(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

oops bbnn look like i misread your qn liao, my BT is 16 days after ET.....so much longer than u...believe u not fr kk hor....

Hi Tzac >> Initially i also wanted to wait a little longer, but my DR told me wait for what, know earlier will be better. so i went for it, i was just concern i was testing too early, but seems like not the case.

You tested ard Day 10 - 11, maybe u wait another 2 more days before testing again :D

Yes my Dr is not from KKH, however, i am still considering to make a switch. I still prefer the first Dr whom delivered my cutie pie (Daughter)

Hi Kimmy >> still no news from Bingo, almost 3pm, i sneaked off to nap, but did not work, shortly, people call my hp, i am back on my desk again still with small eyes...
bbnn, still too early for me to test hpt hor....hope i dun get bfn.....

guess it should be less than 2 hrs before u knock off. me also waiting to knock off as sooooooo tired..........yawn.....
Kimmy, my #1 conceive by FET under SF Loh. Then I have a bleeding episode so follow up with private gynae. after that gynae told me he going oversea so i went back to SF loh around 30wk.

Tzac, progesterone jab wont give false positive. so no worries
Feel worried...like is anything really there?....I am only bloated and feel hungry....No MS...Feel worried that there is no MS.
Hi bb nn, ok. Week 6 is e best. Was just hesitating whether I shld find Pte gynae to scan be4 16. Understand there maybe a possibility tat one sac on wk 5 n may detect e 2nd sac during wk 6 if it is twins. Is this true?
Congrats Vann,

Taza, the queue at TPS is quite ok I feel. I think is really Luck? sometime 30mins wait. sometime 2hrs? The wait is longer if there is emergency delivery that he needs to go.

Usually, I will take queue no liao then go walk around. when you are the 3-4 patient, there will be sms service to inform you to come to the waiting area. and usually i try to arrange to be the 1st few patient
Hi Tzac >> finally i am back, the website acted funky on me just now, but i am good back now, leaving office in about 40 mins time, ehhehehehe, so suddenly so full of energy, hmmm i wonder why :D

Hi Vann >> Congrats and welcome to the family :D Dont worry, i dont have MS as well, till now i am week 16 no MS also.

Hi Bbliss >> Yes it is true you might detect a second sac a week later, but depends if urs is a Blast transfer, than not likely.
haha bbnn...me osso counting down like u....

u pp here dun b bored if i update my hpt results daily in this forum hor heehee

vann, dun worry as not all will hv MS as for my first kid, i dont have MS at all too :)
Hi Tzac >> dont worry before they can get bored with u, they would have wanted to kick me, i am going to update my count down... 14 mins.. yeah yeah yeah...
Tzac >> your first kiddo boy or girl? If i disappear, than means i am shutting down to go home liao :D i heard old folks saying late or no MS = bb boy.
just fin chattin w bb_nn,she goin pick her girl up then headin home.me goin to sleep>jst arrived fm a 14h 20mins trip
chat soon..nitez
bbnn, old folk saying not accurate leh as mine is a gal hahaha

me going home and use my hpt...seem like daily injection like tat hohoho
Hello pink!!! Ok sleep well, sweet dreams! I looking forward to hb!!!

Hello vann >> wow update us after yr 11 aug scan k? So exciting...

Hi bliss, ya I wonderin whether anoter sac will be detected during my hb scan. ;)

Hello Nell!!!!! U & bbnn should be quite close in weeks!

Ya ya, I'm told no ms also means boy! Wahahaha and I oso no symptoms. Mm and was told if got ms, it only kicks in week 8-9 onwards...

Happy weekend moms!!!!!!! ;)
Ya peko, did dr loh stitch for u btw cuz during my ET nurse told me he can finish delivery fast fast cuz assitant stitch for him and i duno if she was joking.... I hope so! Haha
Kimmy, got your pm thanks lots! I'm currently unemployed, stay at home "tai tai". Everyday wait for dh to bring food home haha...
Will u b following dr Loh thru out your pregnancy n deiivery? My dr doesnt do deliveries, she only does ivf so I'll hv to look for another dr. Any good ones to recommend ladies?

Vann congrats! Wow your 6 wk scan is earlier than us 16 Aug gals

I've never done so much waiting in my life before, feeling hungry ...
Hi, gals, congrats on your bfps!
Juz saw this link decided to pop by, am week 15 now, bfp under dr Sadhana.

Bbnn, how's ur pregnancy so far? 2nd time mummy should have lots of experience liao right, can be a cool mum

Gals, I agreed ivf pregnancies do make us more paranoid, esp since we r on more medication from the start. I had mild spotting during 2ww n a few days after bfp then fine all the way until week 13 started to spot again for 5 days and really freaked me out. But 2 times ultrasounds n v scans during that week showed bb fine n gyne put me on 2 weeks duphaston again. Latest 15 week scan bb is fine. But it's always passive during ultrasound, though at least during the week 15 scan it is upside down- meaning at least it moves when not being scanned! Ha ha, my paranoia
Kimmy, yes he did my stitching, he has good stitching skill de
but that is 5 yrs ago lah. Not sure about now.
My worst fear has come true, not able to c the line when i test juz now, so so sad.......look like cant join u sisters here......
Ha...sisters here, since we gone thru so far to come to this stage, I believe bb girl or boy doesn't matter ya coz they r still our precious one

Tzac- perhaps u may want to try not to keep on testing urself wif e hpts so tat u dun get stress out wif e line thingy. Since ur 1st test oredi shw +ve, believe it n trust ur bb. Who noe once u stop testing, u try to relax n on e day of bt, u juz happily received ur confirmation call fr e nurse ya.

I noe is easy to tok but really wan to encourage u in being less tense. Dun let stress overtake n affect u ya. I believe when ur Dh c u like tat, he oso feeling helpless n xin teng u ya. Jiayou n we will surely c u in this grp of 'long ma ma'
Tzac I totally agree with bbliss. I've been there, buying hpt and testing everyday but always disappointed and crying. So for ivf I told myself not to go that way anymore and tahan all the way to BT. Meanwhile I kept my mind busy with other things, watch Korean drama, relax and listen to music. Because our minds can really play havoc on us and stress is no good.

Whatever it is, yes or no, has been fixed. No amount of testing and worrying can change it. So go for your BT and don't test anymore. Don't give up but don't allow fear and worry to overcome you because it'll affect your body as well.
hi kimmy> bio oil is an excellent product.best to buy fm Australia..cheaper.on the contrary it doesnt leave any 'residue' n will b absorbed quickly by e skin..alot of my colleagues use it n itz fantastic for dry skin areas like elbow,knees etc..it comes in large n small travelling sized bottles

sori if i kaypoh tis thread tho am not in the mtb league yet...;)
Hi Tzac >> my first a cutie princess, vomitted from week 7 to 14 but overall the experience with her was great all the way to delivery so right after her we wanted no. 2 ASAP.

Current darling no MS yet still wondering if it might happen but constant headaches n feeling hungry. I will know in 2weeks time if we will be having a boy or a girl will update if bb cooperates.

Hi Nell >> I think u BFP earlier than me.

Hi Ariel >> I think diff mummies diff experience, for me I vomitted but Tzac was good all the way n both of us are blessed with princesses.

Hi RitzC >> wah long time no chat with u, this pregnancy was drama for me I shared with the Warm water sistas, I was hospitalized for 2 weeks when I just passed week 13 due to excess bleeding was a scare but now I think I m back on track, I m just super lucky my bb is safe but still hv to be more careful. How are u, when is ur next appt?

Hi PinkC>> no more beauty sleep only 4 hours u wanna be sexy panda huh hee hee
Hi Tzac >> dun loose faith ok, the strip can be faulty, I tested 02 negative on day 10 n 11 before BT Day 12, scared myself for nothing.
bbnn> hee...remember i said quality sleep n not quantity?dunno why slept at 2 but up at 5am.oso jst recv mornin bfast call meetin at 7,got2go wash up soon.chat later ;)
bbnn>bio oil can use for both..
so wen preg use for stretch marks,after preg apply for everyday usage...so no wastage here unlike some products...
Yes bbnn! My cousin & sil swears by bio oil. My cousin mix bio oil w stretch mark cream. Most impt must allow skin to rejuvenate cells!

Hello pink, it's ok la! Here got all the positive and bfp vibes! Feel free to contribute and make yrself feel at home. We didn't want to keep updating the other thread and make those yet to go or gg thru ivf to feel 'stress' but of cuz we welcome company! Wow! Aus cheaper for bio oil? By how much ah? I want to get big bottle! Hear it smells nice!!!

Hi tzac, agree w bbliss & Ariel, don't test liao. This ivf I completely resisted testing although tough! I always find testing v stressful! Hehe

Hi ritzc! I rem u! Wow 15 weeks in already! Niceee. R u following dr Loh all the way?
Ariel! I also not working! Steady la, next time we can go out shopping and share notes! Wahahahah!!
Mm the private gynae I go to now apart from dr Loh is dr chris Ng. His dad is the famous prof Ng soon chye at glen e. This gynae can deliver in all 6 pte hospitals and has an assigned nurse just to attend to any special requests. So far he's very attentive and 'kiasu' in every little change in my early pregnancy just to make sure all is gg smooth ;) good la, he's won awards for women related probs and I've only heard praises for him so far that his stitching is super good and he's quite modern and also talkative. So he will basically address all yr queries and even give u more info so that u r always well informed. Mm if u r keen I can accompany u for consultation anytime if yr dh not free. No wait time! Hehe. He told me I next wed on 10th can see hb liao... :x
Bbliss! forgot to tell u today I had late lunch then got some cramps, pulling and pains in middle. I was like arghhhhhhhh then it all went away. Grrrrrr.

Pink jie, thanks for ur big hugs & kisses!

Peko, yeah I heard his stitching is tok gong (top notch!) but I hope now bcuz he so busy..he will still stitch..wahahahha
The bio oil sounds good, where can I get it in Spore?

Kimmy, thanks for the offer, I may take you up on it. Ask you a question: do you feel funny with a male gynae? I never had a male one leh... Dh may not feel comfortable but I feel like seeing this dr chris ng once and see how I feel.

Bb nn, yes I guess everyone's experience is diff. I'm just v v happy to be preggy. Prince or princess as long as healthy can already.

Can anyone recommend gd lady gynae?
Morning everyone :) thanks for the encouragement n advice. Yup will resist n not do any more hpt testing. Few more days n will knw the results, hope to join all then :)
I think all the talk about empty sac and no heartbeat has scared me alot...trying to think positive
kimmy> thnx for the warm welcome..i dare not intrude unlez itz ok w u since u the moderator mah ;)

bio oil was 'given' to me the last time but i can find out the price for u next i travel ther ok?itz e orange oil in clear container ya?as in s'pore i'm not too sure wher itz sold..sori

glad u found a super attentive gynae tat u comfortable w.cant wait for u to hear bb heartbeat...itz so exciting!!

i'm so zomb now..mite take a nap been out 'shoppin' 6hrs..jst got back to my room..hee
Morning everyone!

Bb nn, did ur gyne explain y u bleed? Mine happened in 2 episodes, spot dried menses on the first time went to see sadhana, she d ultrasound n v scan, everything is fine. Then 3 days later I spot again on a Sunday, went see 24hrs o& g, the gyne said hormonal changes. But that same day after I went home I passed out a tiny streak of blood clot, followed by light spotting for the next 3 days. Was so paranoid about my pregnancy but dun want to keep going down coz each time they will do v scan too n think maybe some spotting may also come from the v scan. Anyway, I'm fine now liao, cross my finger, hope dun happen again, v paranoid.

Kimmy, I'm not with sf loh, my ivf done by sadhana, and I followed up with her coz more convenient with my csc card n hubby wants me to go with female gyne. But I think ivf drs r quite busy and it seems a good choice to change dr. Also male gyne would most prob be more sensitive to our needs than female gynes. I'm staying put w sadhana for this pregnancy though coz near mid term liao
Kimmy, ur cramps n pulls is in middle of lower abodmen or stomach area. Gotta monitor ya. Btw, do u sometimes feel some pullin sensation at e 'down there' area ?

Ariel, dun feel shy wif male gynae. My frds n sils are all with male gynae during their pregnancy. In fact, many haf commented male gynae r better than female gynae in terms of skills. As for Dr Chris Ng, he oso one of those branded specialist. But one point is that u may need to plan if u wanna deliver in Pte hosp or public. Coz as wat kimmy has said, dr chris is fr geneagles. Delivery n consultation charges wun b tat cheap.

Ever come across a ranking of Pte hosp in terms of their charges. (took a note last yr) hehe....

1. Mt E (most ex)
2. Gleneagles
3. TMC
4. Mt A
5. Raffles
6. Eastshore
Hi pink, if e bio oil really tat gd, perhaps can collate a list from sisters here n lopang u to buy for us. In bulk, would e price be cheaper?
Hi PinkC >> lazy me just got up, wah so many messages already, ok m interested in the bio oil, I will check more on this hee hee as long as no stretch mark I will try.

Hi Kimmy >> good morning, ok I will check out on the bio oil. I m keen too. I hope u feel better now.

Hi Ariel >> yes I'm happy with boy or girl but I think my excited hubby wants to know he changed the appt with dr to today I just realized this morning so might have more updates later.

Hi Tzac >> top of the morning to you.

Hi Vann >> morning too, dun think too much just be positive n pray.
