y bother tell them..
MiracleBB - take care &amp; make sure you take some <bu> stuff after everything clears. sorry to hear &amp; hugs to you.
Thanks sisters... i m ok dun worry. If bb not healthy then keep oso uselsss. Let her/him go with the god ba. I will try again when ready.

U all take care k... I will join back the thread when i bfp again.

Hi miracle bb,
Sorry to hear... Please take care (hugs) &amp; I'm sure we will be seeing you back here again soon.

Hi cath,
Wah, for u my mil no pressure although husband is only son amongst 3 other sisters. Because eldest daughter had difficulty conceiving for nearly 5 years and she was often in tears, went through iui few times and finally ivf which worked out for them (there's where I got courage to embark and was motivated by her results)...plus mil has 5 grandkids liao and she knows not to rush us ;) on the other hand, it's the other annoying relatives and all who keep asking why we take so long, and some of husband's friends (cuz he's much older than me and some of them quite competitive la..) who ask me bo liao questions. Initially quite hurtful, now I hack! Hehe
Kimmy> my mil has 9 grandchildren and my bb will b no 10. She is a kampung old fashion lady. To her life is simple woman should b a child bearing machine. She dun care if I earn my own income, have my own career... all she care is y no kid. She is the queen &amp; dun care if sons dun work luckily my husband has his own mind and was willing to work hard for himself.... U ladies will b shock if I tell u she tell us dun bathe so often cos bad for skin. Dun drink water cos must go toilet and many more. This is her that's y I dun talk to her
Hopeful> which gynae have u chosen? I dun know if package is gd. I think it limit the no of visit right? Like my bb always give me scares... I think I will use up v fast
Hi Cath, wow ur mil sounds like terror.. Sometimes I do joke wif my gf (behind my hubby) tat I quite lucky I dun ve a mil.. Cux my hubby is an "accident". His eldest bro is my dad age. No one really cares for him since young. N his mum passed away quite young.. So he very Sayang my mum.. (sometimes more than me). In this aspect I guess I m more "lucky"?

I ve yet to decide the ultimate gynae I m going to use. But I m going back to Dr Heng Tung LAN at East Shore to check things out first. Not very sure how package works. But I thot it's unlimited scans from maybe wk 20 onwards? I will still b going back SGH till wk 20 cux I think their scans n medicines shd b cheaper than pte.. Wahahaha... Cheapskate.
Heehee hopeful yes she is a terror she wants to control her sons' lives. She thinks she has full of exp but she dun... My fren told me not to let her touch my bb dun know if she has disinfect herself... I juz hope she dun give my mum problem in my confinement
Hi cath >> I see. Nvm, what impt is hb is by yr side and gives u his support! ;) got us sisters here to pass u more positive
Vibes too! Keke

Hopeful >> hehe parkway east (eastshore) hospital has the 2nd cheapest package for delivery, I saw b4. Hehe. Heard their service not bad too!

Vann >> don't worry. I also constantly worry about this too cuz some preggy frd (she dint even have to try) told me that my thal will affect baby and chances of down is high..duno how true
Kimmy - I could be wrong but I dun think thalassemia and downs syndrome are related. Dont let your friend's comment scare you unless she is a doctor or can substantiate her comment. We all have the country's best obgyns on our sides. Plus we already have enough worries that we create to scare ourselves silly on our own
enjoy the weekend, dear.

Vann - i know we can't stop worrying.. So I won't say don't worry but we are all behind you that Monday's oscar will be fine.

Hi Kimmy, is it the 2nd cheapest? Then that's another pull factor. I like there cux it's nearer my house (so dun need travel so far) n I ve been seeing this gynae for past 10 years.. Though my 3 iuis wif her r unsuccessful..

So which hospital is the cheapest?
