(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi Ariel, sorry to be eavesdropping in this thread. In case you are keen, I used to be seeing a female gynae calked Dr Heng Tun Lan. She has 2 clinics. 1 in East Shore, the other AR Bedok Central.. Very nice lady..

Yeay! So happy to see all ivf mummies to be here! I feel more comfortable here since I m aredi very familiar with the names from ivf/icsi thread!

Happy happy happy pregnancy ahead and may we succeed to see our little one/ones in the end!

We have gone thru injections after injections, scan after scan, worry after worry! A journey that only WE will u understand..

We are strong women! Hooray to that!

I'm just hyped up to see familiar names here!

Hoping to see more names joining this thread.. It just makes me happier!
Hi Everyone,

I'm back. Been busy with work and been busy reading the other thread IVF/icsc. It's really fast. I'm enjoying reading it just like a story book, there are lots of things happening, especially those things that happenning to me too, and lots of things to take note and really very supportive.

Hi Kimmy, it's really good idea to create this thread. Thumb up for you gal.

I have same BT day as yours and bliss, 29th. It was 188.7, then I went down for test again, it's increased to 331.8. Nurse said very good. Hopefully still increasing.

My scan also on16th, same as you and the rest of sisters here.

Hi all sisters, congratulations to all of you who has bfp. Let's jia you together.

I'm just a bit worry now, I dun feel anything at all now, no MS, no bloated, no pulling, no headache. The only new feeling I have now is I eat a lot, and always hungry. Not sure why.

Anyone know which week are we now actually as I'm not so sure. I did check from a website about IVF due calculator. It asks us to key in ER date, and can tell how many weeks we are now, the embryo/fetal development stage, and even due date for singleton and twins. According to that calculator, my preggy now is 5 weeks 4 days, but not sure how they count.

It says for my case, 3 Aug is cardiac contraction begins, maybe that's why some sisters here feel the pulling around stomach area. 7 Aug, limb buds forming, 15 Aug hb detected, and bla bla.

Does anyone know, after the 6 weeks scan, when is the next scan? What can we see on the next scan? I know it's too early to ask as the 6th week scan is not done yet and most crucial, but just kaypo hehe.

Does anyone here drink milk powder for preggy women? Is it safe to drink since we are still taking colic acid and duphaston?
Hello!! So nice to see the messages flowing in!!!

Hello baby_me , we are in week 5 now. Hehe our 16th scan will be week 6 entering 7 that's why can see sac, hb and fetal pole ;) Glad to have sisters feeling at home here ;)

Hello vann, I know exactly what u mean?! I worry abt empty sac from time to time but I also know I must remain upbeat not to thwat any chances! Let's stay upbeat together ok? We will deliver, we will organize play dates!

Hi Ariel, I used to have similar mindset abt female gynae. Then I realize male ones are gentler and they understand why u worry so much... Haha for dr Ng I like cuz he is very forthcoming, He will tell u what is good, what are his concerns (if any), ask him if can do pedicure he will also answer you! Mm maybe see if u & DH like his style via consultation (or again maybe u wanna accompany me for one consultation and see how he is like, or I can follow u) if u are keen. He can deliver in any hospital but for me if twins, I confirm go back to dr Loh deliver. Cheaper! Haha! Dr Ng also prides himself to have similar style as dr Loh (they used to be colleagues). Most impt find a doc u are comfortable with, can talk nonsense with, keep asking same questions and buey paisay with! Cuz I feel now we preggy, deserve to keep ourselves informed & happy! Not worry... Hope I'm making sense hehe

Hello bbliss! Yes it's the tummy area centre or sometimes side which pulls but so far today ok. Though last 3 days I can feel my boobs engorged! Will prob wait till week 7 before buying bigger cup bra! Haha! Meanwhile I wear bandeau cux v comfy and got some allowance for my boobs. Haha.

Hello pink, yes! Orange colour! Smells good one! Sisters bio oil can use after shower! Should use once bump starts to show liao! Most gynaes know what it is too. Can get from guardian too... Not sure abt price tho.

Hi bbnn, any updates from doc? Hehe

Hi ritcz, hehe I think as long as u are enjoying yr pregnancy, follow any doctor also can! Hehe. So looking forward to reaching your stage soon!

Hello silsilly!
Welcome! Hehe yes i find v difficult to say when other friends who got preggy normally ask how I found out, miss by how many days, is it pee on hpt etc. They also don't underhand why I got progesterone support at this stage too.. So I just keep quiet abt it and here is where I can openly share without feeling I'm being 'judged' in a way...

Hi pink,
U r more than welcome to join in of course!!! Am sure u got info to share too. Here got bfp vibes strong! Wooooooooo

Hello tzac,
Yea if u really 'gian' go for early BT? If not tahan, we will tahan with you!!! Hehe then no need to go back 2 times! Hehe
Baby, milk powder can drink enfa chocolate powder, 2 cups a day. It has DHA - to develop baby brain from week 3 after conception which for us is around this time ;) mm if I'm lucky, I can see hb next wed. Excited Maximus!

Oh Ariel, dr chris also recording all my scans into a
Cd to document my pregnancy cd. Wahahahaha
Yah, can feel the boobs growing too. If some of your old bra's cup still big enough, you can just buy the extension for the hook so that not so tight. Just bought 2 for myself, really useful. Guess put on a bit weight now.
Kimmy, yeah will hv to trouble sisters here to tahan w me haha. Btw the bio oil u all taking abt can remove earlier stretch marks?
okay sistas keen on Bio Oil wil try get some wen i next travel Austtralia but not anytime soon tho..wil keep u guys posted.

kimmy>yeah i sure nid all e bbdust n hope tis thread can provide me all the beautiful vibes

fyi,i oso tried ivf a couple of times failed n oso had a m/c(dec) so can relate to sistas here.N esp felt more welcome here bcoz kimmy/bb_nn had been my best buddies durin my previous cycle n am glad to see some familiar names back again oso.congratz to all sistas who bfp n progressing well into ur preg journey

kimmy> wah ur dr.chris ng even went the extra mile to record ur scans into CD?tatz really a v nice gesture...
tis journey/experience is priceless lor esp so for 1st time mtbs..3 thunbs up for him! hee.wah...bigger boobs...must b super sexy mommy liao ;)
dun wori gal..even flat runways wil develope later..;)

b prepared to enjoy and embrace a 'fuller' u.some preg mommys take shots durin tis time w DH...saw some colleague's beautiful studio shots..esp u can see the radiance just oozes out...
some "motherhood" cover pix-like=priceless!
Hello baby! Ahh the extension hooks good idea! My already last hook already! Keke will go check it out!

Hello tzac, early stretch marks I not too sure.. Hehe I think can try since it has vit e and rejuvenated skin...

Hi bbliss, don't worry! Diff ppl have diff symptoms right? And my boobs not bigger but like from time to time can feel tingling and tightening... Or maye I overthink into every feeling I got! Haha

Hi pink, wahaha sexy mama? Hope so! Wahaha right now I doing my best to hide my bloat and today someone already ask I am! Eeeps. I think now I look like a fat mama but I aspire to be a nicely dressed one for my husband & myself when we go out la. Altho wearing a lot of elastic pants already. Wahahahaahahah!!!!
I checked online and found out from Bio oil website that they'll be launching in Spore in September 2011. Woo hoo! Anyone knows where, pls let us know.

Kimmy, Thanks for all the info. I guess it's a mental barrier that we have to get over rgdg male gynae. The cd of scans sounds really attractive... I'll seriously consider and discuss with dh. My BT ystdy was 8000.1 hcg,
96.7 p level. No more bts till 16 Aug yay!!
My boobies still same size leh, feels heavier tho...

Can I ask if you all still bd? Blush...
Yes, although our body not in the shape like before, we still must dress up nicely so DH will be so proud to have such pretty, sexy and presentable preg wife hehe.

I bought those 1 piece dress which can wear now and later when tum tum growing bigger. Now, just add-on nice belt, can't really look like preg. It's even looked very stylish. Next time just remove the belt. Even after give birth, still can wear with belt on. So not wasted by buying maternity clothes which only can wear during preg.

Hi Ariel, wow your hcg so high. Btw, what is bd?
Baby, bd mean babydancing aka lovemaking

Can any sisters tell if they r suffering fr any cramps? For those experienced mummies, can u advice if cramps r normal?
Ariel, yr hcg is so high! Wow 7000 can see bb hb liao! Wow! Gong xi gong xi! Hehe i hope mine grows high too! Ooh yes, I gian for bd these days but prob resist till scan and will ask gynae! Keke.
Great! Bio oil coming at the right time, just when we need it! Wahahaha.

Baby, yea we must remain presentable and attractive even when preg! Plus we will have that radiant glow on our faces! Wahahahahahaha

Bbliss, wish I cld help u with yr question but I'm feeling more wet actually
Hello Kimmy, BBNN, Silsilly, Ritzc, Nell & PinkC **wave**. So happy to see all the familiar names here.

Congrats to sisters who just BFP.
hi summer

kimmy> ya..my colleague showed me her black/white pix taken durin late preg w DH..exudes radiance n 'motherhood' cover pix-like...priceless!!
kimmy> wah so late still not sleepin yet..?my AF jst came so anoth failed attempt..sigh..

really hope to join the dragon boat before it sail away...wahhahah!
Ok, I may be extremely off-topic here..

My drainage at home is choked up to the brim that water is coming out of it and created a small flood in the kitchen! Haizz.. Tried to dig the hole with my bare hands to try to release anything if I could.. Apparently NOT! I end up having a sore shoulder since my whole hand was submerged in through the hole.. For a moment there, I forgot I need to be gentle cos I'm pregnant! Oh gosh! I hope my baby is alright.. The stench was awful but somehow I could take it.. I was in a 'trying-to-solve' mode.. Forgot about anything else except the hole!!

But now, no choice, must call plumber liao.. Told you this was totally off-topic! But if any sisters here have experienced something similar and has had called a GOOD plumber, can give me his contact? Ok, I'm desperate! *money flying away*

Oh and, *waves back at summer*!

I actually really feel "at-home" throwing my rants out here.. Hehehehehe..

*love all my ivf sisters*
Ariel, that's right. It's better to wait till 16th to check with dr if can bd bcos it's better to avoid any contraction first down there.

Bliss, I don't feel cramps, no MS, no wet too. I hope my bb still there. Pray God.

Hello Summer!!

PinkC, sorry to hear that. Do not give up. I know it's not easy, but for the lil one, must jia you. *big hug*

Silsilly, try to be more careful next time. Think of your bb first before attemp to anything else. It happened to me too. I usually always drive to work with a speed, and it happened that I went over this hump without reducing my speed, and *bom* *bom*. I hv landed very hard. It happened twice some more, after I realized my tum tum been shaked so hard I almost cry. I really hope my bb is alright. I'm not gng to let this type of thing happen again. *hik *hik
Too bad I do not hv good plumber to intro to u.

Haha Silsilly u are so cute with your topic! But good to know you feel 'at-home'. That's what this thread is here for! Let out your frustrations/worries/stress here! Hmm...i think your mummy-mode kicked in when u were trying to 'solve' plumbing situation! Hmm...I don't know any good plumbers but here's a link:
Apparently they said its PUB approved or something...

Hello Pink >> slept later cuz afternoon at 2 hr nap! Its okay pink...jiayou! With all the bb dust here combined, u will definitely join the dragon boat (wahahaha like your description of that)!
Morning all :)

Pinkcapri, sad to hear tat but dun give up :) u sure will b a mummy soon.

Its sunday n i m still so so tired, hv not been sleeping well as woke up every nites to pee :-(

Bbbliss, for my first pregnancy, i do hv cramps in tummy. Even for now (not confirmed yet), i do hv cramps once in a while so i guess it shd b normal. I remember for my 1st one, its ezactly the same as if af coming n i so worried, dun worry , it shd b ok unless its really bad, then might hv to c doc
Morning sisters,

It is adviseable not to bd for the first three mths of pregnancy cos not stable yet.

Same as Silsilly, am also feel at home at this thread. Tks kimmy for setting up this thread.

Pinkc, jia you n we r here to support u.

Silsilly, take care n dun do tedious chore. Leave it for ur DH to settle.

Hello baby!
yr welcome summer! ahh ok, I will tahan any bd-cravings for another 2 months then! What about travel? Safe to wait till 2nd tri right?

tzac, yes...every night i will wake up 2 time to pee. End up interrupting our sleep right... but its all for a good end product so will tahan.

Its raining now...what a nice weather to sleep in. Am gonna get ready go church and get lunch! Happy Sunday everyone.
Hi tzac, ya. I do haf somestimes haf e af cmg type of feeling. Really so wori wif e cramps. I dun noe whether izit become of my stomachache that lead to crampy feeling at lower abdomen. I haf issue gg poo poo this period. Dun noe whether izit e bad bowel habit tat cause mi stomachache which den lead to cramps at lower part. Jus nw when I finally go poo, I can feel my muscle in e lower abdomen pulling leh. Sigh....

U mentioned for ur 1st bb, u oso haf cramps n af feel, how do u cope with tat den n for hw long it last?
Bbliss, i hv tat crampy feeling during 1st trimester in my 1st trimester. Yeah me osso constipate now, used to b daily but not now....sigh..... Now osso hv crampy feeling n pulling in my tummy 2, dunno gd or no gd... 3 more days to go n i will knw the news :)......

Is it no travelling allowed during 1st trimester?
Bbliss, how are you feeling? Anymore cramps? Slight crampy feeling is ok, most impt is no bleeding.
Maybe it's constipation and your intestines are cramping not your womb. Try some prune juice with water n eat more high fibre food.

Baby, thanks for the advice, no bd till... Haha poor dh

Actually he's also a bit scared to..

Hopeful, thanks for the dr recommendation. My dr will see me till end of first trimester so I still hv some time. Meanwhile I'll go chk out some gynaes n see how I feel.

Kimmy, what do u do to occupy yourself at home? Me been watching Korean drama. Now watching Bread, love and
dreams. It's good...I wanna bite into a pillowy bun every time I watch! Now I order tingkat for lunch, it's quite gd actually considering my appetite has been rather picky.
Ariel, me having cramps still these few days. Make me rather worry. For sure, I can feel my intestines is like engtangling against one another hence that y I tink is stomachache. But at e same time, I oso feel cramps at lower abdomen lor. Is like upper n lower abdomen all got discomfort.
Are you constipated? Hard to pass motion? Got gas? If yes then it's your digestive system. Pregnancy can cause constipation. If you are really concerned give your dr a call.
Ya bbliss... How r u feeling now?! ;) hope u are better!

Ariel, mm from now till 26aug my nephew/godson (15 mths ivf warrior) is staying w me so when I wake up I will play w him, then sometimes go out meet friends for lunch (we can do that too!) and then come back nap and watch dvd movie, read, blog or watch hk drama and then evening time feed godson (if im free) then dinner, watch more tv and of course in between the day catch up on forum! Haha. There was a week b4 my ivf cycle started, I met up w some ivf sisters in 2ww and we would go lunch, have cake and by time reach home nearly 5ish! Haha!
Oh maybe I shall check out the drama u are watching too... The bread sounds so yummy! Yr pillowy description reminds me of those fluffy white Japanese bread! Oh where do u order tingkat from?! Good variety? My mil usually prepares fit me or I will cook something simple like pasta or go out eat economic rice and ensure I got vegs for fibre & nutrients. Hehe
Bbliss, I read that our hormones can cause our digestive system to slow down completely initially and that may cause the upset (like what Ariel mention). I have those discomfort u describe too from time to time. Shall check w my doc on wed and let u know what he says ya? ;)
Tzac, I understand that 2nd tri safer to travel and should check e doc. Think reason for not encouraging travel in 1st tri is just in case u need to see ur gynae for anything (cuz everything is developing during these 3 mths right..) then u won't have access to him/her till u are back. But if yr gynae gives u go ahead to travel, I would think should be ok. Just rem to leave any heavy luggage handling to yr dh k ;)
Morning all,

It's a short working wk. Gambatte!

Pulling and crampy feeling
Usually for 1st time mummy u tend to feel more coz is the 1st time the womb is expanding for the growing baby. 2nd time mummy will have too but not as much as 1st time
I feel the pulling n crampy too but is on off.

I start having sore breast le. I'm happy with all the symptoms coz that show hormones increasing

I went for another beta blood test with my private gynae. It is doubling. So glad! Hope it continue to double...
morning everyone :)

i m so happy that tomolo is my last progesterone jab. can you all believe that i actually told the nurse that i will wait till wed to do the BT though she offered to do it for me today. wahahaha...i think i m scared of knowing the BT results.......

bbliss, how r u feeling now?

kimmy, thanks for the info....i thought so too so look like may have to forfiet the trip liao...
Top of the morning to all the Sistas, another brand new week, short week i might add :D

Hi Silsilly >> *waves* *waves. Nice to see you again :D

Hi Kimmy >> Have been trying to come in to provide updates, but weekend was just crazy for me, busy busy busy with tons of activities, i feel so drain, anyway, yes i went and see the Dr, and hehehehe. the Dr said we might be looking at a Baby Boy, but will need to confirm again at the detail scan, i guess only the Dr and my hubby knew what they were looking for, i was Blur through out the scan. Baby looked great, on schedule :D

Wah your Dr not bad lor, can give u CDs, mine only save into Thumbdrive for me :p We are still considering to Switch back to KKH, i am lost as to what to do now, my hubby said all up to me.

Hi PinkC >> Wah the Bio Oil sure sounds interesting, i will try to see if i can get a small bottle to test out, coz the name sounds oily :p

Hi Summer >> Nice to see you too :D

Hi Peko >> Good morning, great news to start the week with, hugs.

Hi Tzac >> Morning to you too. How are you doing?
hi bbnn, how many weeks are you now? must be at least 16+ weeks to know its bb boy or gal. u must be so excited. i m ok, just so happy tat it will be my last progesterone jab tomolo....and wed is my BT. Now a bit regret din do it when nurse said can do for me if i want...haha..women like me so fickle-minded hor...me juz very scared of BT results leh....
Hi Tzac >> Good morning, today is week 16 Day 4 :D, i am not too sure what the Dr and my hubby was looking at, coz they were like, "there there there", and i am like "where where where", and my girl was like "mei mei, mei mei". The Dr even took the Video clip, i went home and looked really hard, i still dont get it. Anyway, i am happy as long as baby is growing well.

Your BT is on the 10th August hehehe, waiting for your good news. I am just hoping time passes fast for all of us today, and will be PH tomorrow.
bbnn, yup BT on 10 Aug. I understand what you mean as for my gal, i osso cant make out head or tail when gynae checking whether its boy or gal. never can make out what's on the ultrascan... u did your ivf in kk?
Tzac >> with my girl was no issue, at week 15 i went and see Dr at KKH, he looked, and declared GIRL, so i was thrilled, he did not tell me see here see there. This time, diff Dr, so i think more drama, or maybe baby wont cooperate.

I did my IVF at Parkway East Shore, Dr was great too. But now i am thinking for delivery, was wondering if i should go back to KKH as i love the way KKH Dr delivered for me. He made it so easy that i wanted the second child right after my delivery and was joking with my hubby in the delivery ward. I still remember the Dr telling us, "wait first, let me stitch and we go out than both of u can continue", wahhahahaha...
bbnn hahaha....may i know who is your doc in kk? i m also thinking of switching gynae to the one that delivered my gal once BT confirmed positive instead of staying with ivf doc.

any idea on why normally ivfers stick to their ivf doc??
Tzac, I think should be ok to share his name here, Associate Professor John Tee, most of the visits, he is very fast, anything u wanna ask, list down the questions, waiting for him was also long, but i felt all was worth it when my delivery went so smooth with him. Bottom line : Short and sharp dr, i guess he would like to spend more time with all of us explaining to our questions, but i think u see the Q even private suite, wah scary lor.

I guess we stick to our doctors, coz they made everything happen for us, and they would know our conditions best. So there is a comfort zone, and that is why i am also in a dilemma. I feel bad that after he has done so much for me and i am just jumping ship.
bbnn, yeah precisely this is what i m thinking. feel bad to switch doc when he is the one that make it happen for us, correct?? haha but tell myself not to think yet. wait till BT results out then see how it goes...
Tzac >> but u are still planning to change DR? I wonder how long more can i think, i worried if i go to KKH too late, they might not want me. Hmmm, i think i better contact them and ask what is the cut off week that i can transfer. Almost lunch time, yeah yeah yeah :D
bbnn...yeah lunchtime soon...me so hungry...
me thinking of switching back to the gynae in kk who deliver my gal....still pondering...

any idea whether we can do scalp treatment if preggy?
Tzac >> i am lunching in, waiting for my food to come to me now, thank god to nice colleagues.

I just called KKH to make an appointment, will be end of the month, so i am stuck with two DRs now, hehehe. Maybe go home and discuss with DH and see what he says, my guess will be " You decide ok, as long as u are happy".

I am not too sure about the scalp treatment, but i guess if there are chemicals, best to avoid. Or can check with the nurse / Dr when u next visit them.
