(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Tzac, mi not very good. Still having e pulling sensations at lower abodmen area. Sigh....nt a good indication I feel.

Hi Bbliss >> I thought some Sistas with pulling sensations come out with positive results. You must stay positive.
bbnn, mine is almost 7 yrs old liao...

bblish, be positive, is it really painful? u want to go see doc? i too hv pulling sensations once in a while nowadays too...
Tzac >> Wah so big liao, lucky lor, i wish my girl also Big, but she is just one small cutie pie now :D
bbnn time flies and yi zhuan yan, she will be big liao. this is how i feel about my gal...hv your lunch? me dabao and eating now....no mood to work....
Yeah agreed, as of now, i already feel my girl is growing up very fast. Yeah eaten and like yourself, Holiday mood liao, just thinking if i can sneak off from work earlier today, planning 5pm hehe.
same here leh...feel like going off earlier....my injection area is really painful today though i injected tat area yesterday.....

no one seem to login here to chat...oni me and u....
We are like having a personal chat session, i think by the time hits 5pm, maybe we know both family history liao, wahahaha... but it is sure fun.

If you are tired and nothing much in office, just take time off and go home rest. Very impt to rest for the first 3 months of pregnancy.
hahaha...so who is looking after your gal? my parents helping me take care of her now...

hv things to do though not very urgent...after lunch...me feel like zzzzzz liao......
My in laws looking after my gal day time mon - fri, i bring her home daily and the weekends are all mine :D

ZZZZzzzz monster also nipping my ass :D
yeah same here...must be the rice i had for lunch....

cant wait for time to flies but it is still 3+ hr more...did you take full leave for your 2ww? is yours a fresh or frozen cycle?

mine is the 3rd try and is 2nd fresh cycle...
wah counting down, i think both of us can Hi - 5 liao hehehe.

Yes i took HL 2 weeks and rested at home, also went for two outing with some sistas here just to share experinces, or rather for me is gain experiences.

Mine is fresh. My Dr said i was super lucky and i thank god and all the Sistas whom have supported and guide me. Also a blessing to find this website else i am also just another sotong.
hi-five but then once you started counting down, time seem to have slowed.....

your first is natural? mine is and i think waited too long till too old to conceive natural so need technology help...
My first, not sure also, could be natural could be IUI, but based on the Dr calculation he said on the day of O should be boy, but mine is a girl, so he said might be natural coz we BD 2 days before the IUI. Whichever is the case does not matter, more impt, girl girl is here.

I waited for 1.5 years into my marriage, nothing happened before i seek medical assistance, found that i have PCOS and my ovaries dont make pass 9mm, so was on jabs and Metaforme, for the first it worked.

Right after my first child, i wanted one immediately, we tried natural for 6 months, nothing happened, went back to IUI, 3 rounds did not work, than IVF. I think it is never too old, as long as have Ovaries reserve we can still have kids.

3.11pm hehehe. soon will be 4pm. Just now 2.30pm hungry ate one cheese bun, hope can last me till dinner time.
ic ic...me osso tried naturally for a while till decide to do a thorough check-up but before the check-up date, we strike liao....

my 1st fresh n 2nd FET were not successful so now tried for 3rd time, hope will strike as no more frozen liao...

haha talking abt food, juz now me was so full but now when you talked abt it, i feel hungry osso..hahaha yup 2 hrs more to go......really holiday mood!!
Hi tzac, the pain is still bearable. I was so worried that I went to c a gynae today. The gynae was telling mi the cramps may indicate 2 things. One is that womb sensitive to growing embryo n 2nd indicate unhealthy pregnancy.

My heart sink when I heard abt e 2nd indication. I mean I haf finally come to this bfp stage, y throw mi down to this unhealthy preggy? I was really very upset. I nw haf to go for constant jabs to prevent e womb fr contracting thus easing e cramps.
hi bbliss, dun be sad, stay cheerful though i know its not easy..nurse in kkivh always tell me to remain positive no matter what whenever i go down for the daily jabs. r u able to see the sac? the gynae not able to pinpoint exactly what is causing these cramps? What is this jab that you are getting?

Do stay positive, think positive and be happy and cheerful. Dun worry, you have come so far and I am sure you will be able to make it!
Bbliss, yes agree with tzac. Stay positive becos you hv the bb inside you now and you need to be strong for him/her.
Dr must tell you all the possibilities of the conditon and it may well not be the second one. It may be the first. Dr must be kiasu so they cover all bases. For all you know it's not that. So don't give in to what is not confirmed ok?

Rest as much as you can, speak to bb in your womb to grow well and develop normally
Hi Tzac >> went for tea break with another manager, hehehe, i think all body here, but head not here wahahahaha.... Just got back to my desk, almost everything packed, now waiting for the time, another 60 mins to go.

Dont worry, just be positive, when u are positive half the battle is already won. Tomorrow holiday wah can relax one whole day, so dont think of anything else.

Hi Bbliss >> can you get a second opinion, some DRs are more KS and always give the worse of its kind, maybe asking for a second opinion will be better. Stay strong ok.
Tzac, yes, i did see e sac when go scanning. E jab which I getting is e progesterone jab which e dr said is to prevent womb fr contracting.

Ariel, is scary n worried when u feel that u r actually cramping almost everyday. Beside gg for e jabs now, there really nothing else I can do. I been bed resting during my 2ww, aft getting to BFP, I rested 2 more days before getting bk to wk. Apparently, these cramps seems more aft I come bk to wk. I wanna take leave n rest at hm but aft hl for so long, my boss oredi unhappy. I tink tis time rd no choice, I may wan to take leave n rest n at risk tat I may lose my job.
bbbliss, if really going to work make your cramp worse, you may really want to take leave and rest. mayb u r moving too much which explain for the cramp. it may also be a good idea if you seek a second opinion like what bbnn say....
Bbliss >> Agree with Tzac, i think now baby and u are most important. Speak with your boss he/ she has to understand this is not your choice and they must help with alternatives, temp etc. I am sure the company will have options, maybe working from home, if your job allows you, etc.
I understand. We've all been through the seems like forever 2ww after going through so much. Maybe you are experiencing stress that is work related? Have a talk with your dh and see if you want to continue with this job? Is your boss open to you sharing with him what you've been going thru? The decision is yours n after all you've been through, your health n bb's health are now highest priority.
Halo bbliss!
Stay positive, am sure that we will pull through together ok? Good that u are on progesterone jabs, those are the strongest form of support in a sense. Hugs! We are with you every step of the way! Can see sac already! That's good!!!

Wah tzac & bbnn v free today! Haha I was so bored and wanted to Zhao from 6 kids that came over my home cause half day school today that's why ran out! Wahahaha!!!
Tzac, bbnn n Ariel, had a long tok wif boss just nw. I finally took e guts n tell mi I pregnant. Initially, I was hesitating becoz I m still in probation as I juz changed job not long ago. Aft telling him, I surprised tat he quite ok. In fact, I told him e reasons for my long hl n adhoc mc coz I was havin cramps n dr actually asked mi to rest etc. Surprisingly, he quite understd towards this whole thing n tell mi to take care of myself n bb as that most impt nw. He noe tat I quite possessed wif wks but ask mi nt to worry, he try find someone to cover mi. He also allow me to wk fr hm. So for e rest of tis week, I gotta rest at hm n do some wk at hm to see if e cramps will reduce nt.

I been googling abt cramps in pregnancy n the results are so scary to me. I really very scared. Scared of losing e bb. Past few days were those on n off mild cramps but last nite n today, I having intensive cramps n some sharp pains. I really do not noe wat else can I do. Dr oredi gave mi jab but cramps still persists. Can u imagine hw stress n agony I m?

If god can really ans to my prayers, I sincerely beg tat he will protect e bb.
Bbbliss great tat u talk to boss n realised tat he is actually understanding. At least, one thing off ur mind. Rest n dun overexert urself this week. Dun worry, everything will turn out fine :)
Bbliss, i'm so happy for you that your boss is understanding! please continue rest for the week and I know how scary it can be now that we have it, to know that we can lose it anytime (choy!)

Hallo Ariel... I'm a little worried cuz my 15 mths old godson didnt know and went 'PAT PAT' on my tummy quite hard earlier twice. Yikes! Every little thing also worry!
That's great bbliss! Now just focus on resting and I know it sounds impossible but try to rest mentally and emotionally as well. As much as you can. Sometimes the more stressed, the more the pain comes and then the more stressed u get, it becomes a vicious cycle. So don't go checking online, like the dr, it tells you ALL the possible reasons and your case may not be the worst case scenario. Stay strong!

Kimmy, how come wed? 16th is Tues
Ariel, I'm such a worrywort! wahahaha. yet when the nephew flashes his megawatt smile I can't help but think its okay that he (accidentally) PAT me on the tummy earlier. Yes. Little bb is a fighter I believe, to have already pass 4 weeks so far!

Oh wed gg to see gynae for just routine checks on checking protein and sugar level in my urine and if possible may be able to detect hb. :D
Hi Kimmy >> wah I waited for u to come online till neck long, was like a private chat session with Tzac hee hee.

Hi Bbliss >> I m glad the discussion with ur boss turned out well normally man bosses n easier to talk to coz they might hv seen tired wives suffering b4. I m happy for you.

No matter what now that ur work is one side please focus on yourself n baby this journey is a tough one for us, sometimes reading less is not such a bad thing, as protective mums to be we might sometimes think of the worse n that is not good we must n only can be positive to reach the end. If you need someone to talk to u can SMS me on my mobile 90406708. I might not be much help but I will lend you my ears.
Hi Kimmy >> kids r smart explain to your godson that there is a baby in your womb now, ask him to sayang your tummy area instead of kicking, my hubby n I explained to my daughter a few times so now she knows must kiss tummy. Very interesting that children understands more than we think they know, u try it, see if this works.
Thanks Bbnn! Wah, so late you still online ah? hehehehe.
He's 15 months. I think he roughly knows because most of the time he will lean his head against my tummy but this evening he so excited because all 5 kids were playing kinect in my room so he was going poom poom poom PAT PAT PAT. Hahah today I go walk walk because too many kids at the same time at home I can't cope. keke.
Hi Kimmy >> my girl sleep already so hv some free time else can't come online, I think your godson having too much fun, u must be careful.

How come hv so many kids? N only u to manage wah if me I sure KO.
Kimmy, you're seeing the pte gynae rite? Let me know how it goes.. I may make appt for next week. Heh, 15 months is a hectic age, can walk and run but still a bb, super adorable age

Oh, the tingkat I ordered is from Chu Wei San tong. It's quite gd so far, been eating everything they sent and quite enjoying it. Now lunch for me is eating tingkat food and watching drama. Then nap and play on iPad. Very lazy life...with good excuse!

Argh, still hv to wait 8 days! So glad I hv you, tzac and bbliss to chat with

Bbliss you okay?
bbnn>ok noted.if got small bottle will get u 1 to try..

kimmy>wah so many kids..soon 1more to join the pack..wahahah

bbliss>dun wori to much.take 1day at a time n try to relax..all will be well..take care ya..*hugs
Pink! I oso want a bottle to try!!!

Ariel, thanks for the tingkat contact. Ya I quite piggy also, napping a lot and play w iPhone/iPad. Hehe next time we go out gai gai ok?!

Bbnn, oh no wonder so free! Wahahaha. One of my sil has 4 kids, another has 1 and another cousin in law has another so all bring over for their kids to play together cuz tmr public holiday and they love jumping on my bed...ya will be careful w godson but sometimes tough cuz easy to forget plus he learning to walk so always crawl towards me to guide him to somewhere

Pink , I gotta take care cuz im supposed to be the fun aunt while all the moms get a 'break' from their kiddos. HahHaha!

Bbliss, I'm concerned abt u too. Are u okay? My no is 96700779 and like what bbnn said, always here to lend u ears. Will include u in my daily prayers for bb k?
bbnn>hee..not yet!in HK now bk on 10th then goin bk m'sia.connex here erratic cant get a stable line...arrgh..any news fm queenie or bingo abt next gatherin?

kimmy>will u b able to go gatherin as often now?or u nid 2house-arrest due to preggy?..hee.take mrt/bus oso not conv 4ur condition..
kimmy>sure sure..will add u in on bio oil too
. wah u so 'experience' taking care of kids..u must b fantastic che che nanny..hee.like wat old folks alwaz says hv kids jump on ur bed,u'll b blessed w many of ur own
how very true now

i'm waitin for the next "5warm water sisters" makan trip so u can pass me e lucky $2 tat bbnn passed u..hee
Hi Kimmy >> I SMS Queenie tomorrow see what the plans can't wait to meet up.

Hi PinkC >> wah busy busy for u, come back soon, I will get Queenie, today online but did not see her, will keep you guys posted. Aiya, cannot keep Kimmy under house arrest, I can pick her up hee hee.

Plus the SGD 2 is still with me, will rub on my tummy, Kimmy can do the same n pass on hee hee.
Oh bbnn, forgot to tell u Queenie is on 2 weeks leave from today onwards for her fet. hehe no wonder u dint see her online. I can whatsapp her tmr. No prob!

Sweet dreams PinkC and see you soon! Ya, $2 still with bbnn loh!

Hahahaha Ya please dont keep me under house arrest. Anyway I've been going out everyday liao. wahahahahaha but so far havent taken mrt or train except for 1 night which was off peak just to keep away from crowds.
A very good morning to all sisters! Happy national day!! Hurray! My final jab today!

Bbliss, how r u? Hope everything is ok.
Dear sisters, thks for e concerns n encouragement. Ha... I haf saved all ur contacts n will apps or contact guyana if there anything.

Today, still haf cramps. Trw likely to call kkh to see if can slot mi in to c dr loh. Like u gals haf said, I try nt to stress abt it but inevitably still tend to worry. But well...besides confining myself to bed nw, I really can't tink of wat best to do. With all e cramps, I oso haf no idea hw e bb is progressing. To me, e 16th aug scan seem scary nw.
Hi Bliss, are you on progesterone jab daily? Prog jab suppose to relax your womb, so that you wont feel cramps, not suppose to have cramps at this stage, maybe you want to have a scan with pte gynea just to have a peaceful mind before 16th Aug? At the same time get second opinion with gynea what other support can you get to reduce your cramps? All the best and happy holiday!!!
Bbliss dun worry too much, everything will b fine. Gd tat u calling kk tomolo n c doc. If cramps really bad, mayb can go 24hr?
