(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Ashley & Tzac,

Ya, I don't want to postpone cos I can't wait any longer!

Btw, Ashley, I get very tired too but usually during the day. I will go home after work and take a nap after dinner. I will wake up again at 9+ and then I won't be able to sleep till 1+ sometimes. I think my whole body clock has gone haywire! :S

Sisters, so sad... I just LS after my lunch.

Went lunch with my colleague and she ordered barley drink for me. She also ordered this Chinese dessert that has white fungus and insisted that I try. I would usually take white fungus but now, I am very cautious with food that I do not take often.

I came back and google and found out that I should avoid barley and certain types of fungus because they have laxative effects.

Hmm... I can't tell her about my situation yet but I don't know how to avoid such things from happening again. She's very nice and will always ask people to try the food she ordered. :S
Hi koirc, we shd ve the same procedure. U r suppose to report to CARE for scan b4 seeing gynae rite? If so, hubby will not b allowed to go for the scan together wif u. Scan is done by the lady who always scan us during cycling. N it's thru V instead of via tummy.. So she dun allow hubby to b there. She will only turn the screen n show u the baby.. N no surround system in room. So sorry to inform, but u won't hear the heartbeat like in the tv shows...

Yes, I was very dissapointed wif my 1st scan cux it was not what I imagined it to b.. But 2nd scan will b done by gynae n I think that's when thr fun starts!!
Sunflower - congrats! Were you cycling with stickbpf tha batch earlier? Your nick sounds familiar

Hopeful/Ashley - my body too has started to reject apples.. Big no-no but I force it down anyway, haha. Had rock melons instead today - so yummy & ok for tummy! Thanks for the tip.

Koirc - r u comfortable to make up some cover-up story.? When i Was cycling, I use the excuse that i Am trying Tcm meds & tcm doc recommend I try not to eat "this" or "that" For a few months to balance the body.. Most people back off when i use that reason.. Otherwise, next time u better order food for your colleague !

Saw bb again today, yeah yeah! Bb was wriggling during scan - I end up tearing hahaha... Supposed to b 9w, bb measuring a few days behind but doc said withn range.. Oscar in 3 weeks. Is Oscar done via tummy or vaginal scan? Forgot to ask doctor earlier.
I got vEry bad diorrhea a few days back and is recuperating after the uncountable visits to the toilet!

But anyway, all is well now..

I'm having a boy too!! The penis was sticking out in between his legs!! Haha.. Anyway, I'm happy with either sex.. I just wantEd a healthy baby..
Hi, Silsilly, so happy for u!
Hmm, I'm wondering whether they give priority to male embryos coz my hubby's colleague conceived her first pair of twin boys a few years ago n she's pregnant again with a boy next feb! I wish for at least 1 gal but right now my priority is so long as my bb is safe n deliver only near the edd I will be v happy.

Just want to share with all, my case is not common but I have cervical length shortening that went down from week 12 scan of 5cm to week 20 scan of 2.6cm. Am now on weekly progesterone jab that sets me limping for days coz it is jab on the thigh. From week 13 onwards I often have brown discharge at least once a week but was told it is common for some women to spot throughout pregnancies. Week 20 scan bb is fine but I let gyne know I'm still spotting that week n she scheduled me for cervical length scan on Monday, that's how we discovered the shortening. I'm glad that at least we identify this problem now rather than having it worsen. But still a bit angry why it was not identified earlier coz had it been identified at week 15 I could have been given the stitch earlier, now it is a bit late so I'm on progesterone unless it worsen over the next few weeks. This is my first pregnancy so I'm caught unaware of this possibility. But anyway, it's not common, most should have safe pregnancies throughout.
Hopeful, you just dashed my hope! So sad... Now I'm not so excited about the scan anymore! Lol.

Ron, yes, I will need to make up stories. Just can't find one good one. My colleagues are very nosy. When I was taking TCM to tiao my body the last time, they kept asking why I'm taking TCM.

Then this colleague of mine who goes to the same TCM massage asked my masseuse if I'm trying to get pregnant. :S So annoying!
i also have cervical length shortening for #1, please monitor closely for premature contractions/tightening as that will make the cervix shorten even more and efface subsequenrly leading to premature birth.

Dr loh did not realise it until i was week 22 where it was down to 2.1cm and was put on ventolin and drips to control the premature labour. by week 32, i was down to 1.3cm despite being on bed rest. and in and out of hospital since week 20

we decided to do a c section to get bb out at week 34 + as he was breached and due to low AFI and erratic heartbeat.

now week 17 with #2 and will be monitoring carefully as well.
Hi Ladies, I'm doing my 1st cycle of IVF with Dr Loh in Kk. Just did my ER yesterday & am feeling like stomach muscles aching like I've just done 50 sit-ups. Normal? Doing ET tomorrow.
Babymaking, I did not have any pain or tightening feeling so far touchwood, except for the specks of brown discharge on days that I walk a bit too much. Can check w u, u were hospitalized mainly coz of the contractions or the cervical shortening?

My gyne told me not to be too stressed and did not instruct bed rest. Anyway, I had to spend much time in bed coz the pain from the jab was really bad for the past two days n even today I still can't walk up n down stairs properly. Got to start ordering tingkat for lunch from next week onwards. Can't imagine repeating this for the next 8 weeks as she recommended but no choice, will do anything so long as bb is safe.
BNB, the nurse told me they jab on the side of the thigh, but thanks, I will feedback to them and see whether they can change the area of the jab
i felt tightenings but was told it's brackton hicks, then while under ctc monitoring, realise the tightenings are actually contractions, some of which i can't feel at all but the machine picks it up. then was put on drips and adalat, to relax the womb, but the ctc kept picking up contractions so was warded and put on bed rest.

so it only during ctc monitoring that the rest of the tightenings which i did not feel was picked up and they conclude that it causes the shortening of the cervix

if u are at kkh, can request for progesterone to be jab at the butt (sign a waiver form), also can request for proluton jab which is delayed release progesterone - less painful and last longer than progesterone jabs.
hi, is this the Bio-oil we were discussing earlier? I saw this in Guardian, wondering if it's the same one...

Hopeful, bb_2012, tzac and Ron8129,


Ron, i wasnt stickybfp's cycling buddy leh.. Im usually a silent reader in the ivf thread hehe..

Ladies, the 1st scan after the bhcg test is usually abt 2 weeks after that right? Thats already 6 weeks? My scan will be on 27th... Cant wait for that day leh, coz from now til 27th, i wun know whats happening to my embbies... Sometimes will have this aching feeling at the side of the womb....just nw got abit brown discharge.. Makes me worry leh..

Anyone of u with kk?
Babymaking- thanks for explaining the difference of progesterone & proluton.
Ritz- I read that progesterone also is a oil base jab like proluton.
I suggest u inform the nurse to jab on butt, as thigh will be more painful. Even on butt already, I can feel the stinging pain, can't imagine on thigh.
Ron - yep that's the one!

Thanks sisters for yr support, care & prayers. I woke up feeling a lot better and have been on cheerful mood since. The result is not absolute yet so I don't want to keep living in it's shadow. Thanks again, can't wait to see my gynaes w the report.

Welcome new mommies to the thread. Yeah... The first scan Is always the most excruciating one!
Sunflower - most of us here are from kkh ;)
Hahaha... Hopeful, nonetheless, I'm still excited lah... Was just hoping it's like what we see on TV. Lol.
Hey sisters,

I know that I might be overly excited. But can someone tell me when will you know your EDD? Will the doctor tell you or you simply use those online calculator?
Koirc, my gynae told me my EDD during my wk6 scan!

Bnb, good luck on beta scan today!

Kimmy, yes, stay positive! By the way, is pinkc still buying bio oil for us? Any news from her?
just monitor yrself carefully for tightenings. or request for CTG monitoring. most gynae will conservatively recommend bedrest if cerclage cannot be performed.

by the way proluton jabs are less painful than progesterone although both are oil based. good luck on yr hcg bloodtest.

was reading the archive, take care and dun worry too much.
Hi Kiroc, when u do yr first scan not sure if ur gynae will give u the printout. If u have the printout the date is there. When u tell yr gynae yr last mensus gynae Also can roughly count but the edd date on the scan is the most accurate date. Relax ok...

Hi kimmy, hope u r gg to seek a 2nd opinion. Yesterday had a chat with a fren whose mum is seeing specialist in Kk. Again waste time and money... Now she wants to complain .. Really gave up on kk
Sisters, anyone had spotting at week 5?

I just went to the toilet. There was no stain on my panties but when I was cleaning myself, there were blood spots on the toilet paper.

I called the hospital, they just asked me to observe. How?!!!
My result had double to 104.5. Dr say is ok had double, so next week scan.
I felt still abit low. Hopefully is becos late implantation ba.
Koirc- did u have any proluton jab or oral duphaston tabs?
Bed rest & start Dr Zou glutinous rice with lotus root cook into porridge.
Hi bluenosebear, I'm on oral duphaston tabs.

I don't see Dr. Zou. Do you have recipe? Cos I don't cook... and don't really know how to cook. :'(
Btw, bluenosebear, are you in week 5 too since you're doing your scan next week? Don't worry about the hcg level. As long as it's within the range should be fine.
Maybe k ask for support jabs.
1 handful of glutinous rice, 4 slices of lotus root (dice it); add water & cook agar 20mins into porridge.
To take once morning & evening.
U try, if not as yr hubby or anyone k help u cook, as u need to rest in bed.
Try to relax.
Any cramps or clots? If is just red, observe for the amount.
Ya, I asked the nurse if I can have additional support. She asked me don't panic and observe first. :S

I am home alone these two weeks lah. So need to do everything myself. And yes, I'm on 1 tab 3x a day.

You also rest well...
Koirc - just monitor & try to rest since at home. If just once off, likely nothing serious.

BNB - good that it has doubled. Number doesn't matter as long as keep on doubling. If you are worried, can get another beta on Monday.
Hi all, I have been a silent reader of this forum.

BNB, I am also a patient of Prof Wong from NUH. I did my 3 day transfer on 29 Aug 11. I think a few days earlier than you? I also found spotting on 8 Sep before my official BT on 12 Sep. Did my bhcg on 9 Sep and reading was 98.3. Went to A&E on 13 Sep due to spotting and took bhcg with reading of 198.4. I was told by Dr Zou that the normal hcg level should double within two days but mine only doubled after 4 days. I am quite concerned so would like to check if you managed to talk to prof today? I have spoken to Sharon yesterday and was told that it's ok so long as hcg level increasing but I am still concerned. I am going for my bhcg again tomorrow morning. By the way, does Dr Zou's remedy on the porridge help? I still have spotting since 8 Sep 11.

BNB.... good that yr hcg doubled. Mine didnt

Koirc... are u fm KKH? if yes u can write to Dr Loh and ask for jab. Once he replied u can go down KKIVF for the jab. Me too spotting then rush down with Dr loh's email to jab... I dun care
Duthie-I did not manage to speak to Prof.
I did ask Sharon is it ok as my hcg was low, she mentioned that Prof said is ok, had doubled & when I ask for extra support, she ask me to take duphaston 3 times a day instead of twice a day. She mention if there is clots or more call her or to A&E if not office hour.
Think Dr Zhou remedy do help.
Now I k only pray hard that next week scan is ok
BNB, thanks very much for your reply. Sharon told me the same thing. Also increased my duphaston from twice to three times a day. The glutinous rice is it the 'nuo mi' that is used for the rice dumpling kind? A handful of the rice will make a bowl of porridge? Must be very sticky right?
MiracleBB - no, I'm with SGH. Not like the sisters here with KKH who has direct access to doctor via email!

I will continue to monitor. It's really a test for us. Wait two weeks then wait another two weeks.
Du- yap, ok la, not very sticky, becos maybe is cook with water into porridge ba.
Tomorrow repeat beta is u request one or prof ask u to repeat? Becos u had already repeated on 13/9 mah.
Did yr spotting lessen after the jabs & duphaston?
Was it brownish or red?
Any sistas out there know whether is it normal for bhcg to only double after 4 days? I m in my week 4 and heard from my tcm that the initial doubling is important. Mine is too slow and may mean baby unhealthy. Sob sob
BNB, tmr's beta is prof ask one. I am also very concerned of the slow doubling rate. Just called Dr Zou, she says the porridge will not help me liao. Sadly, the spotting means hormone not enough n the slow growing beta could also mean baby unhealthy. Heart sunk after hearing this.
Du- don be dishearten yet.
Pls stay positive. Do not give up yet.
Do the beta & see what prof say tomorrow.
U never know, believe in miracle & who knows, miracle will
happen de
